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astro-ph/9603125 Spherically Symmetric Non Linear Structures
astro-ph/9603140 The matter content of the jet in M87: evidence for an electron-positron jet
astro-ph/9605055 Nucleosynthesis bounds on a time-varying cosmological ’constant’
astro-ph/9605114 IRAS FSC 15307+3252 -- Gravitationally Lensed Seyfert or Cannibal Elliptical at $z$ = 0.93?
astro-ph/9605132 Open Universes from Finite Radius Bubbles
astro-ph/9605193 Distinguishing Causal Seeds from Inflation
astro-ph/9607173 Anticorrelated Hard/Soft X-Ray Emission from the X-Ray Burster 4U 0614+091
astro-ph/9607174 The Hubble Deep Field: Observations, Data Reduction, and Galaxy Photometry
astro-ph/9607175 A Search for Larson-Type Relations in Numerical Simulations of the ISM. Evidence for Non-Constant Column Densities
astro-ph/9607176 Wide Field Spectroscopy and the Universe
astro-ph/9608001 The two-point correlation function and morphological segregation in the Optical Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9608002 LiBeB: High and low energy cosmic ray production and comparison with neutrino induced nucleosynthesis in SNII
astro-ph/9608003 Understanding the Elusive Dwarf Carbon Star
astro-ph/9608004 Redshift evolution of clustering
astro-ph/9608005 The Unidentified Galactic EGRET Sources
astro-ph/9608006 Molecular gas and dust around a radio-quiet quasar at redshift 4.7
astro-ph/9608007 The Evolving XUV Absorber in NGC3516
astro-ph/9608008 The Effects of Amplification Bias in Gravitational Microlensing Experiments
astro-ph/9608009 Metal absorption from galaxies in the process of formation
astro-ph/9608009 Metal absorption from galaxies in the process of formation
astro-ph/9608010 21-cm Tomography of the Intergalactic Medium at High Redshift
astro-ph/9608011 New beryllium observations in low-metallicity stars
astro-ph/9608012 Density Fluctuations in the Galactic Halo and Experimental Searches for Dark Matter
astro-ph/9608013 Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9608014 The Shapes of Dense Cores and Bok Globules
astro-ph/9608015 HST Imaging of Bright Galactic X-ray Binaries in Crowded Fields
astro-ph/9608016 Close Pairs of Field Galaxies in the CNOC1 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9608017 The Bull’s-Eye Effect: Are Galaxy Walls Observationally Enhanced?
astro-ph/9608018 A high-resolution map of the cosmic microwave background around the north celestial pole
astro-ph/9608019 An Eulerian PPM & PIC Code for Cosmological Hydrodynamics
astro-ph/9608020 The Structure of Cosmic String Wakes
astro-ph/9608021 Wiener Reconstruction of the IRAS 1.2Jy Galaxy Redshift Survey: Cosmographical Implications
astro-ph/9608022 A catalogue of the voids in the IRAS 1.2-Jy survey
astro-ph/9608023 Interstellar Broadening of Images in the Gravitational Lens PKS 1830-211
astro-ph/9608024 Emission Lines and the Spectral Energy Distributions of Quasars
astro-ph/9608025 Supercurvature Modes from Preheating in an Open Universe
astro-ph/9608026 The EUV Spectrum of the Quasi-Coherent Oscillations of the Dwarf Nova SS Cygni
astro-ph/9608027 WN1626+5153: A Giant Radio Galaxy from the WENSS survey
astro-ph/9608028 Finding Radio Pulsars in and Beyond the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9608029 K and evolutionary corrections from UV to IR
astro-ph/9608030 The Nature of the X-Ray Emission and the Mass Distributions in Two Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9608031 COBRAS/SAMBA and measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
astro-ph/9608032 Standard and Enhanced Cooling of Neutron Stars with Superfluid Cores
astro-ph/9608033 Overcoming the Back Reaction on Turbulent Motions in the Presence of Magnetic Fields
astro-ph/9608034 The Twin Astrographic Catalog (TAC) Version 1.0
astro-ph/9608035 Reply to Comment on ``Dispersion Velocity of Galactic Dark Matter Particles’’ by Evans (astro-ph/9606155)
astro-ph/9608036 The MACHO Project LMC Variable Star Inventory IV: Multimode RR Lyrae Stars, Distance to the LMC and Age of the Oldest Stars
astro-ph/9608037 Strong Clustering of Faint Galaxies at Small Angular Scales
astro-ph/9608038 Helical Strands in the Jet-like Narrow Line Region of ESO 428-G14
astro-ph/9608039 Could a Local Group X-Ray Halo Affect the X-Ray and Microwave Backgrounds?
