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astro-ph/9507009 A method for subtracting foregrounds from multi-frequency CMB sky maps
astro-ph/9510147 The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes in Hierarchical Clustering Models
astro-ph/9603001 DT/T beyond linear theory
astro-ph/9603002 Clumpy ultracompact HII regions -- II. Cores, spheres and shells from subsonic flows
astro-ph/9603003 Clumpy ultracompact HII regions -- III. Cometary morphologies around stationary stars
astro-ph/9603004 Using Oblique Decision Trees for the Morphological Classification of Galaxies
astro-ph/9603005 Mapping the cold dust in edge-on galaxies at 1.2 mm wavelength
astro-ph/9603006 Brightest Cluster Galaxy Profile Shapes
astro-ph/9603007 How small were the first cosmological objects?
astro-ph/9603008 A Study of Time Variations of UV Continuum and Emission Lines in 3C390.3
astro-ph/9603009 Model Independent Predictions of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis from he4 and li7: Consistency and Implications
astro-ph/9603009 Model Independent Predictions of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis from he4 and li7: Consistency and Implications
astro-ph/9603011 Abundances of light elements in metal-poor stars. I. Atmospheric parameters and a new T_eff scale
astro-ph/9603012 Faint galaxies close to QSOs with damped Lyman-alpha absorption systems
astro-ph/9603013 Introductory Overview of Eulerian and Lagrangian Perturbation Theories
astro-ph/9603014 Cepheids, supernovae and the value of $H_0$
astro-ph/9603015 Long-range (fractal) correlations in the LEDA database
astro-ph/9603016 Power Spectrum Analysis of the Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9603017 A CMBR Measurement Reproduced: A Statistical Comparison of MSAM1-94 to MSAM1-92
astro-ph/9603018 Resonant Relaxation in Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9603020 Are Hubble Deep Field Galaxy Counts Whole Numbers?
astro-ph/9603022 Dynamical Evolution of Galaxy Groups. A comparison of two approaches
astro-ph/9603023 "Not too old" metal deficient stellar populations: the case of metallicity Z=0.00001
astro-ph/9603024 Optical and X-ray properties of the RIXOS AGN: I - The continua
astro-ph/9603025 The Pulsating Pre-White Dwarf Star PG 0122+200
astro-ph/9603026 Particle Dark Matter
astro-ph/9603027 Gaseous Galactic Halos and QSO Absorption Line Systems
astro-ph/9603030 ROSAT Observations of BL Lacertae Objects
astro-ph/9603031 Nonlinear evolution of cosmological power spectra
astro-ph/9603032 Structure of Stationary Photodissociation Fronts
astro-ph/9603033 A Line of Sight Approach to Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
astro-ph/9603035 Hubble Deep Field Constraint on Baryonic Dark Matter
astro-ph/9603036 Close Approach during Hard Binary--Binary Scattering
astro-ph/9603037 ROSAT/HRI and ASCA observations of the most luminous X-ray cluster RXJ1347.5-1145
astro-ph/9603039 High-Order Correlations of Peaks and Halos: a Step toward Understanding Galaxy Biasing
astro-ph/9603040 The APM Bright Galaxy Catalogue
astro-ph/9603041 Line profile variations in $gamma$ Doradus
astro-ph/9603042 Destruction of the Galactic Globular Cluster System
astro-ph/9603043 M=1 and 2 Gravitational Instabilities in Gaseous Disks: I. Diffuse Gas
astro-ph/9603044 Supernova Neutrino Scattering Rates Reduced by Nucleon Spin Fluctuations: Perturbative Limit
astro-ph/9603046 Diffuse gamma-rays from galactic halos
astro-ph/9603047 Photometric Signatures of Starbursts in Interacting Galaxies and the Butcher-Oemler Effect
astro-ph/9603048 Multiscaling
astro-ph/9603049 Structures in the Mirror Universe
astro-ph/9603050 A Weak Gravitational Lensing and X-ray Analysis of Abell 2163
astro-ph/9603051 Cosmological Bounds to the Magnetic Moment of Heavy Tau Neutrinos
astro-ph/9603052 On Determining the Topology of the Observable Universe via 3-D Quasar Positions
astro-ph/9603053 Optical and Magnetic Properties of Dust Grains
astro-ph/9603054 Measures of the galaxy clustering
astro-ph/9603056 Hubble Space Telescope Planetary Camera Images of NGC 1316
astro-ph/9603057 ASCA Observations of the Composite Warm Absorber in NGC 3516
astro-ph/9603058 Color Evolution from z=0 to z=1
astro-ph/9603059 Luminosity Function of the Perigalactocentric Region
astro-ph/9603060 Ages of globular clusters: breaking the age-distance degeneracy with the luminosity function
