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astro-ph/9507023 Nucleon Spin Fluctuations and the Supernova Emission of Neutrinos and Axions
astro-ph/9510101 The metallicity distribution of G dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood
astro-ph/9510161 Pixel Lensing Experiment toward the M31 Bulge
astro-ph/9511146 Optimal Smoothing for N-Body Codes
astro-ph/9512008 Large scale clustering from Non-Gaussian texture models
astro-ph/9601195 Cloud Statistics in Numerical Simulations of the ISM
astro-ph/9601196 An Instrument For Investigation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at Intermediate Angular Scales
astro-ph/9601197 A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/9602001 The observed distribution function of peculiar velocities of galaxies
astro-ph/9602002 Interacting and Merging Galaxies
astro-ph/9602003 Spectro-photometric Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies. II. Models with infall
astro-ph/9602004 MHD Turbulence, Cloud Formation and Star Formation in the ISM
astro-ph/9602005 Analysis of the Type Ia Supernova SN1994D
astro-ph/9602006 Implications of White Dwarf Galactic Halos
astro-ph/9602007 Time-Dilation, Log N - Log P, and Cosmology
astro-ph/9602008 The origin of the correlation between the UV and X-rays in NGC 4151
astro-ph/9602009 Direct Imaging of the CMB from Space
astro-ph/9602009 Direct Imaging of the CMB from Space
astro-ph/9602010 Photometric properties of clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/9602011 Looking for the S-Z Effect towards Distant ROSAT Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9602012 The Temperature Dependence of Solar Neutrino Fluxes
astro-ph/9602013 The Palomar Distant Cluster Survey : II. The Cluster Profiles
astro-ph/9602014 A new method to determine Globular Cluster ages
astro-ph/9602015 AGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status Report
astro-ph/9602016 Electron Acceleration and Efficiency in Nonthermal Gamma-Ray Sources
astro-ph/9602017 Explosion Models, Light Curves, Spectra and Ho
astro-ph/9602018 Global textures and the Doppler peaks
astro-ph/9602019 Acoustic Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/9602020 A New Test of Inflation
astro-ph/9602021 Violent Relaxation in Hierarchical Clustering
astro-ph/9602022 Magnetohydrodynamic winds and jets from accretion disks
astro-ph/9602023 Cosmic Microwave Background experiments targeting the cosmic strings Doppler peak signal
astro-ph/9602024 Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Population of Normal Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshifts z>3
astro-ph/9602025 Explosion Models for Type Ia Supernovae: A Comparison with Observed Light Curves, distances, H_o and q_o
astro-ph/9602026 The Proximity Effect, the UV Background and the Statistics of the Lyman-Alpha Lines at High Resolution
astro-ph/9602027 A Possible Mechanism for Wiggling Protostellar Jets from 3D Simulations in a Stratified Ambient Medium
astro-ph/9602028 Gamma-rays from Galactic Black Hole Candidates with Stochastic Particle Acceleration
astro-ph/9602029 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9602030 Secular Evolution in Barred Galaxies
astro-ph/9602031 Large-scale magnetic fields from hydromagnetic turbulence in the very early universe
astro-ph/9602032 Probing the Age of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9602033 Anisotropic Observations in Universes with Nonlinear Inhomogeneity
astro-ph/9602034 General relativistic radiative transfer in hot astrophysical plasmas: a characteristic approach
astro-ph/9602035 Probing the dynamics of cluster-lenses
astro-ph/9602036 Quasar-Cluster Associations and Gravitational Lensing by Large-Scale Matter Clumps
astro-ph/9602037 Proper Motions Of VLBI Lenses, Inertial Frames and The Evolution of Peculiar Velocities
astro-ph/9602038 Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9602039 Spherical Harmonic Analysis of the Angular Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9602040 Satellite design parameters for detecting coherence in the microwave sky
astro-ph/9602041 Luminosity Functions of Elliptical Galaxies at z < 1.2
astro-ph/9602042 Surface temperature of a magnetized neutron star and interpretation of the ROSAT data. II
astro-ph/9602043 Strange stars: Which is the ground stage of QCD at finite baryon number
astro-ph/9602044 Galaxy morphology to I=25 mag in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9602045 Physics potentials of pp and pep solar neutrino fluxes
astro-ph/9602046 Ionized gas in early-type galaxies: Its effect on Mgb and other stellar line-strength indices
astro-ph/9602047 Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Globular Clusters in M31 II: Structural Parameters
astro-ph/9602048 A Study of Cross-Correlation and Breakfinding Algorithms Applied to the Measurements of Redshifts in Very Low Resolution Spectra
astro-ph/9602049 The gravitational lens CFRS14.1311 = HST 14176+5226
astro-ph/9602050 Cosmological Implications of the First Measurement of the Local ISM Abundance of $^3$He
