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21 September 2024
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2024, 1996
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astro-ph/9512139 Cosmological-Parameter Determination with Microwave Background Maps
astro-ph/9603028 A general and practical method for calculating cosmological distances
astro-ph/9603045 No Crisis for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9604158 Stokes Parameters in Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements
astro-ph/9604177 The MACHO Project LMC Variable Star Inventory: III. New R Coronae Borealis Stars
astro-ph/9604184 Status of Cosmological Parameters: $Omega_0approx 0.3$ vs. $Omega=1$
astro-ph/9604185 Sgr A* and its siblings in nearby galaxies
astro-ph/9605002 Linear Regression for Astronomical Data with Measurement Errors and Intrinsic Scatter
astro-ph/9605003 Direct collisional simulation of 10 000 particles past core collapse
astro-ph/9605004 X-Ray Fluctuations from Locally Unstable Advection-Dominated Disks
astro-ph/9605005 Cooling Time Scales and Temporal Structure of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9605006 Are topological defects responsible for the 300 EeV cosmic rays?
astro-ph/9605007 Temperature determination of the cool DO white dwarf HD149499B from EUVE observations
astro-ph/9605008 The Metallicity Dependence of the Stellar Luminosity and Initial Mass Functions: HST Observations of Open and Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9605009 The effects of resonance scattering and dust on the UV line spectrum of radio galaxies
astro-ph/9605009 The effects of resonance scattering and dust on the UV line spectrum of radio galaxies
astro-ph/9605010 A Procedure for Correcting the Apparent Optical Depths of Moderately Saturated Interstellar Absorption Lines
astro-ph/9605011 Mechanisms for the Outbursts of Soft X-ray Transients
astro-ph/9605012 Spectroscopic Binaries in Globular Clusters. I. A Search for Ultra-Hard Binaries on the Main Sequence in M4
astro-ph/9605013 Spectroscopic Binaries in Globular Clusters. II. A Search for Long-Period Binaries in M22
astro-ph/9605014 The Case for a Kilometer-Scale High-Energy Neutrino Detector: 1996
astro-ph/9605015 Accretion Processes On a Black Hole
astro-ph/9605016 A parallel integration method for solar system dynamics
astro-ph/9605017 Measuring the cosmological constant with redshift surveys
astro-ph/9605018 A Model for the Internal Structure of Molecular Cloud Cores
astro-ph/9605019 The Role of Binaries in the Dynamical Evolution of the Core of a Globular Cluster
astro-ph/9605020 Convection in stellar envelopes: a changing paradigm
astro-ph/9605021 A Keck HIRES Investigation of the Metal Abundances and Kinematics of Three Damped Lya Systems Toward Q2206-199
astro-ph/9605022 Detection of Atmospheric Cherenkov Radiation Using Solar Heliostat Mirrors
astro-ph/9605023 High Spatial Resolution KAO Far-Infrared Observations of the Central Regions of Infrared-Bright Galaxies
astro-ph/9605024 Faint K Selected Galaxy Correlations and Clustering Evolution
astro-ph/9605025 New Evidence for The Cosmological Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9605026 Comparison of ASCA and ROSAT Cluster Temperatures: A2256, A3558 and AWM7
astro-ph/9605027 Globular Clusters in NGC 1275
astro-ph/9605028 The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Status and Prospects
astro-ph/9605029 Analytical Dynamical Models for Double-Power-Law Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9605030 On the Microlensing Optical Depth of the Galactic Bar
astro-ph/9605031 Soft X--Ray Properties of Seyfert Galaxies in the Rosat All--Sky Survey
astro-ph/9605032 Scale-Invariant Correlation Functions of Cosmological Density Fluctuations in the Strong Clustering Regime
astro-ph/9605033 Stability of Cosmological Detonation Fronts
astro-ph/9605034 Cosmological Conductive/Cooling Fronts as Lyman Alpha Forest Clouds
astro-ph/9605035 The Nature and Observability of Protogalaxies
astro-ph/9605036 Limits on Topological Defects Models of the Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9605037 New sources for Kerr and other metrics: rotating relativistic disks with pressure support
astro-ph/9605038 H_alpha emission fluxes and lithium abundances of low mass stars in the young open cluster IC 4665
astro-ph/9605039 Chemical evolution of DLA systems
astro-ph/9605040 The globular cluster system of an ``old’’ merger: NGC 5018
astro-ph/9605041 Percolation Analysis of a Wiener Reconstruction of the IRAS 1.2 Jy Redshift Catalog
astro-ph/9605042 Equilibria of flat and round galactic disks
astro-ph/9605043 The Effects of a Photoionizing UV Background on the Formation of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9605044 An exact analytical method for inferring the law of gravity from the macroscopic dynamics: Spherical mass distribution with exponential density
astro-ph/9605045 An approximate analytical method for inferring the law of gravity from the macroscopic dynamics: Thin-disk mass distribution with exponential density
astro-ph/9605046 Radiative Torques on Interstellar Grains: I. Superthermal Spinup
astro-ph/9605047 The structure of Doppler peaks induced by active perturbations
astro-ph/9605048 The inferred redshift distribution of the faint blue excess
astro-ph/9605049 IRAS04210+0400: Modeling the optical spectra from flaring large scale jets
astro-ph/9605050 MgII Absorbers: Disks, Halos, Satellites, and Pairs?
