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18 February 2025 |
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The Diabolo photometer and the future of ground-based millimetric bolometer devices | F.-X. Desert
; A. Benoit
; Ph. Camus
; M. Giard
; E. Pointecouteau
; N. Aghanim
; J.-Ph. Bernard
; N. Coron
; J.-M. Lamarre
; Ph. Marty
; J. Delabrouille
; V. Soglasnova
; | Date: |
1 Dec 2001 | Subject: | astro-ph | Abstract: | The millimetric atmospheric windows at 1 and 2 mm are interesting targets for cosmological studies. Two broad areas appear leading this field: 1) the search for high redshift star-forming galaxies and 2) the measurement of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect in clusters of galaxies at all redshifts. The Diabolo photometer is a dual-channel photometer working at 1.2 and 2.1 mm and dedicated to high angular resolution measurements of the Sunyaev--Zel’dovich effect towards distant clusters. It uses 2 by 3 bolometers cooled down to 0.1 K with a compact open dilution cryostat. The high resolution is provided by the IRAM 30 m telescope. The result of several Winter campaigns are reported here, including the first millimetric map of the SZ effect that was obtained by Pointecouteau et al. (2001) on RXJ1347-1145, the non-detection of a millimetric counterpart to the radio decrement towards PC1643+4631 and 2 mm number count upper limits. We discuss limitations in ground-based single-dish millimetre observations, namely sky noise and the number of detectors. We advocate the use of fully sampled arrays of (100 to 1000) bolometers as a big step forward in the millimetre continuum science. Efforts in France are briefly mentionned. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0112013 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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