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08 February 2025 |
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Constraints on a scalar-tensor theory with an intermediate-range force by binary pulsars | Xue-Mei Deng
; | Date: |
1 Sep 2011 | Abstract: | Searching for an intermediate-range force has been considerable interests in
gravity experiments. In this paper, aiming at a scalar-tensor theory with an
intermediate-range force, we have derived the metric and equations of motion
(EOMs) in the first post-Newtonian (1PN) approximation for general matter
without specific equation of state and $N$ point masses firstly. Subsequently,
the secular periastron precession $dot{omega}$ of binary pulsars in harmonic
coordinates is given. After that, $dot{omega}$ of four binary pulsars data
(PSR B1913+16, PSR B1534+12, PSR J0737-3039 and PSR B2127+11C) have been used
to constrain the intermediate-range force, namely, the parameters $alpha$ and
$lambda$. $alpha$ and $lambda$ respectively represent the strength of the
intermediate-range force coupling and its length scale. The limits from four
binary pulsars data are respectively $lambda=(4.95pm0.02) imes10^{8}$m and
$alpha=(2.30pm0.01) imes10^{-8}$ if $eta=1$ where $eta$ is a parameter
like standard parametrized post-Newtonian parameter $eta_{PPN}$. When three
degrees of freedom ($alpha$, $lambda$ and $ar{eta}equiveta-1$) in
1$sigma$ confidence level are considered, it yields
$alpha=(4.21pm0.01) imes10^{-4}$, $lambda=(4.51pm0.01) imes10^{7}$m and
$ar{eta}=(-3.30pm0.01) imes10^{-3}$. Through our research on the
scalar-tensor theory with the intermediate-range force, it shows that the
parameter $alpha$ is directly related to the parameter $gamma$
($alpha=(1-gamma)/(1+gamma)$). Thus, this presents the constraints on
$1-gamma$ by binary pulsars which is about $10^{-4}$ for three degrees of
freedom. | Source: | arXiv, 1109.0068 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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