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13 February 2025

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astro-ph/9507021 Spherical Redshift Distortions
astro-ph/9507022 Redshift Distortions and Omega in IRAS Surveys
astro-ph/9709306 CO J=2->1 observations of the nearby galaxies Dwingeloo 1 and Dwingeloo 2
astro-ph/9710001 The Shapes and Sizes of Elliptical Galaxy Halos from X-Ray Observations
astro-ph/9710002 ASCA observations of Deep ROSAT fields - II. The 2-10keV AGN luminosity function
astro-ph/9710003 Observational limits to source confusion in the millimetre/submillimetre waveband
astro-ph/9710004 Stellar Yields and Chemical Evolution I: Abundance Ratios and Delayed Mixing in the Solar Neighbourhood
astro-ph/9710005 On the Velocity and Intensity Line Asymmetries
astro-ph/9710006 Modelling the X-ray cluster dipole and cluster contribution to the soft X-ray background
astro-ph/9710007 A Prescription for Building the Milky Way’s Halo from Disrupted Satellites
astro-ph/9710008 Hipparcos results on massive X-ray binaries
astro-ph/9710009 A 106-d period in the nuclear source X-8 in M33
astro-ph/9710009 A 106-d period in the nuclear source X-8 in M33
astro-ph/9710011 Decoupled and inhomogeneous gas flows in S0 galaxies
astro-ph/9710012 Correlation Functions of CMB Anisotropy and Polarization
astro-ph/9710013 KiloHertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in GX 17+2
astro-ph/9710014 MGC2214+3550: A New Binary Quasar
astro-ph/9710015 Systematic Biases in Galaxy Luminosity Functions
astro-ph/9710016 Kilohertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries - a Review
astro-ph/9710017 Three contributions to the "A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations" proceedings
cond-mat/9709327 Comment on "Tricritical Behavior in Rupture Induced by Disorder"
cond-mat/9709347 Finite size effects as the explanation of ``freezing’’ in vortex liquids
cond-mat/9710001 Sound Propagation and Transport Properties of Liquid $^3$He in Aerogel
cond-mat/9710002 Quasi-excitations and superconductivity in the t-J model on a ladder
cond-mat/9710003 Non-integer flux quanta for a spherical superconductor
cond-mat/9710004 Superconducting d-wave junctions: The disappearance of the odd ac components
cond-mat/9710005 Thermodynamics of vortex lines in layered superconductors
cond-mat/9710006 Level-Spacing Distributions of Planar Quasiperiodic Tight-Binding Models
cond-mat/9710007 Charge Dynamics in Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/9710008 Comparison of Zn_{1-x}Mn_xTe/ZnTe multiple-quantum wells and quantum dots by below-bandgap photomodulated reflectivity
cond-mat/9710009 New vacuum state and symmetry breaking in polariton system
cond-mat/9710009 New vacuum state and symmetry breaking in polariton system
cond-mat/9710011 Energy-level statistics and localization of 2d electrons in random magnetic fields
cond-mat/9710012 The Dynamics of Supercooled Silica: Acoustic modes and Boson peak
cond-mat/9710013 Attractive Hubbard model and single-particle pseudogap due to classical pairing fluctuations in two dimensions
cond-mat/9710014 Semiclassical Approach to Orbital Magnetism of Interacting Diffusive Quantum Systems
cond-mat/9710015 Magnetic ordering, spin waves, and Haldane gap excitations in (Nd_x Y_{1-x})_2 Ba Ni O_5 linear-chain mixed-spin antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9710016 Hard Spheres in Vesicles: Curvature-Induced Forces and Particle-Induced Curvature
cond-mat/9710017 The Structure of the Vortex Liquid at the Surface of a Layered Superconductor
cond-mat/9710018 A Mapping Relating Complex and Physical Temperatures in the 2D $q$-state Potts Model and Some Applications
cond-mat/9710019 A consistent description of the pairing symmetry in hole and electron doped cuprates within the two dimensional Hubbard model
cond-mat/9710020 Localized states in strong magnetic field: resonant scattering and the Dicke effect
cond-mat/9710021 Test of mode coupling theory for a supercooled liquid of diatomic molecules.I. Translational degrees of freedom
cond-mat/9710022 Test of mode coupling theory for a supercooled liquid of diatomic molecules. II. q-dependent orientational correlators
cond-mat/9710023 Traveling through potential energy landscapes of disordered materials: the activation-relaxation technique
cond-mat/9710024 Coupled Minimal Models with and without Disorder
cond-mat/9710025 Diffusion process in a deterministically forced flow
cond-mat/9710026 Single-Particle Diffusion-Coefficient on Surfaces with Ehrlich-Schwoebel-Barriers
cond-mat/9710027 An Adaptive Finite Element Approach to Atomic-Scale Mechanics - The Quasicontinuum Method
