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astro-ph/9511101 The Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies and Links to Cosmology
astro-ph/9512070 Automated Detection of Voids in Redshift Surveys
astro-ph/9512137 Extinction Map of Baade’s Window
astro-ph/9512152 Dust Emission from IRC+10216
astro-ph/9512154 Infrared Imaging of Late-Type Stars
astro-ph/9601010 The CTIO Prime Focus CCD: System Characteristics from 1982-1988
astro-ph/9601100 The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: I. Dynamical and Structural Effects
cond-mat/9510045 Measurement of the Far Infrared Magneto-Conductivity Tensor of Superconducting YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-delta }$ Thin Films
cond-mat/9601063 Ballistic Composite Fermions in Semiconductor Nanostructures
cond-mat/9601064 Universal Finite-Size-Scaling Functions
cond-mat/9601065 Strong-coupling expansion for the Hubbard model in arbitrary dimension using slave bosons
cond-mat/9601066 On the low temperature properties and specific anisotropy of pure anisotropically paired superconductors
cond-mat/9601067 Microscopic derivation of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation
cond-mat/9601068 The Exotic Barium Bismuthates
cond-mat/9601069 Statistical mechanics of macromolecular networks without replicas
cond-mat/9601070 Variational Wavefunction for Quantum Antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9601071 Kinetic equation approach to diffusive superconducting hybrid devices
cond-mat/9601072 The long time behavior of initially separated A+B->0 reaction-diffusion systems with arbitrary diffusion constants
cond-mat/9601073 Universality of Charge and Spin Response in Doped Antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9601074 Low frequency admittance of a quantum point contact
cond-mat/9601075 Basic elements of electrical conduction
cond-mat/9601076 Structure-Factor Tail for the Ordering Kinetics of Nonconserved Fields without Topological Defects
cond-mat/9601077 Singular Behaviour of Electrons and of Composite Fermions in a Finite Effective Field
cond-mat/9601078 Numerical Renormalization Group at Criticality
cond-mat/9601081 Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Processes, Operator Algebras and Integrable Quantum Spin Chains
cond-mat/9601082 Experimental Realizations of Integrable Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Biological and Chemical Systems
cond-mat/9601084 Glauber dynamics in a zero magnetic field and eigenvalue spacing statistics
cond-mat/9601085 Charge Transport in Superconductor - Normal Metal Proximity Structures
cond-mat/9601087 New Mechanism of Magnetoresistance in Bulk Semiconductors: Boundary Condition Effects
cond-mat/9601088 Diffusion on a hypercubic lattice with pinning potential: exact results for the error-catastrophe problem in biological evolution
cond-mat/9601089 Critical Behavior of the Sandpile Model as a Self-Organized Branching Process
cond-mat/9601090 Transmission Electron Study of Heteroepitaxial Growth in the BiSrCaCuO System
cond-mat/9601091 Diffusive Dynamics of the Reaction Coordinate for Protein Folding Funnels
cond-mat/9601093 Tunnelling Studies of Two-Dimensional States in Semiconductors with Inverted Band Structure: Spin-orbit Splitting, Resonant Broadening
cond-mat/9601094 Excitons in insulating cuprates
cond-mat/9601095 Collapse of Randomly Linked Polymers
cond-mat/9601096 The Reaction-Diffusion Front for $A+B oemptyset$ in One Dimension
cond-mat/9601097 Magnetophoresis of Tagged Polymers
cond-mat/9601098 Shear Flows and Segregation in the Reaction $A+B oemptyset$
cond-mat/9601099 Theory of Andreev reflection in a junction with a strongly disordered semiconductor
cond-mat/9601100 Numerical simulation of alpha-quartz under non-hydrostatic compression. Memory glass and five-coordinated crystalline phases
cond-mat/9601101 RKKY interaction in Layered Superconductors with Anisotropic Pairing
cond-mat/9601102 On Self-Organized Criticality and Synchronization in Lattice Models of Coupled Dynamical Systems
cond-mat/9601103 How do the properties of a glass depend on the cooling rate? A computer simulation study of a Lennard-Jones system
cond-mat/9601104 Phase separation and valence instabilities in cuprate superconductors. Effective one-band model approach
cond-mat/9601105 On the phase diagram of branched polymer collapse
cond-mat/9601106 Transport Properties, Thermodynamic Properties, and Electronic Structure of SrRuO3
cond-mat/9601107 Equilibrium dynamics of the dissipative two-state system
cond-mat/9601109 Directed Surfaces in Disordered Media
cond-mat/9601110 The Ground State of a Two-Dimensional Electron Liquid in a Weak Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9601111 Surface tension, hydrophobicity, and black holes: The entropic connection
