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07 February 2025 |
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Molecular Gas and Star Formation in NGC 3077 | David S. Meier
; Jean L. Turner
; Sara C. Beck
; | Date: |
2 Jul 2001 | Subject: | astro-ph | Affiliation: | UCLA, Tel Aviv | Abstract: | We present high resolution (~2.5’’) CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) images of the central kiloparsec of NGC 3077 made with the Owens Valley Millimeter Array. CO emission is distributed in three major complexes which resolve into at least seven GMCs. Two complexes are associated with the central starburst. A third, more distant complex is not associated with strong star formation. The GMCs are ~70 pc in size and contain ~10^{6} M_{odot} of molecular gas. The Galactic conversion factor appears applicable to NGC 3077, consistent with its solar metallicity. Galactic rotation in NGC 3077 is detected for the first time in the molecular gas. The molecular gas counterrotates with respect to the large scale HI tidal bridge. The molecular clouds closest to the starburst have super-virial linewidths, possibly related to the turbulence generated by the starburst. The 2.6 mm radio continuum flux indicates that thermal Bremsstrahlung dominates the emission from the starburst region below 5 cm, and that the N_{Lyc} simeq 3.7 imes 10^{52} s^{-1} or ~3000 O7 stars, corresponds to a star formation rate of 0.4 M_{odot} yr^{-1}. At this rate the amount of molecular gas can sustain star formation for only ~10 Myrs; thus NGC 3077 is a true starburst galaxy. The derived age of the starburst is consistent with the inferred ages of the superbubbles, which suggests that the burst is much younger than the age of the M 81-M 82-NGC 3077 interaction. We suggest that it is caused by gas that was pulled out of NGC 3077 during the interaction with M 81, raining back down onto the galaxy. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0107031 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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