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09 February 2025 |
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The Rise of Active Region Flux Tubes in the Turbulent Solar Convective Envelope | Maria A. Weber
; Yuhong Fan
; Mark S. Miesch
; | Date: |
1 Sep 2011 | Abstract: | We use a thin flux tube model in a rotating spherical shell of turbulent
convective flows to study how active region scale flux tubes rise buoyantly
from the bottom of the convection zone to near the solar surface. We
investigate toroidal flux tubes at the base of the convection zone with field
strengths ranging from 15 kG to 100 kG at initial latitudes ranging from 1
degree to 40 degrees with a total flux of 10^22 Mx. We find that the dynamic
evolution of the flux tube changes from convection dominated to magnetic
buoyancy dominated as the initial field strength increases from 15 kG to 100
kG. At 100 kG, the development of Omega-shaped rising loops is mainly
controlled by the growth of the magnetic buoyancy instability. However, at low
field strengths of 15 kG, the development of rising Omega-shaped loops is
largely controlled by convective flows, and properties of the emerging loops
are significantly changed compared to previous results in the absence of
convection. With convection, rise times are drastically reduced (from years to
a few months), loops are able to emerge at low latitudes, and tilt angles of
emerging loops are consistent with Joy’s Law for initial field strengths of
greater than or equal to 40 kG. We also examine other asymmetries that develop
between the leading and following legs of the emerging loops. Taking all the
results together, we find that mid-range field strengths of approximately 40 -
50 kG produce emerging loops that best match the observed properties of solar
active regions. | Source: | arXiv, 1109.0240 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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