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Articles rated:
05 December 2024
Articles index
2024, 1992
12, 5.1992
astro-ph/9205001 Nonstationary Gravitational Lenses and the Fermat Principle
astro-ph/9205002 Giant Molecular Cloud Formation through the Parker Instability in a Skewed Magnetic Field
astro-ph/9205003 Particle Acceleration in (by) Accretion Discs
astro-ph/9205004 The Spatial Distribution of Nearby Galaxy Clusters in the Northern and Southern Galactic Hemispheres
astro-ph/9205005 Chaotic Dark Matter
astro-ph/9205006 Can the Quark-Gluon Plasma in the Early Universe be supercooled?
cond-mat/9205001 Coulomb drag between two-dimensional electron systems
cond-mat/9205002 Roughening of Reconstructed Crystal Surfaces and the Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9205003 Bilinear Quantum Monte Carlo: Expectations and Energy Differences
cond-mat/9205004 Low Energy Behavior of Quantum Adsorption
cond-mat/9205005 Z_N Phases in Hot Gauge Theories
cond-mat/9205006 Quaternion Generalization of the Laughlin State and the Three Dimensional Fractional QHE
cond-mat/9205007 Theory of Thermodynamic Magnetic Oscillations in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors
cond-mat/9205008 Metals in high magnetic field: a new universality class of Fermi liquids
cond-mat/9205009 Determinant Representation for time and temperature dependent correlation functions in the isotropic XY model in the transverse magnetic field
cond-mat/9205009 Determinant Representation for time and temperature dependent correlation functions in the isotropic XY model in the transverse magnetic field
cond-mat/9205010 Elastic String in a Random Potential
cond-mat/9205011 Thermal Rounding of the Charge Density Wave Depinning Transition
cond-mat/9205012 Dispersion of the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility in C_{60} Calculated with a Tight-Binding Model
cond-mat/9205013 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Compressible Fluid Flow in Two-Dimensional Channels
cond-mat/9205014 Lattice distortion and energy level structures in doped C_{60} and C_{70} studied with the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: Polaron excitations and optical absorption
cond-mat/9205015 Dynamic scaling and quasi-ordered states in the two dimensional Swift-Hohenberg equation
cond-mat/9205016 C_{60} with O defects: Localized states in the gap and oxygen clustering
hep-lat/9205001 Scaling topological charge in the CP^3 spin model
hep-lat/9205002 Chiral Invariance and Species Doublers in Generic Fermion Models on the Lattice
hep-lat/9205003 Non--perturbative bounds on the Higgs mass in the minimal standard model
hep-lat/9205004 Spontaneous symmetry breaking on the lattice generated by Yukawa interaction
hep-lat/9205005 Wolff-Type Embedding Algorithms for General Nonlinear $sigma$-Models
hep-lat/9205006 Rigorous QCD Predictions for Decays of P-Wave Quarkonia
hep-lat/9205007 Improved Nonrelativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Physics
hep-lat/9205008 Dynamics of Langevin Simulation
hep-lat/9205009 Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity
hep-lat/9205009 Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity
hep-lat/9205010 The Running Coupling from Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9205011 Tunneling and Energy Splitting in Ising Models
hep-lat/9205012 Reflection positive formulation of chiral gauge theories on a lattice
hep-lat/9205013 Effective Field Theories
hep-lat/9205014 The Quantized $O(1,2)/O(2) imes Z_2$ Sigma Model Has No Continuum Limit in Four Dimensions. I. Theoretical Framework
hep-lat/9205015 Chiral Limit of Nucleon Lattice Electromagnetic Form Factors
hep-lat/9205016 Quenched Hadrons using Wilson and O(a)-Improved Fermion Actions at beta=6.2
hep-lat/9205017 The Quantized $O(1,2)/O(2) imes Z_2$ Sigma Model Has No Continuum Limit in Four Dimensions. II. Lattice Simulation
hep-lat/9205018 Simulated Tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme
hep-lat/9205019 Critical mass in nonzero temperature QCD with staggered fermions
hep-lat/9205020 Quenched Chiral Logarithms
hep-lat/9205021 3d quantum gravity coupled to matter
hep-lat/9205022 Parity breaking at high temperature and density
hep-lat/9205024 Grand Canonical Partition Function of a 2-dimensional Hubbard Model
hep-lat/9205025 Regularizations, Anomalies and Fermion Number Non-Conservation in Chiral Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9205026 Central Charge of the Parallelogram Lattice Strong Coupling Schwinger Model
hep-lat/9205027 High-Temperature series for the $RP^{n-1}$ lattice spin model (generalized Maier-Saupe model of nematic liquid crystals) in two space dimensions and with general spin dimensionality n
hep-th/9204103 Validity of the Eikonal Approximation
hep-th/9205001 Classical Isomorphisms for Quantum Groups
hep-th/9205002 Fusion Rules for the q-deformed Vertex Operators of U_q(sl(2)^)
hep-th/9205003 Reality in the Differential Calculus on q-euclidean Spaces
hep-th/9205004 No Mirror Symmetry in Landau-Ginzburg Spectra!