astro-ph/9603061 Supersonic turbulence in the ISM: stellar extinction determinations as probes of the structure and dynamics of dark clouds
astro-ph/9603062 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshifts z>3
astro-ph/9603063 The Fundamenal Plane in CL0024 at z=0.4: Implications for the Evolution of the Mass-to-Light Ratio
astro-ph/9603064 Observability of secondary Doppler peaks in the CMBR power spectrum by experiments with small fields
astro-ph/9603065 On the deprojection of triaxial galaxies with St"ackel potentials
astro-ph/9603066 A Comparison of X-ray and Radio Emission from the Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
astro-ph/9603067 Disc galaxies with multiple triaxial structures. II. JHK surface photometry and numerical simulations
astro-ph/9603068 Large Scale Power Spectrum from Peculiar Velocities Via Likelihood Analysis
astro-ph/9603070 Cosmological Deuterium Abundance and the Baryon Density of the Universe
astro-ph/9603071 Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis in Light of Discordant Deuterium Measurements
astro-ph/9603072 Regarding the Deceleration of the Universe
astro-ph/9603073 Multifractal structure of Ly$alpha$ clouds: An example with the spectrum of QSO 0055--26
astro-ph/9603075 Spectrum of Initial Perturbations in Open and Closed Inflationary Models
astro-ph/9603076 H_0 from HST
astro-ph/9603077 On the 110 keV Feature From A0535+26: Direct Evidence For A Near-Critical Magnetic Field
astro-ph/9603078 Diagnostics of a Subsurface Radial Outflow From a Sunspot
astro-ph/9603079 Comment on a Paper by Fang, Huang, and Wu
astro-ph/9603080 Exchange Cross Sections for Hard Binaries
astro-ph/9603081 Cold Dark Matter Models
astro-ph/9603082 Evidence for an Intense Neutrino Flux during $r$-Process Nucleosynthesis?
astro-ph/9603083 Can FU Orionis Outbursts Regulate the Rotation Rates of T Tauri Stars?
astro-ph/9603084 High Deuterium Abundance in a New Quasar Absorber
astro-ph/9603085 Emergence of Filamentary Structure in Cosmological Gravitational Clustering
astro-ph/9603086 Search for molecular absorption in the tori of active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/9603087 Cosmological Implications of Two Conflicting Deuterium Abundances
astro-ph/9603088 A companion to a quasar at redshift 4.7
astro-ph/9603089 Dormant dwarf spheroidal galaxies, deactivated by Type Ia supernovae
astro-ph/9603090 Two-Phase Cooling Flows with Magnetic Reconnection
astro-ph/9603091 The X-Ray Spectral Variability of Mrk 766
astro-ph/9603092 The age of the oldest globular clusters
astro-ph/9603093 Detection of Dynamical Structures Using Color Gradients in Galaxies
astro-ph/9603094 Numerical calculation of linear modes in stellar disks
astro-ph/9603095 A Photon Splitting Cascade Model of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters
astro-ph/9603096 The Linear Sizes of Quasars and Radio Galaxies in the Unified Scheme
astro-ph/9603097 A Parallel Tree Code
astro-ph/9603098 Quasi-Coherent Oscillations in the Extreme Ultraviolet Flux of the Dwarf Nova SS Cygni
astro-ph/9603099 The Relationship Between the High Energy Continuum and Emission Lines in QSOs: A Low-Redshift Sample
astro-ph/9603100 X-Ray Emission from M32: X-Ray Binaries or a micro-AGN?
astro-ph/9603101 A Comparison of X-ray and Strong Lensing Properties of Simulated X-ray Clusters
astro-ph/9603102 The luminosity function of cluster galaxies: relations among M_1, M* and the morphological type
astro-ph/9603103 WFPC2 Observations of Star Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds: I. The LMC Globular Cluster Hodge 11
astro-ph/9603105 Limits on Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing and the Primordial Deuterium Abundance
astro-ph/9603106 Kinematics of the Outer Stellar Halo
astro-ph/9603107 Radial pulsation frequencies of slowly rotating neutron stars
astro-ph/9603108 Quasi-molecular Satellites of Lyman Beta in the Spectrum of the DA White Dwarf WOLF 1346
astro-ph/9603109 Generalized Statistics and Solar Neutrinos
astro-ph/9603110 The Pulsed Soft X-Ray Emission from PSR 0656+14
astro-ph/9603111 Constraints on Cosmic Ray propagation from Radio Continuum data of NGC 2146
astro-ph/9603112 Correlation Between BATSE Hard X-ray Spectral and Timing Properties of Cygnus X-1
astro-ph/9603113 Is the luminosity distribution of field galaxies really flat ?
