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21 September 2024
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2024, 1996
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astro-ph/9512132 Large-Scale Power-Spectrum from Peculiar Velocities
astro-ph/9603021 Karhunen-Loeve eigenvalue problems in cosmology: how should we tackle large data sets?
astro-ph/9610265 Rapid uniform rotation of protoneutron stars
astro-ph/9610267 Neutral hydrogen at high redshifts as a probe of structure formation - III. Radio maps from N-Body simulations
astro-ph/9610270 A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Mass Estimates for Distant Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9611001 The Butcher-Oemler Effect at Low Redshift: Spectroscopy of Five Nearby Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9611002 Cosmic Minivoids in the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/9611003 B, V, R, I, H and K Images of 86 Face-On Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9611004 HST Observations of Distant Clusters: Implications for Galaxy Evolution
astro-ph/9611005 Differential rotation enhanced dissipation of tides in the PSR J0045-7319 Binary
astro-ph/9611006 Angular momentum transport by gravity waves and its effect on the rotation of the solar interior
astro-ph/9611007 Near-Infrared Synthetic Spectra of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9611008 Lithium Production in Hot Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows in Soft X-Ray Transients
astro-ph/9611009 Optical Synthetic Spectra of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9611009 Optical Synthetic Spectra of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9611010 Keck High Resolution Spectroscopy of PKS 0123+257: Intrinsic Absorption in a Radio Loud Quasar
astro-ph/9611011 A candidate supernova in the ultraluminous galaxy IRAS 12112+0305
astro-ph/9611012 Weak Lensing Detection in CMB Maps
astro-ph/9611013 Ejection of Matter and Energy from NGC 4258
astro-ph/9611014 Standard Physics Solution To The Solar Neutrino Problem?
astro-ph/9611015 The EXOSAT data on GX 339-4: further evidence for an ``intermediate’’ state
astro-ph/9611016 The stellar population of the Globular Cluster M 3. II: CCD photometry of additional 10,000 stars
astro-ph/9611017 Discovery of a bow shock around Vela X-1
astro-ph/9611018 Observational Signature of the `Boundary Layer’ of Galactic and Extragalactic Black Holes
astro-ph/9611019 Global Solutions of Viscous Transonic Flows in Kerr Geometry I: Weak Viscosity Limit
astro-ph/9611020 Solutions of Two Dimensional Viscous Accretion and Winds In Kerr Black Hole Geometry
astro-ph/9611021 Spectral Effects of the Vacuum Resonance in Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters
astro-ph/9611022 Laboratory Synthesis of Molecular Hydrogen on Surfaces of Astrophysical Interest
astro-ph/9611023 Broad band high energy observations of the superluminal jet source GRO J1655-40 during an outburst
astro-ph/9611024 Ultraviolet Imaging Observations of the cD Galaxy in Abell 1795: Further Evidence for Massive Star Formation in a Cooling Flow
astro-ph/9611025 Distribution of Supernovae in Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9611026 High Carbon in I Zwicky 18: New Results from Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy
astro-ph/9611027 Cepheids as Distance Indicators
astro-ph/9611028 Signatures of Stellar Reionization of the Universe
astro-ph/9611029 The colour of the Deep ROSAT X-ray sky fluctuations
astro-ph/9611030 Perspectives for Detection of a Higgsino-like Relic Neutralino
astro-ph/9611031 The nature of intermediate-redshift damped Ly-alpha absorbers
astro-ph/9611032 Distortion of the CMB Spectrum by Primeval Hydrogen Recombination
astro-ph/9611033 A New Method to Estimate Cosmological Parameters Using Baryon Fraction of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9611034 Dissipation of Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Halo
astro-ph/9611035 The Tully-Fisher Relation at Intermediate Redshifts
astro-ph/9611036 Spatially Resolved Kinematics of Distant Galaxies
astro-ph/9611037 On the Fundamental Properties of Dynamically Hot Galaxies
astro-ph/9611038 Imprints of Primordial Voids on the CMB
astro-ph/9611039 High Energy Continuum Spectra from X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/9611040 Where Does Dark Matter Become Important in Elliptical Galaxies?
