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05 December 2024

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astro-ph/9212001 A rotating black hole in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9212002 Structure in a Loitering Universe
astro-ph/9212003 Gravity’s rainbow
astro-ph/9212004 Recent advances in extended inflationary cosmology
astro-ph/9212005 The Escape of Gravitational Radiation from the Field of Massive Bodies
astro-ph/9212006 Two Populations and Models of Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9301001 The Peculiar Balmer Line Profiles of OQ 208
astro-ph/9301002 Microwave Anisotropies in the Light of COBE
astro-ph/9301003 Similarity of the variability patterns in the Exosat and Ginga folded light curves of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 6814
astro-ph/9301004 Hydrodynamics of Relativistic Fireballs
astro-ph/9301005 Constraints on Dirac Neutrinos from SN 1987A
astro-ph/9301006 The Evolution of the Globular Cluster System in a Triaxial Galaxy: Can a Galactic Nucleus Form by Globular Cluster Capture?
astro-ph/9301007 Gasdynamics of Relativistically Expanding Gamma-Ray Burst Sources: Kinematics, Energetics, Magnetic Fields and Efficiency
astro-ph/9301008 Cosmic Rays I.: The cosmic ray spectrum between 10 TeV and 3 EeV
astro-ph/9301009 Extended Co(7-6) Emission from Warm Gas in Orion
astro-ph/9301009 Extended Co(7-6) Emission from Warm Gas in Orion
astro-ph/9301011 Minimal Microwave Anisotropy from Perturbations Induced at Late Times
astro-ph/9301012 A Possible Forest of Emission Lines from Proto-galaxies
cond-mat/9212001 The Mass Gap of the Nonlinear Sigma Model through the Finite Temperature Effective Action
cond-mat/9212002 Weak-Localization and Integrability in Ballistic Cavities
cond-mat/9212003 Recurrent Clogging and Density Waves in Granular Material Flowing through a Narrow Pipe
cond-mat/9212004 Fractal Properties of the Distribution of Earthquake Hypocenters
cond-mat/9212005 Length-scale competition in the damped sine-Gordon chain
cond-mat/9212006 A determination of the low energy parameters of the 2-d Heisenberg antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9212007 Low Temperature Transport through a Quantum Dot: The Anderson Model out of Equilibrium
cond-mat/9212008 Indications of d_{x^2 - y^2} Superconductivity in the Two Dimensional t-J Model
cond-mat/9212009 Basis Set Reduction Applied to the Two Dimensional t-Jz Model
cond-mat/9212009 Basis Set Reduction Applied to the Two Dimensional t-Jz Model
cond-mat/9212010 Dynamical Properties of a Single Hole in an Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9212011 Translational Correlations in the Vortex Array at the Surface of a Type-II Superconductor
cond-mat/9212012 Exact Correlation Function at the Lifshitz Points of the Spherical Model
cond-mat/9212013 Bosonic Mean Field Theory of the Spiral Phases of Heisenberg Antiferromagnets on a Chain
cond-mat/9212014 Dynamical Properties of a Haldane Gap Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9212015 Theory of Anisotropic Superexchange in Insulating Cuprates
cond-mat/9212016 Tunneling Conductance Between Parallel Two Dimensional Electron Systems
cond-mat/9212017 Flux Pinning and Phase Transitions in Model High-Temperature Superconductors with Columnar Defects
cond-mat/9212018 Spin Tunneling, Berry phases and Doped Antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9212019 The $1/N$ Expansion and Spin Correlations in Constrained Wavefunctions
cond-mat/9212020 Spin-Wave Theory and Finite-Size Scaling for the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9212021 Test of Conformal Invariance in One-Dimensional Quantum Liquid with Long-Range Interaction
cond-mat/9212022 Electronic interactions in fullerene spheres
cond-mat/9212023 Scaling Exponents for Kinetic Roughening in Higher Dimensions
cond-mat/9212024 Multiscaling analysis and width of the active zone of large off-lattice DLA
cond-mat/9212025 Fractional Quantum Hall States in Narrow Channels
cond-mat/9212026 On Oscillations in Cellular Automata
cond-mat/9212027 A Solvable Spin-Glass of Quantum Rotors
cond-mat/9212028 Solution of Some Integrable One-Dimensional Quantum Systems
cond-mat/9212029 Super Lax Pairs and Infinite Symmetries in The $1/r^2$ System
cond-mat/9212030 Gapless Spin-Fluid Ground State in a Random Quantum Heisenberg Magnet
cond-mat/9212031 Spin Gap and Superconductivity in the One-Dimensional t-J Model with Coulomb Repulsion