astro-ph/9608040 Modelling Primordial Gas in Numerical Cosmology
astro-ph/9608041 Cosmological Hydrodynamics with Multi-Species Chemistry and Nonequilibrium Ionization and Cooling
astro-ph/9608042 Density Perturbations from Two-field Inflation
astro-ph/9608043 Galaxy Dark Matter: Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9608044 Large-scale structure at high redshift
astro-ph/9608045 The Hollywood Strategy for Microlensing Detection of Planets
astro-ph/9608046 Time Resolved Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of DQ Herculis: Eclipses and Pulsations
astro-ph/9608047 Reheating of the Universe and Population III
astro-ph/9608048 X-Ray Emission Line Imaging and Spectroscopy of Tycho’s Supernova Remnant
astro-ph/9608049 A Unified View of How the Study of Emission Lines Furthers our Knowledge of AGN
astro-ph/9608050 Polarization of the Microwave Background in Reionized Models
astro-ph/9608051 Reply to Comment on ``Dispersion Velocity of Galactic Dark Matter Particles’’ by Gates et al (astro-ph/9606132)
astro-ph/9608052 Photon-photon absorption above a molecular cloud torus in blazars
astro-ph/9608053 QCD deconfinement -- phase transitions and collapsing quark stars
astro-ph/9608054 COBE-DMR-Normalized Open CDM Cosmogonies
astro-ph/9608055 The soliton stars evolution
astro-ph/9608056 The Luminosity Function of Field Galaxies in the CNOC1 Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9608057 The QSO variability-luminosity-redshift relation
astro-ph/9608058 Formation of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries. III. A New Formation Mechanism: Direct Supernova
astro-ph/9608059 The Maximum Mass of a Neutron Star
astro-ph/9608060 Cosmology with bulk pressure
astro-ph/9608061 Elliptical Lens Model in PG1115+080
astro-ph/9608062 Doppler tomography of relativistic accretion disks
astro-ph/9608063 Spectroscopy of Ultra--Steep Spectrum Radio Sources: A Sample of z>2 Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/9608064 ROSAT Observations of the Galactic Wind in M82
astro-ph/9608065 An Efficient Technique for making maps from Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
astro-ph/9608066 Cosmological Questions for the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope
astro-ph/9608067 Accreting Matter around Clusters of Galaxies: One-Dimensional Considerations
astro-ph/9608068 Weak Lensing and the Measurement of q0 from Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/9608069 The Effect of Spatial Correlations on Merger Trees of Dark Matter Haloes
astro-ph/9608070 Towards Understanding Galaxy Clusters and Their Constituents:Projection Effects on Velocity Dispersion, X-Ray Emission, Mass Estimates, Gas Fraction and Substructure
astro-ph/9608071 Contributions to the Cosmic Ray Flux above the Ankle: Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9608072 On the Absorption of High Energy Gamma-Rays by Intergalactic Infrared Radiation
astro-ph/9608073 An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Classification of Galaxy Spectra
astro-ph/9608074 Supernova Neutrino Opacities
astro-ph/9608075 Evidence against field decay proportional to accreted mass in neutron stars
astro-ph/9608076 The DENIS & 2MASS Near Infrared Surveys
astro-ph/9608077 Preliminary galaxy extraction from DENIS images
astro-ph/9608078 Acceleration time scale for the first-order Fermi acceleration in relativistic shock waves
astro-ph/9608079 Evolution of Normal Galaxies: HST Morphologies and Deep Spectroscopy
astro-ph/9608080 The HST Quasar Absorption Line Key Project XII. The Unusual Absorption Line System in the Spectrum of PG 2302+029 ---Ejected or Intervening?
astro-ph/9608081 Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies up to z=1
astro-ph/9608082 Globular cluster systems of early--type galaxies in Fornax
astro-ph/9608083 What perturbs NGC 2188?
