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07 February 2025 |
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Constrained Simulations of the Real Universe: the Local Supercluster | Anatoly Klypin
; Yehuda Hoffman
; Andrey Kravtsov
; Stefan Gottloeber
; | Date: |
5 Jul 2001 | Journal: | Astrophys.J. 596 (2003) 19-33 | Subject: | astro-ph | Abstract: | We present cosmological simulations which closely mimic the real Universe within 100Mpc of the Local Group. The simulations, called Constrained Simulations, reproduce the large-scale density field with major nearby structures, including the Local Group, the Coma and Virgo clusters, the Great Attractor, the Perseus-Pices, and the Local Supercluster, in approximately correct locations. The MARK III survey of peculiar velocities of the observed structures inside 80Mpc/h sphere is used to constrain the initial conditions. Fourier modes on scales larger then 5Mpc/h are dominated by the constraints, while small scale waves are random. The main aim of this paper is the structure of the Local Supercluster (LSC; 30Mpc/h around the Virgo cluster) and the Local Group environment. We find that at the current epoch most of the mass (7.5e14Msun/h) of the LSC is located in a filament roughly centered on the Virgo cluster and extending over 40Mpc/h. The simulated Local Group (LG) is located in an adjacent smaller filament, which is not a part of the main body of the LSC, and has a peculiar velocity of 250kms toward the Virgo cluster. The peculiar velocity field in the LSC region is complicated and is drastically different from the field assumed in the Virgocentric infall models. The peculiar velocity flow in the vicinity of the LG in the simulation is ``cold’’: the peculiar line-of-sight velocity dispersion within 7Mpc/h of the LG is less than 60km/s, comparable to the observed velocity dispersion of nearby galaxies. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0107104 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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