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14 October 2024
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2024, 1993
12, 5.1993
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astro-ph/9305001 Large-scale Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
astro-ph/9305002 Visibility of Gravitational Lenses and the Cosmological Constant Problem
astro-ph/9305003 Cosmic Rays, II. Evidence for a magnetic rotator Wolf Rayet star origin
astro-ph/9305004 Modelling Non-Axisymmetric Bow Shocks
astro-ph/9305005 AGN and galactic sites of cosmic ray origin
astro-ph/9305006 A Hydrodynamical Analysis of the Burning of a Neutron Star
astro-ph/9305007 Large-Scale Clustering in Bubble Models
astro-ph/9305008 Statistics of N-body Simulations I. Equal Masess Before Core Collapse
astro-ph/9305009 Testing for Gaussianity Through the Three Point Temperature Correlation Function
astro-ph/9305009 Testing for Gaussianity Through the Three Point Temperature Correlation Function
astro-ph/9305011 Structure Formation with Cold + Hot Dark Matter
astro-ph/9305012 The Discovery of Two FU Orionis Objects in L1641
astro-ph/9305013 Molecular Clouds Close to the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9305014 Charged Boson Stars and Vacuum Instabilities
astro-ph/9305015 Gravitational Waves and $gamma$-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9305016 f Combustion Gasdynamics in Proto-Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9305017 High resolution kinematics of galactic globular clusters. II. On the significance of velocity dispersion measurements
astro-ph/9305018 Moments of the Counts Distribution in the 1.2 Jy IRAS Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9305019 Limits on the Primordial Fluctuation Spectrum Void Sizes and CMBR Anisotropy
astro-ph/9305020 The Rate of the Proton-Proton Reaction
astro-ph/9305021 Hydrodynamic Detonation Instability in Electroweak and QCD Phase Transitions
astro-ph/9305022 A Measurement of the Medium-Scale Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
astro-ph/9305023 AG Carinae III. The 1990 hot phase of the star and the physical structure of the circumstellar environment
astro-ph/9305024 A forgotten episode of the $eta ~Car$ light curve in 1860-1865
astro-ph/9305025 Lick Slit Spectra of Thirty-Eight Objective Prism QSO Candidates and Low Metallicity Halo Stars
astro-ph/9305026 The Ultraviolet Emission Properties of Five Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei at High Signal to Noise and Spectral Resolution
astro-ph/9305027 The Orbit of the Binary Star Delta Scorpii
astro-ph/9305028 Lectures on Modern Cosmology and Structure Formation
astro-ph/9305029 The Sensitivity of Ligo to a Stochastic Background, and its Dependance on the Detector Orientations
astro-ph/9305030 ``Sample Variance’’ in Small-Scale CMB Anisotropy Experiments
astro-ph/9305031 Galaxy Redshifts: Improved Techniques
astro-ph/9305032 Redshift distortions of galaxy correlation functions
astro-ph/9305033 Comparing Direct N-Body Integration with Anisotropic Gaseous Models of Star Clusters
astro-ph/9305034 Sinusoidal Gravitational Waves from the Nuclei of Active Galaxies
astro-ph/9305035 Motion of a Solar Mass Compact Object Around a Massive Rotating Black Hole
astro-ph/9305036 Strange Cases from the Files of Astronomical Sociology
astro-ph/9305037 The gamma-ray visibility of supernova remnants: a test of cosmic ray origin
astro-ph/9305038 Reionization and cosmic microwave background distortions: a complete treatment of second order Compton scattering
astro-ph/9405049 Complete normality conditions for the dynamical systems on Riemannian manifolds
cond-mat/9305001 One-dimensional asymmetrically coupled maps with defects
cond-mat/9305002 One Dimensional Oxygen Ordering in YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)
cond-mat/9305003 Performance of Random Lattice Algorithms
cond-mat/9305004 Dilution Effects on Ordering in the ${S=1/2}$ Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on the Square Lattice
cond-mat/9305005 Antiferromagnetic symmetry breaking in the half filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
cond-mat/9305006 Theory of Photoluminescence from a Magnetic Field Induced Two-dimensional Quantum Wigner Crystal
cond-mat/9305007 Electronic Structure and Bonding in Epitaxially Stabilized Cubic Iron Silicides
cond-mat/9305008 Hunds Rule Theory for Heavy Fermion Superconductors
