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astro-ph/9510010 Chaos, Fractals and Inflation
astro-ph/9510117 Small Scale Cosmological Perturbations: An Analytic Approach
astro-ph/9511071 A Method to Estimate the Primordial Power Spectrum from CMB Data
astro-ph/9512102 Cold Dark Matter Models with a Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/9603019 Synthetic Spectra and Mass Determination of the Brown Dwarf Gl229B
astro-ph/9603142 Thermal Evolution of Compact Stars
astro-ph/9603145 Gravitational Shapiro phase shift on pulsars’ period to detect Dark Matter
astro-ph/9603160 The Dynamical Inverse Problem for Axisymmetric Stellar Systems
astro-ph/9604001 Conditions for Successful Extended Inflation
astro-ph/9604002 Mass Determination With Gravitational Microlensing
astro-ph/9604003 Gamma-ray emission and spectral evolution of pair plasmas in AGN jets
astro-ph/9604004 Radiation Induced Void in the Spectrum of TOL 1038-2712
astro-ph/9604005 The Signature of a Correlation between $>10^{19}{ m eV}$ Cosmic Ray Sources and Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/9604006 Low Hubble Constant from Type Ia Supernovae by van den Bergh’s Method
astro-ph/9604007 Galactic Cosmic Strings as Sources of Primary Antiprotons
astro-ph/9604008 Far-UV Line Strengths in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9604009 Standard Solar Neutrinos
astro-ph/9604009 Standard Solar Neutrinos
astro-ph/9604010 Near-infrared and optical broadband surface photometry of 86 face-on disk dominated galaxies. IV. Using color profiles to study stellar and dust content of galaxies
astro-ph/9604011 Gravitational Microlensing in the Local Group
astro-ph/9604012 Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Images of Five Circumnuclear Star-Forming Rings
astro-ph/9604013 The tidally induced warping, precession and truncation of accretion discs in binary systems: three-dimensional simulations
astro-ph/9604014 Microlensing and the Stellar Mass Function
astro-ph/9604015 Binary--single-star scattering VI. Automatic Determination of Interaction Cross Sections
astro-ph/9604016 Binary--single-star scattering VII. Hard Binary Exchange Cross Sections for Arbitrary Mass Ratios: Numerical Results and Semi-Analytic Fits
astro-ph/9604017 Globular Clusters in the Inner Regions of NGC5128 (Cen A)
astro-ph/9604018 Non-isothermal X-ray Emitting Gas in Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9604019 Observations of Electrons from the Decay of Solar Flare Neutrons
astro-ph/9604020 Nonlinear Cosmological Power Spectra in Real and Redshift--Space
astro-ph/9604021 APM z>4 QSO Survey: Spectra and Intervening Absorption Systems
astro-ph/9604022 Large-Scale Outflows in Edge-On Seyfert Galaxies. II. Kiloparsec-scale Radio Continuum Emission
astro-ph/9604023 The Production of Sodium and Aluminum in Globular Cluster Red Giant Stars
astro-ph/9604024 VLBI observations of the 6.7 and 12.2 GHz methanol masers associated with NGC 6334F
astro-ph/9604025 Time-Symmetrized Kustaanheimo-Stiefel Regularization
astro-ph/9604026 The Nuclear Jet in M81
astro-ph/9604027 The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Variable Stars in Globular Clusters - II. Fields 5139D-F in Omega Centauri
astro-ph/9604028 The Canada-France Redshift Survey XII: Nature of emission-line field galaxy population up to z = 0.3
astro-ph/9604029 Distribution and Content of Dust in Overlapping Galaxy Systems
astro-ph/9604030 HS2324+3944: discovery of non-radial pulsations in a hydrogen-rich PG1159 star
astro-ph/9604031 Einstein Radii from Binary Lensing Events
astro-ph/9604032 Evolution of Cluster and Field Ellipticals at $0.2 < z < 0.6$ in the CNOC Cluster Survey
astro-ph/9604033 Topological Defects and the Formation of Structure in the Universe
astro-ph/9604034 Constraints on the Cosmic Structure Formation Models from Early Formation of Giant Galaxies
astro-ph/9604035 Quark Matter, Massive Stars and Strange Planets
astro-ph/9604036 The distance of the Fornax Cluster based on Globular Cluster Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/9604037 A multidimensional hydrodynamic code for structure evolution in cosmology
astro-ph/9604038 Large-scale structure in a new deep IRAS galaxy redshift survey
astro-ph/9604039 The European Large Area ISO Survey: ELAIS
astro-ph/9604040 Pulse Profiles of Millisecond Pulsars
astro-ph/9604041 A Reanalysis of Small Scale Velocity Dispersion in the CfA1 Survey
astro-ph/9604042 A Keck HIRES Investigation of the Metal Abundances and Kinematics of the z=2.46 Damped Lya System Toward Q0201+365
