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astro-ph/9510131 Colors, Luminosity Function and Counts of Galaxies
astro-ph/9511093 Post-Newtonian Cosmological Dynamics in Lagrangian coordinates
astro-ph/9604172 Causality and the Doppler Peaks
astro-ph/9607001 On the evolution of ejecta fragments in compact supernova remnants
astro-ph/9607002 Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades Cluster Confirmed by the Lithium Test
astro-ph/9607003 The Gravitational Constant, the Chandrasekhar Limit, and Neutron Star Masses
astro-ph/9607004 Large-Scale Structure Formation in the Quasi-linear Regime
astro-ph/9607005 Two planetary nebulae in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
astro-ph/9607006 Inhomogeneous chemical evolution of the Galactic disk: evidence for sequential stellar enrichment?
astro-ph/9607007 A powerful and highly variable off-nuclear X-ray source in the composite starburst/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4945
astro-ph/9607008 Cosmological parametrization of gamma ray burst models
astro-ph/9607009 Eclipsing Binaries in the OGLE Variable Star Catalog.I. W UMa-type Systems as Distance and Population Tracers in Baade’s Window
astro-ph/9607009 Eclipsing Binaries in the OGLE Variable Star Catalog.I. W UMa-type Systems as Distance and Population Tracers in Baade’s Window
astro-ph/9607010 Cosmology using the Parkes Multibeam Southern-Sky HI Survey
astro-ph/9607011 The nature of the highest energy cosmic rays
astro-ph/9607012 Redshifts and Optical Properties for a Statistically Complete Sample of Poor Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9607013 What Can Be Learned by Measuring the Fluxes of the 7-Be and the pep Solar Neutrino Lines?
astro-ph/9607014 A 20cm VLA Survey of Abell Clusters of Galaxies VI. Radio/Optical Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/9607015 Broad-band gamma-ray and X-ray spectra of NGC 4151 and their implications for physical processes and geometry
astro-ph/9607016 The average X-ray/gamma-ray spectrum of radio-quiet Seyfert 1s
astro-ph/9607017 Green’s functions for transmission of X-rays and gamma-rays through cold media
astro-ph/9607018 ASCA observations of the iron K complex of Circinus X-1 near zero phase: spectral evidence for partial covering
astro-ph/9607019 Global Structure and Dynamics of Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows Around Black Holes
astro-ph/9607020 Advection-dominated accretion: global transonic solutions
astro-ph/9607021 Advection Dominated Accretion Flows Around Kerr Black Holes
astro-ph/9607022 First results from a second generation galactic axion experiment
astro-ph/9607023 CIV absorption from hot gas inside supergiant shell LMC4 observed with HST and IUE
astro-ph/9607024 Distance Measurement of Galaxies to Redshift of 0.1 using the CO-Line Tully-Fisher Relation
astro-ph/9607025 Models for anisotropic spherical stellar systems with a central point mass and Keplerian velocity dispersions
astro-ph/9607026 Metallicity indicators across the spectrum of composite stellar populations
astro-ph/9607027 The radio and X-ray properties of Abell 2255
astro-ph/9607028 Global morphology and physical relations between the stars, gas and dust in the disc and arms of M100
astro-ph/9607029 A Comparison of the ISM in Ellipticals to the Hot Gas in a Dense Group from Combined ROSAT and ASCA Observations
astro-ph/9607030 Time--dependent analysis of spherical accretion onto black holes
astro-ph/9607031 A Millimeter/Submillimeter Search for the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in the Coma Cluster
astro-ph/9607032 The Thermonuclear Explosion Of Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarfs
astro-ph/9607033 Starcounts Redivivus II: Deep Starcounts with Keck and HST and the Luminosity Function of the Galactic Halo
astro-ph/9607034 The Type Ia Supernova Rate at z$sim 0.4 $
astro-ph/9607035 Self-Consistent, Axisymmetric Two_Integral Models of Elliptical Galaxies with embedded Nuclear Discs
astro-ph/9607036 The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect as a Probe of $Omega_{o}$
astro-ph/9607037 Gamma-Rays and Neutrinos from Dark Matter
astro-ph/9607038 Four-year COBE normalization of inflationary cosmologies
astro-ph/9607039 Modern Numerical Hydrodynamics and the Evolution of Dense Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/9607040 AGAPE: a search for dark matter towards M31 by microlensing effects on unresolved stars
astro-ph/9607041 Uncovering Spiral Structure in Flocculent Galaxies
astro-ph/9607042 Does low surface brightness mean low surface density?
