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08 February 2025 |
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Quantum Simulation with Interacting Photons | Michael J. Hartmann
; | Date: |
2 May 2016 | Abstract: | We review the theoretical and experimental developments in recent research on
quantum simulators with interacting photons. Enhancing optical nonlinearities
so that they become appreciable on the single photon level and lead to
nonclassical light fields has been a central objective in quantum optics for
many years. After this has been achieved in individual micro-cavities
representing an effectively zero-dimensional volume, this line of research has
now shifted its focus towards engineering devices where such strong optical
nonlinearities simultaneously occur in extended volumes of multiple nodes of a
network. Recent technological progress in several experimental platforms now
opens the possibility to employ the systems of strongly interacting photons
these give rise to as quantum simulators. Here we review the recent development
and current status of this research direction for theory and experiment.
Addressing both, optical photons interacting with atoms and microwave photons
in networks of superconducting circuits, we focus on scenarios where effective
photon-photon interactions play a central role. | Source: | arXiv, 1605.0383 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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