astro-ph/9603114 An IR Study of the Velocity Structure of the Cometary Compact HII region G29.96-0.02
astro-ph/9603115 Near Infrared Spectroscopy of the Ultracompact HII region G45.12+0.13
astro-ph/9603116 Hydra Code Release
astro-ph/9603117 Gravitational Wave Emission From a Binary Black Hole System in Presence of an Accretion Disk
astro-ph/9603118 Two Distinct Modes In The Low (Hard) State Of Cyg X-1 And 1E1740-294
astro-ph/9603119 Microlensing
astro-ph/9603120 HI ``Tails’’ from Cometary Globules in IC1396
astro-ph/9603122 The origin of galactic disks with exponential z-profiles
astro-ph/9603123 Radio observations of gamma-ray blazars
astro-ph/9603124 The Distribution of Barred Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/9603126 Comment on "Brown Dwarfs, Quark Stars, and Quark-Hadron Phase Transition"
astro-ph/9603128 Linearization Instability of Gravitational Waves Interacting with Matter in General Relativity
astro-ph/9603130 A quantitative model of the FIR/radio correlation for normal late-type galaxies
astro-ph/9603131 Rotation curves for spiral galaxies and non-Newtonian gravity: A phenomenological approach
astro-ph/9603132 The Structure and Dynamical Evolution of Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/9603134 Super-Giant Glitches and Quark Stars: Sources of Gamma Ray Bursts?
astro-ph/9603135 The origin of rotation, dense matter physics and all that: a tribute to Pavle Savic
astro-ph/9603136 Heterodyne Spectroscopy of the 63 $mu$m O I Line in M42
astro-ph/9603138 Neutrino Trapping in a Supernova and Ion Screening
astro-ph/9603139 Quantifying the Topology of Large-Scale Structure
astro-ph/9603141 TGRS Observation of the Galactic Center Annihilation Line
astro-ph/9603143 Circumnuclear starbursts in barred galaxies
astro-ph/9603144 Delayed GeV--TeV Photons from Gamma-Ray Bursts Producing High-Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9603146 Identification of a high redshift cluster in the field of Q2345+007 through deep BRIJK’ photometry
astro-ph/9603147 Search For Rapid X-ray Variability from the Black-Hole Candidate GRO J1655-40
astro-ph/9603148 Extreme Microlensing
astro-ph/9603149 The Redshift Distribution and Luminosity Functions of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9603150 Large-Scale Structure in Mixed Dark Matter Models with a Non-thermal Volatile Component
astro-ph/9603151 Ion-supported tori: a thermal bremsstrahlung model for the X-ray Background
astro-ph/9603152 Extreme X-ray Variability In The Narrow-Line QSO PHL 1092
astro-ph/9603153 Analysis of Galaxy Formation with Hydrodynamics
astro-ph/9603154 1100 Days of BATSE Observations of Cygnus X-1
astro-ph/9603155 Local Lagrangian Approximations for the Evolution of the Density Distribution Function in Large-Scale Structure
astro-ph/9603157 The Cosmic Background Radiation
astro-ph/9603159 The Speed of Cooling Fronts and the Functional Form of the Dimensionless Viscosity in Accretion Disks
astro-ph/9603161 Compact Radio Sources and Nuclear Activity in Seyfert Galaxies
cond-mat/9601080 A Renormalization-Group approach to the Coulomb Gap
cond-mat/9601136 Raman Response in Doped Antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9602165 Coulomb Blockade and Digital Single-Electron Devices
cond-mat/9603001 Electron-electron interactions and two-dimensional - two-dimensional tunneling
cond-mat/9603002 Correlations, compressibility, and capacitance in double-quantum-well systems in the quantum Hall regime
cond-mat/9603003 A self consistent field approach to surfaces of compressible polymer blends
cond-mat/9603004 Methods for a Nonuniform Bose Gas
cond-mat/9603005 Surface Contribution to Raman Scattering from Layered Superconductors
cond-mat/9603006 Re-entrant resonant tunneling
cond-mat/9603007 On War: The Dynamics of Vicious Civilizations
cond-mat/9603008 Evidence for a Bilayer Quantum Wigner Solid
cond-mat/9603009 Topological Doping of Correlated Insulators
cond-mat/9603009 Topological Doping of Correlated Insulators
cond-mat/9603010 Composite Fermion Edge States and Transport Through Nanostructures in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime
cond-mat/9603011 Near-Surface Long-Range Order at the Ordinary Transition
cond-mat/9603012 Relaxational behavior of the infinite-range Ising spin-glass in a transverse field
cond-mat/9603013 The Magnetization of the 3D Ising Model
cond-mat/9603014 The Entropy of the K-Satisfiability Problem
cond-mat/9603015 Localization Effects in ac-driven Tight-Binding Lattices
cond-mat/9603016 Why Do Proteins Look Like Proteins?
