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astro-ph/9207001 Cosmic Microwave Background Probes Models of Inflation
astro-ph/9207002 Graceful Exit in Extended Inflation and Implications for Density Perturbations
cond-mat/9207001 Exact Results for a Three-Body Reaction-Diffusion System
cond-mat/9207002 Model of Cluster Growth and Phase Separation: Exact Results in One Dimension
cond-mat/9207003 Fluctuating Interfaces, Surface Tension, and Capillary Waves: An Introduction
cond-mat/9207004 Random Sequential Adsorption on a Line: Mean-Field Theory of Diffusional Relaxation
cond-mat/9207005 On the Harmonic Oscillator Regularization of Partition Functions
cond-mat/9207006 Phase Diagram of a Lattice Microemulsion Model in Two Dimensions
cond-mat/9207007 Low voltage conductance of small tunnel junctions
cond-mat/9207008 Vortex Line Fluctuations in Model High Temperature Superconductors
cond-mat/9207009 Modification of the Magnetic Flux-Line Interaction at a Superconductor’s Surface
cond-mat/9207009 Modification of the Magnetic Flux-Line Interaction at a Superconductor’s Surface
cond-mat/9207010 Unstable Periodic Orbits in the Stadium Billiard
cond-mat/9207011 Numerical study of pattern formation following a convective instability in non-Boussinesq fluids
cond-mat/9207012 Magnetic and Dynamic Properties of the Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
cond-mat/9207013 The Majorana Fermions for Quantum S=1/2 Antiferromagnet?
cond-mat/9207014 Morphology of Amorphous Layers Ballistically Deposited on a Planar Substrate
cond-mat/9207015 Fast-diffusion mean-field theory for k-body reactions in one dimension
cond-mat/9207016 Ferromagnetism of the 1-D Kondo Lattice Model: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
cond-mat/9207017 Transport Properties and Fluctuations in Type II Superconductors Near $H_{c2}$
cond-mat/9207018 Vortex motion and the Hall effect in type II superconductors: a time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory approach
cond-mat/9207019 Duality in Multi-layered Quantum Hall Systems
cond-mat/9207020 Mutual statistics, braid group, and the fractional quantum Hall effect
cond-mat/9207021 Nonlinear Meissner Effect in CuO Superconductors
cond-mat/9207022 Cluster Algorithm for a Solid-On-Solid Model with Constraints
cond-mat/9207023 Melting a copper cluster: Critical droplet theory
cond-mat/9207024 Zero Frequency Current Noise for the Double Tunnel Junction Coulomb Blockade
cond-mat/9207025 Chern-Simons superconductivity
cond-mat/9207026 Critical exponents of the degenerate Hubbard model
cond-mat/9207027 Critical Behavior of Charge Density Waves Below Threshold: Numerical and Scaling Analysis
gr-qc/9207001 Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field and Ashtekar Variables
gr-qc/9207002 Remarks on Pure Spin Connection Formulations of Gravity
gr-qc/9207003 Nonsymmetric Gravity Theories: Inconsistencies and a Cure
gr-qc/9207004 One Formulation for both Lineal Gravities through a Dimensional Reduction
gr-qc/9207005 Degenerate Extensions of General Relativity
gr-qc/9207006 The Spin Holonomy Group In General Relativity
gr-qc/9207007 Comments on Theoretical Problems in Nonsymmetric Gravitational Theory
gr-qc/9207008 The No-Hair Theorem for the Abelian Higgs Model
gr-qc/9207009 Gravitational Waves from an Axi-symmetric Source in the Nonsymmetric Grav. Theory
gr-qc/9207009 Gravitational Waves from an Axi-symmetric Source in the Nonsymmetric Grav. Theory
gr-qc/9207010 The Dirac Equation Is Separable On The Dyon Black Hole Metric
gr-qc/9207011 Centrifugal force in Kerr geometry
hep-lat/9207001 The Effective String of 3D Z_2 Gauge Theory as a c=1 compactified CFT
hep-lat/9207002 Gauge Dependence of Effective Quark Mass and Matrix Elements in Gaugefixed Large $N$ Strong Coupling Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9207003 Kinematics of Multigrid Monte Carlo
hep-lat/9207004 Fermions in Models with Wilson--Yukawa Couplings
hep-lat/9207005 On the Eichten--Preskill Proposal for Lattice Chiral Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9207006 The Phase Diagram of a U(1) Higgs-Yukawa Model at Finite $lambda$