cond-mat/9601112 Gauge Fields and Pairing in Double-Layer Composite Fermion Metals
cond-mat/9601113 Democratic Reinforcement: Learning via Self-Organization
cond-mat/9601114 Interface Proliferation and the Growth of Labyrinths in a Reaction-Diffusion System
cond-mat/9601116 Weak and Strong Localization in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures
cond-mat/9601117 Non-equilibrium DC noise in a Luttinger liquid with impurity
cond-mat/9601118 Molecular Dissociation in Hot, Dense Hydrogen
cond-mat/9601119 Scaling of fluctuation for Directed polymers with random interaction
cond-mat/9601121 A Rotating-Valence-Bond scenario for the 2D Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model
cond-mat/9601123 Topological Defects in the Random-Field XY Model and the Pinned Vortex Lattice to Vortex Glass Transition in Type-II Superconductors
cond-mat/9601124 Quasiparticle Effective Mass for the Two- and Three-Dimensional Electron Gas
cond-mat/9601125 A Field Theory for the Read Operator
cond-mat/9601126 Electronic Band Structure In A Periodic Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9601128 Fractional Exclusion Statistics for the Multicomponent Sutherland Model
cond-mat/9601129 Persistent current in a one-dimensional ring of fractionally charged ``exclusons’’
cond-mat/9601130 Finite-size Scaling and Universality above the Upper Critical Dimensionality
cond-mat/9601131 Glassy Vortex State in a Two-Dimensional Disordered XY-Model
cond-mat/9601132 Fractional Exclusion Statistics for the t-J Model
cond-mat/9601133 Gutzwiller Approximation in Degenerate Hubbard Models
cond-mat/9601134 Inductive Probing of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9601135 Competing Patterns of Signaling Activity in Dictyostelium discoideum
cond-mat/9601137 The Large Scale Energy Landscapes of Randomly Pinned Objects
cond-mat/9601138 Thermodynamics of finite magnetic two-level systems
cond-mat/9601139 A quasi-random spanning tree model for the early river network
cond-mat/9601141 Raman continuum in high-$T_c$ superconductors
cond-mat/9601142 Composite vortex model of the electrodynamics of high-$T_c$ superconductor
cond-mat/9601143 Fluctuative Mechanism of Vortex Nucleation in the Flow of $^4He$
cond-mat/9601145 Origin of spin-gap in CaV$_4$O$_9$: effect of frustration and lattice distortion
cond-mat/9601146 Dimensional Crossover in the Large N Limit
cond-mat/9601149 Theory of Exciton Recombination from the Magnetically Induced Wigner Crystal
cond-mat/9601150 Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of a Bose Condensate
cond-mat/9601151 Periodic Molecular Arrangements from Space Groups
cond-mat/9601153 Berry’s phase and Quantum Dynamics of Ferromagnetic Solitons
cond-mat/9601155 Coherent tunnelling through two quantum dots with Coulomb interaction
cond-mat/9601156 Incoherent tunnelling through two quantum dots with Coulomb interaction
cond-mat/9601157 A New Class of Resonances at the Edge of the Two Dimensional Electron Gas
gr-qc/9504030 Semiclassicality and Decoherence of Cosmological Perturbations
gr-qc/9510041 The Oscillating Universe: an Alternative to Inflation
gr-qc/9510054 Uncertainties of predictions in models of eternal inflation
gr-qc/9601010 The Evolution of Distorted Rotating Black Holes III: Initial Data
gr-qc/9601021 New no-scalar-hair theorem for black-holes
gr-qc/9601027 Coordinate Conditions and Their Implementation in 3D Numerical Relativity
gr-qc/9601028 A Hamiltonian Lattice Theory for Homogeneous Curved Spacetimes in 2+1 Dimensions
gr-qc/9601029 The Lanczos potential for the Weyl curvature tensor: existence, wave equation and algorithms
gr-qc/9601030 Mixed Elliptic and Hyperbolic Systems for the Einstein Equations
gr-qc/9601031 3+1 General Relativity in Hyperbolic Form
gr-qc/9601032 Problems in Black Hole Entropy interpretation
gr-qc/9601033 Relaxation dominated cosmological expansion
gr-qc/9601034 The Rotating Quantum Vacuum
gr-qc/9601035 Validity of the Semiclassical Approximation and Back=reaction
gr-qc/9601036 Algorithms for computer algebra calculations in spacetime I. The calculation of curvature
gr-qc/9601039 Studies in Structure Formation in theories with a repulsive long range gravitational force
gr-qc/9601040 Reply Comment: Comparison of Approaches to Classical Signature Change
gr-qc/9601041 Planary Symmetric Static Worlds with Massless Scalar Sources
gr-qc/9601042 Dirac versus reduced quantization and operator ordering
gr-qc/9601043 Action functionals of single scalar fields and arbitrary--weight gravitational constraints that generate a genuine Lie algebra
gr-qc/9601044 Energy of General Spherically Symmetric Solution in Tetrad Theory of Gravitation
gr-qc/9601045 Black Hole in Thermal Equilibrium with a Spin-2 Quantum Field
gr-qc/9601046 Scientific Knowledge from the Perspective of Quantum Cosmology
gr-qc/9601047 Gravitational Helioseismology?