astro-ph/9602051 The Mass-Function of Low Mass Halo Stars: Limits on Baryonic Halo Dark Matter
astro-ph/9602052 The Correlation Function of Clusters of Galaxies and the Amplitude of Mass Fluctuations in the Universe
astro-ph/9602053 Arcs from a Universal Dark-Matter Halo Profile
astro-ph/9602054 Hierarchical Clustering and Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9602055 Revisiting Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Primordial Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9602056 A Homologous Recycling Model for Hot Galactic Coronae
astro-ph/9602057 Constraints on the Horizontal-Branch Morphology of the Globular Cluster M79 (NGC 1904) from Optical and Far-UV Observations
astro-ph/9602058 Globular Cluster Evolution in M87 and Fundamental Plane Ellipticals
astro-ph/9602059 The X-ray Structure of A399 and A401: A Pre-Merging Cluster Pair
astro-ph/9602060 Fossil Signatures of Ancient Accretion Events in the Halo
astro-ph/9602061 The X-ray halo of the Local Group and its implications for microwave and soft X-ray background
astro-ph/9602062 Detection of Large Scale Structure in a $B < 17^{m}$ Galaxy Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9602063 Building a Cosmological Hydrodynamic Code: Consistency Condition, Moving Mesh Gravity and SLH-P3M
astro-ph/9602064 The Luminosity Function of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9602065 How Does the Sun Shine?
astro-ph/9602066 The level of agreement between theoretical and observed globular cluster luminosity functions
astro-ph/9602067 Growth of Velocity Dispersions for Collapsing Spherical Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9602068 Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Blazar Markarian 421
astro-ph/9602069 Diffuse Ionized Gas in Spiral Galaxies: Probing Photon Leakage from HII Regions?
astro-ph/9602070 Loop Corrections in Non-Linear Cosmological Perturbation Theory II. Two-point Statistics and Self-Similarity
astro-ph/9602071 Large nucleation distances from impurities in the cosmological quark-hadron transition
astro-ph/9602072 The large-scale Gravitational Bias from the Quasilinear Regime
astro-ph/9602073 The Soft and Medium--Energy X--Ray Variability of NGC 5548: A Reanalysis of EXOSAT Observations
astro-ph/9602074 The Broad Line Regions of NGC 4151
astro-ph/9602075 The X-ray halo of the Local Group and the CMB quadrupole
astro-ph/9602076 Formation rate of gravitational structures and the cosmic X-ray background radiation
astro-ph/9602077 Astroparticle physics - A Personal Outlook
astro-ph/9602078 Galaxy Clustering Around Nearby Luminous Quasars
astro-ph/9602079 Chaos and Mixing in Triaxial Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9602080 Properties of the X-ray brightest Abell-type clusters of galaxies (XBACs) from ROSAT All-Sky Survey data --- I. The sample
astro-ph/9602081 Transport processes in anisotropic gravitational collapse
astro-ph/9602082 Abundance and Clustering of C IV Absorption Systems in the SCDM, LCDM and CHDM Models
astro-ph/9602083 New Southern Galaxies With Active Nuclei. Part II
astro-ph/9602084 HST Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of NGC 1741- a Nearby Template for Distant Energetic Starbursts
astro-ph/9602085 Evolution of the Hubble Sequence in Hierarchical Models for Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9602086 Galaxy Pairwise Velocity Distributions on Non-Linear Scales
astro-ph/9602087 The Nuclear Level Density and the Determination of Thermonuclear Rates for Astrophysics
astro-ph/9602088 Ages of galaxy bulges and disks from optical and near-infrared colors
astro-ph/9602089 Wind accretion in binary stars II. Accretion rates
astro-ph/9602090 The search and investigation of the Large Groups of Quasars
astro-ph/9602091 Cluster correlation functions in N-body simulations
astro-ph/9602092 The symbiotic system in quasars: black hole, accretion disk and jet
astro-ph/9602093 Resolved imaging of extra-solar planets with future 10-100km optical interferometric arrays
astro-ph/9602094 Linear potentials and galactic rotation curves - detailed fitting
astro-ph/9602095 Preheating and symmetry restoration in collisions of vacuum bubbles
astro-ph/9602096 The Square Kilometer Array: new challenges for cosmology
astro-ph/9602097 Magnetic Fields and Large Scale Structure in a hot Universe. I. General Equations
astro-ph/9602098 Scale Lengths in Disk Surface Brightness as probes of Dust Extinction in 3 Spiral Galaxies: M 51, NGC 3631 and M 100
astro-ph/9602099 Galactic Rotation Curves and Linear Potential Laws
astro-ph/9602099 Galactic Rotation Curves and Linear Potential Laws
astro-ph/9602101 Galactic versus Extragalactic Pixel Lensing Events toward M31
astro-ph/9602102 On the Nature of the Bursting X-Ray Pulsar GRO J1744-28
astro-ph/9602103 The non-linear correlation function and the shapes of virialized halos
astro-ph/9602104 Can a ``natural’’ three-generation neutrino mixing scheme satisfy everything?