cond-mat/9603017 Conformations of Randomly Linked Polymers
cond-mat/9603018 Ultrametricity and Memory in a Solvable Model of Self-Organized Criticality
cond-mat/9603019 Optical conductivity associated with solitons in the Peierls state as modified by zero-point-motion disorder
cond-mat/9603020 Density-matrix renormalization-group method in momentum space
cond-mat/9603021 Casimir Terms and Shape Instabilities for Two-Dimensional Critical Systems
cond-mat/9603022 Exact diagonalization of the quantum supersymmetric $SU_q(n|m)$ model
cond-mat/9603023 Few interacting particles in a random potential
cond-mat/9603024 Giant Low Temperature Heat Capacity of GaAs Quantum Wells near Landau Level Filling $ u$=1
cond-mat/9603025 Convergent expansions for properties of the Heisenberg model for CaV$_4$O$_9$
cond-mat/9603026 Magnetic field relaxation in ferromagnetic Ising systems
cond-mat/9603027 Kinetics of Phase Ordering in a Two-Component Fluid Membrane
cond-mat/9603028 Superfluid-Insulator Transition of Interacting Multi-Component Bosons
cond-mat/9603029 Theory of Interacting Quantum Gases
cond-mat/9603030 Microscopic Theory for Long Range Spatial Correlations in Lattice Gas Automata
cond-mat/9603031 Exact single spin flip for the Hubbard model in $d=infty$
cond-mat/9603032 Logarithmic Temperature Dependence of Conductivity at Half Filled Landau Level
cond-mat/9603033 Calculated Schwoebel barriers on Si(111) steps using an empirical potential
cond-mat/9603034 Scaling analysis of a model Hamiltonian for Ce$^{3+}$ impurity in a cubic metal
cond-mat/9603035 Schwoebel barriers on Si(111) steps and kinks
cond-mat/9603036 Exact results for nucleation-and-growth in one dimension
cond-mat/9603037 Orthogonal localized wave functions of an electron in a magnetic field
cond-mat/9603038 Dynamics of Spreading of Chainlike Molecules with Asymmetric Surface Interactions
cond-mat/9603039 Theory for Spin-Polarized Oscillations in Nonlinear Magneto-Optics due to Quantum Well States
cond-mat/9603040 The London penetration depth of strongly coupled isotropic superconductors : low temperature behaviour
cond-mat/9603041 Anti-phase locking in a two-dimensional Josephson junction array
cond-mat/9603042 Ferromagnetism in multi--band Hubbard models: From weak to strong Coulomb repulsion
cond-mat/9603043 Form factors approach to current correlations in one dimensional systems with impurities
cond-mat/9603044 ARPES Study of the Superconducting Gap Anisotropy in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8+x
cond-mat/9603045 Localization of a Polymer with Internal Constraints
cond-mat/9603046 Influence of Hole Doping on Antiferromagnetic Real-Space Approaches for the High-Tc Cuprates
cond-mat/9603047 Boundary Effects and the Order Parameter Symmetry in High-Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/9603048 Critical domain size in a driven diffusive system
cond-mat/9603049 Droplet Free Energy Functional for the Morphology of Martensites
cond-mat/9603050 Quench Induced Vortices in the Symmetry Broken Phase of Liquid $^4$He
cond-mat/9603051 Low frequency spectroscopy of the correlated metallic system $Ca_xSr_{1-x}VO_3$
cond-mat/9603052 Dynamically Driven Renormalization Group
cond-mat/9603053 Auger decay of degenerate and Bose-condensed excitons in Cu$_2$O
cond-mat/9603054 Electronic and Magnetic Structure of LaCuO$_{2.5}$
cond-mat/9603055 Excitations in Spin Chains and Specific-Heat Anomalies in Yb(4)As(3)
cond-mat/9603056 Macros and Multiscale Dynamics in Spin Glasses
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