astro-ph/9611041 Planetary Nebulae as standard candles XI. Application to Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9611042 NGC 4138 - A Case Study in Counterrotating Disk Formation
astro-ph/9611043 The primordial lithium abundance
astro-ph/9611044 Search for TeV Counterparts of Gamma-Ray Bursts with the HEGRA Experiment
astro-ph/9611045 Evidence for an anomalous state in the black-hole candidate 4U 1630-47
astro-ph/9611046 Ring Nebula and Bipolar Outflows Associated with the B1.5 Supergiant Sher #25 in NGC 3603
astro-ph/9611047 Central Engines of AGN: Properties of Collimated Outflows and Applications for Cosmology
astro-ph/9611048 Disk-Corona Models and X-ray Emission from Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/9611049 Constraints on the Galactic Corona Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts From the 3B Catalogue
astro-ph/9611050 Interactions Between Massive Dark Halos And Warped Disks
astro-ph/9611051 The Quadruple Gravitational Lens PG1115+080: Time Delays and Models
astro-ph/9611052 The Globular Cluster Systems of NGC 1400 and NGC 1407
astro-ph/9611053 Intergalactic Helium Absorption in Cold Dark Matter Models
astro-ph/9611054 Unique White Dwarfs Accompanying Recycled Pulsars
astro-ph/9611055 Candidate polar-ring galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9611056 Coalescing neutron stars -- gravitational waves from polytropic models
astro-ph/9611057 Measuring the Rotation Speed of Giant Stars From Gravitational Microlensing
astro-ph/9611058 The OMC-1 molecular hydrogen outflow as a fragmented stellar wind bubble
astro-ph/9611059 Gravitational Microlensing Results from MACHO
astro-ph/9611060 A Theory of Changes and the Fundamental Plane
astro-ph/9611061 On Protostellar Disks in Herbig Ae/Be Stars
astro-ph/9611062 Evolution of Structure in the Intergalactic Medium and the Nature of the Ly-alpha Forest
astro-ph/9611063 Interstellar Filaments and the Statistics of Galactic HI
astro-ph/9611064 Dust and Ionized gas in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9611065 Dark halo mergers and the formation of a universal profile
astro-ph/9611066 Horizontal branch morphology in galactic globular clusters: dense environment is "a" second parameter
astro-ph/9611067 Combined stellar structure and atmosphere models for massive stars. IV. The impact on the ionization structure of single star HII regions
astro-ph/9611068 Combined stellar structure and atmosphere models for massive stars. III. Spectral evolution and revised ionising fluxes of O3-B0 stars
astro-ph/9611069 The luminosity function of dwarf galaxies in four spiral-rich groups
astro-ph/9611070 Near Infrared Imaging of the Hubble Deep Field with The Keck Telescope
astro-ph/9611071 Numerical Simulations Of Advective Flows Around Black Holes
astro-ph/9611072 Unified Accretion Disk Models Around Black Holes and Neutron Stars and Their Spectral Properties
astro-ph/9611073 Aspects of Accretion Processes On a Rotating Black Hole
astro-ph/9611074 Spectral Properties of Galactic and Extragalactic Black Hole Candidates
astro-ph/9611075 New Twists In The Study Of Gravity Wave Emission In Systems With Massive Black Holes
astro-ph/9611076 The Globular Cluster Luminosity Function as a Distance Indicator: Dynamical Effects
astro-ph/9611077 Cosmological Model Predictions for Weak Lensing: Linear and Nonlinear Regimes
astro-ph/9611078 The Rise and Fall of Satellites in Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9611079 NGC 4151 - A unified active galactic nucleus
astro-ph/9611080 Dark Matter
astro-ph/9611081 Timing Measurements and Their Implications for Four Binary Millisecond Pulsars
astro-ph/9611082 Dynamics of Triaxial Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9611083 The Environmental Dependence of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: Implications for Large-Scale Flows
astro-ph/9611084 Spherical accretion onto neutron stars and black holes
astro-ph/9611085 X--ray clusters: towards a new determination of the density parameter of the universe
astro-ph/9611086 The initial conditions of young globular clusters in the LMC
astro-ph/9611087 Search for Old Neutron Stars in molecular clouds: Cygnus Rift and Cygnus OB7
astro-ph/9611088 Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Background Detection with Resonant-Mass Detectors
astro-ph/9611089 X-Ray galaxy clusters: constraints on models of galaxy formation
astro-ph/9611090 Zeta^2 Coronae Borealis, a Spectroscopic Triple System Including an Asynchronous Close Binary
astro-ph/9611091 Summary Talk: Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys (IAU179)
astro-ph/9611092 The Bulge/Disk Connection in Late-type Spirals
astro-ph/9611093 Probing Density Fluctuations at Low and High Redshift
astro-ph/9611094 Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds: I. The physical conditions
astro-ph/9611095 Accretion Disk Evolution With Wind Infall I. General Solution and Application to Sgr A*
astro-ph/9611096 Galactic Drips and How to Stop Them!
