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05 December 2024
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2024, 1992
12, 11.1992
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astro-ph/9211001 A Burst of Speculation
astro-ph/9211002 Detection of brown dwarfs by the micro-lensing of unresolved stars
astro-ph/9211003 Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: The Multiphase Model
astro-ph/9211004 Gravitational Radiation from Colliding Vacuum Bubbles: Envelope Approximation to Many-Bubble Collisions
astro-ph/9211005 Centri`fugal’ Force around a Black Hole
astro-ph/9211006 The ($log R_e$, $mu_e$) Plane of Hot Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9211007 Generalized Einstein Theory on Solar and Galactic Scales
astro-ph/9211008 The Mad Era: A Possible New Resolution to the Horizon, Flatness, and Monopole Problems
astro-ph/9211009 Fireballs in the Galactic Halo and $gamma$-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9211009 Fireballs in the Galactic Halo and $gamma$-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9211010 Gamma-Ray Bursts and Neutron Star Mergers - Possibly the Strongest Explosions in the Universe
astro-ph/9211011 A Possible Solution to the Horizon Problem: The Mad Era for Massless Scalar Theories of Gravity
astro-ph/9211012 On the rotation of polarization by a gravitational lens
astro-ph/9211013 Particle Astrophysics after COBE: Blois92 Summary Talk
astro-ph/9211014 On the General Properties of Matter
cond-mat/9211001 Exact Solution of an Electronic Model of Superconductivity in 1+1 Dimensions
cond-mat/9211002 Spin tunneling in the Kagomé antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9211003 Infinite-Scale Percolation in a New Type of Branching Diffusion Processes
cond-mat/9211004 Level repulsion in integrable and almost-integrable quantum spin models
cond-mat/9211005 Spin-Wave Theory of the Spiral Phase of the t-J Model
cond-mat/9211006 Cluster Algorithm for Vertex Models
cond-mat/9211007 Singularity spectrum of self-organized criticality
cond-mat/9211008 Rigid Chiral Membranes
cond-mat/9211009 The fermion sign problem: A new decoupling transformation, and a new simulation algorithm
cond-mat/9211009 The fermion sign problem: A new decoupling transformation, and a new simulation algorithm
cond-mat/9211010 The half-filled Hubbard model in the pair approximation of the Cluster Variation Method
cond-mat/9211011 On the Thermodynamics of Granular Media
cond-mat/9211012 Second-Order Dynamics in the Collective Evolution of Coupled Maps and Automata
cond-mat/9211013 Granular Material Flowing Down an Inclined Chute: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
cond-mat/9211014 Spin-Peierls ground states and frustration in a multi-band Peierls-Hubbard model
cond-mat/9211015 Cellular automaton for the fracture of disordered media
cond-mat/9211016 Angle of Repose and Angle of Marginal Stability: Molecular Dyanmics of Granular Particles
cond-mat/9211017 Possible Quantum Spin Liquid States on the Triangular and Kagome Lattices
cond-mat/9211018 I-V Characteristics of High Temperature Superconductors with Columnar Defects
cond-mat/9211019 Quantum Mechanics and Superconductivity in a Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9211020 Diffusion and spectral dimension on Eden tree
cond-mat/9211021 Magnetic Oscillations of a Fractional Hall Dot
cond-mat/9212001 The Mass Gap of the Nonlinear Sigma Model through the Finite Temperature Effective Action
cond-mat/9301001 Effect of Loops on the Vibrational Spectrum of Percolation Network
gr-qc/9211001 Chern--Simons Gravity from 3+1 Dimensional Gravity
gr-qc/9211002 Einstein Equation with Quantum Corrections Reduced to Second Order
gr-qc/9211003 Hadamard States and Adiabatic Vacua
gr-qc/9211004 Sum-over-histories origin of the composition laws of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum cosmology
gr-qc/9211005 Möss{}bauer null redshift experiment II
gr-qc/9211006 Wormhole Cosmology and the Horizon Problem
gr-qc/9211007 D=3: Singularities in Gravitational Scattering of Scalar Waves
gr-qc/9211008 Gauge Field Back-reaction on a Black Hole
gr-qc/9211010 Gauge (In)variance, Mass and Parity in D=3 Revisited
gr-qc/9211011 Weak-Field Gravity of Circular Cosmic Strings
gr-qc/9211012 Inflating Lorentzian Wormholes
gr-qc/9211013 Gauge Formulation of the Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space
gr-qc/9211014 Unification of Gravity and Yang-Mills Theory in (2+1)-Dimensions
gr-qc/9211015 Discrete Symmetry, Non-Commutative Geometry and Gravity
gr-qc/9211016 Vacuum Polarisation and the Black Hole Singularity
gr-qc/9211017 The Relation between Physical and Gravitational Geometry
gr-qc/9211019 What can we learn from the study of non-perturbative quantum general relativity?