astro-ph/9604043 Effects of Shocks on Emission from AGN’s Central Engines -- I
astro-ph/9604044 The Hubble constant from $^{56}$Co-powered Nebular Candles
astro-ph/9604045 K Giants in Baade’s Window. II. The Abundance Distribution
astro-ph/9604046 Adding Long-Wavelength Power to N-body Simulations
astro-ph/9604047 Prompt And Delayed Radio Bangs At Kilohertz By SN 1987A: A Test For Graviton-Photon Conversion
astro-ph/9604048 Gasdynamics in NGC 4736
astro-ph/9604049 The Effect of the Galactic Spheroid on Globular Cluster Evolution
astro-ph/9604050 The Bar-enhanced Star-formation Activities in Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9604051 The Small Scale Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: A Comparison of Cosmological Simulations
astro-ph/9604052 The fragment mass scale of the primordial gas clouds I
astro-ph/9604053 Modelling the 1.8 MeV Sky: Tests for Spiral Structure
astro-ph/9604054 1.8 MeV Emission from the Carina Region
astro-ph/9604055 On star formation in primordial protoglobular clouds
astro-ph/9604056 Stochastic particle acceleration at shocks in the presence of braided magnetic fields
astro-ph/9604057 Search for 1.809 MeV Emission of 26Al from nearby Supernova Remnants using COMPTEL
astro-ph/9604058 F06296$+$5743 : A Very Massive Starburster ?
astro-ph/9604059 Primordial gravitational waves : a probe of the early universe
astro-ph/9604060 Microwave Background Anisotropies Due to the Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect of the Lyman-alpha Forest
astro-ph/9604061 The MSW effect in a fluctuating matter density
astro-ph/9604062 Radio Continuum and Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9604063 CO vs HI Rotations of Galaxies
astro-ph/9604064 On the Possible Variations of the Hubble Constant with Distance
astro-ph/9604065 The Distribution of Galaxies in Voids
astro-ph/9604066 Starbursts and the Butcher-Oemler effect in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/9604067 HST Photometry of 47 Tuc and Analysis of the Stellar Luminosity Function in Milky-Way Clusters
astro-ph/9604068 The morphological segregation of galaxies in clusters. II. The properties of galaxies in the Coma cluster
astro-ph/9604069 Dynamics of the Bar at the Galactic Centre
astro-ph/9604070 The Extragalactic Distance Scale
astro-ph/9604071 The Omega Dependence of the Evolution of xi(r)
astro-ph/9604072 Model neutron star atmospheres with low magnetic fields. 1. Atmospheres in radiative equilibrium
astro-ph/9604073 Electron $ u ar{ u}$ Bremsstrahlung in a Liquid Phase of Neutron Star Crusts
astro-ph/9604074 Resolution of the Solar Neutrino Anomaly
astro-ph/9604075 An Instability in the Radiative Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen/Helium Gas
astro-ph/9604076 Extragalactic symbiotic systems --- IV. The supersoft X-ray source SMC 3
astro-ph/9604077 Evolution of the angular momentum of protogalaxies from tidal torques: Zel’dovich approximation
astro-ph/9604078 Non-linear evolution of the angular momentum of protostructures from tidal torques
astro-ph/9604079 Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades Cluster: a CCD-based R,I survey
astro-ph/9604080 Spectroscopy of New Substellar Candidates in the Pleiades: Towards a Spectral Sequence for Young Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/9604081 Hydrodynamic Simulations of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9604082 Near-infrared Observations of the Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS~07131-0147
astro-ph/9604083 Ionization by early quasars and Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies
astro-ph/9604084 An analytic approximation to the isothermal sphere
astro-ph/9604085 The Supernova Remnant G11.2-0.3 and its central Pulsar
astro-ph/9604086 The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The General Catalog of Stars in the Galactic Bulge. I. The Stars in the Central Baade’s Window OGLE Field BWC
astro-ph/9604087 Pure Luminosity Evolution models for faint field galaxy samples
astro-ph/9604088 Jets and the emission-line spiral structure in IRAS 04210+0400
astro-ph/9604089 GRO J1744-28: Last Gasps of a Dying Low-mass X-ray Binary
astro-ph/9604090 Optically identified QSO absorption systems and galaxy evolution
astro-ph/9604091 Cosmic Emissivity and Background Intensity from Damped Lyman-Alpha Galaxies
astro-ph/9604092 The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST III: Non-Parametric Recovery of Stellar Luminosity Distributions
