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08 February 2025 |
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Well-Rounded Lattices for Reliability and Security in Rayleigh Fading SISO Channels | Oliver Wilhelm Gnilke
; Ha Thanh Nguyen Tran
; Alex Karrila
; Camilla Hollanti
; | Date: |
2 May 2016 | Abstract: | In the wiretap setting it is assumed that the same message is transmitted
over two different channels, a channel to an intended/legitimate receiver Bob
and a different channel to an eavesdropper Eve. Three contradicting objectives
are simultaneously tried to be achieved: A high information rate between the
sender and Bob, high reliability at the legitimate receiver, and minimal mutual
information between the message and the output at the eavesdropper.
For many channel models asymptotically optimal coding schemes are known, but
less effort has been put into actual realizations of wiretap codes for
practical parameters. Bounds on the mutual information and error probability
when using coset coding on a Rayleigh fading channel were recently established
by Oggier and Belfiore, and the results in this paper build on their work.
However, instead of using their ultimate inverse norm sum approximation, a more
precise expression for the eavesdropper’s probability of correct decision is
used in order to determine a general class of good coset codes. The code
constructions are based on well-rounded lattices arising from simple geometric
criteria. In addition to new coset codes and simulation results, novel
number-theoretic results on well-rounded ideal lattices are presented. | Source: | arXiv, 1605.0419 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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