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Coulomb correlations and coherent charge tunneling in mesoscopic coupled rings | C.M. Canali
; W. Stephan
; L.Y. Gorelik
; R.I. Shekhter
; M. Jonson
; | Date: |
22 Oct 1997 | Journal: | Europhys. Lett. 40, 67 (1997) | Subject: | Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall Effect; Strongly Correlated Electrons | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el | Abstract: | We study the effect of a strong electron-electron (e-e) interaction in a system of two concentric one-dimensional rings with incommensurate areas A_1 and A_2, coupled by a tunnel amplitude. For noninteracting particles the magnetic moment (persistent current) m of the many-body ground state and first excited states is an irregular function of the external magnetic field. In contrast, we show that when strong e-e interactions are present the magnetic field dependence of m becomes periodic. In such a strongly correlated system disorder can only be caused by inter-ring charge fluctuations, controllable by a gate voltage. The oscillation period of m is proportional to 1/(A_1 + A_2) if fluctuations are suppressed. Coherent inter-ring tunneling doubles the period when charge fluctuations are allowed. | Source: | arXiv, cond-mat/9710239 | Services: | Forum | Review | PDF | Favorites |
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