gr-qc/9601048 Binary inspiral, gravitational radiation, and cosmology
hep-lat/9601010 The Lattice Schrodinger Functional and the Background Field Effective Action
hep-th/9411210 Lectures on 2D Yang-Mills Theory, Equivariant Cohomology and Topological Field Theories
hep-th/9502131 Renormalization Group Properties of Higher-Derivative Quantum Gravity with Matter in $4-varepsilon$ Dimensions
hep-th/9504103 Topological Sectors and Measures on Moduli Space in Quantum Yang-Mills on a Riemann Surface
hep-th/9507166 The Alf’ven Effect and Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9508077 Two observers calculate the trace anomaly
hep-th/9512062 D-branes from M-branes
hep-th/9512079 Singular Vectors of the Topological Conformal Algebra
hep-th/9512085 Integrable Four-Fermi Models with a Boundary and Boson-Fermion Duality
hep-th/9512096 Weak quasitriangular Quasi-Hopf algebra structure of minimal models
hep-th/9512104 Infrared Behaviour of Massless Integrable Flows entering the Minimal Models from phi_31
hep-th/9512116 Non-abelian duality in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories
hep-th/9512154 Nucleation of $P$-Branes and Fundamental Strings
hep-th/9512196 Orbifolds of M-theory
hep-th/9512206 String Field Theory in Rindler Space-Time and String Thermalization
hep-th/9512210 World-Sheet Logarithmic Operators and Target Space Symmetries in String Theory
hep-th/9512219 Five-branes And $M$-Theory On An Orbifold
hep-th/9601010 F & H Monopoles
hep-th/9601066 Geometric Interpretation of Electromagnetism in a Gravitational Theory with Torsion and Spinorial Matter
hep-th/9601067 Orientifold and Type II Dual Pairs
hep-th/9601068 WZNW Models from Non-Standard Bilinear Forms
hep-th/9601069 Exact Solution of Discrete Two-Dimensional R^2 Gravity
hep-th/9601070 Semi-Classical Blocks and Correlators in Rational and Irrational Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9601071 Cohomological Quantum Mechanics And Calculability Of Observables
hep-th/9601073 Hawking Spectrum and High Frequency Dispersion
hep-th/9601075 Tunelling with a Negative Cosmological Constant
hep-th/9601076 Mass generation for gauge fields in the Salam-Weinberg theory without Higgs
hep-th/9601077 M Theory Extensions of T Duality
hep-th/9601080 The O(N) vector model in the large N limit revisited: multicritical points and double scaling limit
hep-th/9601081 The Ward Identity from the Background Field Dependence of the Effective Action
hep-th/9601082 Exact Relation between Einstein and Quadratic Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9601083 Relaxing the Cosmological Moduli Problem
hep-th/9601084 Non-Commutative Geometry and Chiral Perturbation Lagrangian
hep-th/9601085 Dyons and S-Duality in N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theory
hep-th/9601086 Multi-Instanton Effects in QCD Sum Rules for the Pion
hep-th/9601087 Toda Fields of SO(3) Hyper-Kahler Metrics
hep-th/9601088 Bender-Dunne Orthogonal Polynomials and Quasi-Exact Solvability
hep-th/9601089 An approach to the classification of p-brane solitons
hep-th/9601091 Perturbative Quantum (In)equivalence of Dual $sigma$ Models in $2$ dimensions
hep-th/9601092 Higher covariant derivative regularization revisited
hep-th/9601093 Oscillator as a hidden non-Abelian monopole
hep-th/9601094 Quantum Electrodynamics in the Light-Front Weyl Gauge
hep-th/9601095 Higher Covariant Derivative Pauli-Villars Regularization for Gauge Theories in the Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism
hep-th/9601096 Geometry and Duality in Supersymmetric sigma-Models