astro-ph/9604093 Highest Energy Cosmic Rays, Grand Unified Theories, and the Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background
astro-ph/9604094 The late emission of thermonuclear supernovae
astro-ph/9604095 Halo White Dwarfs and the Hot Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/9604096 Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies I : Keck Results at Redshifts to z ~ 1
astro-ph/9604097 Soft versus Hard X-ray emission in AGN: partial covering and warm plus cold absorber models
astro-ph/9604098 On the Propagation of Extragalactic High Energy Cosmic and Gamma-Rays
astro-ph/9604099 The Corrected Log N-Log Fluence Distribution of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9604099 The Corrected Log N-Log Fluence Distribution of Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9604100 The Wolf-Rayet counterpart of Cygnus X-3
astro-ph/9604101 Comparison of Velocity and Gravity Fields: The Mark III Tully-Fisher Catalog Versus the IRAS 1.2 Jy Survey
astro-ph/9604102 On the ^7 Li and ^7 Be synthesis in novae
astro-ph/9604103 The spectrum of cosmological perturbations produced by a multi-component inflaton to second order in the slow-roll approximation
astro-ph/9604104 Discovery of four white dwarfs with strong magnetic fields by the Hamburg/ESO Survey
astro-ph/9604105 Structure Formation in Inflationary Cosmologies
astro-ph/9604106 QSO Absorption Line Systems as a Probe of Galaxies Like the Milky Way
astro-ph/9604107 Implications for optical identifications of QSO absorption systems from galaxy evolution models
astro-ph/9604108 Void Hierarchy -- a guiding principle to the study of faint structures in voids
astro-ph/9604109 JHKL Photometry and the K-band Luminosity Function at the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9604110 A Precessing Disc in OJ287?
astro-ph/9604111 A candidate gravitational lens in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9604112 Cosmic ray diffusive acceleration at shock waves with finite upstream and downstream escape boundaries
astro-ph/9604113 Redshift z ~ 1 Field Galaxies Observed with the Keck Telescope and the HST
astro-ph/9604114 The Rotation Curves of Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift
astro-ph/9604115 On Cooling of Magnetized Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9604116 The influence of quarks and gluons jets coming from primordial black holes on the reionization of the Universe
astro-ph/9604117 Neutrino-Pair Emission due to Electron-Phonon Scattering in a Neutron Star Crust
astro-ph/9604118 The nature of the faint galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9604119 The Palomar Distant Cluster Survey : III. The Colors of the Cluster Galaxies
astro-ph/9604120 Discovery of an X-ray Synchrotron Nebula Associated with the Radio Pulsar PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44
astro-ph/9604121 The Pulsar Wind Nebula Around PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44
astro-ph/9604122 A Precision Age Determination Technique for Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9604123 Axisymmetric bending oscillations of stellar disks
astro-ph/9604124 The Tunneling, the Second Order Relativistic Phase Transitions and Problem of the Macroscopic Universe Origin
astro-ph/9604125 The Redshift Evolution of the Stellar Populations in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9604126 Understanding Data Better with Bayesian and Global Statistical Methods
astro-ph/9604127 Establishing the Connections Between Galaxies and Mg II Absorbing Gas
astro-ph/9604128 Diffuse Soft X-ray Emission from Several Nearby Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9604129 Limits to the 1/4 keV Extragalactic X-ray Background
astro-ph/9604130 Electron conduction along quantizing magnetic fields in neutron star crusts. II. Practical formulae
astro-ph/9604131 Strategies for the search of life in the universe
astro-ph/9604132 The Luminosity-Metallicity Relation for Bulges of Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9604133 Derivation of the Galactic Rotation Curve using space velocities
astro-ph/9604134 ROSAT PSPC spectra of X-ray selected Narrow Emission Line Galaxies
astro-ph/9604135 HAWAII 167 and Q0059-2735: Heavily Dust-Enshrouded Young QSOs
astro-ph/9604136 COMPTEL detection of the high-energy gamma-ray source 2CG 135+01
astro-ph/9604137 The Auto-Correlation Function of the extragalactic background light: I. Measuring gravitational shear
astro-ph/9604138 Void analysis as a test for dark matter composition?