astro-ph/9605051 Strong Clustering in the Low Redshift Lyman-$alpha$ Forest
astro-ph/9605052 The Compton Mirror in NGC 4151
astro-ph/9605053 Multifractality as a Link Between Luminosity and Space Distribution of Visible Matter
astro-ph/9605054 The Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum from the Full COBE/FIRAS Data Set
astro-ph/9605056 The Clustering of Faint Galaxies and the Evolution of $xi$(r)
astro-ph/9605058 A new class of X-ray Pulsars ?
astro-ph/9605059 Tidal Decay of Close Planetary Orbits
astro-ph/9605060 The GEM Project: an International Collaboration to Survey Galactic Radiation Emission
astro-ph/9605061 Made-to-measure N-body systems
astro-ph/9605062 The Giant Proto-Galaxy cB58; an Artifact of Gravitational Lensing?
astro-ph/9605063 The Head-on Collision between Two Gas-Rich Galaxies: Neutral Hydrogen Debris from the Centrally-smooth Ring Galaxy VIIZw466
astro-ph/9605064 The Relative Ages of Galactic Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9605065 Cosmological Blastwaves and the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/9605066 The Universe as a Diffusive Medium -- Constraining or Detecting the Gravitational Wave Background
astro-ph/9605067 Modeling Gravitational Clustering without Computing Gravitational Force
astro-ph/9605068 Why Do We Need Non-Baryonic Dark Matter?
astro-ph/9605069 HI observations of low surface brightness galaxies: Probing low-density galaxies
astro-ph/9605071 Old Isolated Accreting Neutron Stars: The Diffuse X--ray Emission From The Galactic Center
astro-ph/9605072 Non-axisymmetric wind-accretion simulations I. Velocity gradients of 3% and 20% over one accretion radius
astro-ph/9605073 The Two-Phase Pair Corona Model for Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray Binaries: How to Obtain Exact Solutions
astro-ph/9605074 A Comparison of Three Elliptical Galaxy Photo-chemical Evolution Codes
astro-ph/9605075 Recovering Velocity Distributions via Penalized Likelihood
astro-ph/9605076 Two-Stream Instability of Counter-Rotating Galaxies
astro-ph/9605077 Global Models of the Galactic Interstellar Medium: Comparison to X-Ray and H I Observations
astro-ph/9605078 Models of X-ray and gamma-ray emission from Seyfert galaxies
astro-ph/9605079 Multiwavelength observations of short time-scale variability in NGC 4151. I. Ultraviolet observations
astro-ph/9605080 Multiwavelength observations of short time-scale variability in NGC 4151. II. Optical observations
astro-ph/9605081 Multiwavelength observations of short time-scale variability in NGC 4151. III. X-ray and Gamma-ray observations
astro-ph/9605083 Light curve of a source orbiting around a black hole: A fitting-formula
astro-ph/9605084 The Analytical Distribution Function of Anisotropic Hernquist+Hernquist Models
astro-ph/9605085 Are galactic rotation curves really flat?
astro-ph/9605086 Ingredients and Equations for Making a Magnetic Field in the Early Universe
astro-ph/9605088 NLTE Effects in Modeling of Supernovae near Maximum Light
astro-ph/9605089 Optical variability of the LMC supersoft source RX~J0513.9-6951 from MACHO Project photometry
astro-ph/9605090 The nature of the supersoft X-ray source RX~J0513--69
astro-ph/9605091 Theory of DDT in Unconfined Flames
astro-ph/9605092 ROSAT HRI observations of the globular clusters M13 and M92
astro-ph/9605093 The Early-type Dwarf-to-Giant Ratio and Substructure in the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/9605094 Density Perturbations and Black Hole Formation in Hybrid Inflation
astro-ph/9605096 Orbital Decay of the PSR J0045-7319/B Star Binary System: Age of Radio Pulsar and Initial Spin of Neutron Star
astro-ph/9605097 Radiative cooling instability in 1D colliding flows
astro-ph/9605098 On the Light Curve - Luminosity Relation of RR Lyrae Stars
astro-ph/9605099 The Age of the Universe
astro-ph/9605100 Do We Know the Geometry of the Universe?
