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06 October 2024

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hep-th/9605043 Solitons of axion-dilaton gravity
hep-th/9605044 A new approach to perturbative theory in the nonperturbative QCD vacuum
hep-th/9605045 New equations for vacuum correlators in gauge theories
hep-th/9605046 D Branes from Liouville Strings
hep-th/9605047 $M$-theory Compactification and Two-brane/Five-brane Duality
hep-th/9605048 Classical Fields Near Thermal Equilibrium
hep-th/9605049 A D=4 N=1 Orbifold of Type I Strings
hep-th/9605050 Complex World-Sheets from N=2 Strings
hep-th/9605051 Near-BPS-Saturated Rotating Electrically Charged Black Holes as String States
hep-th/9605052 Effective Field Theory for Coherent Optical Pulse Propagation
hep-th/9605053 M-Theory on Eight-Manifolds
hep-th/9605054 A note on the (1, 1,..., 1) monopole metric
hep-th/9605055 Half-whole Dimensions in Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9605056 Photon splitting in strong magnetic fields: asymptotic approximation formulae vs. accurate numerical results
hep-th/9605057 One loop renormalization of the 4-D Quantum Dilaton Gravity in Spherical symmetric background
hep-th/9605058 Electrically Charged Black-holes for the Heterotic String Compactified on a $(10-D)$-Torus
hep-th/9605059 Stationary Axion/Dilaton Solutions and Supersymmetry
hep-th/9605060 The Geometry of Self-dual 2-forms
hep-th/9605061 Square Root Singularity in Boundary Reflection Matrix
hep-th/9605062 Non-unitary Conformal Field Theory and Logarithmic Operators for Disordered Systems
hep-th/9605063 Backreaction on Moving Mirrors and Black Hole Radiation
hep-th/9605064 Partition function for general multi-level systems
hep-th/9605065 Correlation Functions in the Two-dimensional Ising Model in a Magnetic Field at $T=T_c$
hep-th/9605066 Supersymmetric Electroweak Cosmic Strings
hep-th/9605067 The Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket, cohomology and generalized Poisson structures
hep-th/9605068 The Path Integral for the Loop Representation of Lattice Gauge Theories
hep-th/9605069 S-duality in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theories
hep-th/9605070 A Novel Symmetry in Sigma Models
hep-th/9605071 TG-Equivariance of Connections and Gauge Transformations
hep-th/9605072 Natural extensions of the Connes-Lott Model and comparison with the Marseille-Mainz Model
hep-th/9605073 On M-Theory and the Symmetries of Type II String Effective Actions
hep-th/9605074 Topological Field Theories and Duality
hep-th/9605075 New Moduli Spaces from String Background Independence Consistency Conditions
hep-th/9605076 On a Order Reduction Theorem in the Lagrangian Formalism
hep-th/9605077 Intersecting M-branes and bound states
hep-th/9605078 On the Vortex-Point Charge Composite: Classical Orbits and Quantum Bound States
hep-th/9605079 Systematic $1/N$ corrections for bosonic and fermionic vector models without auxiliary fields
hep-th/9605080 Non-Abelian Antisymmetric-Vector Coupling from Self-Interaction
hep-th/9605081 An Exact Solution for Quantum Tunneling in a Dissipative System
hep-th/9605082 Vertical versus Diagonal Dimensional Reduction for p-branes
hep-th/9605083 All the Exact Solutions of Generalized Calogero-Sutherland Models
hep-th/9605084 Massless Limits of Massive Tensor Fields
hep-th/9605085 Bound States of Black Holes and Other $P$-Branes
hep-th/9605086 Curvature expansion for the background-induced gluodynamics string
hep-th/9605087 Couplings of self-dual tensor multiplet in six dimensions
hep-th/9605088 Expectation Values, Lorentz Invariance, and CPT in the Open Bosonic String
hep-th/9605089 Cosmological Analogues of the Bartnik--McKinnon Solutions
hep-th/9605090 Nonperturbative Relations in N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills and WDVV equation
hep-th/9605091 Extremal black hole entropy from conformal string sigma model
hep-th/9605092 Nonlinear Quasiclassics and Painlevé Equations
hep-th/9605093 The phase free, longitudinal, magnetic component of vacuum electromagnetism
hep-th/9605094 An Explicit Large Versus Small Field Multiscale Cluster Expansion
