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CP Violation in $D^0
ightarrow K_SK_S$ | Ulrich Nierste
; Stefan Schacht
; | Date: |
1 Aug 2015 | Abstract: | The direct CP asymmetry $a_{CP}^{mathrm{dir}}(D^0
ightarrow K_SK_S)$
involves exchange diagrams which are induced at tree-level in the Standard
Model. Since the corresponding topological amplitude $E_{KK}$ can be large,
ightarrow K_SK_S$ is a promising discovery channel for charm CP
violation. We estimate the penguin annihilation amplitude with a perturbative
calculation and extract the exchange amplitude $E_{KK}$ from a global fit to
$D$ branching ratios. Our results are further used to predict the size of
mixing-induced CP violation. We obtain $vert
ightarrow K_SK_S)vert leq 1.1\%$ (95\% C.L.). The
same bound applies to the nonuniversal part of the phase between the
$D!-overline{!D},$ mixing and decay amplitudes. If future data exceed our
predictions, this will point to new physics or an enhancement of the penguin
annihilation amplitude by QCD dynamics. We briefly discuss the implications of
these possibilities for other CP asymmetries. | Source: | arXiv, 1508.0074 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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