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18 January 2025 |
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Further study on forbidden subgraphs of power graph | Santanu Mandal
; Pallabi Manna
; | Date: |
1 Sep 2023 | Abstract: | The undirected power graph (or simply power graph) of a group $G$, denoted by
$P(G)$, is a graph whose vertices are the elements of the group $G$, in which
two vertices $u$ and $v$ are adjacent if and only if either $u=v^m$ or $v=u^n$
for some positive integers $m$, $n$. Forbidden subgraph has a significant role
in graph theory. In our previous work cite{cmm}, we consider five important
classes of forbidden subgraphs of power graph which include perfect graphs,
cographs, chordal graphs, split graphs and threshold graphs. In this
communication, we go even further in that way. This study, inspired by the
articles cite{celmmp,dong,ck}, examines additional $4$ significant forbidden
classes, including chain graphs, diamond-free graphs, ${P_{5},
overline{P_{5}}}$-free graphs and ${P_{2}cup P_{3}, overline{P_{2}cup
P_{3}}}$-free graph. The finite groups whose power graphs are chain graphs,
diamond-free graphs, and ${P_{2}cup P_{3}, overline{P_{2}cup P_{3}}}$-free
graphs have been successfully identified in this work. In case of ${P_{5},
overline{P_{5}}}$-free graphs, we completely determine all the nilpotent
groups, direct product of two groups, finite simple groups whose power graph is
${P_{5}, overline{P_{5}}}$-free. | Source: | arXiv, 2309.00247 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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