cond-mat/9710028 Highly Designable Protein Structures and Inter Monomer Interactions
cond-mat/9710029 Comment on "Density of states and reflectionless tunneling in an NS junction with a barrier
cond-mat/9710030 Testing a new Monte Carlo Algorithm for Protein Folding
cond-mat/9710031 Zener Transitions Between Dissipative Bloch Bands
cond-mat/9710032 High field study of normal state magneto-transport in the thallium cuprate Tl-2201
cond-mat/9710033 Exactly integrable family of generalized Hubbard models with twisted Yangian symmetry
cond-mat/9710034 The onset of a liquid-vapour transition in metallic nanoparticles
cond-mat/9710035 Equivalence of the Calogero-Sutherland Model to Free Harmonic Oscillators
cond-mat/9710036 Novel Scaling Relation of the Energy Spacing Distribution in Quantum-Hall Systems
cond-mat/9710037 Coulomb blockade effects in anodised niobium nanostructures
cond-mat/9710038 Instanton in Disordered Peierls Systems
cond-mat/9710039 Breakdown of scale-invariance in the coarsening of phase-separating binary fluids
cond-mat/9710040 Spectral Curves of Non-Hermitean Hamiltonians
cond-mat/9710041 Coulomb Drag in the Extreme Quantum Limit
cond-mat/9710042 Vortex lattices in strong type-II superconducting two-dimensional strips
cond-mat/9710043 Quasi-Long-Range Order in the Calogero-Sutherland Model
cond-mat/9710044 Precise determination of the bond percolation thresholds and finite-size scaling corrections for the s.c., f.c.c., and b.c.c. lattices
cond-mat/9710045 Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation for trapped atoms
cond-mat/9710046 Singular Laplacian Growth
cond-mat/9710047 The Two - Dimensional Attractive Hubbard Model: Highly Non-Linear Superconductivity With Sum Rules
cond-mat/9710048 Beyond the Hubbard-I Solution with a One-Pole Self-Energy at Half-Filling with the Moment Approach: Non-Linear Effects
cond-mat/9710049 On the integrability of the SU(N) Hubbard model
cond-mat/9710050 Optics with Quantum Hall Skyrmions
cond-mat/9710051 Evanescent modes in a multiple scattering factorization
cond-mat/9710052 Density modulation and electrostatic self-consistency in a two-dimensional electron gas subject to a periodic quantizing magnetic field
cond-mat/9710053 AC-conductance of a quantum wire with electron-electron interaction
cond-mat/9710054 A Study of the affect of N and B doping on the growth of CVD diamond (100):H 2 X 1 surfaces
cond-mat/9710055 Multi-Magnon Scattering in the Ferromagnetic XXX-Model with Inhomogeneities
cond-mat/9710056 The nonlinear effects in 2DEG conductivity investigation by an acoustic method
cond-mat/9710057 Search for tunnelling centres in Lennard-Jones clusters
cond-mat/9710058 Density matrix renormalization group study of the polaron problem in the Holstein model
cond-mat/9710059 Crossovers and Phase Coherence in Cuprate Superconductors
cond-mat/9710060 Incommensurability in the Frustrated Two-Dimensional XY Model
cond-mat/9710061 Pseudogaps: A third peak in the fermion spectral function
cond-mat/9710062 Systematic numerical study of spin-charge separation in one dimension
cond-mat/9710063 Absence of spin gap in the superconducting ladder compound Sr_2Ca_{12}Cu_{24}O_{41}
cond-mat/9710064 Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Ferromagnetic Domain Walls
cond-mat/9710065 Spin susceptibility and the pi-excitation in underdoped cuprates
cond-mat/9710066 Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. II. Simulations
cond-mat/9710067 Sandpile Model for Relaxation in Complex Systems
cond-mat/9710068 Universal Scaling Properties of Superconductors in Magnetic Fields
cond-mat/9710069 Monte-Carlo simulations of the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in domain growth processes
cond-mat/9710070 Spin and orbital excitation spectrum in the Kugel-Khomskii model
cond-mat/9710071 Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. I. Analytical Investigation
cond-mat/9710072 Theory for the electromigration wind force in dilute alloys
cond-mat/9710073 Domain Growth in a Multivariable non Potential System
cond-mat/9710074 Phase transitions in the generalization behaviour of multilayer perceptrons: II. The influence of noise
cond-mat/9710075 Manifestation of quantum chaos on scattering techniques: application to low-energy and photo-electron diffraction intensities
cond-mat/9710076 Electric field effects in STM imaging
cond-mat/9710077 The Marriage Problem and the Fate of Bachelors
cond-mat/9710078 A study of nonlocal conductivity in high-temperature superconductors
cond-mat/9710079 Quantum Decoherence in Disordered Mesoscopic Systems
