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38 recent reviews found:
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4. Science-advisor.net review 15060068
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Errors in Mathematical Proofs. |  | Review title: |
good article | Reviewer: |
reviewer1866 | Date: |
04 June 2015 at 16:31 GMT. | Comment: | i am doing my thesis about error analysis of identity trigonometry and i was search for the theory about how to prove mathematics and unfortunately i didn't find it, but at this day i find out about this article by Raphael Zahler and i hope his journal can help me to finished my thesis. |

6. Science-advisor.net review 13100066
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Early cultivators of science in Japan. |  | Review title: |
Case Study | Reviewer: |
reviewer1806 | Date: |
02 October 2013 at 11:32 GMT. | Comment: | It's a good paper as you can learned some very important history of science development in early Japan and some important scientists in the past. However, there are two great scientist that i must mentioned - Mr. Sugita Genpaku and Mr. Kagawa Gen'etsu. Both of them show what kind of good spirit a scientist should have as they not only contribute to science, but also to the people. In SCIENCE VOL. 258, published on 23 Octorber 1992, page 580, second line of the first paragraph, , Emperor Akihito wrote that "What Genpaku and Gen'etsu shared in common was A LOVE FOR PEOPLE". Yes, LOVE FOR PEOPLE! These 3 words stunned me when i read them. There is a moment i cant think of others but LOVE FOR PEOPLE. Politician may misuse it, businessman may misuse it. But scientist, should always study, develop, and use science for people, in a way of loving them. |

8. Science-advisor.net review 12090064 (1 reader)
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Domain wall solitons in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates. |  | Review title: |
good | Reviewer: |
reviewer1700 | Date: |
12 September 2012 at 12:46 GMT. | Comment: | good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good goodgood good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good |

13. Science-advisor.net review 10040059 (2 readers)
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The P versus NP Brief. |  | Review title: |
Unconventional with novel approaches! | Reviewer: |
reviewer1536 | Date: |
28 April 2010 at 18:15 GMT. | Comment: | The author uses unconventional methods and notation in order to show that P is most likely not equal to NP. At first I was a bit appalled at his methods, but then, having read it again, I actually came to agree with it. Despite the paper's length of only 4 pages the author manages to present some very neat cases. The main argument may seem oversimplified but it's kept afloat by elegant mathematics. |

17. Science-advisor.net review 09020055
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Read before you cite!. |  | Review title: |
How to use misprints! | Reviewer: |
reviewer8 | Date: |
24 February 2009 at 16:36 GMT. | Comment: | This article shows what everyone knows: cited articles are seldom read. The authors shows that 80% of cited articles are not read by the citing authors. This may be an upper bound. |

21. Science-advisor.net review 08030051
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Quantum Phase Transitions and Bipartite Entanglement. |  | Review title: |
great paper | Reviewer: |
reviewer1161 | Date: |
04 March 2008 at 18:06 GMT. | Comment: | this is a great paper that develop a general theory of the relation between quantum phase transitions (QPTs) characterized by nonanalyticities in the energy and bipartite entanglement. We derive a functional relation between the matrix elements of two-particle reduced density matrices and the eigenvalues of general two-body Hamiltonians of $d$-level systems. The ground state energy eigenvalue and its derivatives, whose non-analyticity characterizes a QPT, are directly tied to bipartite entanglement measures. We show that first-order QPTs are signalled by density matrix elements themselves and second-order QPTs by the first derivative of density matrix elements. Our general conclusions are illustrated via several quantum spin models. |

23. Science-advisor.net review 07100049
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Superconductivity due to co-operative Kondo effect in Pu 115’s. |  | Review title: |
Important Factual Errors | Reviewer: |
reviewer927 | Date: |
13 October 2007 at 16:14 GMT. | Comment: | Strong correlated electrons? The correlations are medium to weak, at BEST. I think a simple explanation for these so called anomalous properties of the PuCoGa$_5$ and PuRhGa$_5$ compounds is readily avaliable... TO ANYONE WITH A BRANE! You should be aware gravitational forces are HUGE between brane point particles. I can tell you need to increase you are brain mass. Why would you use the sympletic large-N approach, you said yourself there is a large N limit! Honestly, how can you expect to write about SUPERconductivity when you clearly do not understand normal conductivity. If you want help I can explain this to you, give me a ring 520.405.5258 P.S. Where you wrote "The symmetry of the order parameter" I believe you meant to say "The antisymmetry of the same parameter" This will bring out the conduction channels to a higher "Degree" so to speak. Welcome :D

