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14 October 2024

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astro-ph/9311001 Monitoring of active galactic nuclei. V. The Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 279
astro-ph/9311002 Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. VI. Variability of NGC 3783 from ground-based data
astro-ph/9311003 Structural Characteristics and Stellar Composition of Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9311004 Spatial Distribution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
astro-ph/9311005 Colors and color gradients in bulges of galaxies
astro-ph/9311006 Primordial Nucleosynthesis in Conformal Weyl Gravity
astro-ph/9311007 The X-ray Behavior of Two CVs: TT Ari and DP Leo
astro-ph/9311008 Large-scale correlations between QSOs and IRAS galaxies
astro-ph/9311009 Magnetic Activity in Thick Accretion Disks and Associated Observable Phenomena: II. Flux Storage
astro-ph/9311009 Magnetic Activity in Thick Accretion Disks and Associated Observable Phenomena: II. Flux Storage
astro-ph/9311010 Magnetic Activity in Thick Accretion Disks and Associated Observable Phenomena I. Flux Expulsion
astro-ph/9311011 A gravitational lens model for B1422+231
astro-ph/9311012 Microwave Background Anisotropies in Primeval Isocurvature Baryon Models: Constraints on the Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/9311013 Clustering in Redshift Space: Linear Theory
astro-ph/9311014 Reconstruction of the Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/9311015 Radio and Optical Emission, Spectral Shapes and Breaks in GRB
astro-ph/9311016 Molecular Lines in Bok Globules and Around Herbig Ae/be Stars
astro-ph/9311017 Global String Radiation
astro-ph/9311018 Non-Linear Clustering in the Cold+Hot Dark Matter Model
astro-ph/9311019 Convergence properties of finite-difference hydrodynamics schemes in the presence of shocks
astro-ph/9311020 Mapping Moderate Redshift Cluster
astro-ph/9311021 A toolbox for general elliptical gravitational lenses
astro-ph/9311022 Ultraviolet Radiation from Evolved Stellar Populations -- I. Models
astro-ph/9311023 Quasi-Linear Evolution of Compensated Cosmological Perturbations: The Nonlinear Sigma Model
astro-ph/9311024 Polarization of the Microwave Background in Inflationary Cosmology
astro-ph/9311025 On the Galactic Distribution of Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9311026 The X-Ray Background: Observations
astro-ph/9311027 Cosmological Distribution Functions
astro-ph/9311028 Evolution of One-Point Distributions from Gaussian Initial Fluctuations
astro-ph/9311029 Quantum Electrodynamics in the Gravitational Field of a Cosmic String
astro-ph/9311030 Limits on Three-Point Correlations in the COBE-DMR First Year Anisotropy Maps
astro-ph/9311031 Modified-dynamics predictions agree with ovservations of the HI kinematics in faint dwarf galaxies contrary to the conclusions of Lo Sargent and Young
astro-ph/9311032 Morphology of the Interstellar Cooling Lines Detected by COBE
astro-ph/9311033 The Spatial Correlation Function from an X--ray Selected Sample of Abell Clusters
astro-ph/9311034 The Stability of the Angular Two-Point Galaxy Correlation Function
astro-ph/9311035 Gravitational Bending of Light with Frequency Shifts
astro-ph/9311036 Pulsar Braking Index and Mass Accretion
astro-ph/9311037 Non-Linear Axion Dynamics and Formation of Cosmological Pseudo-Solitons
astro-ph/9311038 The Apm Galaxy Survey IV: Redshifts of Rich Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9311039 Early Reionization in Cosmology
astro-ph/9311040 Microwave Anisotropies from Texture Seeded Structure Formation
astro-ph/9311041 Gauge Invariant Cosmological Perturbation Theory
astro-ph/9311042 Dynamics of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9311043 Is Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies Cold Gas? I. Observational Constraints and Dynamical Clues About Galaxy Evolution
astro-ph/9311044 Is Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies Cold Gas? II. Fractal Models and Star Non-Formation
astro-ph/9311045 Gravitational microlensing by the dark halo of M31
astro-ph/9311046 Gravitational microlensing: a method for detecting halo dark matter
astro-ph/9311047 Gravitational microlensing by the halo of the Andromeda galaxy
astro-ph/9311048 Cosmic ray ionization of the interstellar medium
astro-ph/9311049 Effects of Diurnal Modulation in Direct Cold Dark Matter Searches. the Experiment in Sierra Grande
astro-ph/9311050 Gamma-Ray Bursts are Time-Asymmetric
astro-ph/9311051 Microwave backgropund anisotropies, large-scale structure and cosmological parameters
astro-ph/9311052 Testing the Gravitational Instability Hypothesis?
