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18 January 2025 |
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HH 212: SMA Observations of a Remarkable Protostellar Jet | Chin-Fei Lee
; Paul T. P. Ho
; Henrik Beuther
; Tyler L. Bourke
; Naomi Hirano
; Hsien Shang
; Qizhou Zhang
; | Date: |
10 Jan 2007 | Abstract: | HH 212 is a nearby (460 pc) protostellar jet discovered in H$_2$ powered by a Class 0 source, IRAS 05413-0104, in the L1630 cloud of Orion. It is highly collimated and symmetric with matched pairs of bow shocks on either side of the source. We have mapped it in 850 $mu$m continuum, SiO ($J=8-7$), CO ($J=3-2$), SO ($N_J=8_9-7_8$), HCO$^+$ ($J = 4-3$), and H$^{13}$CO$^+$ ($J = 4-3$) emission simultaneously at $sim$ 1$’’$ resolution with the Submillimeter Array (SMA). Thermal dust emission is seen in continuum around the source, mainly arising from an inner envelope (i.e., the inner part of a previously seen flattened envelope) and a possible disk. The inner envelope is also seen with rotation in CO, HCO$^+$, and probably SO. Like H$_2$ emission, CO and SiO emission are seen along the jet axis but extending closer to the source, tracing the bow shocks with a broad range of velocities and the continuous structures in between. SO emission is seen only around the source, forming a jetlike structure extending along the jet axis from the source, likely tracing the jet near the launching region. The jet is episodic and bending. It may also be slightly precessing as the jetlike SO structure shows a slight S-shaped symmetry about the source. A hint of jet rotation is also seen across the jet axis. Internal outflow shells are seen in CO and HCO$^+$, associated with the bow shocks in the inner part of the jet. The bases of the HCO$^+$ shells are seen with a hint of rotation similar to that seen in the inner envelope, probably consisted mainly of the material extended from the inner envelope and even the possible disk. | Source: | arXiv, astro-ph/0701284 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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