cond-mat/9710080 Realistic grand canonical Monte Carlo surface simulation: application to Ar(111)
cond-mat/9710081 Transition to self-organized criticality in a rice-pile mode
cond-mat/9710082 Alternating-Spin Ladders
cond-mat/9710083 Exact integrability of the su(n) Hubbard model
cond-mat/9710084 Anisotropic GaAs island phase grown on flat GaP: spontaneously formed quantum wire array
cond-mat/9710085 Nonlinear Response of a Kondo system: Direct and Alternating Tunneling Currents
cond-mat/9710086 Mesoscopic Fermi gas in a harmonic trap
cond-mat/9710087 Coupled Hamiltonians and Three Dimensional Short-Range Wetting Transitions
cond-mat/9710088 Dynamic Local Distortions in Ferroelectrics
cond-mat/9710089 Average stresses and force fluctuations in non-cohesive granular materials
cond-mat/9710090 Enhancement of Quantum Tunneling for Excited States in Ferromagnetic Particles
cond-mat/9710091 A theoretical analysis of Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy: k-space distributions and spectroscopy
cond-mat/9710092 A Topological Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics
cond-mat/9710093 On the Nature of Infrared Singularities in $dleq 2$ Disordered Interacting Systems
cond-mat/9710094 Decoherence and Quantum Fluctuations
cond-mat/9710095 Intrinsic Decoherence in Mesoscopic Systems
cond-mat/9710096 Evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game on a square lattice
cond-mat/9710097 Critical phenomena at perfect and non-perfect surfaces
cond-mat/9710098 Novel Monte Carlo method to calculate the central charge and critical exponents
cond-mat/9710099 Kinetic description of diffusion-limited reactions in random catalytic media
cond-mat/9710099 Kinetic description of diffusion-limited reactions in random catalytic media
cond-mat/9710101 The investigation of the high frequency hopping conductivity in two- and three-dimensional electron gas by an acoustic method
cond-mat/9710102 Spatial Correlations in Compressible Granular Flows
cond-mat/9710103 Diffusion on non exactly decimable tree-like fractals
cond-mat/9710104 Four-tap shift-register-sequence random-number generators
cond-mat/9710105 Generalized Variable Range Hopping Near Two-Dimensional Metal-Insulator Transitions
cond-mat/9710106 Test of Guttmann and Enting’s conjecture in the eight-vertex model
cond-mat/9710107 Numerical Study of Inelastic Scatterings by Time-Dependent Random Potentials in Two-Dimensional Systems
cond-mat/9710108 New universality of metal-insulator transition in integer quantum Hall effect system
cond-mat/9710109 A new paradigm for two-dimensional spin-liquids
cond-mat/9710110 Transport Spectroscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
cond-mat/9710111 Metal-insulator transition at B=0 in an ultra-low density ($r_{s}=23$) two dimensional GaAs/AlGaAs hole gas
cond-mat/9710112 Incremental expansions for Hubbard-Peierls systems
cond-mat/9710113 Effects of the Backward Scattering in Two-Dimensional Electron System
cond-mat/9710114 Elementary excitations in the gapped phase of a frustrated S=1/2 spin ladder: from spinons to the Haldane triplet
cond-mat/9710115 The gap maximum of anisotropic superconductors
cond-mat/9710116 Critical Behavior of Layered Superconducting Films in Parallel Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9710117 Optimal Energy Estimation in Path-Integral Monte Carlo Simulations
cond-mat/9710118 Quantum Fractal Eigenstates
cond-mat/9710119 Steady state properties of a driven granular medium
cond-mat/9710120 Violation of the Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem in Finite Dimensional Spin Glasses
cond-mat/9710121 First-order rigidity transition on Bethe Lattices
cond-mat/9710122 The small polaron crossover: comparison between exact results and vertex correction approximation
cond-mat/9710123 Non-Fermi liquid behavior and Griffiths phase in {it f}-electron compounds
cond-mat/9710124 Quantum state of two trapped Bose-Einstein condensates with a Josephson coupling
cond-mat/9710125 Pairing in the quantum Hall system
cond-mat/9710126 Confined Harmonically Interacting Spin-Polarised Fermions
cond-mat/9710127 Boundary Effects on the Angle of Repose in Rotating Cylinders
cond-mat/9710128 Damping of low-energy excitations of a trapped Bose condensate at finite temperatures
cond-mat/9710129 Density-relaxation part of the self energy
cond-mat/9710130 Damping of Hydrodynamic Modes in a Trapped Bose Gas above the Bose-Einstein Transition Temperature
cond-mat/9710131 Kinetics, Hydrodynamics and Stochastodynamics of Cellular Structure Coarsening
cond-mat/9710132 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Thermal Glass Transition in Polymer Melts: Alpha-Relaxation Behaviour