gr-qc/9211021 Dilaton Contributions to the Cosmic Gravitational Wave Background
gr-qc/9211022 Quantum Gravity by the Complex Canonical Formulation
gr-qc/9211023 Gravitational Waves in the Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory
gr-qc/9211024 Tunneling in Anisotropic Cosmological Models
gr-qc/9211025 Spin effects in the inspiral of coalescing compact binaries
gr-qc/9211026 Cauchy horizon singularity without mass inflation
gr-qc/9211027 Chaotic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Cosmology
gr-qc/9211028 Thawing the Frozen Formalism: The Difference Between Observables and What We Observe
hep-lat/9211001 Pure-gauge SU(2) on large lattices
hep-lat/9211002 The Running Coupling from SU(3) Potentials
hep-lat/9211003 Hadron Spectroscopy with Dynamical Wilson Fermions at beta=5.3
hep-lat/9211004 The Degrees of Freedom in Hot Quenched QCD
hep-lat/9211005 Problems with the Quenched Approximation in the Chiral Limit
hep-lat/9211006 A Gauge-fixed Hamiltonian for Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9211007 Finite Size Effects on the QCD Spectrum Revisited
hep-lat/9211008 Multigrid for propagators of staggered fermions in four-dimensional $SU(2)$ gauge fields
hep-lat/9211009 The confined-deconfined interface tension, wetting, and the spectrum of the transfer matrix
hep-lat/9211009 The confined-deconfined interface tension, wetting, and the spectrum of the transfer matrix
hep-lat/9211010 Surface Tension, Surface Stiffness, and Surface Width of the 3-dimensional Ising Model on a Cubic Lattice
hep-lat/9211011 Lattice Charge Overlap and the Elastic Limit
hep-lat/9211012 Lattice Analysis of Two-Point Hadronic Correlators in the QCD Vacuum
hep-lat/9211013 Random Walks with Long-Range Self-Repulsion on Proper Time
hep-lat/9211014 Observation of FSS for a First Order Phase Transition
hep-lat/9211015 Three-Loop Results on the Lattice
hep-lat/9211016 Fermion induced SU$(N)$ Yang-Mills Theory
hep-lat/9211017 The Quenched Approximation in Health and in Sickness
hep-lat/9211018 Gribov Copies and Other Gauge Fixing Beasties on the Lattice
hep-lat/9211019 Lattice Calculation of Point-to-Point Hadron Current Correlation
hep-lat/9211020 The Gluon Propagator in Momentum Space
hep-lat/9211021 A streamlined method for chiral fermions on the lattice
hep-lat/9211022 How Do Fermions Behave on a Random Lattice?