astro-ph/9605101 CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster M5. I. The Color-Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/9605102 Metal Enrichment and Ionization Balance in the Lyman $alpha$ Forest at $z = 3$
astro-ph/9605103 Quantum fluctuations and CMB anisotropies in one-bubble open inflation models
astro-ph/9605104 Can the Simplest Two-Field Model of Open Inflation Survive?
astro-ph/9605105 Les Microlentilles Gravitationnelles
astro-ph/9605106 A deep ROSAT Survey - XII. The X-ray spectra of faint ROSAT sources
astro-ph/9605107 Beacons at the Gamma Ray Horizon
astro-ph/9605108 The Gamma Ray Burst Rate at High Photon Energies
astro-ph/9605109 Weak Gravitational Lensing around Field Galaxies in HST Survey Images
astro-ph/9605111 The Highly Flattened Dark Matter Halo of NGC 4244
astro-ph/9605112 A new chemo-evolutionary population synthesis model for early-type galaxies. I: Theoretical basis
astro-ph/9605113 An Excess of C IV Absorbers in Luminous QSOs: Evidence for Gravitational Lensing?
astro-ph/9605115 Multiphase Chemical Evolution in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9605116 Numerical Simulations of Standing Shocks in Accretion Flows around Black Holes: A Comparative Study
astro-ph/9605117 Biasing in the Galaxy Distribution
astro-ph/9605118 The FIR/radio correlation in starburst galaxies - constraints on starburst models
astro-ph/9605119 A new estimate of the extragalactic radio background and implications for ultra-high-energy gamma-ray propagation
astro-ph/9605120 Dynamical Effects of Nuclear Rings in Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/9605121 Making Black Holes in Supernovae
astro-ph/9605122 PSR J1518+4904: A Mildly Relativistic Binary Pulsar System
astro-ph/9605123 How Anisotropic is our Universe?
astro-ph/9605126 Dynamical Mass Estimates of Large-Scale Filaments in Redshift Surveys
astro-ph/9605127 The Nature of the Giant Outbursts in the Bursting Pulsar GRO J 1744-28
astro-ph/9605128 Geological Isotope Anomalies as Signatures of Nearby Supernovae
astro-ph/9605129 The X-ray spectral properties of X-ray selected AGN : ROSAT spectra of EMSS AGN
astro-ph/9605130 Candidate Primeval Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9605131 Two New Planetary Nebulae Discovered in a Galaxy Search in the Southern Milky Way
astro-ph/9605133 On the onset of the Jeans instability in a two-component fluid
astro-ph/9605134 Time Dilation in the Light Curve of the Distant Type Ia Supernovae SN 1995K
astro-ph/9605135 Finite size effects on the galaxy number counts: evidence for fractal behavior up to the deepest scale
astro-ph/9605137 Red giant-disk encounters: Food for quasars?
astro-ph/9605138 Microlensing Events from Measurements of the Deflection Angle
astro-ph/9605139 Dust and gas in active galaxies
astro-ph/9605140 Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves from Merging Neutron Star Binaries
astro-ph/9605141 Orbital Parameters of the PSR B1620-26 Triple System
astro-ph/9605142 The Second Measurement of Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at 0fdg5 Scales near the Star Mu Pegasi
astro-ph/9605143 Metallicity Effects on RR Lyrae Variables
astro-ph/9605144 Galaxy Evolution in Abell 2390
astro-ph/9605145 The galactic center arc as source of high-energy gamma-rays
astro-ph/9605146 Simplified treatment of the radiative transfer problem in expanding envelopes
astro-ph/9605148 MACHO Project Photometry of RR Lyrae Stars in the Sgr Dwarf Galaxy
astro-ph/9605149 Ferromagnetism of dense matter and magnetic properties of neutron stars
astro-ph/9605150 Gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars
astro-ph/9605151 Gravitational Instability for a Multifluid Medium in an Expanding Universe
astro-ph/9605153 Solar opacity, neutrino signals and helioseismology
astro-ph/9605154 Identification of a Galaxy Responsible for a High-Redshift Damped Ly-alpha Absorption System
astro-ph/9605155 The Origin of Matter in the Universe: Reheating after Inflation
astro-ph/9605156 Are we seeing magnetic monopole cosmic rays at $Egsim 10^{20}$ eV?
