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astro-ph/9210001 The Edge of the Galactic Disc
astro-ph/9210002 Coordinated UV-optical observations of quasars: the evolution of the Lyman absorption
astro-ph/9210003 Cosmic Rays, Gamma Rays and Neutrinos from Point Sources
astro-ph/9210004 Dynamics of the Young Binary LMC Cluster NGC 1850
astro-ph/9210005 Evidence for a Very Broad Line Region in PG 1138+222
astro-ph/9210006 On the Origin of the Galactic Magnetic Field
astro-ph/9210007 Effect of Neutrino Heating on Primordial Nucleosynthesis
cond-mat/9210001 Universal criterion for the breakup of invariant tori in dissipative systems
cond-mat/9210002 Exact Solution of a Phase Separation Model with Conserved Order Parameter Dynamics
cond-mat/9210003 Pressure Induced Topological Phase Transitions in Membranes
cond-mat/9210004 A new Proposal for a Quasielectron Trial Wavefunction for the FQHE on a Disk
cond-mat/9210005 Multicanonical Study of the 3D Ising Spin Glass
cond-mat/9210006 Once again about interchain hopping
cond-mat/9210007 Bosonization and Fermion Liquids in Dimensions Greater Than One
cond-mat/9210008 String Defects in Condensed Matter Systems as Optical Fibers
cond-mat/9210009 Phase Ordering Dynamics in the Continuum q-state Clock Model
cond-mat/9210009 Phase Ordering Dynamics in the Continuum q-state Clock Model
cond-mat/9210010 Dimerization structures on the metallic and semiconducting fullerene tubules with half-filled electrons
cond-mat/9210011 Generalized spin density wave state of the Hubbard model on the C12 and C60 clusters
cond-mat/9210012 Ordering and finite-size effects in the dynamics of one-dimensional transient patterns
cond-mat/9210013 Numerical studies of tunneling in a nonharmonic time-dependent potential
cond-mat/9210014 On the Scale-Invariant Distribution of the Diffusion Coefficient for Classical Particles Diffusing in Disordered Media.-
cond-mat/9210016 Spin-Charge separation in a model of two coupled chains
cond-mat/9210017 Biharmonic pattern selection
cond-mat/9210018 Hysteresis and hierarchies: dynamics of disorder-driven first-order phase transformations
cond-mat/9210019 Response functions and Spectrum of Collective Excitations of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Systems
cond-mat/9210020 Magnetic field effects on non-periodic superlattice structures
cond-mat/9210021 Static Response Function for Longitudinal and Transverse Excitations in Superfluid Helium
cond-mat/9210022 Correlaction Effects on the Band Gap of Conducting Polymers
cond-mat/9210023 Uncertainty Principle and Off-Diagonal Long Range Order in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9210024 The Supercooling of a Nematic Liquid Crystal
cond-mat/9210025 Collective Effects in Random Sequential Adsorption of Diffusing Hard Squares
cond-mat/9210026 Narrow band noise as a model of time-dependent accelerations: study of the stability of a fluid surface in a microgravity environment
cond-mat/9210027 Absence of Definite Scaling Laws in Raman Scattering from Fractals
cond-mat/9210028 The Third Virial Coefficient of Free Anyons
gr-qc/9210001 Clifford Algebra of Two-Forms, Conformal Structures and Field Equations
gr-qc/9210002 The Nordtvedt effect in the Trojan asteroids
gr-qc/9210003 The Wave Function of the Universe by the New Euclidean Path-integral Approach in Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/9210004 The Spacetime Approach to Quantum Mechanics
gr-qc/9210005 The Dark Matter Problem in Light of Quantum Gravity
gr-qc/9210006 The Quantum Mechanics of Closed Systems
gr-qc/9210007 Unitary Equivalence of the Metric and Holonomy Formulations of 2+1 Dimensional Quantum Gravity on the Torus
gr-qc/9210008 Dynamical Origin of the Lorentzian Signature of Spacetime
gr-qc/9210009 Improved Energy-Momentum Currents in Metric-Affine Spacetime
gr-qc/9210009 Improved Energy-Momentum Currents in Metric-Affine Spacetime
gr-qc/9210010 Classical Equations for Quantum Systems
gr-qc/9210011 Canonical Quantum Gravity and the Problem of Time
gr-qc/9210012 No Time Machines from Lightlike Sources in 2+1 Gravity
gr-qc/9210013 Quantum Effects in Black Hole Interiors
gr-qc/9210014 A Nonsingular Universe
gr-qc/9210015 Cosmological Models in Two Spacetime Dimensions
gr-qc/9210016 Towards a Singularity-Proof Scheme in Numerical Relativity
gr-qc/9210017 Is Quantum Spacetime Foam Unstable?