cond-mat/9710133 Soliton approach to the noisy Burgers equation: Steepest descent method
cond-mat/9710134 Magneto-electrodynamics at high frequencies in the antiferromagnetic and superconducting states of DyNi_2B_2C
cond-mat/9710135 Composite fermions in a long-range random magnetic field: Quantum Hall effect versus Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations
cond-mat/9710136 Low-temperature coherence in the periodic Anderson model: Predictions for photoemission of heavy Fermions
cond-mat/9710137 Quantum point contact in a compressible Quantum Hall liquid
cond-mat/9710138 Rigidity percolation on aperiodic lattices
cond-mat/9710139 Pi excitation of the t-J model
cond-mat/9710140 Compensation of Magnetic Impurity Effect in Superconductors by Radiation Damage
cond-mat/9710141 Integrable open-boundary conditions for the $q$-deformed supersymmetric $U$ model of strongly correlated electrons
cond-mat/9710142 Smooth Phases, Roughening Transitions and Novel Exponents in One-dimensional Growth Models
cond-mat/9710143 Effects of nonstoichiometry in A3C60 (A= K, Rb)
cond-mat/9710144 Density Profiles, Casimir Amplitudes and Critical Exponents in the Two Dimensional Potts Model: A Density Matrix Renormalization Study
cond-mat/9710145 Analogy Between Periodically Driven Josephson ac Effect and Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9710146 The state space of short-range Ising spin glasses: the density of states
cond-mat/9710147 A k-space transport analysis of the BEEM spectroscopy of Au/Si Schottky barriers
cond-mat/9710148 Localization length in a random magnetic field
cond-mat/9710149 Theoretical study of the Josephson current through a junction including ferromagnetic insulator
cond-mat/9710150 First principles calculations of monolayer compressibilities
cond-mat/9710151 A Transport Analysis of the BEEM Spectroscopy of Au/Si Schottky Barriers
cond-mat/9710152 Expansion Around the Mean-Field Solution of the Bak-Sneppen Model
cond-mat/9710153 A projection method for statics and dynamics of lattice spin systems
cond-mat/9710154 A multifractal phase-space analysis of perceptrons with biased patterns
cond-mat/9710155 Normal-State Hall Effect and the Insulating Resistivity of High-T_c Cuprates at Low Temperatures
cond-mat/9710156 Langevin dynamics of the glass forming polymer melt: fluctuations around the random phase approximation
cond-mat/9710157 Softening and Broadening of the Zone Boundary Magnons in Pr0.63Sr0.37MnO3
cond-mat/9710158 Multichannel Kondo Effect in an Interacting Electron System: Exact Results for the Low-Temperature Thermodynamics
cond-mat/9710159 Isotope effect on $m^*$ in high-T_c materials due to the breakdown of Migdal’s theorem
cond-mat/9710160 Evolution of the low-frequency spin dynamics in ferromagnetic manganites
cond-mat/9710161 Magnetic Studies of End-Chain Spin Effects in the Haldane Gap Material Ni(C3H10N2)2N3(ClO4)
cond-mat/9710162 Probing quantum nanostructures with near-field optical microscopy and (vice versa)
cond-mat/9710163 Destruction of the Fermi Surface in Underdoped High Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/9710164 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition of Spin-1 XXZ Chains in a Staggered Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9710165 A Mixed Basis Approach for the Efficient Calculation of Potential Energy Surfaces
cond-mat/9710166 Hole doping and disorder effects on the one-dimensional Kondo lattice, for ferromagnetic Kondo couplings
cond-mat/9710167 Efficient Computation of Dendritic Microstructures using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
cond-mat/9710168 New results about the one dimensional Kondo lattice model
cond-mat/9710169 Motion in Periodic Potentials
cond-mat/9710170 Dislocation Free Island Formation in Heteroepitaxial Growth: An Equilibrium Study
cond-mat/9710171 An open-boundary integrable model of three coupled XY spin chains
cond-mat/9710172 Can We Apply Statistical Laws to Small Systems? the Cerium Atom
cond-mat/9710173 Amplification and Disorder Effects on the Coherent Backscattering in a Kronig-Penney Chain of Active Potentials
cond-mat/9710174 Gauge Fields, Mode Mixing and Local Density of States in a Quantum Point Contact
cond-mat/9710175 The Role of Density of States Fluctuations in the Normal State Properties of High Tc Superconductors
cond-mat/9710176 One-parameter Superscaling at the Metal-Insulator Transition in Three Dimensions
cond-mat/9710177 Peculiarities of phonon spectra and lattice heat capacity in Ir and Rh
cond-mat/9710178 Comment on "Finite size scaling in Neural Networks"
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