astro-ph/9311054 Cosmology/COBE
astro-ph/9311055 The Quasi-Linear Evolution of the Density Field in Models of Gravitational Instability
astro-ph/9311057 Reconstructing the linear power spectrum of cosmological mass fluctuations
astro-ph/9311058 Neutrino Pair Bremsstrahlung in Neutron Star Crusts: a Reappraisal
astro-ph/9311059 Wiener Reconstruction of Galaxy Surveys in Spherical Harmonics
astro-ph/9311060 The Brightest Stars in Galaxies Are Not Good Distance Indicators -
astro-ph/9311061 Resolving the Beta-Discrepancy for Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9311063 An Analysis of IRAS Identified Hii Regions and their Radio Properties
astro-ph/9311064 Oxygen Abundances in Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9311065 Lyman Alpha Absorption and Tidal Debris
astro-ph/9311066 The Nonlinear Evolution of Rare Events
astro-ph/9311067 Topological Analysis of COBE-DMR CMB Maps
astro-ph/9311069 Cosmic Structure Formation
astro-ph/9311070 Second Order Power Spectrum and Nonlinear Evolution at High Redshift
astro-ph/9311071 Spectral Properties of Blast Wave Models of Gamma-Ray Burst Sources
astro-ph/9311072 Amplitude of Primeval Fluctuations from Cosmological Mass Density Reconstructions
astro-ph/9311073 Geometrical Evidence for Dark Matter: X-ray Constraints on the Mass of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 720
astro-ph/9311074 Arc Statistics with Realistic Cluster Potentials. I. Method and First Results
astro-ph/9311075 A Test of the Adhesion Approximation for Gravitational Clustering
astro-ph/9311076 Quantitative Analysis of Voids in Percolating Structures in Two-Dimensional N-Body Simulations
astro-ph/9311077 The Gravitational Lens System B1422$+$231: Dark Matter, Superluminal Expansion and the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/9312001 Galaxy Groups in Cold + Hot and CDM Universes: Comparison with CfA
cond-mat/9311001 Transitions In Spectral Statistics
cond-mat/9311002 Fermion-Spin Transformation to Implement the Charge-Spin Separation
cond-mat/9311003 Crossover from Fermi Liquid to Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in a Solvable One-Dimensional Model
cond-mat/9311004 Impurities and Quasi-One Dimensional Transport in a D-wave Superconductor
cond-mat/9311005 Low-Temperatures Vortex Dynamics in Twinned Superconductors
cond-mat/9311006 Chaotic Cascades with Kolmogorov 1941 Scaling
cond-mat/9311007 Ground State and Excitations of Disordered Boson Systems
cond-mat/9311008 Resonant Impurity Scattering in a Strongly Correlated Electron Model
cond-mat/9311009 Reunion of Vicious Walkers: Results from $epsilon$-Expansion -
cond-mat/9311009 Reunion of Vicious Walkers: Results from $epsilon$-Expansion -
cond-mat/9311010 Exact Results of Dimerization Order Parameter in $SU(n)$ Antiferromagnetic Chains
cond-mat/9311011 Electronic Structure of Fullerene Anions
cond-mat/9311012 Effective Action Method for Computing Next to Leading Corrections of $O(N)$ Models
cond-mat/9311013 Correlated Electrons in High Temperature Superconductors
cond-mat/9311014 Universality of Period Doubling in Coupled Maps
cond-mat/9311015 Molecule Formation and the Farey Tree in the One-Dimensional Falicov-Kimball Model
cond-mat/9311016 On the Out of Equilibrium Relaxation of the Sherrington - Kirkpatrick model
cond-mat/9311017 Partition Function Zeros for Aperiodic Systems
cond-mat/9311018 Fermi Edge Singularities and Backscattering in a Weakly Interacting 1D Electron Gas
cond-mat/9311019 Descete Spectrum of Delocalized States in One-Dimensional Random Potensial
cond-mat/9311020 Spin Excitations and Sum Rules in the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
cond-mat/9311021 S(k) for Haldane Gap Antiferromagnets: Large-scale Numerical Results vs. Field Theory and Experiment
cond-mat/9311022 Universal conductivity in the boson Hubbard model in a magnetic field
cond-mat/9311023 Edge States in Strong Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9311024 Sum Rules and Bose-Einstein Condensation
