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hep-lat/9710054 The Schrödinger Functional and Non-Perturbative Improvement
hep-lat/9710055 Polymeric Phase of Simplicial Quantum Gravity
hep-lat/9710056 CP-PACS results for quenched QCD spectrum with the Wilson action
hep-lat/9710057 Heavy Quark Physics From Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9710058 Heavy Hybrids from NRQCD
hep-lat/9710059 Hadron spectroscopy and static quark potential in full QCD: A comparison of improved actions on the CP-PACS
hep-lat/9710060 FFT for the APE Parallel Computer
hep-lat/9710061 Moving NRQCD
hep-lat/9710062 Some remarks on Abelian dominance
hep-lat/9710063 Update on the hadron spectrum with two flavors of staggered quarks
hep-lat/9710064 A Study of PCAC for the Nonperturbative Improvement of the Wilson Action
hep-lat/9710065 Towards N=1 Super-Yang-Mills on the Lattice
hep-lat/9710066 Chiral Symmetry Breaking on the Lattice: a Study of the Strongly Coupled Lattice Schwinger Model
hep-lat/9710067 Monte Carlo Simulations with Complex-Valued Measure
hep-lat/9710068 Confinement and scaling of the vortex vacuum of SU(2) lattice gauge theory
hep-lat/9710069 A study of the quenched bc mass spectrum at beta=6.2
hep-lat/9710070 Correlation functions and critical behaviour on fluctuating geometries
hep-lat/9710071 Non-perturbative renormalization constants on the lattice from flavour non-singlet Ward identities
hep-lat/9710072 Perturbative Matching of the NRQCD Heavy-Light Axial Current
hep-lat/9710073 Kaon B parameter from quenched Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9710074 High-precision computation of two-loop Feynman diagrams with Wilson fermions
hep-lat/9710075 Dynamical Quark Effects in QCD
hep-lat/9710076 Block Spin Effective Action for 4d SU(2) Finite Temperature Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9710077 4d Simplicial Quantum Gravity Interacting with Gauge Matter Fields
hep-lat/9710078 Instanton Effects in Hadron Spectroscopy in SU(2) (Lattice) Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9710079 Surface width of the Solid-On-Solid models
hep-lat/9710080 Lattice Calculations of Semileptonic Form Factors
hep-lat/9710081 Numerical Computations in the Worldsheet Formulation
hep-lat/9710082 The Worldsheet Formulation as an Alternative Method for Simulating Dynamical Fermions
hep-lat/9710083 Heavy Hybrids from NRQCD
hep-lat/9710084 Resolving Exceptional Configurations
hep-lat/9710085 Monte-carlo renormalization group study of gauged RP(2) spin models in two dimensions
hep-lat/9710086 Applications of the Eigenmodes of the Staggered Dirac Operator
hep-lat/9710087 f_B and the Heavy-light Spectrum from NRQCD
hep-lat/9710088 Heavy quarks on the lattice: status and perspectives
hep-lat/9710089 Vector like gauge theories with almost massless fermions on the lattice
hep-lat/9710090 B-parameters of 4-fermion operators from lattice QCD
hep-lat/9710091 SU(3) surface tension from the lattice with the fixed point action
hep-lat/9710092 Perturbative renormalization group, exact results and high temperature series to order 21 for the N-vector spin models on the square lattice
hep-lat/9710093 Nonlocal lattice fermion models on the 2d torus
hep-lat/9710094 A Wilson-Yukawa model with a chiral spectrum in 2D
hep-lat/9710095 Advances in the Determination of Quark Masses
hep-lat/9710096 Improved actions for the two-dimensional sigma-model
hep-lat/9710097 Heavy light mesons at a larger lattice spacing
hep-th/9612255 Novel algebraic structures from the polysymplectic form in field theory
hep-th/9709225 Six Dimensional Schwarzschild Black Holes in M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9709228 Two Dimensional Mirror Symmetry From M-theory
hep-th/9709229 Canonical Structure of Classical Field Theory in the Polymomentum Phase Space
hep-th/9710001 Systematic Study of Theories with Quantum Modified Moduli
hep-th/9710002 Duality, Partial Supersymmetry, and Arithmetic Number Theory
hep-th/9710003 Gauge Invariant Formulation and Bosonisation of the Schwinger Model
hep-th/9710004 Orientifolds: The Unique Personality Of Each Spacetime Dimension
hep-th/9710005 The Matrix Formulation of Type IIB Five-Branes
hep-th/9710006 The four-fermion interaction in D=2,3,4: a nonperturbative treatment
hep-th/9710007 World-volume fields, SL(2;Z) and duality: The type IIB 3-brane
hep-th/9710008 A N-extended version of superalgebras in D=3,9 mod 8
hep-th/9710009 Why is the Matrix Model Correct?
hep-th/9710009 Why is the Matrix Model Correct?