hep-th/9605095 Solving Topological Field Theories on Mapping Tori
hep-th/9605096 Instanton-induced Effective Lagrangian in the Seiberg-Witten Model
hep-th/9605097 Boundary conformal field theories on random surfaces and the non-critical open string
hep-th/9605098 $R^2$ 2D Quantum Gravity and Dually Weighted Graphs
hep-th/9605099 Chiral Quantization of the WZW $SU(n)$ Model
hep-th/9605099 Chiral Quantization of the WZW $SU(n)$ Model
hep-th/9605100 Causality in Dense Matter
hep-th/9605101 Curves of Marginal Stability and Weak and Strong-Coupling BPS Spectra in $N=2$ Supersymmetric QCD
hep-th/9605102 An explicit construction of Wakimoto realizations of current algebras
hep-th/9605103 Discrete Mathematics and Physics on the Planck-Scale exemplified by means of a Class of ’Cellular Network Models’ and their Dynamics
hep-th/9605104 On the relation between Phi(1,2) and Phi(1,5) perturbed minimal models
hep-th/9605105 Solving the strongly coupled 2D gravity III: String susceptibility and topological N-point functions
hep-th/9605106 Black hole solutions with dilatonic hair in higher curvature gravity
hep-th/9605107 Dimensional renormalization: ladders to rainbows
hep-th/9605108 More Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking
hep-th/9605109 Sequences of Einstein-Yang-Mills-Dilaton Black Holes
hep-th/9605110 An Itzykson-Zuber-like Integral and Diffusion for Complex Ordinary and Supermatrices
hep-th/9605112 Braneless Black Holes
hep-th/9605114 2+1 dimensional charged black hole with (anti-)self dual Maxwell fields
hep-th/9605115 Dimensional reduction of U(1) imes SU(2) Chern-Simons bosonization: application to the t-J model
hep-th/9605116 The Baryon Wilson Loop Area Law in QCD
hep-th/9605117 Boosting some type--D metrics
hep-th/9605118 Aspects of Space-Time Dualities
hep-th/9605119 Models of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking from a SU(2k+3) Model
hep-th/9605120 Non-Abelian Kubo Formula and the Multiple Time-Scale Method
hep-th/9605121 Differential Regularization of Topologically Massive Yang-Mills Theory and Chern-Simons Theory
hep-th/9605122 Response to Tarrach’s "Mode Dependent Field Renormalization and Trivialty"
hep-th/9605123 Quantum Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov equation for $U_q (widehat{ sl_n})$ and integral formula
hep-th/9605124 Renormalization Group Flows in Sigma--Models Coupled to Two--Dimensional Dynamical Gravity
hep-th/9605127 Modular Invariant Partition Functions in the Quantum Hall Effect
hep-th/9605128 Closed formula for Wilson loops for $SU(N)$ Quantum Yang-Mills Theory in two dimensions
hep-th/9605129 Dirac Operators and Clifford Geometry - New Unifying Principles in Particle Physics ?
hep-th/9605130 Symmetry, Integrable Chain Models and Stochastic Processes
hep-th/9605131 The SO(32) Heterotic String on a K3 Surface
hep-th/9605132 Comment on "Background thermal contributions in testing the Unruh effect"
hep-th/9605133 Statistics and Quantum Group Symmetries
hep-th/9605134 N = 2 supergravity models based on the nonsymmetric quaternionic manifolds. I. Symmetries and Lagrangians
hep-th/9605135 Peierls model and vacuum structure in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories
hep-th/9605136 Couplings and Scales in Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory
hep-th/9605137 Perturbative Renormalization with Flow Equations in Minkowski Space
hep-th/9605138 Super-Virasoro Anomaly, Super-Weyl Anomaly and the Super-Liouville Action for 2D Supergravity
hep-th/9605139 Differential Renormalization of QCD in the Background-Field Method
hep-th/9605143 N = 2 supergravity models based on the nonsymmetric quaternionic manifolds. II. Gauge interactions
hep-th/9605144 Isomonodromic Quantization of Dimensionally Reduced Gravity
hep-th/9605145 Higher-Derivative Gravity in String Theory
hep-th/9605147 Generalization of the Coleman-Mandula Theorem to Higher Dimension
hep-th/9605148 Construction of a Complete Set of States in Relativistic Scattering Theory
hep-th/9605149 Effective K"ahler Potentials
hep-th/9605150 F-theory and Orientifolds