astro-ph/9607043 Distortion of the acoustic peaks in the CMBR due to a primordial magnetic field
astro-ph/9607044 Transition between Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen in the Galaxy: Vertical Variation of the Molecular Fraction
astro-ph/9607045 Physical Conditions in Low Ionization Regions of the Orion Nebula
astro-ph/9607046 Influence of Cooling-Induced Compressibility on the Structure of Turbulent Flows and Gravitational Collapse
astro-ph/9607047 Discovery of Sub-Millisecond Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the X-Ray Flux of Scorpius X-1
astro-ph/9607048 Diffuse Ionized Gas in Three Sculptor Group Galaxies
astro-ph/9607049 Diffusive Shock Acceleration in Oblique MHD Shocks: Comparison with Monte Carlo Methods and Observations
astro-ph/9607050 Can Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars make most of the overall gamma--ray background ?
astro-ph/9607051 Zero Energy Rotating Accretion Flows near a Black Hole
astro-ph/9607052 ROSAT Temperatures and Abundances for a Complete Sample of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9607053 Molecular abundances in the Magellanic Clouds II. Deuterated species in the LMC
astro-ph/9607054 Extrapolations of BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra to the Optical-UV Band
astro-ph/9607055 Search for Earth-Mass Planets and Dark Matter, Too
astro-ph/9607056 Faint counts as a function of morphological type in a hierarchical merger model
astro-ph/9607057 Magnetically-driven jets from Keplerian accretion discs
astro-ph/9607058 Radio-loud active galaxies in the northern ROSAT All-Sky Survey. I. Radio identifications
astro-ph/9607059 Images of Bursting Sources of High-Energy Cosmic Rays. I: Effects of Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9607060 The Four-Year COBE Normalization and Large-Scale Structure
astro-ph/9607061 Dark Matter and Cosmology: CDM with a Cosmological Constant ($Lambda$CDM) vs. CDM with Hot Dark Matter (CHDM)
astro-ph/9607062 Accretion of Cold and Hot Dark Matter onto Cosmic String Filaments
astro-ph/9607063 X-ray properties of the distant cluster Cl0016+16
astro-ph/9607064 ROSAT/HRI study of the optically rich, lensing cluster CL0500-24
astro-ph/9607065 Effects of Electron Band Structure on Neutrino Pair Bremsstrahlung in Neutron Star Crusts
astro-ph/9607066 Detectability of inflation-produced gravitational waves
astro-ph/9607067 The HI Environment of Nearby Lyman-alpha Absorbers
astro-ph/9607068 Beat Cepheid Period Ratios from OPAL Opacities
astro-ph/9607069 A simple formula for the thermal pair annihilation line emissivity
astro-ph/9607070 Evidence for Chain Reaction in the Time Profiles of Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9607071 Interstellar $^{36}$S: a probe of s-process nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9607072 Spherical Harmonic Expansion of Gamma Ray Burst Distributions: Probing Large Scale Structure?
astro-ph/9607073 The composition of Io - a late confirmation
astro-ph/9607074 An Analytical Approach to Fluctuations in Showers
astro-ph/9607075 Isolated neutron stars, their $gamma$-ray efficiencies and EGRET observations
astro-ph/9607076 Statistics of Extreme Gravitational Lensing Events. II.The Small Shear Case
astro-ph/9607077 Gravitational Phase Transition of Heavy Neutrino Matter
astro-ph/9607078 Abundances for Globular Cluster Giants: I. Homogeneous Metallicities for 24 Clusters
astro-ph/9607079 EGRET Observations of Pulsars
astro-ph/9607080 The 6 cm Light Curves of B0957+561, 1979-1994: New Features and Implications for the Time Delay
astro-ph/9607081 CCD photometry of the old open cluster Collinder 261
astro-ph/9607082 The determination of time lags using SOLA
astro-ph/9607083 Residual gas expulsion from young globular clusters
astro-ph/9607084 Effects of Weak Gravitational Lensing from Large-Scale Structure on the Determination of $q_0$
astro-ph/9607085 Acoustic perturbations in special-relativistic parallel flows
astro-ph/9607086 Ultra high energy cosmic rays and the large scale structure of the galactic magnetic field
astro-ph/9607087 Parallel Implementation of the PHOENIX Generalized Stellar Atmosphere Program
astro-ph/9607088 Calculation of Cosmic Background Radiation Anisotropies and Implications
astro-ph/9607089 Colour-Magnitude Diagrams from microlensing projects and galactic structure