cond-mat/9305009 Anisotropic Electron Coupling as a Phenomenological Model for High-Temperature Superconductors
cond-mat/9305009 Anisotropic Electron Coupling as a Phenomenological Model for High-Temperature Superconductors
cond-mat/9305010 A Numerical Transfer-Matrix Study of Surface-Tension Anisotropy in Ising Models on Square and Cubic Lattices
cond-mat/9305011 Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattice Melting
cond-mat/9305012 Orbits in one-dimensional finite linear cellular automata
cond-mat/9305013 Elastic anomaly of heavy fermion systems in a crystalline field
cond-mat/9305014 Renormalization of Chiral Couplings in Tilted Bilayer Membranes
cond-mat/9305015 Anyons on Higher Genus Surfaces - a Constructive Approach
cond-mat/9305016 Structural Properties of Two-Dimensional Polymers
cond-mat/9305017 Odd Frequency Pairing in the Kondo Lattice
cond-mat/9305018 Spin-Flavor Separation and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior in the Multichannel Kondo Problem: A Large N Approach
cond-mat/9305019 Vertex Models and Quantum Spin Systems: a nonlocal approach
cond-mat/9305020 Critical Behaviour of the 3D XY-Model: A Monte Carlo Study
cond-mat/9305021 Quasi-Fermi Distribution and Resonant Tunneling of Quasiparticles with Fractional Charges
cond-mat/9305022 Spectral sum rules for the Tomonaga-Luttinger model
cond-mat/9305023 Avalanches and the Renormalization Group for Pinned Charge-Density Waves
cond-mat/9305024 Theories for v=1/2 in Single- and Double-Layer Systems
cond-mat/9305025 Vortex Line Fluctuations in Superconductors from Elementary Quantum Mechanics
cond-mat/9305026 Ferromagnetism in the Hubbard Model-- Examples from Models with Degenerate Single-Electron Ground States
cond-mat/9305027 Reconstruction Mechanism of FCC Transition-Metal (001) Surfaces
cond-mat/9305028 Asymptotically exact mean field theory for the Anderson model including double occupancy
cond-mat/9305029 The Solid-on-Solid Surface Width Around the Roughening Transition
cond-mat/9305030 Annihilation of Immobile Reactants on the Bethe Lattice
cond-mat/9305031 Superconductivity in the Anderson Lattice
cond-mat/9305032 Effects of Columnar Pins on Flux Line Dynamics
cond-mat/9305033 Possibilities and Limitations of Gaussian Closure Approximations for Phase Ordering Dynamics
cond-mat/9305034 Wigner Molecules in Nanostructures
cond-mat/9305035 Closed Abrikosov Vortices in a Superconducting Cylinder
cond-mat/9305036 Cluster Variation Approach to the Random-Anisotropy Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model
cond-mat/9305037 Predictions for Impurity-Induced Tc Suppression in the High-Temperature Superconductors
cond-mat/9305038 Role of Van Hove Singularities and Momentum Space Structure in High-Temperature Superconductivity
cond-mat/9305039 Helicity Modulus and Meissner Effect in a Fluctuating Type II Superconductor
cond-mat/9305040 Exclusive Many-Particle Diffusion in Disordered Media and Correlation Functions for Random Vertex Models
cond-mat/9305041 Gutzwiller-Jastrow Wavefunctions for the $1/r$ Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9305042 Solutions to the Multi-Component 1/R Hubbard Model
gr-qc/9304046 Unique Quantum Paths by Continuous Diagonalization of the Density Operator
gr-qc/9304047 Invariant Connections with Torsion on Group Manifolds and Their Application in Kaluza-Klein Theories
gr-qc/9305001 About a Super-Ashtekar-Renteln Ansatz
gr-qc/9305002 Gravitational form factors of the neutrino
gr-qc/9305003 Holomorphic quantum mechanics with a quadratic Hamiltonian constraint
gr-qc/9305004 Form Connections
gr-qc/9305005 Cosmological Constant and Gravitational Repulsion Effect: 1. Homogeneous models with radiation
gr-qc/9305006 The Quantum Sphaleron
gr-qc/9305007 Average Entropy of a Subsystem
gr-qc/9305008 Canonical Quantization of Gravitating Point Particles in 2+1 Dimensions
gr-qc/9305009 On the Distributional Nature of the Energy Momentum Tensor of a Black Hole or What Curves the Schwarzschild Geometry ?
gr-qc/9305009 On the Distributional Nature of the Energy Momentum Tensor of a Black Hole or What Curves the Schwarzschild Geometry ?
gr-qc/9305010 Singularity Free Inhomogeneous Models with Heat Flow
gr-qc/9305011 Actions for Gravity, with Generalizations: A Review
gr-qc/9305012 Quantum Mechanics, Common Sense and the Black Hole Information Paradox
gr-qc/9305013 Massless Minimally Coupled Fields in De Sitter Space: O(4)-Symmetric States Versus De Sitter Invariant Vacuum
gr-qc/9305014 Can Gravitational Waves Prevent Inflation?