24. Science-advisor.net review 07100048 (1 reader)
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Gravitational Forces in the Brane World. |  | Review title: |
Important Factual Errors | Reviewer: |
reviewer927 | Date: |
13 October 2007 at 16:02 GMT. | Comment: | Why would you assume that matter produces pterbation to the R-S vacuum metric? Remember assumptions make an ASS out of U and ME. I also have a problem with your idea of gravitational forces between point particles on the brains in a Randall-Sundrum two brain model. I think in this type of medium you need to use proper and precise terminology and spelling, we are all scientists here so lets call a spade a spade and point particles on the brain "axons". "Brain bending"? more like "Crazy"! Also I think we can be relatively sure that any gravitation between brain particles will be small. Real small. Have you ever heard of "G = (M1 * M2)/d^2? It is called highschool open a book you retard.
P.S. I believe you mean "$S^1/Y_2$ symmetry" |

26. Science-advisor.net review 07040046
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New northern common proper motion pairs. |  | Review title: |
Flawed analysis of incorrect data | Reviewer: |
reviewer637 | Date: |
04 April 2007 at 08:46 GMT. | Comment: | The basic idea behind the article, that is using common proper data to identify possible binary stars, is sound. Unfortunately the methods used to identify potential candidates are fatally flawed relying as they do on the ratios of the proper motions of the two components rather than on the difference between the two values. It is believed that the author now accepts that at least 1/3rd of the pairs listed are totally spurious. |

27. Science-advisor.net review 06080043 (6 readers)
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Springtide-induced magnification of Earth mantle resonance causes tectonics and conceals universality of physics at all scales. |  | Review title: |
A landmark paper solves tectonics puzzle and computes Newtonian constant of gravitation | Reviewer: |
reviewer333 | Date: |
27 August 2006 at 02:52 GMT. | Comment: | This must be one of the most incredible papers I read in decades. The author (who is a geophysicist) first shows that the earth shakes due to spring-tidal resonance of its mantle! This is all pretty basic calculus and I don’t see how anyone in or outside the field of geophysics will be able to dispute its correctness. Even if it’s one of the most unusual papers they will read. Observations that were made using superconducting gravimeter support the model. The model was demonstrated as standing in excellent agreement with straightforward formulas of forced oscillator. (Dr. Omerbaschich also claims that his resonance is responsible for G-experiments' inconsistencies, the earth magnetic field and some other phenomena.) As if that alone was not a huge claim to make, the author takes it even further. In order to prove that natural forced oscillators such as earth-moon are real, he posits that the universe consists of (almost) infinitely many such forced oscillators! It ends with a theory according to which the vacuum energy (the author calls it dark matter/energy, but I think that was an unnecessary mystification) vibrates while carrying – gravitation! There is another twist: gravity is not attractive but REPULSIVE i.e. it propagates FORWARD. What's more: it does it MECHANICALLY i.e. so that each particle's orbit interacts with to it adjacent particle orbit(s) by locking into a single forced oscillator, and so on. If this were "just another wacky theory", believe me – I would have not bothered. But it contains many remarkable expressions, and as far as I could tell they are all correct! The most remarkable however seems Dr. Omerbashich’s closing argument: G (and not physics!) changes with scale, so that both quantum mechanics and relativity theory were conceived on cardinally flawed premises (given that the Planck’s constant is determined via instrumentation that gets affected by the springtide in the same manner in which gravimeters are shown). To show that he is not all about talking, Dr. Omerbaschich demonstrates with total serenity that his model predicts (correctly mind you, I did run the numbers) the currently accepted experimental values of the Newtonian constant on both mechanical and Planck scales. (The formula also predicts G on the string-size as well as universe-size scales, too.) Just one simple formula does it all – a formula which, according to my book, represents the first theoretical prediction of experimental value of a physical constant in history. There is no doubt in my mind that G=se2 is to make history, on a par with E=mc2. |