astro-ph/9611097 Nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds: II. Implications for heavy element synthesis
astro-ph/9611098 Neutrino-nucleus interaction and supernova r-process nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9611099 Large-Scale Structures Behind the Southern Milky Way from Observations of Partially Obscured Galaxies
astro-ph/9611099 Large-Scale Structures Behind the Southern Milky Way from Observations of Partially Obscured Galaxies
astro-ph/9611100 Constraining the Power Spectrum using Clusters
astro-ph/9611101 Accretion disks around Kerr black holes: vertical equilibrium reviseted
astro-ph/9611102 Analog Optical Transmission of Fast Photomultiplier Pulses Over Distances of 2 km
astro-ph/9611103 Statistical Tests for CHDM and LambdaCDM Cosmologies
astro-ph/9611104 The Shapes and Ages of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9611105 A Measurement of the Cosmological Constant Using Elliptical Galaxies as Strong Gravitational Lenses
astro-ph/9611106 Non-Gaussian Fluctuations and Primordial Black Holes from Inflation
astro-ph/9611107 A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering
astro-ph/9611108 Measuring Omega
astro-ph/9611109 Imaging With STIS: Astronomy at V = 30
astro-ph/9611110 Critical Lines in Gravitational Lenses and the Determination of Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/9611111 Jets and accretion processes in Active Galactic Nuclei: further clues
astro-ph/9611112 The ROSAT Galactic Plane Survey: analysis of a low latitude sample area in Cygnus
astro-ph/9611113 Advective Disks
astro-ph/9611114 Modelling of Infrared emission from Cyg X-3 and the UKIRT IRCAM3 point spread function
astro-ph/9611115 Observational Constraints on the Origins of the Fundamental Plane
astro-ph/9611116 Large scale structure of the universe
astro-ph/9611117 A High Statistics Search for Ultra-High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 and Hercules X-1
astro-ph/9611118 Self-Microlensing in Compact Binary Systems
astro-ph/9611119 Focussing in on H_0
astro-ph/9611120 A sulphur abundance study of NGC 300 by an empirical calibration method
astro-ph/9611121 Stellar Photometry of the Globular Cluster NGC 6229. I. Data Reduction and Morphology of the Brighter Part of the CMD
astro-ph/9611122 New massive X-ray binary candidates from the ROSAT Galactic Plane Survey I - Results from a cross-correlation with OB star catalogues
astro-ph/9611123 Radii and Distances of Cepheids, I., Method and Measurement Errors
astro-ph/9611124 HI Observations of two Molecular Clouds with Extremely Large Velocity Dispersions
astro-ph/9611125 Statistics of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
astro-ph/9611126 Neutrino Gravitational Redshift and the Electron Fraction Above Nascent Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9611127 Extremely Rapid Variations of Water Maser Emission from the Circinus Galaxy
astro-ph/9611128 Improved simulations of the planetary nebula luminosity function
astro-ph/9611129 Permanent Superhumps in V1974 Cyg
astro-ph/9611130 How to make maps from CMB data without losing information
astro-ph/9611131 Rotational mixing in early-type stars: the main-sequence evolution of a 9 Mo star
astro-ph/9611132 Small scale substructure, collapse time and dynamical friction
astro-ph/9611133 Signatures of helical jets
astro-ph/9611134 Discovering Galactic Planets by Gravitational Microlensing: Magnification Patterns and Light Curves
astro-ph/9611135 The High Eccentricity of the Planet Around 16 Cyg B
astro-ph/9611136 Microlensing: Prospects for the Future
astro-ph/9611137 Neutralino Dark Matter
astro-ph/9611138 Cosmic Antiprotons from Neutralino Annihilation in the Galactic halo
astro-ph/9611139 Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: Galaxies in the Coma I Cloud
astro-ph/9611140 Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: The Giant Elliptical NGC 4365
astro-ph/9611141 Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Hubble Constant from WFPC2 Imaging: The Dominant Group Elliptical NGC 5846
astro-ph/9611142 The HI Companions of HII Galaxies and Low Surface Brightness Dwarf Galaxies
astro-ph/9611143 A High Deuterium Abundance in the Early Universe
astro-ph/9611144 Nuclear-to-Outer Rotation Curves of Galaxies in the CO and HI Lines