astro-ph/9607090 Halo-stripping in Galactic Collisions
astro-ph/9607091 Stellar population synthesis
astro-ph/9607092 On the extinction towards Baade’s Window
astro-ph/9607093 Dust in High Redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/9607094 Hubble Space Telescope Observations of M32: The Color-Magnitude Diagram
astro-ph/9607095 Aperture Multipole Moments from Weak Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/9607096 Accurate determination of inflationary perturbations
astro-ph/9607097 A New Statistic for Redshift Surveys: the Redshift Dispersion of Galaxies
astro-ph/9607098 Testing cosmological variations of fundamental physical constants by analysis of quasar spectra
astro-ph/9607099 The fate of cannibalized fundamental-plane ellipticals
astro-ph/9607099 The fate of cannibalized fundamental-plane ellipticals
astro-ph/9607100 Diffuse Microwave Emission Survey
astro-ph/9607101 Nonlinear Gravitational Clustering in Expanding Universe
astro-ph/9607102 Cosmological Redshift-Space Distortion II: distance in an inhomogeneous universe and evolution of bias
astro-ph/9607103 Old Galaxies at High Redshift and the Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/9607104 Preparing a public database of radio sources
astro-ph/9607105 WWW Access to radio measurements of clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/9607106 The Effects of an Early Galactic Wind on the Evolution of D, he3 and Z
astro-ph/9607107 An SSPM-Based High-Speed Near-Infrared Photometer for Astronomy
astro-ph/9607108 Infrared to Ultraviolet Wavelength-Dependent Variations Within the Pulse Profile Peaks of the Crab Nebula Pulsar
astro-ph/9607109 A Causal Source which Mimics Inflation
astro-ph/9607110 Discovery of 800 Hz QPO in 4U1608-52
astro-ph/9607111 A damped Ly-alpha candidate at z~0.1 toward Q 0439-433
astro-ph/9607112 Starcounts in the Hubble Deep Field: Constraining Galactic Structure Models
astro-ph/9607113 What is a Peculiar Galaxy ?
astro-ph/9607114 A ROSAT survey of Hickson’s compact galaxy groups
astro-ph/9607115 Cosmic Strings and Coherence
astro-ph/9607116 A Spectroscopic Survey for Binary Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC5053
astro-ph/9607117 Evolution in the Lyman-alpha forest
astro-ph/9607118 Low-Luminosity Seyfert Nuclei
astro-ph/9607119 SBS 0335-052, a probable nearby young dwarf galaxy: evidence pro and con
astro-ph/9607120 The Infrared to Gamma-Ray Pulse Shape of the Crab Nebula Pulsar
astro-ph/9607121 HST observations of the blue compact dwarf SBS 0335-052: a probable young galaxy
astro-ph/9607122 Non-Gaussian Fluctuations From Textures
astro-ph/9607123 Triaxial neutron stars -- a possible source of gravitational radiation
astro-ph/9607124 Modeling Collisionless Matter in General Relativity: A New Numerical Technique
astro-ph/9607125 Gravitational Waveguides in Cosmology
astro-ph/9607126 Limits on Far-UV Emission from Warm Gas in Clusters of Galaxies with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope
astro-ph/9607127 Time Dilation of BATSE Gamma-ray Bursts
astro-ph/9607128 A Constraint on the Formation of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies in the Dense Coma Cluster Core
astro-ph/9607129 Mid-infrared imaging of AGB star envelopes. II. Modelling of observed sources
astro-ph/9607130 Relic Gravitational Waves from Cosmic Strings: Updated Constraints and Opportunities for Detection
astro-ph/9607131 Log-Normal Distributions in Gamma-Ray Burst Time Histories
astro-ph/9607132 Linear Graviational Instability of Filamentary and Sheet-like Molecular Clouds with Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9607133 Test-Bed Simulations of Collisionless, Self-Gravitating Systems Using the Schrödinger Method
astro-ph/9607134 Gravitational Microlensing and the Structure of the Inner Milky Way
astro-ph/9607135 A Large Proper-Motion Survey in Plaut’s Low-Extinction Window
astro-ph/9607136 3-D Simulations of Protostellar Jets in Stratified Ambient Media
astro-ph/9607137 Cross-Section Alignment of Oblate Grains
astro-ph/9607138 H-alpha Imaging of the Hickson Compact Group 62
astro-ph/9607139 Astrophysical and Biological Constraints on Radiopanspermia
astro-ph/9607140 Detecting Neutrinos from AGN: New Fluxes and Cross Sections
astro-ph/9607141 The Protogalactic Origin for Cosmic Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9607142 Is Galaxy Dark Matter a Property of Spacetime?