astro-ph/9608084 The Crisis Confronting Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9608085 IR Emission from dusty winds --- Scaling and self-similarity properties
astro-ph/9608086 Lopsided Spiral Galaxies and a Limit on the Galaxy Accretion Rate
astro-ph/9608087 Accretion Disks Around Class 0 Protostars: The Case of VLA 1623
astro-ph/9608088 Size of the Vela Pulsar’s Radio Emission Region: 500 km
astro-ph/9608089 High S/N Echelle Spectroscopy in Young Stellar Groups II. Rotational Velocities of Early-Type Stars in Sco OB2
astro-ph/9608090 Neutrino-electron scattering in dense magnetized plasma
astro-ph/9608091 Compact Group Selection From Redshift Surveys
astro-ph/9608092 The Gaseous Environments of Radio Galaxies in the Early Universe: Kinematics of the Lyman $alpha$ Emission
astro-ph/9608093 Capture of stellar--mass compact objects by massive black holes in galactic cusps
astro-ph/9608094 Detached eclipsing binaries as primary distance and age indicators
astro-ph/9608095 Implications of Gamma-Ray Transparency Constraints in Blazars: Minimum Distances and Gamma-Ray Collimation
astro-ph/9608096 A Study into the Feasibility of Obtaining Finite Source Sizes From MACHO-type Microlensing Light Curves
astro-ph/9608097 Late-Time Mild Inflation --- a possible solution of dilemma: cosmic age and the Hubble parameter ---
astro-ph/9608098 Depolarization of the cosmic microwave background by a primordial magnetic field and its effect upon temperature anisotropy
astro-ph/9608099 A radio galaxy at z=3.6 in a giant rotating Lyman $alpha$ halo
astro-ph/9608099 A radio galaxy at z=3.6 in a giant rotating Lyman $alpha$ halo
astro-ph/9608100 Photometric study of polar-ring galaxies. III. Forming rings
astro-ph/9608101 Power correlations in cosmology: limits on primordial non-Gaussian density fields
astro-ph/9608102 The Observational Consequences of Merging Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9608103 The origin of pulsar velocities
astro-ph/9608104 Physical constraints on the sizes of dense clouds in the central magnetospheres of Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9608105 Weak lensing at the limit of the sky background noise
astro-ph/9608106 Normalization of modes in an open universe
astro-ph/9608107 Really Cool Stars at the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9608108 The Absolute Magnitude and Kinematics of RR Lyrae Stars via Statistical Parallax
astro-ph/9608109 First Results from the All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
astro-ph/9608110 The Starburst Model for AGN: Past, Present & Future
astro-ph/9608111 The Mass of Abell 1060 and AWM 7 from Spatially Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy: Variations in Baryon Fraction
astro-ph/9608112 Large-scale distribution of quasars in deep pencil-beam surveys
astro-ph/9608113 Seeing Galaxies Through Thick and Thin: I. Optical Opacity Measures in Overlapping Galaxies
astro-ph/9608114 Scattering of X-ray emission lines by the neutral and molecular hydrogen in the Sun’s atmosphere and in the vicinity of active galactic nuclei and compact sources
astro-ph/9608115 Clustering of absorption line systems
astro-ph/9608116 Testing Cosmological Models With A $lya$ Forest Statistic: The High End Of The Optical Depth Distribution
astro-ph/9608117 The Mass distribution of the Cluster 0957+561 from Gravitational Lensing
astro-ph/9608118 Passive Evolution: Are the Faint Blue Galaxy Counts Produced by a Population of Eternally Young Galaxies?
astro-ph/9608119 A Dynamical Analysis of the Poor Galaxy Clusters A2626 and A2440
astro-ph/9608120 Photometry of GX 349+2: Evidence for a 22-hour Period
astro-ph/9608121 Redshift clustering in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9608122 Dynamical Lambda Models of Structure Formation
astro-ph/9608123 Expected Enhancement of the Primary Antiproton Flux at the Solar Minimum
astro-ph/9608124 The Ursa Major Cluster of Galaxies. I. Cluster Definition and Photometric Data
astro-ph/9608125 Neutron-induced nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9608126 Multiphase cooling flows
astro-ph/9608127 The Capture and Escape of Stars
astro-ph/9608128 Verifying the Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function Method
astro-ph/9608129 A survey for high-redshift radio-loud quasars: optical spectroscopy of S > 0.2 Jy, flat-spectrum radio sources
astro-ph/9608130 Destruction of Molecular Hydrogen During Cosmological Reionization
astro-ph/9608131 Measuring Polarization In Cosmic Microwave Background
astro-ph/9608132 Spectroscopic properties, spatial and luminosity distributions of the UCm survey galaxies
astro-ph/9608133 Non-equilibrium effects on line-of-sight size estimates of QSO absorption systems
astro-ph/9608134 Evidence for an outflow from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051
astro-ph/9608135 Solution To The Gamma Ray Burst Mystery?