hep-th/9605151 On Fusion Rules in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9605152 Fusion & Tensoring of Conformal Field Theory and Composite Fermion Picture of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
hep-th/9605153 Cones, Spins and Heat Kernels
hep-th/9605154 New Higgs Transitions between Dual N=2 String Models
hep-th/9605156 Bounded Bose fields
hep-th/9605158 Note on Constrained Cohomology
hep-th/9605160 On the Holomorphic Gauge Quantization of the Chern-Simons Theory and Laughlin Wave Functions
hep-th/9605161 A q-Deformation of the Harmonic Oscillator
hep-th/9605162 Four-dimensional integration by parts with differential renormalization as a method of evaluation of Feynman diagrams
hep-th/9605165 Complex structure and the construction of the $:phi^4_4:$ quantum field theory in four-dimensional space-time
hep-th/9605166 Stability Analysis of New Solutions of the EYM system with Cosmological Constant
hep-th/9605168 Virtual D-Branes
hep-th/9605169 The Ising model with a boundary magnetic field on a random surface
hep-th/9605170 Dilaton Stabilization in the Context of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking through Gaugino Condensation
hep-th/9605172 Exact Solution of the One-Dimensional Non-Abelian Coulomb Gas at Large N
hep-th/9605174 Some Aspects of Massive World-Brane Dynamics
hep-th/9605175 Matrix Models of Two-dimensional Gravity and Discrete Toda Theory
hep-th/9605176 Back Reaction and Graceful Exit in String Inflationary Cosmology
hep-th/9605177 Interaction energy of Chern-Simons vortices in the gauged O(3) sigma model
hep-th/9605178 Mass, Confinement and CP Invariance in the Seiberg-Witten Model"
hep-th/9605179 Thermodynamics of a free $SU_q(2)$ fermionic system
hep-th/9605181 Multiple-Scale Analysis of the Quantum Anharmonic Oscillator
hep-th/9605183 Finite volume partition functions and Itzykson-Zuber integrals
hep-th/9605184 Anomalies, Dualities, and Topology of D=6 N=1 Superstring Vacua
hep-th/9605186 D=6 massive spinning particle
hep-th/9605187 How Algebraic Bethe Ansatz works for integrable model
hep-th/9605188 On the Evolution Operator Kernel for the Coulomb and Coulomb--Like Potentials
hep-th/9605189 An Auxiliary ’Differential Measure’ for $SU(3)$
hep-th/9605190 Reply to "Comment on ’Background Thermal Contributions in Testing the Unruh effect’ "
hep-th/9605191 Symplectic Structures and Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9605192 Seiberg-Witten theory, monopole spectral curves and affine Toda solitons
hep-th/9605193 Toda lattice field theories, discrete W algebras, Toda lattice hierarchies and quantum groups
hep-th/9605195 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in Curved Spacetime with Magnetic Field
hep-th/9605196 Multi-vortex solution in the Sutherland model
hep-th/9605197 Batalin-Vilkovisky field-antifield quantisation of fluctuations around classical field configurations
hep-th/9605198 Covariant background field calculation of ultraviolet counterterms
hep-th/9605199 Probing F-theory With Branes
hep-th/9605200 Geometric Singularities and Enhanced Gauge Symmetries
hep-th/9605201 Six-Dimensional Tensionless Strings In The Large N Limit
hep-th/9605202 Constrained systems described by Nambu mechanics
hep-th/9605204 Generalized Fock Spaces, New Forms of Quantum Statistics and their Algebras
hep-th/9605205 A Hidden Connection between Lax Descriptions and Superextensions of KdV Hierarchy
hep-th/9605207 Physical States and Gauge Independence of the Energy-Momentum Tensor in Quantum Electrodynamics
hep-th/9605210 Dirac’s Legacy: Light-Cone Quantization
hep-th/9605211 Distance Measurement and Wave Dispersion in a Liouville-String Approach to Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9605212 Non-Abelian Momentum-Winding Exchange
hep-th/9605214 Fermionic String from Abelian Higgs Model with monopoles and $Theta$-term
hep-th/9605215 Instanton Calculus and Nonperturbative Relations in N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
hep-th/9605216 A Note on Intersecting $D$-branes and Black Hole Entropy
hep-th/9605217 The gravitational and electroweak interactions unified as a gauge theory of the De Sitter group