hep-th/9601097 Electromagnetic Duality and $SU(3)$ Monopoles
hep-th/9601098 D-brane form factors at high energy
hep-th/9601099 On the String Actions for the Generalized Two-dimensional Yang-Mills Theories
hep-th/9601100 Poincare Algebra in Chiral QCD_2
hep-th/9601101 The renormalization group and spontaneous compactification of a higher-dimensional scalar field theory in curved spacetime
hep-th/9601102 M-Theory and String-String Duality
hep-th/9601103 Thermal Conditions for Scalar Bosons in a Curved Space Time
hep-th/9601104 Evaluation of the Free Energy of Two-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9601105 The inverse loop transform
hep-th/9601106 On Duality of Two-dimensional Ising Model on Finite Lattice
hep-th/9601107 Boundary terms and their Hamiltonian dynamics
hep-th/9601110 CP^{N-1} models and the Quantized 2D Black Holes
hep-th/9601111 Quantum mechanical Liouville model with attractive potential
hep-th/9601113 Form Factors and Correlation Functions of the Stress--Energy Tensor in Massive Deformation of the Minimal Models $left( E_n ight)_1 otimesleft( E_n ight)_1/left( E_n ight)_2$
hep-th/9601116 Deformed Heisenberg algebra, fractional spin fields and supersymmetry without fermions
hep-th/9601117 The Beacon of Kac-Moody Symmetry for Physics
hep-th/9601120 Deformations of Differential Calculi
hep-th/9601121 Electric monopoles in generalised $Bwedge F$ theories
hep-th/9601122 Renormalization of Wilson Operators in Minkowski space
hep-th/9601124 Isomorphisms between the Batalin-Vilkovisky antibracket and the Poisson bracket
hep-th/9601126 Dynamical mapping method in nonrelativistic models of quantum field theory
hep-th/9601127 Forward-Backward Squeezing Propagator
hep-th/9601129 Does Coupling To Gravity Preserve Integrability ?
hep-th/9601130 T-S-T dual black hole
hep-th/9601131 Faddeev-Jackiw formalism for a topological-like oscillator in planar dimensions
hep-th/9601132 Average Entropy of a Subsystem
hep-th/9601133 The Effective Lagrangian of QED with a Magnetic Charge
hep-th/9601135 QKZ equation with q =1 and correlation functions of the XXZ model in the gapless regime
hep-th/9601136 Explicit gauge invariant quantization of the Schwinger model on a circle in the functional Schr"odinger representation
hep-th/9601137 Group Theoretical Structure of $N=1$ and $N=2$ Two-Form Supegravity
hep-th/9601138 Multicomponent WKB and Quantization
hep-th/9601140 Asymptotic properties of the solutions of a differential equation appearing in QCD
hep-th/9601141 Minimal bosonization of supersymmetry
hep-th/9601145 Perturbative and non-perturbative monodromies in N=2 heterotic string vacua
hep-th/9601146 Tetrahedral and Cubic Monopoles
hep-th/9601147 Octahedral and Dodecahedral Monopoles
hep-th/9601148 Monopole Scattering with a Twist
hep-th/9601149 Non-canonical Quantization of a Quadratic Constrained System
hep-th/9601153 Advances in Large N Group Theory and the Solution of Two-Dimensional R^2 Gravity
hep-th/9601155 Bosonic Description of Spinning Strings in $2+1$ Dimensions
hep-th/9601156 Efficiency of swimming of micro-organism and singularity in shape space
hep-th/9601157 Spherically Symmetric Istantons of the Scale Invariant SU(2) Gauged Grassmannian Model in d=4
hep-th/9601158 String effects and field theory puzzles with supersymmetry
hep-th/9601159 The Analysis of Time-Space Translations in Quantum Fields
hep-th/9601160 Role of a "Local" Cosmological Constant in Euclidean Quantum Gravity
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