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07 February 2025 |
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Global $U(1)_{L}$ Breaking in Neutrinophilic 2HDM: From LHC Signatures to X-Ray Line | Weijian Wang
; Zhi-Long Han
; | Date: |
1 May 2016 | Abstract: | Lepton number violation plays an essential role in many scenarios of neutrino
mass generation and also provides new clues to search new physics beyond the
standard model. We consider the neutrinophilic two-Higgs-doublet model
u$-2HDM) where additional right-handed neutral fermions $N_{Ri}$ and a
complex singlet scalar $sigma$ are also involved. In scalar sector, the global
$U(1)_{L}$ symmetry is spontaneous broken, leading to Nambu-Goldstone boson,
the Majoron $J$, accompanied by the Majorana neutrino mass generation. We find
that the massless Majoron will induce large invisible Higgs decay, and current
experiments have already set constraints on relevant parameters. For the first
time, we point out that the $
u$-2HDM with $N_{Ri}$ can be distinguished from
other seesaw by the same sign tri-lepton signature $3ell^pm4j+cancel{E}_T$.
More interesting, for $mathcal{O}(keV)$ scale Majoron, it is a good candidate
of decaying dark matter to interpret the $3.5keV$ and $511keV$ line excesses. | Source: | arXiv, 1605.0239 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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