hep-lat/9211023 Quantum-Gravity Path-Integrals on Simplicial Lattices
hep-lat/9211024 Strings with Extrinsic Curvature: An Analysis of the Crossover Regime
hep-lat/9211025 Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory: wavefunctions on large lattices
hep-lat/9211026 Fermion spectrum in the quenched U(1) chiral Wilson-Yukawa model
hep-lat/9211027 Contamination of Excited States in Quenched QCD Hadron Propagators
hep-lat/9211028 Anomalous Fermion Number Non-Conservation on the Lattice
hep-lat/9211029 Unstable particles in finite volume: The broken phase of the $4$-d $O(4)$ non-linear $sigma$-model
hep-lat/9211030 A method for putting chiral fermions on the lattice
hep-lat/9211031 Multigrid meets Neural Nets
hep-lat/9211032 Decoupling of Photon Propagator in Compact QED
hep-lat/9211033 Non-Relativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Systems
hep-lat/9211034 Blockspin Scheme and Cluster Algorithm for Quantum Spin Systems
hep-lat/9211035 Quark Confinement in Multi-Flavor Quantum Chromodynamics
hep-lat/9211036 Baryon Density Correlations in the Quark Plasma, MIMD Lattice Calculation
hep-lat/9211037 Improved Langevin Methods for Spin Systems
hep-lat/9211038 The Spin Content of the Nucleon
hep-lat/9211039 Gauge Invariant Smearing and Matrix Correlators using Wilson Fermions at beta=6.2
hep-lat/9211040 Quenched Light Hadron Spectroscopy: Comparing the Wilson and O(a)-Improved Fermion Actions
hep-lat/9211041 Results in the static approximation
hep-lat/9211042 The Static Approximation of Heavy-Light Quark-Systems - A Systematic Lattice Study
hep-lat/9211043 The Charm Quark on the Lattice
hep-lat/9211044 Gravitational Action Versus Entropy on Simplicial Lattices in Four Dimensions
hep-lat/9211045 Charmed Meson Spectroscopy and Matrix Elements with an O(a)-Improved Clover Fermion Action
hep-lat/9211046 The Charmonium Spectrum on the Lattice: A Status Report
hep-lat/9211047 The Loop-Cluster Algorithm for the Case of the 6 Vertex Model
hep-lat/9211048 Quenched Lattice Results for $f_B$ and $f_D$
hep-lat/9211049 Multicanonical Cluster Algorithm
hep-lat/9211050 The Mechanism of Complex Langevin Simulations
hep-lat/9211051 Infinite Volume, Continuum Limit of Valence Approximation Hadron Masses
hep-lat/9211052 Yet another way to obtain low temperature expansions for discrete spin systems
hep-lat/9211053 High precision single-cluster Monte Carlo measurement of the critical exponents of the classical 3D Heisenberg model
hep-lat/9211054 Glueball wavefunctions
hep-lat/9211055 Finite-Size Scaling on the Ising Coexistence Line
hep-lat/9211056 Study of the complex fermion determinant in a $ m U(1)_L otimes U(1)_R$ symmetric Yukawa model
hep-lat/9211057 Meson Form-factors and Wave-functions with Wilson fermions
hep-lat/9211058 Chiral Corrections to Lattice Calculations of Charge Radii
hep-lat/9211059 Finite temperature QED3 with light fermions
hep-lat/9211060 Staggered fermion approach to chiral gauge theories on the lattice
hep-lat/9211061 No strong coupling regime in the fermion-Higgs sector of the standard model
hep-lat/9211062 Algebraic Techniques for Enumerating Self-Avoiding Walks on the Square Lattice
hep-lat/9211063 Enumeration of self avoiding trails on a square lattice using a transfer matrix technique
hep-lat/9211064 Fermion mass in the Wilson-Yukawa approach for chiral Yukawa theory
hep-lat/9211065 The S, U and Delta ho parameters in the Zaragoza proposal for lattice chiral gauge fermions
hep-lat/9211066 Running Coupling in pure gauge theories using the Schrödinger functional
hep-lat/9212001 Chiral fermions in two dimensions?
hep-th/9211001 Noncritical Dimensions for Critical String Theory: Life beyond the Calabi-Yau Frontier
hep-th/9211002 Unification of Gravity, Gauge and Higgs Fields by Confined Quantum Fields-Mathematical Formulation-
hep-th/9211003 Chern-Simons States at Genus One
hep-th/9211004 $ heta$ Effects in Chern-Simons ${ m QED}_{2+1}$ with a Four-Fermi Interaction
hep-th/9211005 Line Bundles Over Families of (SUPER) Riemann Surfaces. I: The Non-Graded Case
hep-th/9211006 Line Bundles Over Families of (SUPER) Riemann Surfaces. II: The Graded Case
hep-th/9211007 Eluding the no-hair conjecture: Black holes in spontaneously broken gauge theories
hep-th/9211008 Gravitational Phase Transitions in Infrared Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9211009 A Quadratic Deformation of the Heisenberg-Weyl and Quantum Oscillator Enveloping Algebras