cond-mat/9311025 A Mean Field Analysis of One Dimensional Quantum Liquid with Long Range Interaction
cond-mat/9311026 A Simple Formula for the Persistent Current in Disordered 1D Rings: Parity and Interaction Effects
cond-mat/9311027 Kinetic Inductance and Penetration Depth of Thin Superconducting Films Measured by THz Pulse Spectroscopy
cond-mat/9311028 Directed Polymers with Random Interaction : An Exactly Solvable Case -
cond-mat/9311029 Universal subgap optical conductivity in quasi-one-dimensional Peierls systems
cond-mat/9311030 Effects of Long-Range Coupling on Aggregation
cond-mat/9311031 Statistics of self-avoiding walks on randomly diluted lattice
cond-mat/9311032 Markov chain analysis of random walks on disordered medium
cond-mat/9311033 The Hubbard Model: Some Rigorous Results and Open Problems
cond-mat/9311034 Quantum Heisenberg Chain with Long-Range Ferromagnetic Interactions at Low Temperature
cond-mat/9311035 Spin Gaps and Bilayer Coupling in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-delta}$ and YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$
cond-mat/9311036 Monte Carlo study of a vortex glass model
cond-mat/9311037 Quantum Phases of the Shraiman-Siggia Model
cond-mat/9311038 Chiral Operator Product Algebra and Edge Excitations of a Fractional Quantum Hall Droplet
cond-mat/9311039 Simulating `Complex’ Problems with Quantum Monte Carlo
cond-mat/9311040 Tunneling in Quantum Wires: a Boundary Conformal Field Theory Approach
cond-mat/9311041 Invariants of the $1/r^2$ Supersymmetric t-J Models
cond-mat/9311042 Cooper pair tunnelling into a Quantum Hall fluid
cond-mat/9311043 Symmetry of the Gap in Bi2212 from Photoemission Spectroscopy
cond-mat/9311045 Universal Magnetic Properties of Frustrated Quantum Antiferromagnets in Two Dimensions
cond-mat/9311046 Universal Spectral Correlation between Hamiltonians with Disorder
cond-mat/9311047 Breakdown of the Fermi Liquid picture in one dimensional fermion systems: connection with the energy level statistics
cond-mat/9311048 Noise in an ac biased junction. Non-stationary Aharonov-Bohm effect
cond-mat/9311049 Composite Edge States in the $ u=2/3$ Fractional Quantum Hall Regime
cond-mat/9311050 A Unified Model for Two Localisation Problems: Electron States in Spin-Degenerate Landau Levels, and in a Random Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9311051 Parity Effects on Electron Tunneling through Small Superconducting Islands
cond-mat/9311053 The Quantum Hall Effect in Drag: Inter-layer Friction in Strong Magnetic Fields
cond-mat/9311054 Conformal Field Theory Approach to Quantum Impurity Problems
cond-mat/9311055 The three-state Potts model on a triangular lattice
cond-mat/9311056 Phason modes in spin-density wave in the presence of long-range Coulomb interaction
cond-mat/9311058 X-ray Absorption Study of Pulsed Laser Deposited Boron Nitride Films
cond-mat/9311059 Morphological Changes of Small Viscous Droplets under Spreading
cond-mat/9311061 Step edge barriers on GaAs(001)
cond-mat/9311062 Microscopic formulation of the hierarchy of quantized Hall states
cond-mat/9311064 Renormalization Group Calculation for the Reaction $kA ightarrowemptyset$
cond-mat/9311065 Orbital spins of the collective excitations in Hall liquids
cond-mat/9311066 Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with attractive and/or repulsive interactions at quarter filling
cond-mat/9312001 Interacting Domain Walls and the Five-Vertex Model
cond-mat/9312002 Exact Diag. Study of the 1D Disordered XXZ Model
cond-mat/9312003 Stability and Kinetics of Step Motion on Crystal Surfaces
cond-mat/9312004 Overlap, Disorder and Directed Polymers: A Renormalization Group Approach -
cond-mat/9312005 Crossover from the Josephson effect to bulk superconducting flow
cond-mat/9312006 Effect of Iodine Doping on Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$Ca$_{1}$Cu$_{2}$O$_{x}$: Charge Transfer or Interlayer Coupling?