hep-lat/9207007 Recent Results of Multimagnetical Simulations of the Ising Model
hep-lat/9207008 The Theory of Dynamical Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature
hep-lat/9207009 The Schrödinger Functional - a Renormalizable Probe for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9207009 The Schrödinger Functional - a Renormalizable Probe for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9207010 Computation of the Running Coupling in the SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory
hep-lat/9207011 On Heteropolymer Shape Dynamics
hep-lat/9207012 A Proposal for Simulating Chiral Fermions
hep-lat/9207013 The Topological Susceptibility of the Lattice CP(n-1) Model on the Torus and the Sphere
hep-lat/9207014 Lattice Charge Overlap: Towards the Elastic Limit
hep-lat/9207015 1/N Expansion and Particle Spectrum in Induced QCD
hep-lat/9207016 Improving Multigrid and Conventional Relaxation Algorithms for Propagators
hep-lat/9207017 The equivalence of the SU(N) Yang Mills Theory with a Purely Fermionic Model
hep-lat/9207018 Fermion Interactions in the Wilson Yukawa Approach for Lattice Chiral Gauge Theories
hep-lat/9207019 High Precision Verification of the Kosterlitz Thouless Scenario
hep-lat/9207020 Topography of the hot sphaleron Transitions
hep-lat/9207021 Numerical simulation of heavy fermions in an SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R symmetric Yukawa model
hep-lat/9207022 Crossover Between Weakly and Strongly Self-avoiding Random Surfaces
hep-lat/9207023 Multicanonical Spin Glass Simulations
hep-lat/9207024 Large $N$ analysis of the Higgs mass triviality bound
hep-lat/9207025 QCD thermodynamics with two flavors of Wilson quarks at N_t=6
hep-lat/9207026 A Multicanonical Algorithm and the Surface Free Energy in SU(3) Pure Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9207027 A new approach to noncompact lattice qed with light fermions
hep-lat/9207028 Monte Carlo Calculation of Phase Shift in Four Dimensional O(4) $phi^4$ Theory
hep-lat/9207029 Topology of the Yang-Mills Configuration space
hep-lat/9207030 Global Demons in Field Theory : Critical Slowing Down in the Xy Model
hep-lat/9207031 Finite Size Scaling of Probability Distributions in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory and Phi^4 Field Theory
hep-lat/9207032 Topological susceptibility and string tension in the lattice CP(N) models
hep-lat/9207033 A Lower Bound on $T_{SR}/{m_{ m H}}$ in the O(4) Model on Anisotropic Lattices
hep-lat/9207034 Chiral Yukawa models in the planar limit
hep-th/9205104 Universal Bundle, Generalized Russian Formula and Non-Abelian Anomaly in Topological Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9206029 Differential Geometry on Linear Quantum Groups
hep-th/9206060 Unitary Matrix Models and 2D Quantum Gravity (Virasoro constraints modified)
hep-th/9206104 Topological Soliton Multiplets in 4+1 Dimensional YMCS Theory
hep-th/9206113 On the Lagrangian Realization of the WZNW Reductions
hep-th/9206114 Sine-Gordon =/= Massive Thirring, and Related Heresies
hep-th/9207001 All Symmetries of Non-Einsteinian Gravity in $d =2$
hep-th/9207002 Duality in Non-Trivially Compactified Heterotic Strings
hep-th/9207003 Ground state wave functionals for $1+1$-dimensional fermion field theories
hep-th/9207004 dleq1igcup dgeq25$ and Constrained KP Hierarchy from BRST Invariance in the $c eq3$ Topological Algebra
hep-th/9207005 Space-Time Symmetries of Quantized Tensionless Strings
hep-th/9207006 Exactly Solvable Models of 2d Dilaton Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9207007 A New Solution of the Supersymmetric TJ Model by Means of the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method
hep-th/9207008 Infrared and Ultraviolet Finiteness of Topological BF Theory in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9207009 Free Field Representations of Extended Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9207009 Free Field Representations of Extended Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9207010 Free Field Representations and Screening Operators for the $N=4$ Doubly Extended Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9207011 Non-relativistic Fermions, Coadjoint Orbits of winf and String Field Theory at $c=1$
