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05 December 2024

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astro-ph/9209001 The Radial Structure of the Galactic Disc
astro-ph/9209002 Extended Hot Gas Halos Around Starburst Galaxies
astro-ph/9209003 The Spectral Index in the CDM Cosmogony
astro-ph/9209004 On the Tail Problem in Cosmology
astro-ph/9209005 Neutrino Flavor Conversion in a Supernova Core
astro-ph/9209006 Inflation at the Electroweak Scale
cond-mat/9209002 New Exactly Solvable Model of Strongly Correlated Electrons Motivated by High T_c Superconductivity
cond-mat/9209003 Interface roughening with a time-varying external driving force
cond-mat/9209004 Combination Rules, Charge Symmetry, and Hall Effect in Cuprates
cond-mat/9209005 Aspects of Spin Dynamics in the Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/9209006 Spin Gaps and Spin Dynamics in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 and YBa_2Cu_3O7_delta
cond-mat/9209007 Spin texture in weakly doped $Cu0_2$ planes explaining magnetic correlation length and Raman scattering experiments
cond-mat/9209008 A Simple Model for Coupled Magnetic and Quadrupolar Instabilities in Uranium Heavy-Fermion Materials
cond-mat/9209009 Spin liquid phase for the frustrated Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a square lattice
cond-mat/9209009 Spin liquid phase for the frustrated Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a square lattice
cond-mat/9209011 Anisotropic Pairing on a Three-Band Fermi Surface for $A_3{ m C}_{60}$
cond-mat/9209012 Completeness of the SO(4) Extended Bethe Ansatz for the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9209013 Quantum Lattice Fluctuations and Luminescence in C_60
cond-mat/9209014 Metal Adatom Induced Corrugation of Cu(001)
cond-mat/9209015 Growth of Metastable High-Order Commensurate Overlayers of Pb on Cu(001)
cond-mat/9209016 Models for Monolayers Adsorbed on a Square Substrate
cond-mat/9209017 Numerical Study of the Wheatley-Hsu-Anderson Interlayer Tunneling mechanism of High $T_c$ Superconductivity
cond-mat/9209018 Fermi-linearization scheme for itinerant electrons with Clifford variables
cond-mat/9209019 Kinetic Roughening in Surfaces of Crystals Growing on Disordered Substrates
cond-mat/9209020 Non-Linear I-V Characteristics of Double Schottky Barriers and Polycrystalline Semiconductors
cond-mat/9209021 Growth Model of Au Films on Ru(001)
cond-mat/9209022 Generalized Coherent States for Dynamical Superalgebras
cond-mat/9209023 Multicritical Points And Reentrant Phenomenon In The BEG Model
cond-mat/9209024 Discrete to Continuous-Time Crossover due to Anisotropy in Diffusion-Limited Two-Particle Annihilation Reactions
cond-mat/9209025 Relaxed Excited State Geometries in a Peierls-Hubbard Model for Polyenes
cond-mat/9209026 Extracting Infinite System Properties from Finite Size Clusters: `Phase Randomization/Boundary Condition Averaging’
cond-mat/9209027 Electron-Phonon Driven Spin Frustration in Multi-Band Hubbard Models: MX Chains and Oxide Superconductors
cond-mat/9209028 Photoinduced charge separation in Q1D heterojunction materials: Evidence for electron-hole pair separation in mixed-halide $MX$ solids
cond-mat/9209029 Polaron excitations in fullerenes: Theory as pi-conjugated systems
cond-mat/9209030 An alternative approach for the dynamics of polarons in one dimension
cond-mat/9209031 Fluxes, Laplacians and Kasteleyn’s Theorem
cond-mat/9209032 Surface reentrance in the semi-infinite spin-1 Ising models
cond-mat/9209033 Theory of adsorbate induced surface reconstruction on W(100)
cond-mat/9209034 Temperature Correlations of Quantum Spins
cond-mat/9210001 Universal criterion for the breakup of invariant tori in dissipative systems
gr-qc/9209001 Quantum Gravity, the Origin of Time and Time’s Arrow
gr-qc/9209002 Results on exact solutions of low energy string theory
gr-qc/9209003 Transformations and BRST-Charges in 2+1 Dimensional Gravitation
gr-qc/9209004 A Quasilocal Test of the Finiteness of the Universe
gr-qc/9209005 The Loss of Unitarity in the Vicinity of a Time Machine
gr-qc/9209006 Asymptotic Behavior of the $T^3 imes R$ Gowdy Spacetimes
gr-qc/9209007 Semiclassical Effects and the Onset of Inflation
gr-qc/9209008 Continuous Family of Einstein-Yang-Mills Wormholes
gr-qc/9209009 Euclidean Maxwell-Einstein Theory
gr-qc/9209009 Euclidean Maxwell-Einstein Theory
gr-qc/9209010 Detection, Measurement and Gravitational Radiation