gr-qc/9305015 An illustration of 2+1 gravity loop transform troubles
gr-qc/9305016 Initial conditions and unitarity in unimodular quantum cosmology
gr-qc/9305017 Topological Censorship
gr-qc/9305018 Anomalous Fermion Production in Gravitational Collapse
gr-qc/9305019 New Restrictions on Spatial Topology of the Universe from Microwave Background Temperature Fluctuations
gr-qc/9305020 Six ways to quantize (2+1)-dimensional gravity
gr-qc/9305021 Gravitational waves in general relativity: XIV. Bondi expansions and the ``polyhomogeneity’’ of Scri
gr-qc/9305022 The First Law of Black Hole Mechanics
gr-qc/9305023 Mass Formulas for Stationary Einstein-Yang-Mills Black Holes and a Simple Proof of Two Staticity Theorems
gr-qc/9305024 A Proposal for Solving the ``Problem of Time" in Canonical Quantum Gravity
gr-qc/9305025 Solutions to the Wheeler DeWitt Constraint of Canonical Gravity Coupled to Scalar Matter Fields
hep-lat/9305001 SU(2) QCD in the Path Representation: General Formalism and Mandelstam Indentities
hep-lat/9305002 Critical exponents of the three-dimensional classical plane rotator model on the sc lattice from a high temperature series analysis
hep-lat/9305003 The Higgs Model with a Complex Ghost Pair
hep-lat/9305004 Strongly Interacting Higgs Sector in the Minimal Standard Model?
hep-lat/9305005 High-Temperature Series Analyses of the Classical Heisenberg and XY Model
hep-lat/9305006 Finite-Size Scaling at Phase Coexistence
hep-lat/9305007 The $1/N$ expansion of two-dimensional spin models
hep-lat/9305008 On the Logarithmic Triviality of Scalar Quantum Electrodynamics
hep-lat/9305009 Static Scaling Behavior of High-Molecular-Weight Polymers in Dilute Solution: A Reexamination
hep-lat/9305009 Static Scaling Behavior of High-Molecular-Weight Polymers in Dilute Solution: A Reexamination
hep-lat/9305010 Phases of the three-state Potts model in three spatial dimensions
hep-lat/9305011 The Coulomb-Higgs phase transition in Z(8) and q=8 U(1)-Higgs models
hep-lat/9305012 Freezing a Fluid Random Surface
hep-lat/9305013 SU(2) finite temperature phase transition and Michael sum rules
hep-lat/9305014 Undesirable effects of covariance matrix techniques for error analysis
hep-lat/9305015 Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Traffic Flow Models
hep-lat/9305017 Fermionic effective action and the pahse estructure of non compact quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions
hep-lat/9305018 Exploring confinement by cooling: A study of compact QED$_3$
hep-lat/9305019 Compact QED in Landau Gauge: a lattice gauge fixing case study
hep-lat/9305020 Canonical Quantization of Two Dimensional Gauge Fields
hep-lat/9305021 Exact renormalization-group analysis of first order phase transitions in clock models
hep-lat/9305022 Finite Size Analysis of the One-dimensional $q = infty$ Clock Model
hep-lat/9305023 Finite-size and quark mass effects on the QCD spectrum with two flavors
hep-lat/9305024 Variational Approach to Real-Time Evolution of Yang-Mills Gauge Fields on a Lattice
hep-lat/9305025 Nucleon Axial Form Factor from Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9305026 3 Into 2 Doesn’t Go: (almost) chiral gauge theory on the lattice
hep-th/9304155 Heterotic string solutions and coset conformal field theories
hep-th/9304161 A note on quantum structure constants
hep-th/9304164 The basis of the Ponzano-Regge-Turaev-Viro-Ooguri model is the loop representation basis
hep-th/9304165 High-Order Adiabatic Approximation for Non-Hermitian Quantum System and Complexization of Berry’s Phase
hep-th/9305001 The Schrodinger Wave is Observable after All!
hep-th/9305002 Quantum Mechanical Interaction-Free Measurements
hep-th/9305003 The spectrum of the 2D Black Hole, or Does the 2D black hole have tachyonic or W--hair?
