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07 February 2025 |
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Bypass to Turbulence in Hydrodynamic Accretion Disks: An Eigenvalue Approach | Banibrata Mukhopadhyay
; Niayesh Afshordi
; Ramesh Narayan
; | Date: |
8 Dec 2004 | Journal: | Astrophys.J. 629 (2005) 383-396 | Subject: | Astrophysics; Fluid Dynamics; Soft Condensed Matter; Statistical Mechanics | astro-ph cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech physics.flu-dyn | Affiliation: | Harvard | Abstract: | Cold accretion disks such as those in star-forming systems, quiescent cataclysmic variables, and some active galactic nuclei, are expected to have neutral gas which does not couple well to magnetic fields. The turbulent viscosity in such disks must be hydrodynamic in origin, not magnetohydrodynamic. We investigate the growth of hydrodynamic perturbations in a linear shear flow sandwiched between two parallel walls. The unperturbed flow is similar to plane Couette flow but with a Coriolis force included. Although there are no exponentially growing eigenmodes in this system, nevertheless, because of the non-normal nature of the eigenmodes, it is possible to have a large transient growth in the energy of perturbations. For a constant angular momentum disk, we find that the perturbation with maximum growth has a wave-vector in the vertical direction. The energy grows by more than a factor of 100 for a Reynolds number R=300 and more than a factor of 1000 for R=1000. Turbulence can be easily excited in such a disk, as found in previous numerical simulations. For a Keplerian disk, on the other hand, similar vertical perturbations grow by no more than a factor of 4, explaining why the same simulations did not find turbulence in this system. However, certain other two-dimensional perturbations with no vertical structure do exhibit modest growth. For the optimum two-dimensional perturbation, the energy grows by a factor of ~100 for R~10^4.5 and by a factor of 1000 for R~10^6. It is conceivable that these two-dimensional disturbances might lead to self-sustained turbulence. The Reynolds numbers of cold astrophysical disks are much larger even than 10^6, therefore, hydrodynamic turbulence may be possible in disks. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0412193 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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