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16 February 2025 |
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Open Call-by-Value | Beniamino Accattoli
; Giulio Guerrieri
; | Date: |
1 Sep 2016 | Abstract: | The elegant theory of the call-by-value lambda-calculus relies on weak
evaluation and closed terms, that are natural hypotheses in the study of
programming languages. To model proof assistants, however, strong evaluation
and open terms are required, and it is well known that the operational
semantics of call-by-value becomes problematic in this case. Here we study the
intermediate setting -- that we call Open Call-by-Value -- of weak evaluation
with open terms, on top of which Gr’egoire and Leroy designed the abstract
machine of Coq. Various calculi for Open Call-by-Value already exist, each one
with its pros and cons. This paper presents a detailed comparative study of the
operational semantics of four of them, coming from different areas such as the
study of abstract machines, denotational semantics, linear logic proof nets,
and sequent calculus. We show that these calculi are all equivalent from a
termination point of view, justifying the slogan Open Call-by-Value. | Source: | arXiv, 1609.0322 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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