astro-ph/9605157 Updating Standard Solar Models
astro-ph/9605158 Implications of a Possible Clustering of Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9605159 Optical-IR Spectral Energy Distribution of the Proto-Galaxy Candidate MS1512-cB58
astro-ph/9605160 Accretion and Jet Power
astro-ph/9605161 Jets and QSO Spectra
astro-ph/9605162 Modelling the Galactic Bar Using Red Clump Giants
astro-ph/9605163 An Interpretation of Radio-loud -- Radio-quiet QSO Differences
astro-ph/9605164 Solid interiors of neutron stars and gravitational radiation
astro-ph/9605165 The Nature of Radio-Intermediate Quasars: What is Radio-Loud and what is Radio-Quiet?
astro-ph/9605166 Precessing Gamma Jets in extended and evaporating galactic halo as a source of GRB
astro-ph/9605167 The time evolution of GRB spectra by a precessing lighthouse Gamma Jet
astro-ph/9605168 Inverse Compton Scattering onto BBR in High Energy Physics and Gamma (MeV-Tev) Astrophysics
astro-ph/9605169 Off-Center Deflagrations In Chandrasekhar Mass SN Ia Models
astro-ph/9605170 An Atlas of Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Images of Nearby Galaxies
astro-ph/9605171 Gravitational Lensing by Cosmic String Loops
astro-ph/9605172 A Catalog of Faint Interacting Galaxies in Pairs and Groups
astro-ph/9605173 The Rotation Velocity - Density Relation
astro-ph/9605174 Massive neutrinos and the problem of the dark matter in spiral galaxies
astro-ph/9605175 Supermassive Binaries and Extragalactic Jets
astro-ph/9605176 A Time-dependent Cosmological Constant Phenomenology
astro-ph/9605177 Measuring the UHE cosmic-ray composition with tracking detectors in air shower arrays
astro-ph/9605178 The properties of the peculiar Type Ia SN~1991bg. Analysis and discussion of two years of observations
astro-ph/9605180 On the Spatial and Kinematic Distributions of Mg II Absorbing Gas in <z>=0.7 Galaxies
astro-ph/9605181 Revised photometry and color distribution of Type Ia supernovae observed at Asiago in the seventies
astro-ph/9605182 Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation: effects of supernova feedback
astro-ph/9605183 Numerical Simulations in Cosmology I
astro-ph/9605184 Binary Evolution in World Wide Web
astro-ph/9605185 Evidence for Binary Orbital Motion of a Quasar Broad-Line Region
astro-ph/9605187 Gravitational waves from neutron stars
astro-ph/9605189 Dynamical Evidence for a Luminous, Young Globular Cluster in NGC 1569
astro-ph/9605190 Optical Spectroscopy of LINERs and Low-Luminosity Seyfert Nuclei
astro-ph/9605191 Probability Distribution for $Omega$ in Open-universe Inflation
astro-ph/9605192 Does Gravitational Clustering Stabilize On Small Scales?
astro-ph/9605194 Environmental effects on the Coma cluster luminosity function
astro-ph/9605195 Ca depletion and the presence of dust in large scale nebulosities in radiogalaxies (II)
astro-ph/9605196 Search for Galaxies at z>4 from a Deep Multicolor Survey
astro-ph/9605197 SN 1987A Gamma-Ray Limits on the Conversion of Pseudoscalars
astro-ph/9605198 Linear Power Spectra in Cold+Hot Dark Matter Models: Analytical Approximations and Applications
cond-mat/9601083 Upper and Lower Bounds on the Partition Function of the Hofstadter Model
cond-mat/9601092 Finite size corrections on the boundary between the spin-glass and the ferromagnetic phases of Derrida’s model
cond-mat/9601108 Thermodynamics for Fractional Exclusion Statistics
cond-mat/9604032 The Kondo screening cloud: what can we learn from perturbation theory?
cond-mat/9604133 Coherent State path-integral simulation of many particle systems
cond-mat/9604189 Fermi liquid theory: a renormalization group point of view
cond-mat/9604190 Circular phase of a two dimensional ferromagnet with dipolar interactions
cond-mat/9604191 Variational Study of the Spin-Gap Phase of the One-Dimensional t-J Model
cond-mat/9604192 Fluctuation Effects And Order Parameter Symmetry In The Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/9604193 Tunneling through a barrier in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid connected to reservoirs
cond-mat/9605001 The Finite-$U$ Impurity Anderson Model in the presence of an external magnetic field
cond-mat/9605003 Statistics of skyrmions and the 5/2 puzzle
cond-mat/9605004 Rescaling Relations between Two- and Three-dimensional Local Porosity Distributions for Natural and Artificial Porous Media
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