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25 January 2025 |
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LHC Run-3, $b-τ$ Yukawa Unification and Dark Matter Implications in SUSY 4-2-2 model | Waqas Ahmed
; Mohamed Belfkir
; Salah Nasri
; Shabbar Raza
; Umer Zubair
; | Date: |
1 Jan 2023 | Abstract: | We revisit the bottom and $ au$ Yukawa coupling unification in
supersymmetric $4$-$2$-$2$ model and present for the first time the
sbottom-neutralino co-annihilation scenario consistent with the bottom and
$ au$ Yukawa coupling unification. In addition, we show gluino-neutralino,
stop-neutralino, stau-neutralino, chargino-neutralino, and A-resonance scenario
and show that all such solutions are consistent with existing experimental
collider constraints, Planck2018 dark matter relic density bounds as well as
direct and indirect bounds on neutralino-nucleons scattering cross sections. We
show that in sbottom-neutralino co-annihilation scenario, the sbottom mass is
about 2 TeV whereas in the case of gluino-neutralino, stop-neutralino, the
gluino mass can be between 1 TeV to 3 TeV and stop mass in the range of 1 TeV
to 3.5 TeV. {Moreover, in the case of co-annihilation scenario, the stau and
chargino masses can be as heavy as 3.5 TeV,} while the A-resonance solutions
are in the range of 0.5 TeV to 3.5 TeV. We anticipate that some part of the
parameter space will be accessible in the supersymmetry searches at LHC Run-3
and beyond. | Source: | arXiv, 2301.00332 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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