28. Science-advisor.net review 06070042 (3 readers)
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Anomalous precursor diamagnetism at low reduced magnetic fields in underdoped La1.9Sr0.1CuO4 and in Pb55In45 superconductors and Tc inhomogeneities. |  | Review title: |
The role of inhomogeneities in the anomalous precursor diamagnetism in HTc | Reviewer: |
reviewer182 | Date: |
06 July 2006 at 09:30 GMT. | Comment: | The work reported in this article deals with the fluctuation-induced precursor diamagnetism above Tc in high-temperature superconductors (HTS), and in particular with its magnetic field dependance. Understanding this effect allows to make useful statements about the nature of the puzzling normal phase of the HTS, in particular for the underdoped compounds. The results from Cabo et al. are both theoretical and experimental and support the interpretation of the magnetization anomaly (i.e. non-monotonicity of the H dependence of M(T>Tc,H->0)) in terms of Tc inhomogeneities in the sample that was measured. The model is based on the "Gaussian Ginzburg-Landau" approach where fluctuations of the order parameter above Tc are treated at the Gaussian level. Analytic expreesions of M(T,H) in the T-H phase diagram have been calculated previously by the group of the authors. Here the new ingredient are Eqs. 1&2 that allow to calculate M(T,H) for the inhomogeneous case. The superconductor is modelled as an ensemble of independant grains the Tc distribution of which follows a Gaussian, the parameters of which (Tc,m and dTc,m) having to be extracted from the fit to the experimemtal data. The key point of the author' methodology is the comparison between a high-Tc sample (underdoped LSCO) and the inhomogeneous low-Tc SC Pb (with various In impurities levels). The latter indeed displays an anomaly in M(T>Tc,H->0) that vanishes in the pure Pb case. The qualitative behaviour of the magnetization M(T,H) in both high and low-Tc compounds is well described by the unique model that nicely reproduces the non-monotonicity of M(T>Tc,H->0)(Figs. 2 and 5), while providing meaningful values for the fit parameters Tc,m and dTc,m (Table I). At the more quantitative level, some discrepancies appear, although they cannot invalidate the full approach. For instance the anomaly peak in M(T>Tc,H->0) is sharper (thiner and higher) in the theoretical curves than in the experimental ones, that is probably the reason why the authors did not merge parts a&c and b&d in Fig.2. From a more general point of view, this work provides strong arguments in favor of an interpretation of the anamalous precursor diamagnetism in term of Tc inhomogeneities. However this treatment only applies to samples constituted of grains. It would be interesting to see if the anomaly is still present in the case of a monocrystal. The authors also pretend that their approach (assuming a Gaussian fluctuation regime) is sufficient to explain the precursor diamagnetism, and that an interpretation of this phenomenon m in term of critical (or pre-critical) XY-like phase fluctuations, as proposed by other groups, is not necessary. I don't agree totally, maybe the above-mentioned quantitative discrepancies observed for the diamagnetic peak is due to an incorrect treatment of the fluctuation regime for T->Tc, H->0, which should contain a phase contribution. This question may be answered by making similar experiments with other dopings, so that the intrinsic fluctuation contribution is different.

31. Science-advisor.net review 05110033 (3 readers)
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The pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors: an experimental survey. |  | Review title: |
Very good experimental review on the pseudogap in high Tc cuprates. | Reviewer: |
reviewer101 | Date: |
10 November 2005 at 02:12 GMT. | Comment: | This article review cover many experimental aspects of the pseudogap (=partial gap in the electronic density of states). After a short introduction, the main topics are Angle Resolved Photoemission (ARPES) Tunneling Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), transport properties specific heat, Raman and Magnetic Neutron Scattering.
The d-wave nature of the pseudogap and the superconducting gap is well shown. The review shows clearly that the pseudogap is not an experimental artefact but a common feature to many high Tc superconductors.
It would be nice to have an actualized version of this review including other experimental methods like Nernst effect (Wang et al, cond-mat/0108242) or Hall effect (Matthey et al, cond-mat/0104328 where it seems that an additional crossover temperature T_n or T` is present between the critical temperature Tc and the pseudogap temperature T*. This should help to clarify the problem of the phase diagram of high Tc cuprates (Is the phase diagram compatible with a quantum critical point? etc). And, maybe, a more extended theoretical section with all major approaches could be included as well.
Note: there is a small mistakes in the text of figure 39. The YBCO oxygen doping should be written O_{6+x} in order to match with figure legends and not O_{7-\delta}. x=0.76 is the correct value for the underdoped regime. |