hep-th/9605219 Reflection Matrices for Integrable $N=1$ Supersymmetric Theories
hep-th/9605220 Representation theory of the affine Lie superalgebra sl(2 1) at fractional level
hep-th/9605222 Resolving Singularities in (0,2) Models
hep-th/9605225 Gravitational Quantum Cohomology
hep-th/9605226 Spin of Chern-Simons vortices
hep-th/9605227 The measure in three dimensional Nambu-Goto string theory
hep-th/9605229 Massive and massless monopoles with nonabelian magnetic charges
hep-th/9605230 An Explicit and Simple Relationship Between Two Model Spaces
hep-th/9705085 A Remark on the Effective Description of Topological Defects
nucl-ex/9605001 Evidence for Neutrino Oscillations from Muon Decay at Rest
nucl-ex/9605002 The Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector and LAMPF Neutrino Source
nucl-ex/9605003 Evidence for $ar u_mu oar u_e$ Oscillations from the LSND Experiment at LAMPF
nucl-ex/9605004 Acceptance and resolution simulation studies for the dielectron spectrometer HADES at GSI
nucl-ex/9605005 Test of Parity-Conserving Time-Reversal Invariance Using Polarized Neutrons and Nuclear Spin Aligned Holmium
nucl-th/9602010 The Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly without rho-omega mixing
nucl-th/9604046 What Do We Learn from Atomic Physics about Fundamental Symmetries?
nucl-th/9605001 Scaling Behavior in Soliton Models
nucl-th/9605002 Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering from Effective Field Theory
nucl-th/9605003 Virtual Compton scattering off nuclei in the $Delta$-resonance region
nucl-th/9605004 Solving the four-dimensional $NN-pi NN$ equations for scalars below meson-production threshold
nucl-th/9605005 Sensitivity of nucleon-nucleus scattering to the off-shell behavior of on-shell equivalent NN potentials
nucl-th/9605006 The Effect of Nuclear Shape
nucl-th/9605007 Multiple Scattering Theory for the Photoproduction of Vector Mesons off Nuclei
nucl-th/9605008 The position and the residues of the delta resonance pole in pion photoproduction
nucl-th/9605009 Path Integral Variational Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems
nucl-th/9605009 Path Integral Variational Methods for Strongly Correlated Systems
nucl-th/9605010 Hyperon-rich matter
nucl-th/9605011 Can dileptons be observed in heavy ion collisions at RHIC?
nucl-th/9605012 Quest for deconfined quark phase: A new avenue
nucl-th/9605013 Nuclear $eta$- and $gamma$- Collective Bands in the SU$_q$(2) Rotator Model
nucl-th/9605014 Transverse momentum dependence of transverse flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
nucl-th/9605015 Isospin dependence of collective flow in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
nucl-th/9605016 Space-time extensions from space-time densities and Bose-Einstein correlations
nucl-th/9605017 Effective T-odd P-even hadronic interactions from quark models
nucl-th/9605018 The deformation of the interacting nucleon in the Skyrme model
nucl-th/9605019 Pairing and Isospin Symmetry in Proton-Rich Nuclei
nucl-th/9605020 Probing Nucleon Strangeness with Neutrinos: Nuclear Model Dependences
nucl-th/9605021 Relativistic heavy ion collisions with realistic non-equilibrium mean fields
nucl-th/9605022 Nuclear G-Matrix Elements from Nonlocal Potentials
nucl-th/9605023 Dynamical Formation of Disoriented Chiral Condensates
nucl-th/9605024 Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering off the Deuteron and the Neutron to Proton Structure Function Ratio
nucl-th/9605025 Probing Hadronic Polarizations with Dilepton Anisotropies
nucl-th/9605026 Pion Transparency in 500 MeV C(pi,pi’) Reactions?
nucl-th/9605027 Ground-state Spectrum of Light-quark Mesons
nucl-th/9605028 Ground--state energies and widths of $^5$He and $^5$Li
nucl-th/9605029 Meson Transition Form Factors From A QCD Model Field Theory
nucl-th/9605030 Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies
nucl-th/9605031 Virtual Compton Scattering and Generalized Polarizabilities of the Proton
nucl-th/9605032 Virtual Compton Scattering from the Proton and the Properties of Nucleon Excited States
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