astro-ph/9611145 On the Uncertainties of the Central Density in Axisymmetric Galaxies due to Deprojection
astro-ph/9611146 A Nuclear Disk and massive BH in NGC 4342
astro-ph/9611147 Reheating and causal thermodynamics
astro-ph/9611148 Clusters and superclusters of galaxies
astro-ph/9611149 Radiative Torques on Interstellar Grains: II. Grain Alignment
astro-ph/9611150 A Morphological Method to Determine Co-Rotation Radii in Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9611151 Globular Cluster Photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope. VI. WF/PC-I Observations of the Stellar Populations in the Core of M13 (NGC 6205)
astro-ph/9611152 Arp 302: Non-starburst Luminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/9611153 On Scaling Laws and Alfvenic Magnetic Fluctuations in Molecular Clouds
astro-ph/9611154 The C/CO Ratio Problem:Chemical Effects of Turbulence
astro-ph/9611155 A Global Perspective on Star Formation
astro-ph/9611156 Mass of the Galaxy Inferred from Outer Rotation Curve
astro-ph/9611157 M Dwarfs From Hubble Space Telescope Star Counts III: The Groth Strip
astro-ph/9611158 Eclipsing Binaries in the OGLE Variable Star Catalog.II. Light Curves of the W UMa-type Systems in Baade’s Window
astro-ph/9611159 Detection of a spiral lens galaxy and optical variability in the gravitational lens system B1600+434
astro-ph/9611160 Coronal X-Ray Emission of HD35850: the ASCA view
astro-ph/9611161 Microlensing, or Galactic Twinkling
astro-ph/9611162 Simple Three-Integral Scale-Free Galaxy Models
astro-ph/9611163 Hubble Space Telescope Images of a Sample of Twenty Nearby Luminous Quasars
astro-ph/9611164 Ambipolar Diffusion and Far-Infrared Polarization from the Galactic Circumnuclear Disk
astro-ph/9611165 Incorporating Radiative Cooling into a Cosmological Hydrodynamic Code
astro-ph/9611166 The Primordial Abundance of He4: An Update
astro-ph/9611167 Equilibrium configurations for quark-diquark stars and the problem of Her X-1 mass
astro-ph/9611168 Testing Tree-Level Perturbation Theory for Large-Scale Structure with the Local Lagrangian Approximation
astro-ph/9611169 A Comparison of Radio Axis with Host Galaxy Plane Axis in Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/9611170 The evidence for the long distance scale with H_0<65
astro-ph/9611171 ASCA observations of the nearby galaxies Dwingeloo 1 and Maffei 1
astro-ph/9611172 Molecules at high Redshift: The Evolution of the Cool Phase of Protogalactic Disks
astro-ph/9611173 The Weak Blue Bump of H2106-099 and AGN De-Reddening
astro-ph/9611174 How to measure CMB power spectra without losing information
astro-ph/9611175 A New Method to Reconstruct the Energy and Determine the Composition of Cosmic Rays from the Measurement of Cherenkov Light and Particle Densities in Extended Air Showers
astro-ph/9611176 Two modes of gas flow in a single barred galaxy
astro-ph/9611177 Force Error Optimization in Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
astro-ph/9611178 Science Driven arguments for a 10 sq.meter, 1 arcsecond X-ray Telescope
astro-ph/9611179 High-Energy Emission from the PSR B1259-63 System near Periastron
astro-ph/9611180 Star Formation History of Elliptical Galaxies from Low-Redshift Evidence
astro-ph/9611181 The Ultramassive White Dwarf EUVE J1746-706
astro-ph/9611182 Evolution in the X-ray Cluster Luminosity Function Revisited
astro-ph/9611183 Evolution of Debris of a Tidally Disrupted Star by a Massive Black Hole: Development of a Hybrid Scheme of the SPH and TVD Methods
astro-ph/9611184 Are Luminous cD Haloes Formed by the Disruption of Dwarf Galaxies?
astro-ph/9611185 Star Counts From HST: Implications for Dark Matter
astro-ph/9611186 Deviations from the Harrison-Zel’dovich spectrum due to the Quark-Gluon to Hadron Transition
astro-ph/9611187 The role of extended corona in formation of emission lines and continuum in AGN
astro-ph/9611188 On gravitational waves emitted by an ensemble of rotating neutron stars
astro-ph/9611189 Angular momentum transport by internal waves in the solar interior
astro-ph/9611190 Topological Defect Models of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9611191 The rate of Supernovae from the combined sample of five searches
astro-ph/9611192 JHK Imaging and Photometry of Low z QSOs and Radio Galaxy
astro-ph/9611193 The Initial Mass Function: Now and Then
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