gr-qc/9209011 The Modular Group, Operator Ordering, and Time in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity
gr-qc/9209012 Quasilocal Energy and Conserved Charges Derived from the Gravitational Action
gr-qc/9209013 Poincaré Gauge Theories for Lineal Garvity
gr-qc/9209014 The Microcanonical Functional Integral. I. The Gravitational Field
gr-qc/9209015 Jordan-Brans-Dicke Quantum Wormholes and Coleman’s Mechanism
hep-lat/9209001 Asymptotic Freedom and Euclidean Quantum Gravity
hep-lat/9209002 Critical Momenta of Lattice Chiral Fermions
hep-lat/9209003 Chern-Simons Currents and Chiral Fermions on the Lattice
hep-lat/9209004 The Finite Temperature Phase Diagram of a U(1) Higgs-Yukawa Model
hep-lat/9209005 High Precision Simulation Techniques for Lattice Field Theory
hep-lat/9209006 Capillary Waves in Binder’s Approach to the Interface Tension
hep-lat/9209007 SU(2) Potentials from Large Lattices
hep-lat/9209008 The Running Coupling from SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9209009 Monopole Percolation and The Universality Class of the Chiral Transition in Four Flavor Noncompact Lattice QED
hep-lat/9209009 Monopole Percolation and The Universality Class of the Chiral Transition in Four Flavor Noncompact Lattice QED
hep-lat/9209010 Universal Properties of Chiral Simmetry Breaking
hep-lat/9209011 A quantitative study of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in a system of two-dimensional plane rotators ( XY model ) by high temperature expansions through $eta^{20}$
hep-lat/9209012 Rotational Symmetry and Regularization Dependence in the $Phi^4_4$-Model
hep-lat/9209013 Surface Tension, Surface Stiffness, and Surface Width of the 3-dimensional Ising Model on a Cubic Lattice
hep-lat/9209014 Glueballs and Hybrid Mesons
hep-lat/9209015 Chern-Simons term and Topological Charge on the Lattice
hep-lat/9209016 Direct Monte Carlo Measurement of the Surface Tension in Ising Models
hep-lat/9209017 Finite-Size Scaling Study of the Three-Dimensional Classical Heisenberg Model
hep-lat/9209018 Lyapunov Exponent of SU(3) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9209019 Multi-quark energies in QCD
hep-lat/9209020 The Phase Diagram of Fluid Random Surfaces with Extrinsic Curvature
hep-lat/9209021 Neural multigrid for gauge theories and other disordered systems
hep-lat/9209022 On the Viability of Lattice Perturbation Theory
hep-lat/9209023 Modified $U(1)$ lattice gauge theory: towards realistic lattice QED
hep-lat/9209024 Multicanonical Cluster Algorithm and the 2-D 7-State Potts Model
hep-lat/9209025 Monte Carlo simulation of lattice ${ m CP}^{N-1}$ models at large N
hep-lat/9209026 Bose Condensation and $Z_N$ Symmetry Breaking in the Mixed Model of Induced QCD
hep-lat/9209027 Chern-Simons term in the 4-dimensional SU(2) Higgs Model
hep-lat/9210001 Non-uniform measure in 4d simplicial quantum gravity
hep-lat/9210002 4d Simplicial Quantum Gravity with a Non-Trivial Measure
hep-lat/9210003 The Running Coupling from SU(3) Gauge Theory
hep-th/9205089 Liouville Models of Black Hole Evaporation
hep-th/9206055 Classical and Quantum Production of Cornucopions At Energies Below $10^{18}$ GeV
hep-th/9208080 Correlation Functions in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
hep-th/9208081 c = 1 Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9209001 Explicit Construction of Spin 4 Casimir Operator in the Coset Model $ hat{SO} (5)_{1} imes hat{SO} (5)_{m} / hat{SO} (5)_{1+m} $
hep-th/9209002 A geometrical interpretation of classical W-transformations
hep-th/9209003 Fermions in the Lowest Landau Level: Bosonization, $W_{infty}$ Algebra, Droplets, Chiral Boson
hep-th/9209004 Group Theoretical Symmetries and Generalized Baecklund Transformations for Integrable Systems
hep-th/9209005 Two-Loop Analysis of Non-abelian Chern-Simons Theory
hep-th/9209006 R-Matrix Formulation of KP Hierarchies and their Gauge Equivalence
hep-th/9209007 BRST-anti-BRST Antifield formalism : The Example of the Freedman-Townsend Model
hep-th/9209008 Semiclassical Approach to Black Hole Evaporation
hep-th/9209009 Deformation of the Wakimoto construction
hep-th/9209009 Deformation of the Wakimoto construction
hep-th/9209010 Factorization and Discrete States in C=1 Superliouville Theory
hep-th/9209011 The Complete Structure of the Cohomology Ring and Associated Symmetries in $D=2$ String Theory
hep-th/9209012 Cosmic Censorship in Two-Dimensional Gravity
hep-th/9209013 The String Universe: High $T_c$ Superconductor or Quantum Hall Conductor?