astro-ph/9608136 ROSAT HRI observations of Centaurus A
astro-ph/9608137 Double-Diffusive Mixing-Length Theory, Semiconvection, and Massive Star Evolution
astro-ph/9608138 Statistics of Gravitational Microlensing Magnification. I. Two-Dimensional Lens Distribution
astro-ph/9608139 Statistics of Gravitational Microlensing Magnification. II. Three-Dimensional Lens Distribution
astro-ph/9608140 Distant Supernovae and Cosmic Deceleration
astro-ph/9608141 Operational Concepts of Large Telescopes
astro-ph/9608142 A wide-field K-band survey - II. Galaxy clustering
astro-ph/9608143 Regularities in galaxy spectra and the nature of the Hubble sequence
astro-ph/9608144 Mapping quasi-periodic oscillations from the outbursting intermediate polar GK Persei
astro-ph/9608145 The Quasi-Coherent Oscillations of SS Cygni
astro-ph/9608146 APM z>4 QSO Survey: Distribution and Evolution of High Column Density HI Absorbers
astro-ph/9608147 Evolution of Neutral Gas at High Redshift -- Implications for the Epoch of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9608148 Massive Star Evolution in Different Environments
astro-ph/9608149 X--ray Emission from Old, Isolated, Accreting Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9608150 A photometric catalogue of the Coma cluster core
astro-ph/9608151 The evolution of galaxy clustering
astro-ph/9608152 Cosmological GRBs: Internal vs. External Shocks
astro-ph/9608153 Nucleosynthesis of light elements inside thermally pulsing AGB stars I: the case of intermediate-mass stars
astro-ph/9608154 Liquid Mirror Telescopes: A progress report
astro-ph/9608155 Pulsars revived by gravitational waves
astro-ph/9608156 The Low Column Density Lyman-alpha Forest
astro-ph/9608157 The Statistics of Density Peaks and the Column Density Distribution of the Lyman-Alpha Forest
astro-ph/9608158 Gravitational Lensing and the Redshift Distribution of $B>25$ galaxies
astro-ph/9608159 Merger Rate of Equal-Mass Spherical Galaxies
astro-ph/9608160 Post-Collapse evolution of globular clusters
astro-ph/9608161 Merging of galaxies with central black holes II. Evolution of the black hole binary and the structure of the core
astro-ph/9608162 Chaotic itinerancy and thermalization in one-dimensional self-gravitating systems
astro-ph/9608163 Dense, thin clouds and reprocessed radiation in the central regions of Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/9608164 Does the Milky Way have a Maximal Disk?
astro-ph/9608165 High redshift radio galaxies with the VLT
astro-ph/9608166 An accretion model for the eclipsing cataclysmic variable PG0859+415
astro-ph/9608167 UBVRI CCD photometry of the old open cluster NGC 6253
astro-ph/9608168 A Two--Exponent Mass-Size Power Law for Celestial Objects
astro-ph/9608169 The Color--Magnitude Diagram in Baade’s Window Revisited
astro-ph/9608170 ASCA observations of Seyfert 1 galaxies: I. Data Analysis, Imaging and Timing
astro-ph/9608171 Variability of the iron K-emission line in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516
astro-ph/9608172 Under the Shadow of the Magellanic Bridge: A Measurement of the Extragalactic Background at $sim 0.7$~keV
astro-ph/9608173 Is lensing of point sources a problem for future CMB experiments?
astro-ph/9608174 Dynamical Comptonization in spherical flows: black hole accretion and stellar winds
astro-ph/9608175 Higher spin fields and the problem of cosmological constant
astro-ph/9608176 Learning from observations of the microwave background at small angular scales
astro-ph/9608177 Observational Constraints on Open Inflation Models
astro-ph/9608178 Theortetical Models of Extrasolar Giant Planets
astro-ph/9608179 Upper Limit Set by Causality on the Rotation and Mass of Uniformly Rotating Relativistic Stars
astro-ph/9608180 Compact Nuclei in Moderately Redshifted Galaxies
astro-ph/9608181 The Rise Times and Bolometric Light Curve of SN 1994D: Constraints on Models of Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/9608182 Cosmic ray electrons and the diffuse gamma ray spectrum
astro-ph/9608183 Dynamics of Quiet Universes
astro-ph/9608184 ROSAT observation of GRS 1739-278
astro-ph/9608185 Active Galaxies as Particle Accelerators
astro-ph/9608186 Extremely High Energy Neutrinos and their Detection
astro-ph/9608187 The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect at 1 and 2 mm towards ROSAT Clusters
astro-ph/9608188 A Work- and Data-Sharing Parallel Tree N-body Code
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