astro-ph/9602105 A Weak Gravitational Lensing Analysis of Abell 2390
astro-ph/9602106 Non-axisymmetric, scale-free, razor-thin discs
astro-ph/9602107 Gravitational waves from pulsars: emission by the magnetic field induced distortion
astro-ph/9602108 Composition of Primary Cosmic Rays Beyond the ``Knee’’from Emulsion Chamber Observations
astro-ph/9602109 Quasar Radio Structure in Cluster Environments
astro-ph/9602110 Galaxy evolution at low redshift? -- I. Optical counts
astro-ph/9602111 Non-minimal coupling of the scalar field and inflation
astro-ph/9602112 Galton--Watson branching processes and the growth of gravitational clustering
astro-ph/9602113 Is there a correlation between radio and gamma ray luminosities of AGN ?
astro-ph/9602114 The quiescent light curve and orbital period of GRO~J0422+32
astro-ph/9602115 Leptonic origin of TeV gamma-rays from Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/9602116 Entropy Perturbations due to Cosmic Strings
astro-ph/9602117 The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST II: Empirical Models and Structural Parameters
astro-ph/9602118 The Luminosity Function Evolution of Soft X--ray selected AGN in the RIXOS survey
astro-ph/9602119 Galaxy Formation in Hierarchical Models
astro-ph/9602120 Strong Redshift Clustering of Distant Galaxies
astro-ph/9602121 A Proto-Galaxy Candidate at z=2.7 Discovered by Its Young Stellar Population
astro-ph/9602122 Scheduled Discoveries of 7+ High-Redshift Supernovae: First Cosmology Results and Bounds on q_0
astro-ph/9602123 K Corrections For Type Ia Supernovae and a Test for Spatial Variation of the Hubble Constant
astro-ph/9602124 Observation of Cosmological Time Dilation using Type Ia Supernovae as Clocks
astro-ph/9602125 The Type Ia Supernova Rate at z ~ 0.4
astro-ph/9602126 The Extraordinary Abundances of QSO Broad Absorption Line Regions: A Matter of Novae?
astro-ph/9602127 NGC 4314. III. Inflowing Molecular Gas Feeding a Nuclear Ring of Star Formation
astro-ph/9602128 "Understanding" cosmological bulk viscosity
astro-ph/9602129 A Search for Hard X-Ray Emission from Globular Clusters - Constraints from BATSE
astro-ph/9602130 Rotation And Magnetic Evolution Of Superconducting Strange Stars
astro-ph/9602131 Cosmic string formation and the power spectrum of field configurations
astro-ph/9602132 Ages of globular clusters: a new approach
astro-ph/9602133 The Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and the Radial Transport of Vertical Magnetic Flux
astro-ph/9602134 Clustering statistics and dynamics
astro-ph/9602135 Chaotic Amplification of Neutrino Chemical Potentials by Neutrino Oscillations in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9602136 Observational constraints on the Internal Structure and Dynamics of the Vela Pulsar
astro-ph/9602137 The Peculiar Motions of Elliptical Galaxies in Two Distant Regions - I. Cluster and Galaxy Selection
astro-ph/9602138 Fluorine production in intermediate-mass stars
astro-ph/9602139 Secular Evolution of Galaxy Morphologies
astro-ph/9602140 Abell 3627: A Nearby, X-ray Bright, and Massive Galaxy Cluster
astro-ph/9602141 UCSB South Pole 1994 CMB anisotropy measurement constraints on open and flat-Lambda CDM cosmogonies
astro-ph/9602142 A Counter-rotating Bulge in the Sb Galaxy NGC 7331
astro-ph/9602143 Sonoluminescence in Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9602144 Fundamental Aspects of the ISM Fractality
astro-ph/9602145 Very Cold Gas and Dark Matter
astro-ph/9602146 The Turbulent Interstellar Medium: Generalizing to a Scale-dependent Phase Continuum
astro-ph/9602147 The population of galaxies in the distant clusters Cl 1613+3104 and Cl 1600+4109
astro-ph/9602148 CMB radiation power spectrum in CDM open universes up to 2nd order perturbations