hep-th/9211009 A Quadratic Deformation of the Heisenberg-Weyl and Quantum Oscillator Enveloping Algebras
hep-th/9211010 RG flows and resonance scattering amplitudes
hep-th/9211011 Semiclassical Extremal Blackholes
hep-th/9211012 Some Constant Solutions to Zamolodchikov’s Tetrahedron Equations
hep-th/9211013 Black Hole Uncertainties
hep-th/9211014 Self-duality and the Supersymmetric KdV Hierarchy
hep-th/9211015 Entropy and Action of Dilaton Black Holes
hep-th/9211016 Conformally invariant off-shell string physics
hep-th/9211017 Comments on Fractional Superstrings
hep-th/9211018 Fusion and the Neveu-Schwarz Singular Vectors
hep-th/9211019 Extended Superconformal Algebras from Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction
hep-th/9211020 Hamiltonian Approach to $2D$ Supergravity
hep-th/9211021 Pre-Big-Bang in String Cosmology
hep-th/9211022 Quantum Group Symmetric Bargmann Fock Construction
hep-th/9211023 Approach to Quantum Group deformed Quantum Field Theory
hep-th/9211024 Discretization of the Superparticle Path Integral
hep-th/9211025 Lorentz-Covariant Green-Schwarz Superstring Amplitudes
hep-th/9211026 Jordanian Solutions of Simplex Equations
hep-th/9211027 Moduli and Twisted Sector Dependence of Z_N x Z_M Orbifold Couplings
hep-th/9211028 On the Gupta-Bleuler Quantization of the Hamiltonian Systems with Anomalies
hep-th/9211029 Operator Formulation of q-Deformed Dual String Model
hep-th/9211030 Black Hole Remnants and the Information Puzzle
hep-th/9211031 Unification of Gravity, Gauge and Higgs Fields by Confined Quantum Fields II -Effective Theory-
hep-th/9211032 R matrix and bicovariant calculus for the inhomogeneous quantum groups IGL_q(n)
hep-th/9211033 Quantum symmetries in supersymmetric Toda theories
hep-th/9211034 Dilogarithm Identities in Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9211035 Vortex Dynamics in Self-Dual Chern-Simons Higgs Systems
hep-th/9211036 The Algebra of Differential Operators on the Circle and $Wkpq$
hep-th/9211037 A Master Equation for Multi-Dimensional Non-Linear Field Theories
hep-th/9211038 Renormalization Theory for Interacting Crumpled Manifolds
hep-th/9211039 2D Supergravity and Integrable Systems
hep-th/9211040 Extended N=2 Superconformal Structure of Gravity and W-Gravity Coupled to Matter
hep-th/9211041 Wormholes and symmetries of string effective action
hep-th/9211042 Self--Dual Supergravity and Supersymmetric Yang--Mills Coupled to Green--Schwarz Superstring
hep-th/9211043 The Canonical Quantization in Terms of Quantum Group and Yang-Baxter Equation
hep-th/9211044 Quantum Rolling Down out of Equilibrium
hep-th/9211045 Free and Interacting 2-D Maxwell Field Theory on Conformally Flat Space Times
hep-th/9211046 Non-abelian gauge antisymmetric tensor fields
hep-th/9211047 All Abelian Symmetries of Landau-Ginzburg Potentials
hep-th/9211048 Rigorous Analysis of Renormalization Group Pathologies in the 4-State Clock Model
hep-th/9211049 Semiclassical Tunneling in 1+1 Dimensional String Theory
hep-th/9211050 Some General Problems in Quantum Gravity II: The Three Dimensional Case
hep-th/9211051 Physical States in the $W_3$ String
hep-th/9211052 Multivalued Fields on the Complex Plane and Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9211053 Form Factors for Integrable Lagrangian Field Theories, the Sinh-Gordon Model
hep-th/9211054 Canonical Quantization of Non-Einsteinian Gravity and the Problem of Time
hep-th/9211055 Dynamics of the conformal factor in 4D gravity
hep-th/9211056 Magnetic Monopoles in String Theory
hep-th/9211057 Black hole formation in $c=1$ String Field Theory
hep-th/9211058 The Phase Structure of Strings with Extrinsic Curvature
hep-th/9211059 A tour through N=2 strings
hep-th/9211060 On Macroscopic Energy Gap for $q$-Quantum Mechanical Systems
hep-th/9211061 Finite sigma models and exact string solutions with Minkowski signature metric
hep-th/9211062 Clifford Algebra Derivation of the Characteristic Hypersurfaces of Maxwell’s Equations
hep-th/9211063 Topological Conformal Gravity in Four Dimensions
hep-th/9211064 Infinite Tension Strings at D>1
hep-th/9211065 Minimal deformations of the commutative algebra and the linear group GL(n)
hep-th/9211066 Difference equations for the correlation functions of the eight vertex model
hep-th/9211067 BRST and Anti-BRST Quantization of Topological Yang-Mills Theory
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