gr-qc/9210018 Self-Consistence of Semi-Classical Gravity
gr-qc/9210019 Path integration in relativistic quantum mechanics
gr-qc/9210020 SO(4) Invariant States in Quantum Cosmology
hep-lat/9210001 Non-uniform measure in 4d simplicial quantum gravity
hep-lat/9210002 4d Simplicial Quantum Gravity with a Non-Trivial Measure
hep-lat/9210003 The Running Coupling from SU(3) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9210004 Multicritical Points in a Lattice Yukawa Model with the Wilson-Yukawa Coupling
hep-lat/9210005 Fermion Doubling and Gauge Invariance on Random Lattices
hep-lat/9210006 Basis States for Hamiltonian QCD with Dynamical Quarks
hep-lat/9210007 The infrared limit of QCD effective string
hep-lat/9210008 SU(N) Gauge Theories with C-Periodic Boundary Conditions: II. Small Volume Dynamics
hep-lat/9210009 Renormalization Group Analysis of Finite-Size Scaling in the $Phi^4_4$ Model
hep-lat/9210009 Renormalization Group Analysis of Finite-Size Scaling in the $Phi^4_4$ Model
hep-lat/9210010 Scaling and asymptotic scaling in two-dimensional $CP^{N-1}$ models
hep-lat/9210011 $1/N$ Expansion of Two-Dimensional Models in the Scaling Region
hep-lat/9210012 Topological susceptibility and string tension in CP(N-1) models
hep-lat/9210013 Wave functions and their use in spectroscopy and phenomenology
hep-lat/9210014 The U(1)-Higgs Model: Critical Behaviour in the Confinig-Higgs region
hep-lat/9210015 The nature of the continuum limit in strongly coupled quenched QED
hep-lat/9210016 Improvement of efficiency in generating random $U(1)$ variables with Boltzmann distribution
hep-lat/9210017 Lee-Yang Zeroes and Logarithmic Corrections in the $Phi^4_4$ Theory
hep-lat/9210018 The Kaon $B$-parameter with Wilson Fermions
hep-lat/9210019 Bosonization and Cluster Updating of Lattice Fermions
hep-lat/9210020 Intermittency Studies in Directed Bond Percolation
hep-lat/9210021 The String Tension in Gauge Theories: a Suggestion for a New Measurement Method
hep-lat/9210022 Fermion-Higgs model with strong Wilson-Yukawa coupling in two dimensions
hep-lat/9210023 Scattering in a Simple 2-d Lattice Model
hep-lat/9210024 Dual of 3-dimensional pure SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory and the Ponzano-Regge Model
hep-lat/9210025 Theoretical Analysis of Acceptance Rates in Multigrid Monte Carlo
hep-lat/9210026 Regularization dependence of the Higgs mass triviality bound
hep-lat/9210027 Nonperturbative evaluation of the diffusion rate in field theory at high temperatures
hep-lat/9210028 The Savvidy ``ferromagnetic vacuum’’ in three-dimensional lattice gauge theory
hep-lat/9210029 Renormalisation of lattice currents and the calculation of decay constants for dynamical staggered fermions
hep-lat/9210030 Dual Superconductor Mechanism of Confinement on the Lattice
hep-lat/9210031 Some universal features of the effective string picture of pure gauge theories
hep-lat/9210032 Regularity Properties and Pathologies of Position-Space Renormalization-Group Transformations
hep-lat/9210033 The effective potential and the renormalisation group
hep-lat/9210034 The $I=1$, $J=1$ channel of the O(4) $lambda phi^4_4$ theory
hep-lat/9210035 A better large $N$ expansion for chiral Yukawa models
hep-lat/9210036 Meson-Meson Scattering in Lattice QED_2+1
hep-lat/9210037 The Shape of Inflated Vesicles
hep-lat/9210038 Gauge invariant extremization
hep-lat/9210039 Perturbative Corrections for Staggered Fermion Bilinears
hep-lat/9210040 On reflection positive formulation of chiral gauge theories on a lattice
hep-lat/9210041 The Interface Tension in Quenched QCD at the Critical Temperature