hep-th/9207012 Classical Hamiltonian Reduction and Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9207013 On the two-boson picture of the KP hierarchy
hep-th/9207014 A Note on ``Anomalous" Chiral Gauge Theories
hep-th/9207015 The full set of $c_n$-invariant factorized $S$-matrices
hep-th/9207016 Noncompact Symmetries in String Theory
hep-th/9207017 Bosonization and QCD in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9207018 Quantum Conserved Currents in Supersymmetric Toda Theories
hep-th/9207019 W-Algebras, New Rational Models and Completeness of the c = 1 Classification
hep-th/9207020 Higher Genus Correlators for the Complex Matrix Model
hep-th/9207021 Polymers and Topological Field Theory: A 2 Loop Computation
hep-th/9207022 Phase diagram and two-particle structure of the $Z_3$-chiral Potts model
hep-th/9207023 On the Chiral Rings in N=2 and N=4 Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9207024 The N=2 open string
hep-th/9207025 Singularity analysis in $A_n$ Affine Toda Theories
hep-th/9207026 A quantum group version of quantum gauge theories in two dimensions
hep-th/9207027 Supersymmetric Black Holes from Toda Theories
hep-th/9207028 Vanishing of the Cosmological Constant in Stabilized Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9207029 Conformal fields: a class of representations of Vect(N)
hep-th/9207030 Vect(N) conformal fields and their exterior derivatives
hep-th/9207031 Commuting quantities and exceptional W-algebras
hep-th/9207032 Reduction of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation - a Way of Producing Virasoro Algebra Singular Vectors
hep-th/9207033 On the Problem of the Uniformly Accelerated Oscillator
hep-th/9207034 Quantum Theories of Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9207035 Classification of Superconformal Algebras with Quadratic Non-Linearity
hep-th/9207036 Finite Euler Hierarchies And Integrable Universal Equations
hep-th/9207037 Gott Time Machines Cannot Exist in an Open (2+1)-Dimensional Universe With Timelike Total Momentum
hep-th/9207038 Compensating Fields and Anomalies in Supergravity
hep-th/9207039 Current Algebra in Three Dimensions
hep-th/9207040 Dynkin TBA’s
hep-th/9207041 Link Invariants of Finite Type and Perturbation Theory
hep-th/9207042 Self-Dual Supersymmetry and Supergravity in Atiyah-Ward Space-Time
hep-th/9207043 Self-Dual N=8 Supergravity as Closed N=2(4) Strings
hep-th/9207044 Operator content and modular property of Chern-Simons coupled to a massless scalar
hep-th/9207045 Problems of Naturalness: Some Lessons from String Theory
hep-th/9207046 One-Loop Renormalization in Two-Dimensional Matter-Dilaton Quantum Gravity and Charged Black Holes
hep-th/9207047 Schrodinger Equation for Particle with Friction
hep-th/9207048 $f W_infty$ Gravity - a Geometric Approach
hep-th/9207049 Higher Twisted Sector Couplings of $Z_N$ Orbifolds
hep-th/9207050 A twistor formulation of the heterotic D=10 superstring with manifest (8,0) worldsheet supersymmetry
hep-th/9207051 Loop Variables and the Virasoro Group
hep-th/9207052 Solution of the Master Equation in Terms of the Odd Time Formulation
hep-th/9207053 Electric Magnetic Duality in String Theory
hep-th/9207054 Quantum Field Theory in Spaces with Closed Time-Like Curves
hep-th/9207055 Vortex condensation in a model of random $phi^{4}$-graphs
hep-th/9207056 Einstein manifolds in Ashtekar variables: explicit examples
hep-th/9207057 Inonu-Wigner Contractions of Kac-Moody Algebras
hep-th/9207058 Remarks on the Additional Symmetries and W-Constraints in the Generalized KdV Hierarchy
hep-th/9207059 The vacuum polarization around an axionic stringy black hole
hep-th/9207060 Type II p-branes: the brane-scan revisited
hep-th/9207061 Connection between the Affine and Conformal Affine Toda Models and their Hirota’s Solution
hep-th/9207062 A Note on N=2 Superstrings
hep-th/9207063 Physical Degrees of Freedom in 2-D String Field Theories
hep-th/9207064 Irreversibility of the Renormalization Group Flow in Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9207065 Light-Cone Quantization of the c=2 Matrix Model