cond-mat/9212032 Spatial Correlation of Conduction Electrons in Metal with Complicated Geometry Of The Fermi Surface
cond-mat/9212033 Hierarchical Wave Functions and Fractional Statistics in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect on the Torus
cond-mat/9212034 Hierarchical Wave Functions of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect on the Torus
cond-mat/9212035 On flux phase and Néel antiferromagnetism in the {em t}-{em J}-model}}
cond-mat/9212036 Dimerization structures on the metallic and semiconducting fullerene tubules
cond-mat/9301001 Effect of Loops on the Vibrational Spectrum of Percolation Network
cond-mat/9301002 Quons, an interpolation between bose and fermi oscillators
cond-mat/9301003 Spin-Orbit Scattering and Pair Breaking in a Structurally Disordred Copper-Oxide Layer
cond-mat/9301004 Heap Formation in Granular Media
cond-mat/9301005 Poisson versus GOE statistics in integrable and non-integrable quantum hamiltonian
cond-mat/9301006 Electronic Structure of Superconducting Ba6c60
cond-mat/9301007 Wigner Crystal in One Dimension
cond-mat/9301008 Models for local ohmic quantum dissipation
cond-mat/9301009 The Thermodynamics of Quantum Systems and Generalizations of Zamolodchikov’s C-theorem
cond-mat/9301009 The Thermodynamics of Quantum Systems and Generalizations of Zamolodchikov’s C-theorem
cond-mat/9301011 Random Matrix Theory of Transition Strengths and Universal Magnetoconductance in the Strongly Localized Regime
cond-mat/9301012 Surface Effects on Bulk Plasmons
cond-mat/9301013 Dynamical decoupling and Kac-Moody current representation in multicomponent integrable systems
cond-mat/9301014 Power law tail in the radial growth probability distribution for DLA
cond-mat/9301015 Hierarchical wave function, Fock cyclic condition and spin-statistics relation in the spin-singlet fractional quantum Hall effect
cond-mat/9301016 The Global Minimum of Energy Is Not Always a Sum of Local Minima - a Note on Frustration
cond-mat/9301017 Stable quasicrystalline ground states
cond-mat/9301018 Quantum Mechanics on Thin Cylinders
cond-mat/9301019 Quantum Dots in Strong Magnetic Fields: Stability Criteria for the Maximum Density Droplet
cond-mat/9301020 Classical Dynamics of Anyons and the Quantum Spectrum
cond-mat/9301021 Asymptotic analysis and spectrum of three anyons
cond-mat/9301022 Hidden Errors in Simulations and the Quality of Pseudorandom Numbers
cond-mat/9301023 Soluble `Supersymmetric’ Quantum XY Model
cond-mat/9301024 Anyons as Dirac Strings the $A_x=0$ Gauge
cond-mat/9301025 Enhanced suppresion of localization in a continuous Random-Dimer Model
cond-mat/9301026 Time-Dependent Transport through a Mesoscopic Structure
cond-mat/9301027 Universal Magnetic Properties of $La_{2-delta} Sr_{delta} Cu O_4$ at Intermediate Temperatures
cond-mat/9301028 Histogram Monte Carlo study of next-nearest-neighbor Ising antiferromagnet on a stacked triangular lattice
cond-mat/9301029 Comment on "Critical properties of highly frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnets"
cond-mat/9301030 Phase separation in the large-spin {it t}-{it J} model
cond-mat/9301031 Quantum Inverse Scattering Method and Correlation Functions
cond-mat/9301032 A Model for the Propagation of Sound in Granular Materials
cond-mat/9301033 Order of Two-Dimensional Isotropic Dipolar Antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9301034 Lower Bound on the Energy Gap at Precise Locations on the Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 Fermi Surface
cond-mat/9301035 The Haldane Energy Gap of A Doped Linear-Chain Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9301036 Scaling theory of the Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in one dimension
cond-mat/9301037 Mott Transition in An Anyon Gas
cond-mat/9301038 Scaling of Island Growth in Pb Overlayers on Cu(001)
cond-mat/9301039 Many-body exchange-correlation effects in the lowest subband of semiconductor quantum wires
gr-qc/9212001 Cosmic Censorship in 2-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
gr-qc/9212002 Galilean Theories of Gravitation
gr-qc/9212003 Exotic Differentiable Structures and General Relativity
gr-qc/9212004 Quantum Vacuum Instability Near Rotating Stars
gr-qc/9212005 Dark Matter and Non-Newtonian Gravity From General Relativity on a Stringy Background
gr-qc/9212006 On Cosmological Isotropy, Quantum Cosmology and the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis
gr-qc/9212007 Weak-Field Gravity of Revolving Circular Cosmic Strings