gr-qc/9311001 On quantization of Regge links
gr-qc/9311002 Graviton Mode Function in Inflationary Cosmology
gr-qc/9311003 Local Determination of the Light Deflection in the Sperically Symmetric Static Gravitational Field
gr-qc/9311004 The Hartle-Hawking state for the Bianchi IX model in supergravity
gr-qc/9311005 On kinematical constraints in Regge calculus
gr-qc/9311006 On Einstein’s equations for spacetimes admitting a non-null Killing field
gr-qc/9311007 Equivalent Quantisations of (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity
gr-qc/9311008 The Black Holes of a General Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Theory
gr-qc/9311009 2+1 Gravity and Closed Time-Like Curves
gr-qc/9311009 2+1 Gravity and Closed Time-Like Curves
gr-qc/9311010 Representation Theory of Analytic Holonomy C* Algebras
gr-qc/9311011 Negative Energy Densities in Extended Sources Generating Closed Timelike Curves in General Relativity with and without Torsion
gr-qc/9311012 Weakly decaying asymptotically flat static and stationary solutions to the Einstein equations
gr-qc/9311013 Trapped surfaces in spherical expanding open universes
gr-qc/9311014 First class constraints in Regge calculus
gr-qc/9311015 A Clifford Dyadic Superfield from Bilateral Interactions of Geometric Multispin Dirac Theory
gr-qc/9311016 Quantum Bubble Dynamics in 2+1 Dimensional Gravity I: Geometrodynamic Approach
gr-qc/9311017 What is the Geometry of Superspace ?
gr-qc/9311018 Wigner Functions in Curved Space-Time and Quantum Corrections to Thermal Equilibrium
gr-qc/9311019 A Real Polynomial Formulation of General Relativity in terms of Connections
gr-qc/9311020 Reality Conditions for Lorentzian and Euclidean Gravity in the Ashtekar Formulation
gr-qc/9311021 A completely solvable model with an infinite number of Dirac observables for a real sector of complexified Ashtekar gravity
gr-qc/9311022 Tunnelling geometries I. Analyticity, unitarity and instantons in quantum cosmology
gr-qc/9311023 Tunnelling geometries II. Reduction methods for functional determinants
gr-qc/9311024 Junction Conditions of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Space-Times
gr-qc/9311025 Particle Production and Positive Energy Theorems for Charged Black Holes in deSitter
gr-qc/9311026 van Vleck determinants: traversable wormhole spacetimes
gr-qc/9311027 Gravitational Field of a Moving Point Particle
gr-qc/9311028 Acoustic propagation in fluids: an unexpected example of Lorentzian geometry
gr-qc/9311029 Quantisation of 2+1 gravity for genus 2
gr-qc/9311030 A Kuchav{r} Hypertime Formalism For Cylindrically Symmetric Spacetimes With Interacting Scalar Fields
gr-qc/9311031 Coordinate transformations in Schwarzschild singularity problem
gr-qc/9311032 Semi-Complex Analysis & Mathematical Physics (Corrected Version)
gr-qc/9311033 B^F Theory and Flat Spacetimes
gr-qc/9311034 Testing for Preferred-Frame Effects in Gravity with Artificial Earth Satellites
gr-qc/9311035 A Hamiltonian Formulation of Topological Gravity
gr-qc/9311036 Gravitational Field of a Moving Spinning Point Particle
gr-qc/9311037 Affine Projection Tensor Geometry: Decomposing the Curvature Tensor When the Connection is Arbitrary and the Projection is Tilted
gr-qc/9312001 Loop Representations
gr-qc/9312002 The Off-Shell Black Hole
hep-lat/9311001 The crossover from first to second-order finite size scaling: A numerical study Christian Borgs
hep-lat/9311002 Full QCD on APE100 Machines
hep-lat/9311003 Compact U(1)xU(1) Model with Minimal Interspecies Interaction
hep-lat/9311004 $B o K^* gamma$: Penguins on the Lattice
hep-lat/9311005 The SU(2) $ imes$ SU(2) chiral spin model in terms of SO(3) and Z$_2$ variables: vortices and disorder
hep-lat/9311006 Radial Excited States for Heavy Quark Systems in NRQCD
hep-lat/9311007 A New Approach to the Problem of Dynamical Quarks in Numerical Simulations of Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9311008 Geometric Measurement of Topological Susceptibility on Large Lattices
hep-lat/9311009 The Running Coupling From Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9311009 The Running Coupling From Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9311011 Random Walks in Noninteger Dimension
hep-lat/9311012 The pi-N Sigma term - a lattice investigation
hep-lat/9311013 The ``Spin’’ Structure of the Nucleon - a lattice investigation
hep-lat/9311014 Recent developments in chiral gauge theories: Approach of infinitely many fermi fields
hep-lat/9311015 Chiral determinant on the lattice -- Anomalies and Instantons
hep-lat/9311016 Fixed Point Actions for Lattice Fermions
hep-lat/9311017 An Exact Local Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm for Gauge Theories
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