hep-th/9305004 QED effective action at finite temperature and density
hep-th/9305005 Multi-field representations of KP hierarchies and multi-matrix models
hep-th/9305006 Two dimensional general covariance from three dimensions
hep-th/9305007 Scaling of Aharonov-Bohm couplings and the dynamical vacuum in gauge theories
hep-th/9305008 The Renormalization Group and the Effective Potential in a Curved Spacetime with Torsion
hep-th/9305009 Higher-Order Lagrangian Theories and Noetherian Symmetries
hep-th/9305009 Higher-Order Lagrangian Theories and Noetherian Symmetries
hep-th/9305010 Derivation of the Verlinde Formula from Chern-Simons Theory and the G/G model
hep-th/9305011 Pressure in Chern-Simons Field Theory to Three-Loop Order
hep-th/9305012 The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model at O(1/N^2)
hep-th/9305013 Two-dimensional topological gravity and equivariant cohomology
hep-th/9305014 Cocycles for Boson and Fermion Bogoliubov Transformations
hep-th/9305015 Towards Three-Dimensional Bethe Ansatz
hep-th/9305016 Entropy of Lovelock Black Holes
hep-th/9305017 Free Boson Representation of $U_q(widehat{sl}_3)$
hep-th/9305018 On the determination of the dilaton-antisymmetric tensor couplings in supergravity theories
hep-th/9305019 Matrx Models: a Way to Quantum Moduli Spaces
hep-th/9305020 Gauge Theory of Relativistic Membranes
hep-th/9305021 Physically meaningful and not so meaningful symmetries in Chern-Simons theory
hep-th/9305022 Combinatorial Invariants from Four Dimensional Lattice Models: II
hep-th/9305023 On the Exact Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Liouville Quantum Gravity in Minkowski Spacetime
hep-th/9305024 String Hypothesis and Characters of Coset CFTs
hep-th/9305025 Singularity-free cosmological solutions of the superstring effective action
hep-th/9305026 Closed String Field Theory: An Introduction
hep-th/9305027 Loop Algebra Moment Maps and Hamiltonian Models for the Painleve Transcendants
hep-th/9305028 Breaking of Topological Symmetry
hep-th/9305029 Explicit Calculation of Multiloop Amplitudes in the Superstring Theory
hep-th/9305030 Tachyon Hair on Two-Dimensional Black Holes
hep-th/9305031 Non Perturbative Solutions and Scaling Properties of Vector, Axial--Vector Electrodynamics in $1+1$ Dimensions
hep-th/9305032 Chern-Simons Theory, Colored-Oriented Braids and Link invariants
hep-th/9305033 The Free Field Representation of SU(3) Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9305034 Lattice Topological Field Theory and First Order Phase Transition
hep-th/9305035 Soliton Solutions of Relativistic Hartree’s Equations
hep-th/9305036 Quantum Heisenberg groups and Sklyanin algebras
hep-th/9305037 Ramond Sector Characters and N=2 Landau-Ginzburg Models
hep-th/9305038 A General Solution of the BV-Master Equation and BRST Field Theories
hep-th/9305039 On the Twisted $N=2$ Superconformal Structure in $2d$ Gravity Coupled to Matter
hep-th/9305040 Black Hole Information
hep-th/9305041 Matrix Models on Large Graphs
hep-th/9305042 The Analytic Structure of Trigonometric S Matrices
hep-th/9305043 The Braiding of Chiral Vertex Operators with Continuous Spins in 2D Gravity
hep-th/9305044 Statistics in the Propositional Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9305045 Diffeomorphism-invariant generalized measures on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations
hep-th/9305046 Quantum Group Schrödinger Field Theory
hep-th/9305047 Large $N$ Phase Transition in Continuum QCD$_2$
hep-th/9305048 A Closed Expression for the Universal R-Matrix in a Non-Standard Quantum Double
hep-th/9305049 Equations of Hydrodynamic Type
hep-th/9305050 The Integrable Mapping as the Discrete Group of Inner Symmetry of Integrable Systems
hep-th/9305051 Chern-Simons theory on an arbitrary manifold via surgery
hep-th/9305052 Renormalization in Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9305053 Integrable hierarchy underlying topological Landau-Ginzburg models of D-type
hep-th/9305054 Canonical Transformations in Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9305055 Abelian and Non-Abelian Dualities in String Bacgrounds
hep-th/9305056 Body Fixed Frame, Rigid Gauge Rotations and Large N Random Fields in QCD
hep-th/9305057 On the Relationship between the Uniqueness of the Moonshine Module and Monstrous Moonshine
hep-th/9305058 Some Correlators of $SU(3)_3$ WZW Models on Higher-Genus Riemann Surfaces
hep-th/9305059 The Super W_3 Conformal Algebra and the Boussinesq Hierarchy
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