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The light nuclei spin structure from hadronic channels at intermediate energies | P. K. Kurilkin
; V. P. Ladygin
; T. Uesaka
; V. V. Glagolev
; Yu. V. Gurchin
; A. Yu. Isupov
; K. Itoh
; M. Janek
; J. T. Karachuk
; T. Kawabata
; A. N. Khrenov
; A. S. Kiselev
; V. A. Kizka
; A. B. Kurepin
; A. K. Kurilkin
; V. A. Krasnov
; N. B. Ladygina
; D. Lipchinski
; A. N. Livanov
; Y. Maeda
; A. I. Malakhov
; G. Martinska
; S. Nedev
; S. M. Piyadin
; E. B. Plekhanov
; J. Popovichi
; S. Rangelov
; S. G. Reznikov
; P. A. Rukoyatkin
; S. Sakaguchi
; H. Sakai
; K. Sekiguchi
; K. Suda
; A. A. Terekhin
; J. Urban
; T. A. Vasiliev
; I. E. Vnukov
; | Date: |
1 Sep 2011 | Abstract: | The investigation of the d, 3H and 3He spin structure has been performed at
the RIKEN(Japan) accelerator research facility and VBLHEP(JINR) using both
polarized and unpolarized deuteron beams. The experimental results on the
analyzing powers studies in dp- elastic scattering, d(d,3H)p and d(d,3He)n
reactions are presented. The vector and tensor analyzing powers for dp-elastic
scattering at 880 and 2000 MeV are obtained at the Nuclotron(VBLHEP). The
result on the analyzing powers Ay, Ayy of the deuteron at 2000 MeV are compared
with relativistic multiple scattering model calculations. The data on the
tensor analyzing powers for the d(d,3H)p and d(d,3He)n reactions obtained at Ed
= 200 and 270 MeV demonstrate the sensitivity to the 3H, 3He and deuteron spin
structure. The essential disagreements between the experimental results and the
theoretical calculations within the one-nucleon exchange model framework are
observed. The wide experimental program on the study of the polarization
effects in dp- elastic scattering, dp-nonmesonic breakup, d(d,3He)n, d(d,3H)p
and d(3He,4He)p reactions using internal and extracted beam at Nuclotron is
discussed. | Source: | arXiv, 1109.0170 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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