hep-th/9207066 The Global Phase Space Structure of the Wess-Zumino-Witten Model
hep-th/9207067 A BRST Operator for non-critical W-Strings
hep-th/9207068 A Quantum Anomaly For Rigid Particles
hep-th/9207069 A New Family of Diagonal Ade-Related Scattering Theories
hep-th/9207070 Horizons Inside Classical Lumps
hep-th/9207071 Ward Identities for Affine-Virasoro Correlators
hep-th/9207072 New N=1 Extended Superconformal Algebras with Two and Three Generators
hep-th/9207073 Integrable N=2 Supersymmetric Field Theories
hep-th/9207074 Quantum Kinks: Solitons at Strong Coupling
hep-th/9207075 R-matrix Approach to Quantum Superalgebras su_{q}(m|n)
hep-th/9207076 Simple Quantum Systems in Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves
hep-th/9207077 Semi-classical Approach to Charged Dilatonic Black Hole in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9207078 BRST cohomology ring in 2D gravity coupled to minimal models
hep-th/9207079 Dilatonic Black Holes, Naked Singularities and Strings
hep-th/9207080 Generalized Classical BRST Cohomology and Reduction of Poisson Manifolds
hep-th/9207081 Quasi-classical limit of KP hierarchy, W-symmetries and free fermions
hep-th/9207082 The sine-Gordon model and the small k^+ region of light-cone perturbation theory
hep-th/9207083 Staggered fermions and chiral symmetry breaking in transverse lattice regulated QED
hep-th/9207084 An introduction to non-commutative differential geometry on quantum groups
hep-th/9207085 Deviations from Scale Invariance near a General Conformal Background
hep-th/9207086 Exact solution of d=1 Kazakov-Migdal induced gauge theory
hep-th/9207087 The Gravitational Field of String Matter When the Dilaton is Massive
hep-th/9207088 String branchings and complex tori and algebraic representations of generalized Krichever-Novikov algebras
hep-th/9207089 From 2D conformal to 4D self-dual theories: quaternionic analyticity
hep-th/9207090 Invariants of Colored Links and a Property of the Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients of $U_q(g)$
hep-th/9207091 Broken sigma-model isometries in very special geometry
hep-th/9207092 A One-Parameter Family of Hamiltonian Structures for the KP Hierarchy and a Continuous Deformation of the Nonlinear $W_{ m KP}$ Algebra
hep-th/9207093 Collective Coordinate Action for Charged Sigma-Model Vortices in Finite Geometries
hep-th/9207094 Chern-Simons Gauge Theory As A String Theory
hep-th/9207095 Quantum Black Holes in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9207096 Double Scaling Limit of the Supervirasoro Constraints
hep-th/9207097 The Large-$N$ Limit of the Two-Hermitian-matrix model by the hidden BRST method
hep-th/9207098 Semi-Classical Quantization of the Many-Anyon System
hep-th/9207099 Energy Spectrum of Anyons in a Magnetic Field
hep-th/9207099 Energy Spectrum of Anyons in a Magnetic Field
hep-th/9207100 Thermal Reservoir coupled to External Field and Quantum Dissipation
hep-th/9207101 Quantum sl_n Toda field theories
hep-th/9207102 W Algebras and Superalgebras from Constrained WZW Models: A Group Theoretical Classification
hep-th/9207103 String Theory Modifies Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9207104 Degenerations of Generalized Krichever Novikov algebras on Tori
hep-th/9207105 Naked and Thunderbolt Singularities in Black Hole Evaporation
hep-th/9207106 The New Charged Massless States of Quantum Electrodynamics
hep-th/9207107 $w_{infty}$-Currents in 3-Dimensional Toda Theory
hep-th/9207108 Lineal gravity from planar gravity
hep-th/9207109 Chiral Rings and Physical States in c<1 String Theory
hep-th/9207110 Relativistic Rigid Particles: Classical Tachyons and Quantum Anomalies
hep-th/9207111 Comment on the Generation Number in Orbifold Compactifications
hep-th/9207112 Planckian Vertices on High Genus Riemann Surfaces
hep-th/9207113 Gravitino one-loop contribution to Planckian Scattering
hep-th/9207114 Smooth Bosonization II: The Massive Case
hep-th/9207115 Towards a path integral for the pure-spin connection formulation of gravity
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