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Shape Reconstruction and Weak Lensing Measurement with Interferometers: A Shapelet Approach | Tzu-Ching Chang
; Alexandre Refregier
; | Date: |
5 Jul 2001 | Subject: | astro-ph | Affiliation: | Columbia), Alexandre Refregier (Cambridge | Abstract: | We present a new approach for image reconstruction and weak lensing measurements with interferometers. Based on the shapelet formalism presented in Refregier (2001), object images are decomposed into orthonormal Hermite basis functions. The shapelet coefficients of a collection of sources are simultaneously fit on the uv plane, the Fourier transform of the sky brightness distribution observed by interferometers. The resulting chi-square fit is linear in its parameters and can thus be performed efficiently by simple matrix multiplications. We show how the complex effects of bandwidth smearing, time averaging and non-coplanarity of the array can be easily and fully corrected for in our method. Optimal image reconstruction, co-addition, astrometry, and photometry can all be achieved using weighted sums of the derived coefficients. As an example we consider the observing conditions of the FIRST radio survey (Becker et al. 1995; White et al. 1997). We find that our method accurately recovers the shapes of simulated images even for the sparse uv sampling of this snapshot survey. Using one of the FIRST pointings, we find our method compares well with CLEAN, the commonly used method for interferometric imaging. Our method has the advantage of being linear in the fit parameters, of fitting all sources simultaneously, and of providing the full covariance matrix of the coefficients, which allows us to quantify the errors and cross-talk in image shapes. It is therefore well-suited for quantitative shape measurements which require high-precision. In particular, we show how our method can be combined with the results of Refregier & Bacon (2001) to provide an accurate measurement of weak lensing from interferometric data. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0107085 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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