gr-qc/9212008 The Coherent State Representation of Quantum Fluctuations in the Early Universe
gr-qc/9212009 Magnetically Charged Black Holes and their Stability
gr-qc/9212009 Magnetically Charged Black Holes and their Stability
gr-qc/9212010 Black Hole Tunneling Entropy and the Spectrum of Gravity
gr-qc/9212011 A Nonlinear Model of a Quantum Minisuperspace System with Back Reaction
gr-qc/9212012 Collisions of Einstein-Conformal Scalar Waves
gr-qc/9212013 Inhomogeneous and anisotropic cosmologies
gr-qc/9212014 Anisotropic and inhomogeneous cosmologies
gr-qc/9212015 (1+1)-Dimensional Methods for General Relativity
gr-qc/9301001 Bianchi Cosmological Models and Gauge Symmetries
gr-qc/9301002 Event horizons and apparent horizons in spherically symmetric geometries
gr-qc/9301003 Observing binary inspiral in gravitational radiation: One interferometer
gr-qc/9301004 On the Definition of Decoherence
gr-qc/9301005 Time Symmetric Quantum Cosmology and Our Universe
gr-qc/9301006 Real Tunneling Solutions and the Hartle-Hawking Wave Function
gr-qc/9301007 Decoherence Functional and Probability Interpretation
gr-qc/9301008 What is the True Description of Charged Black Holes?
gr-qc/9301009 Cosmology, Oscillating Physics and Oscilllating Biology
gr-qc/9301009 Cosmology, Oscillating Physics and Oscilllating Biology
gr-qc/9301011 The Reduction of the State Vector and Limitations on Measurement in the Quantum Mechanics of Closed Systems
gr-qc/9301012 Massive Spin-5/2 Fields Coupled to Gravity: Tree-Level Unitarity vs. the Equivalence Principle
gr-qc/9301013 "Are Black Holes in Brans-Dicke Theory precisely the same as in General Relativity?"
gr-qc/9301014 On Self-Dual Gravity I
gr-qc/9301015 A Positive Mass Theorem Based on the Focusing and Retardation of Null Geodesics
gr-qc/9301016 Time, measurement and information loss in quantum cosmology
gr-qc/9301017 The Origin of Time Asymmetry
gr-qc/9301018 Jacobi’s Action and the Density of States
gr-qc/9301019 Comments on Closed Bianchi Models
gr-qc/9301020 On the configuration space topology in general relativity
gr-qc/9301021 Black Holes with a Generalized Gravitational Action
gr-qc/9301022 An Anisotropic Wormhole:TUNNELLING in Time and Space
gr-qc/9301023 Avoiding degenerate coframes in an affine gauge approach to quantum gravity
gr-qc/9401012 A Proposal of Positive-Definite Local Gravitational Energy Density in General Relativity
hep-lat/9211066 Running Coupling in pure gauge theories using the Schrödinger functional
hep-lat/9212001 Chiral fermions in two dimensions?
hep-lat/9212002 Dirac Strings and the Nonperturbative Photon Propagator in Compact QED
hep-lat/9212003 Kazakov-Migdal Induced Gauge Theory and the Coupling of 2D Quantum Gravity to D=1 Matter
hep-lat/9212004 Magnetic Monopoles in non-compact QED - is there a Phase Transition?
hep-lat/9212005 Gauge fixing and Gribov copies in pure Yang-Mills on a circle
hep-lat/9212006 The Crumpling Transition Revisited
hep-lat/9212007 INvestigation Of The Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm For The Inversion Of Fermion Matrices
hep-lat/9212008 Renormalization Group Flow in non-compact QED with two charged staggered Fermions
hep-lat/9212009 Autocorrelation in Updating Pure SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory by the use of Overrelaxed Algorithms
hep-lat/9212009 Autocorrelation in Updating Pure SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory by the use of Overrelaxed Algorithms
hep-lat/9212010 The Euclidean Spectrum of Kaplan’s Lattice Chiral Fermions
hep-lat/9212011 Phase Structure of Compact $QED_3$ with Massless Fermions
hep-lat/9212012 Possible Failure of Asymptotic Freedom in Two-Dimensional $RP^2$ and $RP^3$ $sigma$-Models
hep-lat/9212013 Finite-Size Effects in the Interface of 3D Ising Model
hep-lat/9212014 A New Action for Heavy Lattice Fermions
hep-lat/9212015 Mass Spectrum and Bounds on the Couplings in Yukawa Models With Mirror-Fermions
hep-lat/9212016 Baryon Octet to Decuplet Electromagnetic Transitions
hep-lat/9212017 Progress in Lattice Field Theory Algorithms
hep-lat/9212018 Heavy Quark Physics
hep-lat/9212019 Infinitely many regulator fields for chiral fermions
hep-lat/9212020 Large N Lattice QED
hep-lat/9212021 Multigrid Methods for the Computation of Propagators in Gauge Fields
hep-lat/9212022 Finite size and temperature effects in the AF Heisenberg model
hep-lat/9212023 Cosmic Strings on the Lattice
hep-lat/9212024 How much are 2d Yukawa models similar to the Gross-Neveu models?