astro-ph/9607143 Analytical Approximations to the Low-Order Statistics of Dark Matter Distribution
astro-ph/9607144 The Ellipticity and Orientation of Clusters of Galaxies from N-Body Experiments
astro-ph/9607145 A New Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Temperature at z = 1.97
astro-ph/9607146 An Optical Ultrahigh Resolution Spectrograph for Use with Adaptive Optics
astro-ph/9607147 Non-Extensive Thermostatistical Approach of the Peculiar Velocity Function of Galaxy Clusters
astro-ph/9607148 Neural Networks and the Classification of Active Galactic Nucleus Spectra
astro-ph/9607149 The Continuum Slopes of Optically Selected QSOs
astro-ph/9607150 Superheated Microdrops as Cold Dark Matter Detectors
astro-ph/9607151 Hot HB stars in globular clusters - physical parameters and consequences for theory. III. NGC 6752 and its long blue vertical branch
astro-ph/9607152 A Test of the Particle Paradigm in N-Body Simulations
astro-ph/9607153 Nomenclature of The Galactic Center Radio Sources
astro-ph/9607154 The Homogeneity of Spheroidal Populations in Distant Clusters
astro-ph/9607155 HUT Observations of the Lyman Limit in AGN: Implications for Unified Models
astro-ph/9607156 An adaptive hierarchical particle-mesh code with isolated boundary conditions
astro-ph/9607157 ROSAT Soft X-Ray Properties of the Large Bright Quasar Survey: Modeling of Stacked X-Ray Spectra
astro-ph/9607158 On Suggestive Correlations Between GRBs and Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9607159 A Sub-millimeterwave ``Flare’’ from GG Tau?
astro-ph/9607160 Life Extinction Due To Neutron Star Mergers
astro-ph/9607161 Temporal optimization of Lagrangian perturbation schemes
astro-ph/9607162 Shocking Outflows in Seyfert Galaxies: An Imaging Perspective
astro-ph/9607163 Expanding Relativistic Shells and Gamma-Ray Burst Temporal Structure
astro-ph/9607164 SBS 0335-052W - a new, extremely low metallicity dwarf galaxy
astro-ph/9607165 High Energy Neutrinos from Blazars
astro-ph/9607166 Open Inflationary Universes in the Induced Gravity Theory
astro-ph/9607167 The mv vs fe Calibration: I. HST Color-Magnitude Diagrams of 8 Globular Clusters in M 31
astro-ph/9607168 Electron versus Proton Timing Delays in Solar Flares
astro-ph/9607169 Galactic structure towards the Open Clusters NGC 188 and NGC 3680
astro-ph/9607170 The EINSTEIN Observatory Detection of Faint X-Ray Flashes
astro-ph/9607171 The Absence of X-ray Flashes from Nearby Galaxies and the Gamma-Ray Burst Distance Scale
astro-ph/9607172 High Redshift Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. Color Selection and Star Formation History to z=4
cond-mat/9604151 Survival Probability of a Gaussian Non-Markovian Process: Application to the T=0 Dynamics of the Ising Model
cond-mat/9606109 Microtubules: Montroll’s kink and Morse vibrations
cond-mat/9606208 Temperature crossovers in cuprates
cond-mat/9606212 Quantum Hall Transitions in (TMTSF)$_2$PF$_6$
cond-mat/9606223 Self-Organized Short-Term Memories
cond-mat/9606224 Exact Solutions of Low-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Systems
cond-mat/9607001 Thermoelectric Response of an Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Quantizing Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9607002 Theory of Photoluminescence of the $ u=1$ Quantum Hall State: Excitons, Spin-Waves and Spin-Textures
cond-mat/9607003 Parametric correlation of Coulomb blockade conductance peaks in chaotic quantum dots
cond-mat/9607004 An exactly solvable model of the persistent currents in presence of hard-core interaction in a one dimensional mesoscopic ring
cond-mat/9607005 Quantum Spin Glasses
cond-mat/9607006 Velocity fluctuations in forced Burgers turbulence
cond-mat/9607007 Renormalization Theory of Stochastic Growth
cond-mat/9607008 Theoretical study of hydrogen-covered diamond (100) surfaces: A chemical potential analysis
cond-mat/9607009 Novel Correlations in Arbitrary Dimensions
cond-mat/9607009 Novel Correlations in Arbitrary Dimensions
cond-mat/9607010 Cooling rate effects in amorphous Silica: A Computer Simulation Study
cond-mat/9607011 Phase separation in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
cond-mat/9607012 Gap States in Dilute Magnetic Alloy Superconductors
cond-mat/9607013 Generalized Dynamic Scaling for Critical Relaxations
cond-mat/9607014 Quantum Hall quarks or Short distance physics of quantized Hall fluids
cond-mat/9607015 Manifestation of the Hofstadter butterfly in far-infrared absorption
cond-mat/9607016 Point interaction in dimension two and three as models of small scatterers
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