hep-lat/9210042 The Isgur-Wise Limit on the Lattice
hep-th/9205089 Liouville Models of Black Hole Evaporation
hep-th/9205105 The KdV Action and Deformed Minimal Models
hep-th/9206065 Thermal Field Theory and Infinite Statistics
hep-th/9210001 String Theory at Short Distance and the Principle of Equivalence
hep-th/9210002 Critical Exponents of the Chiral Potts Model from Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9210003 Bose-Einstein condensation of scalar fields on hyperbolic manifolds
hep-th/9210004 W Algebras, W Gravities and their Moduli Spaces
hep-th/9210005 Ray-Singer Torsion, Topological field theories and the Riemann zeta function at s=3
hep-th/9210006 Stability of Vacua and Domain Walls in Supergravity and Superstring Theory
hep-th/9210007 Virasoro Representations on Fusion Graphs
hep-th/9210008 Green-Schwarz Formulation of Self-Dual Superstring
hep-th/9210009 Quantum Affine Symmetry as Generalized Supersymmetry
hep-th/9210009 Quantum Affine Symmetry as Generalized Supersymmetry
hep-th/9210011 Gauge Theories on a Cylinder
hep-th/9210012 Black Holes Coupled to a Massive Dilaton
hep-th/9210013 Vacuum energy on orbifold factors of spheres
hep-th/9210014 Two--poles R-matrices
hep-th/9210015 Dilaton shift under duality and torsion of elliptic complex
hep-th/9210016 Finite Temperature Strings
hep-th/9210017 Supersymmetry and Positive Energy in Classical and Quantum Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9210018 The Cosmological Kibble Mechanism in the Laboratory: String Formation in Liquid Crystals
hep-th/9210019 On the quantisation of SU(2) magnetic monopole dynamics
hep-th/9210020 On the Linearized Artin Braid Representation
hep-th/9210021 Duality Symmetries from Non--Abelian Isometries in String Theories
hep-th/9210022 Comment on Gauge-Independent Analysis of Chern-Simons Theory with Matter Coupling
hep-th/9210023 Infinite Braided Tensor Products and 2-D quantum Gravity
hep-th/9210024 Quantum Group Gauge Theory on Classical Spaces
hep-th/9210025 Rogers dilogarithm in integrable systems
hep-th/9210026 Faddeev-Popov method for anomalous quasigroups
hep-th/9210027 On the definition of Quantum Free Particle on Curved Manifolds
hep-th/9210028 Schwinger-Dyson equation in three-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity
hep-th/9210029 The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation and Conserved Quantities in the Deformed Parafermion and SL(2,R)/U(1) Coset Models
hep-th/9210030 Twisted Sector Yukawa Couplings for the $Z_3 imes Z_3$ Orbifold
hep-th/9210031 Charged String-like Solutions of Low-energy Heterotic String Theory
hep-th/9210032 q-deformed lattice gauge theory and 3-manifold invariants
hep-th/9210033 The weaving of curved geometries
hep-th/9210034 Thermal Equilibrium from the Hu-Paz-Zhang Master Equation
hep-th/9210035 Influence Functionals and the Accelerating Detector
hep-th/9210036 Geometric Gravitational Forces on Particles Moving in a Line
hep-th/9210037 Generalized Drinfeld-Sokolov Reductions and KdV Type Hierarchies
hep-th/9210038 A new insight into BRST anomalies in string theory
hep-th/9210039 The universal R-matrix and its associated quantum algebra as functionals of the classical r-matrix: the $sl_{2}$ case
hep-th/9210040 Fusion Algebras Induced by Representations of the Modular Group
hep-th/9210041 Physical States in Topological Coset Models
hep-th/9210042 The Braided Heisenberg Group
hep-th/9210043 Finite $W$ symmetry in finite dimensional integrable systems
hep-th/9210044 The Quantum Double as Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9210045 Strings and QCD?
