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09 February 2025 |
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A Solution to the Sign Problem Using a Sum-of-Few-Fermions Hamiltonian | David H. Wei
; | Date: |
8 Jun 2022 | Abstract: | A restricted path integral method is proposed to efficiently simulate a class
of quantum systems and Hamiltonians called sum-of-few-fermions (SFF) by Monte
Carlo on a classical computer without a numerical sign problem. Then a
universality is proven to assert that any bounded-error quantum polynomial time
(BQP) algorithm can be mapped to the ground state of an SFF Hamiltonian and
becomes efficiently simulatable. Therefore, the computational complexity class
of bounded-error probabilistic polynomial time (BPP) is precisely the same as
the class of BQP. | Source: | arXiv, 2208.13744 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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