astro-ph/9604139 Evolution of galactic disks in clusters and the field at $0.1 < z < 0.6$ in the CNOC survey
astro-ph/9604140 Spectroscopy of Lyman Break Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9604141 Semi-analytic predictions for statistical properties of X-ray clusters of galaxies in cold dark matter universes
astro-ph/9604142 Cosmological Redshift Distortion of Correlation Functions as a Probe of the Density Parameter and the Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/9604143 A Precise Distance Indicator: Type Ia Supernova Multicolor Light Curve Shapes
astro-ph/9604144 Parallax-Shifted Microlensing Events from Ground-Based Observations of the Galactic Bulge
astro-ph/9604145 Properties of Simulated Compact Groups of Galaxies
astro-ph/9604146 Ellipticals with Kinematically--Distinct Cores: WFPC2 Imaging of Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9604147 Extragalactic background light: the contribution by faint and low surface brightness galaxies
astro-ph/9604148 The FIRST Bright QSO Survey
astro-ph/9604149 Temperature Structure of Four Hot Clusters with ASCA
astro-ph/9604150 Abell 754: A Non-Head On Collision of Subclusters
astro-ph/9604151 The Milky Way, The Local Galaxies AbStRaCtthe IR Tully-Fisher Relation
astro-ph/9604152 Simulations of the Finite Temperature QCD Phase Transition on the Lattice
astro-ph/9604153 A Varying Mass-To-Light Ratio in the Galactic Center Cluster?
astro-ph/9604154 HCG 16: A High Concentration of Active Galaxies in the Nearby Universe
astro-ph/9604155 A Detection of Bright Features in the Microwave Background
astro-ph/9604156 Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of stratified jets
astro-ph/9604157 Chain Galaxies are Edge-On Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
astro-ph/9604159 B-R Colors of Globular Clusters in NGC 6166 (A2199)
astro-ph/9604160 An analytical study of Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion I. Stationary flows
astro-ph/9604161 A Morphological Catalog of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9604162 ROSAT PSPC and Hri Observations of the Composite Starburst/Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1672
astro-ph/9604163 Multifrequency Radio Observations of the Crab Pulsar
astro-ph/9604164 Thermal and Electric Conductivities of Coulomb Crystals in Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs
astro-ph/9604165 Thermal and Electric Conductivities of Coulomb Crystals in the Inner Crust of a Neutron Star
astro-ph/9604166 The Physics of Microwave Background Anisotropies
astro-ph/9604167 The Las Campanas Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9604168 Globular Clusters in Fornax: Does $M^0$ Depend on Environment?
astro-ph/9604169 An Optical/X--ray Study of A576, a Galaxy Cluster with a Cold Core
astro-ph/9604170 Simultaneous H$alpha$, Na~{sc i} D$_{1}$, D$_{2}$, and He~{sc i} D$_{3}$ observations of a flare on the RS CVn system UX Ari
astro-ph/9604171 Self-Shielding of X-rays and Gamma-Rays in Compact Sources
astro-ph/9604173 Molecular Hydrogen Emission from the Inner 400 Parsecs of the Galaxy II. The UV-Excited H_2
astro-ph/9604174 Molecular Hydrogen Emission from the Inner 400 Parsecs of the Galaxy
astro-ph/9604175 Photoionization, Numerical Resolution, and Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9604176 The MACHO Project: Limits on Planetary Mass Dark Matter in the Galactic Halo from Gravitational Microlensing
astro-ph/9604178 Deep Wide-Field Spectrophotometry of the Open Cluster M67
astro-ph/9604179 The White Dwarf Distance to the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 (and its Age) with the Hubble Space Telescope (Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST))
astro-ph/9604180 Clustering of DIRBE Light and IR Background
astro-ph/9604181 Clustering of Diffuse Infrared Background Light
astro-ph/9604182 Clustering of the Diffuse Infrared Light from the COBE DIRBE maps. I. $C(0)$ and limits on the near-IR background
astro-ph/9604183 Counter-rotating Accretion Disks
astro-ph/9604184 Status of Cosmological Parameters: $Omega_0approx 0.3$ vs. $Omega=1$
astro-ph/9604185 Sgr A* and its siblings in nearby galaxies
astro-ph/9605001 The Dispersion Velocity of Galactic Dark Matter Particles
astro-ph/9605002 Linear Regression for Astronomical Data with Measurement Errors and Intrinsic Scatter
astro-ph/9605003 Direct collisional simulation of 10 000 particles past core collapse
astro-ph/9605004 X-Ray Fluctuations from Locally Unstable Advection-Dominated Disks
astro-ph/9605005 Cooling Time Scales and Temporal Structure of Gamma-Ray Bursts
cond-mat/9412016 DMRG Studies of the Spin-Half Heisenberg System with Dimerization and Frustration
cond-mat/9510118 Parametric Conductance Correlation for Irregularly Shaped Quantum Dots
cond-mat/9510133 A First-Landau-Level Laughlin/Jain Wave Function for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
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