hep-th/9210046 Effective Field Theory and the Fermi Surface
hep-th/9210047 String Theory: Lessons for Low Energy Physics
hep-th/9210048 Rotation Symmetry and Nonabelian Berry Potential
hep-th/9210049 Heterotic Parafermionic Superstring
hep-th/9210050 Black Holes and Solitons in String Theory
hep-th/9210051 Remarks on deformed and undeformed Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations
hep-th/9210052 Form Factors, deformed Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and finite-gap integration
hep-th/9210053 On the Landau-Ginzburg description of $(A_1^{(1)})^{oplus N}$ invariants
hep-th/9210054 Localization of Massless Spinning Particles and the Berry Phase
hep-th/9210055 Time-dependent perturbations in two-dimensional String Black Holes
hep-th/9210056 Simple Approach to Thermal Bethe Ansatz
hep-th/9210057 Peculiarity of String Theory on Orbifolds in the Presence of an Antisymmetric Background Field
hep-th/9210058 Boussinesq-type equations from nonlinear realizations of $W_3$
hep-th/9210059 N=3 Supersymmetric Extension of KdV Equation
hep-th/9210060 Supersymmetry and the Nonlocal Yangian Deformation Symmetry
hep-th/9210061 Symmetries of P-Branes
hep-th/9210062 Critical String Vacua from Noncritical Manifolds: A Novel Framework for String Compactification
hep-th/9210063 Yang-Baxter Equation for $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$ Broken ${Bf Z}_N $ Models
hep-th/9210064 Fractional Superstrings with Critical Spacetime Dimensions Four and Six: A Status Report
hep-th/9210065 Some Computations in Background Independent Open-String Field Theory
hep-th/9210066 Generalized Integrability and two-dimensional Gravitation
hep-th/9210067 The complete solution to the constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation in two dimensions
hep-th/9210068 Symmetry structure of special geometries
hep-th/9210069 Hilbert space cocycles as representations of $(3+1)-$ D current algebras
hep-th/9210070 On the Quantization of Reducible Gauge Systems
hep-th/9210071 Matrix Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations and Moment Maps into Loop Algebras${}^dag$
hep-th/9210072 Topological versus Non--Topological Theories and $p-q$ Duality in $c le 1$ 2d Gravity Models
hep-th/9210073 Introduction to Random Matrices
hep-th/9210074 Level-Spacing Distributions and the Airy Kernel
hep-th/9210075 On Paragrassmann Differential Calculus
hep-th/9210076 Gravitational Instantons in Heterotic String Theory: The H-Map and the Moduli Deformations of (4,4) Superconformal Field Theories
hep-th/9210077 Isospectral flow in Loop Algebras and Quasiperiodic Solutions of the Sine-Gordon Equation
hep-th/9210078 On The Algebraic Characterization of Aperiodic Tilings Related To ADE-Root Systems
hep-th/9210079 Superstrings on Curved Spacetimes
hep-th/9210080 On The Hamiltonian Structures and The Reductions of The KP Hierarchy
hep-th/9210081 A note on 2D chiral gravity and chiral bosons
hep-th/9210082 Chiral Non-Critical Strings
hep-th/9210083 Quasi-Periodic Solutions for matrix nonlinear Schroedinger Equations
hep-th/9210084 Fermionic Coset Models as Topological Models
hep-th/9210085 A Novel Representation for the Free Energy in String Theory at Non-Zero Temperature
hep-th/9210086 Generalized $XYZ$ Model Associated to Sklyanin Algebra$^*$
hep-th/9210087 Chern-Simons Theory on the Torus
hep-th/9210088 A Conformal Affine Toda Model of 2D Black Holes: A Quantum Study of the Evaporation End-Point
hep-th/9210089 Darboux Coordinates and Liouville-Arnold Integration in Loop Algebras
hep-th/9210090 Nearby CFT’s in the operator formalism: The role of a connection
hep-th/9210091 Even and odd symplectic and Kählerian structures on projective superspaces
hep-th/9210092 A Natural Mechanism for Supersymmetry Breaking with Zero Cosmological Constant (Minor corrections of some formulae, no substantial change)
hep-th/9210093 Exact Solutions for Self--Dual Yang--Mills and Self--Dual Tensor Multiplets on Gravitational Instanton Background
hep-th/9210094 A Candidate For The QCD String Based On Non-Backtracking Random Walks
hep-th/9210095 Symplectic Geometries on $T^*widetilde{G}$, Hamiltonian Group Actions and Integrable Systems
hep-th/9210096 Non-linear Field Theory of a Frustrated Heisenberg Spin Chain
hep-th/9210097 Exactly Solvable Potentials and Quantum Algebras
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