astro-ph/9602149 The Peculiar Velocity Function of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9602150 Matter/Microwave Correlations in an Open Universe
astro-ph/9602151 Dynamics of Inner Galactic Disks: The Striking Case of M100
astro-ph/9602152 Observability of Early Evolutionary Phases of Galaxies at mm Wavelengths
astro-ph/9602153 Counter-rotating bars within bars
astro-ph/9602154 Light amplification by gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theories of gravity
astro-ph/9602155 Broad Band Polarimetry of Supernovae: SN1994D, SN1994Y, SN1994ae, SN1995D and SN 1995H
astro-ph/9602156 Polarization of SN 1987A Revisited
astro-ph/9602157 Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopic Observations of the Ejecta of SN 1987A at 2000 Days
astro-ph/9602158 The Role of Binaries in the Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9603001 DT/T beyond linear theory
astro-ph/9603002 Clumpy ultracompact HII regions -- II. Cores, spheres and shells from subsonic flows
astro-ph/9603003 Clumpy ultracompact HII regions -- III. Cometary morphologies around stationary stars
astro-ph/9603004 Using Oblique Decision Trees for the Morphological Classification of Galaxies
astro-ph/9603005 Mapping the cold dust in edge-on galaxies at 1.2 mm wavelength
cond-mat/9504107 The Single-Particle density of States, Bound States, Phase-Shift Flip, and a Resonance in the Presence of an Aharonov-Bohm Potential
cond-mat/9601115 Ground state and excitations of the extended Hubbard model
cond-mat/9601152 Disordered Electrons in a Strong Magnetic Field: Transfer Matrix Approaches to the Statistics of the Local Density of States
cond-mat/9602001 Phenomenological Transport Equation for the Cuprate Metals
cond-mat/9602002 A tentative Replica Study of the Glass Transition
cond-mat/9602003 Depinning transition of a directed polymer by a periodic potential: a d-dimensional solution
cond-mat/9602004 Level Statistics and Localization for Two Interacting Particles in a Random Potential
cond-mat/9602005 Magnetic coupling in mesoscopic metal/ferromagnet layered systems
cond-mat/9602006 Universality in the Three-Dimensional Hard-Sphere Lattice Gas
cond-mat/9602007 Monte Carlo simulations of random copolymers at a selective interface
cond-mat/9602008 Chaotic Signatures in the Spectrum of a Quantum Double Well
cond-mat/9602009 Diffusion-annihilation dynamics in one spatial dimension
cond-mat/9602009 Diffusion-annihilation dynamics in one spatial dimension
cond-mat/9602010 Invasion percolation and global optimization
cond-mat/9602011 Self-Organized Criticality and $1/f$ Noise in Traffic
cond-mat/9602012 Mass Extinctions vs. Uniformitarianism in Biological Evolution
cond-mat/9602013 Random Spin-1 Quantum Chains
cond-mat/9602014 Calculation of the average Green’s function of electrons in a stochastic medium via higher-dimensional bosonization
cond-mat/9602015 Zero--Bias Anomaly in Finite Size Systems
cond-mat/9602016 Magnetic and Transport Properties of (La,Sr)MnO$_3$
cond-mat/9602017 Spin Excitation Spectrum of La$_{1-x}A_x$MnO$_3$
cond-mat/9602018 Distribution of level curvatures for the Anderson model at the localization-delocalization transition
cond-mat/9602019 Glass state of superfluid 3He-A in aerogel
cond-mat/9602020 Monte Carlo Renormalization of the 3-D Ising model: Analyticity and Convergence
cond-mat/9602021 Normal state property of the t-J model
cond-mat/9602022 On the spin--boson model with a sub--Ohmic bath
cond-mat/9602023 Avalanche Dynamics of Crack Propagation and Contact Line Depinning
cond-mat/9602024 Distribution of overlap profiles in the one-dimensional Kac-Hopfield model
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