32. Science-advisor.net review 05090031 (1 reader)
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Condensation Energy and High Tc Superconductivity. |  | Review title: |
On the contributions to high Tc specific heat | Reviewer: |
reviewer20 | Date: |
29 September 2005 at 15:27 GMT. | Comment: | The authors extract the critical or singular contribution from the specific heat by substracting a BCS like contribution to the measured specific heat. There is a strong assumption behind this choice: the non-critical state of TI2201 is BCS like. This means that there is something, for example a gap Delta(T), that goes to zero at the critical temperature Tc with a discontinuity in the derivative with respect to temperature T.
This would mean that at Tc, there are two phase transitions: the first is due to this gap Delta(T) and produces the BCS like contribution to the specific heat. The second transition must be then related to an order parameter producing the singular contribution, for example an XY like order parameter.
The authors seem to be aware of this problem: \"The main source of this huge difference is the difficulty in determining the normal thermodynamic quantities.\"
I think that everyone would agree that there is only one phase transition at Tc. Hence, to me, this analysis should be taken with great care. |

33. Science-advisor.net review 05090030 (3 readers)
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The electronic specific heat in the pairing pseudogap regime. |  | Review title: |
is it possible to consider the phase transition together with the pseudogap? | Reviewer: |
reviewer20 | Date: |
29 September 2005 at 13:12 GMT. | Comment: | The most interesting thing in this article is the fact that electronic specific heat from single particles cannot reproduce the wide hump between Tc and T*. The hump can be reproduced very well by a pairing contribution. The doping dependence is correct when fitting experiments. However, the main problem is that there is no superconducting phase transition at Tc. The sharp peak at Tc is not reproduced.
Maybe this model could be improved by introducing considering the phase transition together with pairing fluctuations.

34. Science-advisor.net review 05090022 (1 reader)
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Transmission of Information and Herd Behavior: an Application to Financial Markets. |  | Review title: |
Origin of the fat tail | Reviewer: |
reviewer22 | Date: |
26 September 2005 at 21:43 GMT. | Comment: | The authors introduce the dynamical version of the Cont and Bouchaud model. This model simulates how agents follow the same information when belonging to the same cluster. Agents that share common information take all the same decision in one step. Because of the clustering, the resulting price market is very fluctuating. Indeed, large cluster cause large fluctuations and so large tails in the distribution of returns.
The fat tail distribution of returns in finance can therefore be explained by these informations clusters where all agents are herding. However, on the point of view of game theory, this simple model cannot explain the reason why it is more profitable to herd than not to herd. Is the profit higher when people are herding? Does herding in financial markets corresponds to the Nash equilibrium?
All these questions remain... One should expect that fat tail distributions are the results of collective behaviour. It is therefore not surprising that this model, which includes large clusters of agents, induce this kind of distribution.
I would avdise to play with this model because of its simplicity. It can be a starting point for a more elaborate model of financial markets. |

36. Science-advisor.net review 05090020 (1 reader)
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The Physics Behind High-Temperature Superconducting Cuprates: The "Plain Vanilla" Version Of RVB. |  | Review title: |
Why always the same story? | Reviewer: |
reviewer20 | Date: |
23 September 2005 at 14:16 GMT. | Comment: | The authors claims that they can explain the pseudogap phase using their simple theory. I see two problems: they have NO quantitative results, just assumptions, and second, if they only propose a mean-field theory. I hardly believe that a zero temperature theory can be extended at 300 K or 500 K in the pseudogap phase.
The most significant critic has been pointed out in this paper
Indeed, the authors seems to ignore the experimental phase diagram that has been obtained by many groups: there are two transitions lines in the pseudogap phase, one is T* the transition for the pseudogap itself, and the second one is the transition T' which is believe to be a vortex transition or the point where phases start to be correlated.

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