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Galilean relativistic fluid mechanics | Péter Ván
; | Date: |
1 Aug 2015 | Abstract: | Single component Galilean-relativistic (nonrelativistic) fluids are treated
independently of reference frames. The basic fields are given, their balances,
thermodynamic relations and the entropy production is calculated.
The usual relative basic fields, the mass, momentum and energy densities, the
diffusion current density, the pressure tensor and the heat flux are the time-
and spacelike components of the third order mass-momentum-energy density tensor
according to a velocity field. The transformation rules of the basic fields are
derived and prove that the non-equilibrium thermodynamic background theory,
that is the Gibbs relation, extensivity condition and the entropy production is
absolute, that is independent of the reference frame and also of the fluid
Az egykomponensu Galilei-relativisztikus (azaz nemrelativisztikus)
disszipativ folyadekokat vonatkoztatasi rendszertol fuggetlenul targyaljuk.
Megadjuk az alapmennyisegeket, ezek merlegeit, a termodinamikai osszefuggeseket
es kiszamoljuk az entropiaprodukciot.
A szokasos relativ alapmennyisegek, tomeg, lendulet, energia, hoaram,
nyomastenzor es diffuzios aramsuruseg a harmadrendu tomeg-lendulet-energia
tenzornak egy sebessegmezo szerinti ido- es terszeru komponensei. Levezetjuk az
alapmennyisegek es merlegek transzformacios szabalyait es bebizonyitjuk, hogy a
nemegyensulyi termodinamikai keretelmelet, azaz a Gibbs-relacio, az
extenzivitasi feltetel es az entropiaprodukcio is abszolut, azaz fuggetlen a
vonatkoztatasi rendszertol es a folyadek sebessegetol.
(arXiv egyelore nem tud ekezeteket a kivonatban.) | Source: | arXiv, 1508.0121 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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