hep-lat/9212025 The Shifted Coupled Cluster Method: A New Approach to Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9212026 Can the Couplings in the Fermion-Higgs Sector of the Standard Model be Strong?
hep-lat/9212027 The Spectrum of the Kazakov Migdal-Model
hep-lat/9212028 Large scale numerical simulation of the three-state Potts model
hep-lat/9212029 Strongly Interacting Higgs Sector in the Minimal Standard Model?
hep-lat/9212030 Chiral Fermions, Anomalies and Chern-Simons Currents on the Lattice
hep-lat/9212031 Hadron Mass Predictions of the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9212032 Series studies of the Potts model. I: The simple cubic Ising model
hep-lat/9212033 A realistic heat bath: theory and application to kink-antikink dynamics
hep-lat/9212034 On the Dynamics of Light Quarks in QCD
hep-lat/9212035 Calculating the Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice
hep-lat/9301001 Heavy-Light Wavefunctions in Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9301002 Critical Exponents of the Classical 3D Heisenberg Model: A Single-Cluster Monte Carlo Study
hep-lat/9301003 Measuring the Decorrelation Times of Fourier Modes in Simulations
hep-lat/9301004 Structure of Abrikosov Vortices in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9301005 The Heavy Quark Self-Energy in Nonrelativistic Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9301006 Multi-Quark Energies in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9301007 On the Crumpling Transition in Crystalline Random Surfaces
hep-lat/9301008 Finite size scaling in CP(N-1) models
hep-lat/9301009 Does the 2d Higgs-Yukawa Model Have a Symmetric Phase at Small Yukawa Coupling Region?
hep-lat/9301009 Does the 2d Higgs-Yukawa Model Have a Symmetric Phase at Small Yukawa Coupling Region?
hep-lat/9301011 Multigrid Monte Carlo with higher cycles in the Sine Gordon model
hep-lat/9301012 Lattice Perturbation Theory by Computer Algebra: A Three-Loop Result for the Topological Susceptibility
hep-lat/9301013 Landau, Abrikosov, Hofstadter: Magnetic Flux Penetration in a Lattice Superconductor
hep-lat/9301014 SU(N) Quantum Antiferromagnets and the Phase Structure of QED in the Strong Coupling Limit
hep-lat/9301015 Chiral Gauge Theories and Fermion-Higgs Systems
hep-lat/9301016 $I=2$ pion scattering amplitude with Wilson fermions
hep-lat/9301017 Low Temperature Expansions for Potts Models
hep-lat/9301018 Simple Hadronic Matrix Elements with Wilson Valence Quarks and Dynamical Staggered Fermions at ${f 6/g^2=5.6}$
hep-lat/9301019 Lattice study of sphaleron transitions in a 2D O(3) sigma model
hep-lat/9301020 The Confined-Deconfined Interface Tension in Quenched QCD using the Histogram Method
hep-lat/9301021 Charge Screening, Large-N, and the Abelian Projection Model of Confinement
hep-th/9210010 W-symmetry in Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9211083 Target Space Description of W-Infinity Symmetry in Coset Models
hep-th/9211102 Fermionic Quasi-Particle Representations for Characters of ${(G^{(1)})_1 imes (G^{(1)})_1 o (G^{(1)})_2}$
hep-th/9211105 Cyclic monodromy matrices for sl(n) trigonometric R-matrices
hep-th/9211118 Low-Energy Dynamics of String Solitons
hep-th/9211120 Lift of dilogarithm to partition identities
hep-th/9211127 Randomly Branched Polymers and Conformal Invariance
hep-th/9211133 An Introduction to Yangian Symmetries
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