hep-th/9205005 Comments on Unitarity in the Antifield Formalism
hep-th/9205006 Stabilized Quantum Gravity: Stochastic Interpretation and Numerical Simulation
hep-th/9205007 Quantum Gravity and the Algebra of Tangles
hep-th/9205008 Low-Energy Dynamics of Supersymmetric Solitons
hep-th/9205009 Coordinate and Kähler $sigma$-Model Anomalies and Their Cancellation in String Effective Field Theories
hep-th/9205009 Coordinate and Kähler $sigma$-Model Anomalies and Their Cancellation in String Effective Field Theories
hep-th/9205010 A Proposal for $D>1$ Strings?
hep-th/9205011 Of CP and other Gauge Symmetries in String Theory
hep-th/9205012 Two-loop finiteness of D=2 supergravity
hep-th/9205013 A Note of W-algebra Realisations
hep-th/9205014 Matrix Model Perturbed by Higher Order Curvature Terms
hep-th/9205015 Conformal Symmetry and Central Charges in 4 Dimensions
hep-th/9205016 Duality and $O(d,d)$ Symmetries in String Theory
hep-th/9205017 c = 1 conformal field theory and the fractional quantum Hall effect
hep-th/9205018 Geometric Interpretation of the Quantum Master Equation in the BRST--anti-BRST Formalism
hep-th/9205019 Charged Topological Solitons in 4+1 Dimensional YMCS Theory
hep-th/9205020 Divergences of Discrete States Amplitudes and Effective Lagrangian in 2D String Theory
hep-th/9205021 Statistical Mechanics of Black Holes
hep-th/9205022 Entropy vs. Action in the (2+1)-Dimensional Hartle-Hawking Wave Function
hep-th/9205023 Stability Analysis of a Stringy Black Hole
hep-th/9205024 Renormalization group trajectories from resonance factorized S-matrices
hep-th/9205025 The Gravitational Field of String Matter
hep-th/9205026 Lorentz invariance of effective strings
hep-th/9205027 Supersymmetry as a Cosmic Censor
hep-th/9205028 Fadeev-Popov Ghosts and 1+1 Dimensional Black Hole Evaporation
hep-th/9205029 Neutrino Masses within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
hep-th/9205030 Quantum Analysis of Jackiw and Teitelboim’s Model for 1+1 D Gravity and Topological Gauge Theory
hep-th/9205031 Topological Models on the Lattice and a Remark on String Theory Cloning
hep-th/9205032 Restricted Supergauge invariance, N=2 Coadjoint Orbit and N=2 Quantum Supergravity
hep-th/9205033 Strong Antigravity. Life in the Shock Wave
hep-th/9205034 Gravity-Matter Couplings from Liouville Theory
hep-th/9205035 Sine-Gordon Solitons as Heterotic Fivebranes
hep-th/9205036 Solitons with integer fermion number
hep-th/9205037 Global Analysis of New Gravitational Singularities in String and Particle Theories
hep-th/9205038 Recent Developments in Classical and Quantum Theories of Connections, Including General Relativity
hep-th/9205039 Constant Solutions of Reflection Equations and Quantum Groups
hep-th/9205040 Partition Functions, Intertwiners and the Coxeter Element
hep-th/9205041 Considerations of One-Modulus Calabi-Yau Compactifications: Picard-Fuchs Equations, Kähler Potentials and Mirror Maps
hep-th/9205042 A New Field Theoretic Approach to Criticality
hep-th/9205043 High Temperature Partition Function of the Rigid String
hep-th/9205044 Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction of Super Kac-Moody Algebra II
hep-th/9205045 Supersymmetric, Integrable Toda Field Theories: The B(1,1) Model
hep-th/9205046 Cosmological String Backgrounds from Gauged WZW Models
hep-th/9205047 Renormalization group equations in curved space-time with non-trivial Topology
hep-th/9205048 Higher derivative quantum gravity with torsion in the conformally Self-Dual Limit
hep-th/9205049 Spontaneous compactification in 2D induced quantum gravity
hep-th/9205050 Effective potential and stability of the rigid membrane
hep-th/9205051 A Multimonopole Solution in String Theory
hep-th/9205052 Scattering of String Monopoles
hep-th/9205053 A Non Degenerate Semi-Classical Lagrangian for Dilaton-Gravity in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9205054 Aspects of N=2 Super-W_n Strings
hep-th/9205055 Correlation Functions of the XXZ model for $Delta<-1$