hep-th/9209014 Free Boson Representation of $U_{q}(hat{sl_{2}})$
hep-th/9209015 Free Boson Representation of $q$-Vertex Operators and their Correlation Functions
hep-th/9209016 Quantization of Dyon Charge and Electric-Magnetic Duality in String Theory
hep-th/9209017 The geometry of supersymmetric coset models and superconformal algebras
hep-th/9209018 The Construction of Mirror Symmetry
hep-th/9209019 Continuum Limit of Spin-1 Chain (the only change is added references)
hep-th/9209020 Fractionally Charged Particles and Supersymmetry Breaking in 4D Strings
hep-th/9209021 Laurent Series Representation for the Open Superstring Free Energy
hep-th/9209022 Perturbative analysis of an n-Ising model on a random surface
hep-th/9209023 String vacuum backgrounds with covariantly constant null Killing vector and 2d quantum gravity
hep-th/9209024 Quantum Soliton Mass Corrections in SL(N) Affine Toda Theory
hep-th/9209025 Renormalization of Couplings in Embedded Random Surfaces
hep-th/9209026 Gauge Invariance in Chern-Simons Systems
hep-th/9209027 Two dimensional baryons in the large N limit
hep-th/9209028 The radial gauge propagators in quantum gravity
hep-th/9209029 A Note on the Algebraic Evaluation of Correlators in Local Chiral Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9209030 Representations of $N=1$ Extended Superconformal Algebras with Two Generators
hep-th/9209031 Invariants of 2+1 Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9209032 Pair Creation of Open Strings in an Electric Field
hep-th/9209033 Non-perturbative interactions in string theory
hep-th/9209034 Semi-infinite cohomology in conformal field theory and 2d gravity
hep-th/9209035 BRST Quantization of 2d-Yang Mills Theory with Anomalies
hep-th/9209036 Interacting Theory of Collective and Topological Fields in 2 Dimensions
hep-th/9209037 A Derivation of the BRST Operator for Non-Critical W-Strings
hep-th/9209038 Functional determinant and Green functions for a fermionic gauge theory on the disk
hep-th/9209039 Quantum Mechanics with Explicit Time Dependence
hep-th/9209040 Integrable Systems and Classification of 2-dimensional Topological Field Theories
hep-th/9209041 Matrix models without scaling limit
hep-th/9209042 Partition Functions for Heterotic WZW Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9209043 WZW Commutants, Lattices, and Level 1 Partition Functions
hep-th/9209044 Gravity in Non-Commutative Geometry
hep-th/9209045 Stringy Instantons
hep-th/9209046 Conformal Turbulence
hep-th/9209047 Exact String Solutions in 2+1-Dimensional De Sitter Spacetime
hep-th/9209048 Locality and Integration in Topological Field Theory
hep-th/9209049 String Spectrum of 1+1-Dimensional Large N QCD with Adjoint Matter
hep-th/9209050 Extrinsic Geometry Sensitive Bosonic String Theory
hep-th/9209051 On Physical States in c<1 String Theory
hep-th/9209052 Boosting Away Singularities from Conformal String Backgrounds
hep-th/9209053 Optimal Hypercontractivity for Fermi Fields and Related Non-Commutative Integration
hep-th/9209054 Algebraic Structures Related to Reflection Equations
hep-th/9209055 Quantum Aspects of Black Holes
hep-th/9209056 Tree Amplitudes in Noncritical $N=2$ Strings
hep-th/9209057 Scattering States and Symmetries in the Matrix Model and Two Dimensional String Theory
hep-th/9209058 Do Black Holes Destroy Information?