hep-th/9205056 Global KdV Flows and Stable 2D Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9205057 New Methods of Integration in Matrix Models
hep-th/9205058 A class of finite two - dimensional sigma models and string vacua
hep-th/9205059 Loop Gas Model for Open Strings
hep-th/9205060 Cosmological Implications of Domain Walls due to Duality Invariant Moduli Sector of Superstring Vacua
hep-th/9205061 Quantum-Mechanical Scattering of Charged Black Holes
hep-th/9205062 Four Dimensional Stringy Black Membrane
hep-th/9205063 A Study of Two Dimensional String Theory (PhD Thesis)
hep-th/9205064 The Quantum Double in Integrable Quantum Field Theory
hep-th/9205065 The operator algebra of the discrete state operators in 2D gravity with non-vanishing cosmological constant
hep-th/9205066 Topological 2-form Gravity in Four Dimensions
hep-th/9205067 Discussion of Self-Dual c=24 Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9205068 ERRATA for "One-Loop Threshold Effects in String Unification"
hep-th/9205069 Quantization of a Theory of 2d Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9205070 One-Loop Threshold Effects in String Unification
hep-th/9205071 Novel Symmetry of Non-Einsteinian Gravity in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9205073 Non-perturbative 2d quantum gravity and hamiltonians unbounded from below
hep-th/9205074 Symmetries and Motions in Manifolds
hep-th/9205075 The N=2(4) string is self-dual N=4 Yang-Mills
hep-th/9205076 The Critical Point of Unoriented Random Surfaces with a Non-Even Potential
hep-th/9205077 Edge Currents and Vertex Operators for Chern-Simons Gravity
hep-th/9205078 Four Dimensional 2-Brane Solution in Chiral Gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten Model
hep-th/9205079 Duality of string amplitudes in a curved background
hep-th/9205080 Canonical Transformations in Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9205081 A Heterotic Multimonopole Solution
hep-th/9205083 Solitons reduced from Heterotic fivebranes
hep-th/9205084 Operator Coefficients for Composite Operators in the $(phi^4)_4$ Theory
hep-th/9205085 Composite Operators in QCD
hep-th/9205087 Differential Calculus on the Quantum Superspace and Deformation of Phase Space
hep-th/9205088 Geometry of Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization
hep-th/9205090 Topological Lattice Models in Four Dimensions
hep-th/9205091 Monopoles and Instantons in String Theory
hep-th/9205092 Gauge Invariance for Generally Covariant Systems
hep-th/9205093 Induced (N,0) supergravity as a constrained Osp(N,2) WZWN model and its effective action
hep-th/9205095 About some exact solutions for 2+1 gravity coupled to gauge fields
hep-th/9205097 The One-Loop Five-Graviton Scattering Amplitude and Its Low-Energy Limit
hep-th/9205098 Matching Conditions and Gravitational Collapse in Two-Dimensional Gravity
hep-th/9205101 Interactions of Discrete States with Nonzero Ghost Number \ in $c=1$ $2D$ Gravity
hep-th/9205102 Light Cone $W_n$ Geometry and its Symmetries and Projective Field Theory
hep-th/9205103 Gauge theories of quantum groups
hep-th/9205106 Matrix Model for Discretized Moduli Space
hep-th/9205107 The Origin of Space-Time as $W$ Symmetry Breaking in String Theory
hep-th/9205108 Exact Solutions in Bosonic and Heterotic String Theory
hep-th/9205109 On Integrable Quantum Group Invariant Antiferromagnets
hep-th/9205111 Extended form method of antifield-BRST formalism for BF theories
hep-th/9205112 The Global Problem of Time
hep-th/9205113 Low-Lying States of the Six-Dimensional Fractional Superstring
hep-th/9205114 Information Loss and Anomalous Scattering
hep-th/9205115 Self-Dual Chern-Simons Higgs Systems with an N=3 Extended Supersymmetry
hep-th/9205116 The Edge States of the BF System and the London Equations
hep-th/9205117 An Infinite Number of Commuting Quantum $hat{W}_{infty}$ Charges in the $SL(2,R)/U(1)$ Coset Model
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