hep-th/9209059 Nondiagonal $CP_m$ Coset Models and their Poincar’E Polynomials
hep-th/9209060 Quantum Groups, $q$-Oscillators and Covariant Algebras
hep-th/9209061 Rational Conformal Field Theory and Multi-Wormhole Partition Function in 3-dimensional Gravity
hep-th/9209062 Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST Theory
hep-th/9209063 Differential cross-sections and escape plots for low energy $SU(2)$ BPS magnetic monopole dynamics
hep-th/9209064 Quantum Dilaton Gravity in the Light-cone Gauge
hep-th/9209065 Realisations of $W_3$ Symmetry
hep-th/9209066 An Anyon Primer
hep-th/9209067 A Note on Representations of the $w_infty$ Algebra
hep-th/9209068 Hidden Isometry in a Chiral Gauged WZW Model
hep-th/9209069 Quantum theory of non-abelian differential forms and link polynomials
hep-th/9209070 Black Holes with a Massive Dilaton
hep-th/9209071 Coset Models in Monopole Backgrounds
hep-th/9209072 BRS and Anti-BRS Symmetry in Topological Yang--Mills Theory
hep-th/9209073 Reidemeister torsion, the Alexander polynomial and $U(1,1)$ Chern-Simons theory
hep-th/9209074 Pair Correlator in the Itzykson-Zuber Integral
hep-th/9209075 On the generalized Miura transformation
hep-th/9209076 Lattice Wess-Zumino-Witten Model and Quantum Groups
hep-th/9209077 On polynomial solutions of differential equations
hep-th/9209078 On the holomorphic factorization for superconformal fields
hep-th/9209079 Lie-algebraic approach to the theory of polynomial solutions. I. Ordinary differential equations and finite-difference equations in one variable
hep-th/9209080 Lie-algebraic approach to the theory of polynomial solutions. II. Differential equations in one real and one Grassmann variables and 2x2 matrix differential equations
hep-th/9209081 Non-Perturbative Effects in 2-D String Theory or Beyond the Liouville Wall
hep-th/9209082 Lie-algebraic approach to the theory of polynomial solutions. III. Differential equations in two real variables and general outlook
hep-th/9209083 Correlation Functions in The Itzykson-Zuber Model
hep-th/9209084 Self-Duality and the KdV Hierarchy
hep-th/9209085 Ising Model and $N=2$ Supersymmetric Theories
hep-th/9209086 Quantization of Spinning Particle with Anomalous Magnetic Momentum
hep-th/9209087 Three dimensional field theories from infinite dimensional lie algebras
hep-th/9209088 Generalized Semilocal Theories and Higher Hopf Maps
hep-th/9209089 On Renormalization Group Flow In Matrix Model
hep-th/9209090 Generalised Virasoro Constructions from Affine Inonu-Wigner Contractions
hep-th/9209091 Local symmetry in the Kazakov-Migdal gauge model
hep-th/9209092 Vect(N) Invariants and Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9209093 W-algebras arising as chiral algebras of conformal field theory
hep-th/9209094 On subdivision invariant actions for random surfaces
hep-th/9209095 The phase space of the Wess-Zumino-Witten model
hep-th/9209096 Topological Observables in Semiclassical Field Theories
hep-th/9209097 From hermitian matrix model to lattice gauge theory
hep-th/9209098 Anyonic States in Chern-Simons Theory
hep-th/9209099 Introduction to sh Lie algebras for physicists
hep-th/9209099 Introduction to sh Lie algebras for physicists
hep-th/9209100 On the Continuum Limit of the Conformal Matrix Models
hep-th/9209101 Critical Wilson Lines in Toroidal Compactifications of Heteroric Strings
hep-th/9209102 Cosmic Strings and Chronology Protection
hep-th/9209103 Current Algebras in $3+1$ dimensions
hep-th/9209104 The q-Boson Realizations of the Quantum Group $U_{q}(sl(n+1,C))$
hep-th/9209105 Null vectors of the W_3 algebra
hep-th/9209106 Saddle point solutions in Yang-Mills-dilaton theory
hep-th/9209107 Quaternionic Superconformal Field Theory
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