hep-th/9710011 Skyrmions and domain walls
hep-th/9710012 Nontopological structures in the baby-Skyrme model
hep-th/9710013 Renormalon’s Contribution to Effective Couplings
hep-th/9710014 Semiclassical decay of near extremal fivebranes
hep-th/9710015 The simple scheme for the calculation of the anomalous dimensions of composite operators in the 1/N expansion
hep-th/9710016 K3 Surfaces, Igusa Cusp Form and String Theory
hep-th/9710017 Topological excitations in N=1 Supersymmetric QFT
hep-th/9710018 Spherical Curvature Inhomogeneities in String Cosmology
hep-th/9710019 Universal amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional Ising model
hep-th/9710020 N=(4,4) 2D Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and Brane Configuration
hep-th/9710021 (0,2) Target Space Duality, CICYs and Reflexive Sheaves
hep-th/9710022 Chiral And Parity Anomalies At Finite Temperature And Density
hep-th/9710023 On the exact quartic effective action for the type IIB superstring
hep-th/9710024 Anomaly Matching Conditions and the Moduli Space of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
hep-th/9710025 On the Nonrelativistic Limit of the Scattering of Spin One-half Particles Interacting with a Chern-Simons Field
hep-th/9710026 D-particle creation on an orientifold plane
hep-th/9710027 Little Theories in Six and Seven Dimensions
hep-th/9710028 On effects of gauging on symplectic structure, the Hopf term coupled to CP^1 model, and fractional spin
hep-th/9710029 Matrix String Theory from Brane Configuration
hep-th/9710030 Supersymmetric IIB Matrix Models from Space-time Uncertainty Principle and Topological Symmetry
hep-th/9710031 Notes on Heterotic Compactifications
hep-th/9710032 Chaos in M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9710033 The Threebrane Soliton of the M-Fivebrane
hep-th/9710034 Classical M-Fivebrane Dynamics and Quantum N=2 Yang-Mills
hep-th/9710035 Size of Black Holes through Polymer Scaling
hep-th/9710036 Constrained current algebras and $g/u(1)^d$ conformal field theories
hep-th/9710037 Mirror Symmetry as a Poisson-Lie T-Duality
hep-th/9710038 Dual Symmetry in Gauge Theories
hep-th/9710039 Algebraic Quantization of Integrable Models in Discrete Space-time
hep-th/9710040 Operator Formalism for Bosonic Beta-Gamma Fields on General Algebraic Curves
hep-th/9710041 The Generalized Moyal Nahm and Continuous Moyal Toda Equations
hep-th/9710042 Consistent and covariant commutator anomalies in the chiral Schwinger model
hep-th/9710043 Decay widths and scattering processes in massive QED$_2$
hep-th/9710044 Theta Sectors and Thermodynamics of a Classical Adjoint Gas
hep-th/9710045 Supersymmetry of the Schroedinger and Korteweg-de Vries operators
hep-th/9710046 Black Holes and Solitons in String Theory
hep-th/9710047 Clifford geometric parameterization of inequivalent vacua
hep-th/9710048 Gauge theories on manifolds with boundary
hep-th/9710049 Closed string radiation from moving D-branes
hep-th/9710050 On the Structure of Quantum Gauge Theories with External Fields
hep-th/9710051 Generalized Supergravity in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9710052 A new method to measure the chiral condensate in lattice QCD using Wilson fermions
hep-th/9710053 Correlators of the Global Symmetry Currents of 4D and 6D Superconformal Theories
hep-th/9710054 On the Poisson Structure of the Time-Dependent Mean-Field Equations for Systems of Bosons out of Equilibrium
hep-th/9710055 Variational Multi-Time Green’s Functions for Nonequilibrium Quantum Fields
hep-th/9710056 The Second Virial Coefficient of Spin-1/2 Interacting Anyon System
hep-th/9710057 Matrix Theory on Non-Orientable Surfaces
hep-th/9710058 Supersymmetry Breaking through Boundary Conditions Associated with the $U(1)_{R}$
hep-th/9710059 Comments, Questions and Proposal of a Topological M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9710060 Duality Symmetry and Soldering in Different Dimensions
hep-th/9710061 Renormalized Contact Potential in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9710062 An Exact QED_{3+1} Effective Action
hep-th/9710063 Perturbative Anomalies of the M-5-brane
hep-th/9710064 Octonionic Selfduality for SuperMembranes
hep-th/9710065 New ``Gauge’’ Theories In Six Dimensions
hep-th/9710066 Gauge principles for multi-superparticles
hep-th/9710067 The Structure of the Bern-Kosower Integrand for the N-Gluon Amplitude
hep-th/9710068 Periods and Prepotential of N=2 Supersymmetric E_6 Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9710069 On Field Theoretic Generalizations of a Poisson Algebra
hep-th/9710070 Hamilton-Jacobi Approach to Pre-Big Bang Cosmology at Long-wavelengths
hep-th/9710071 Solving the Frustrated Spherical Model with q-Polynomials
hep-th/9710072 Twistor Spaces for QKT Manifolds
hep-th/9710073 Strong Coupling N=2 Gauge Theory with Arbitrary Gauge Group
hep-th/9710074 Static Colored SU(2) Sources in (1+1)-Dimensions - An Analytic Solution in the Electric Representation
hep-th/9710075 Computing the spectrum of black hole radiation in the presence of high frequency dispersion: an analytical approach
hep-th/9710076 Model of supersymmetric quantum field theory with broken parity symmetry
hep-th/9710077 Solution of a Relativistic Three-Body Problem
hep-th/9710078 U-duality and D-brane Combinatorics
hep-th/9710079 Higher-dimensional Generalisations of the Euler Top Equations
hep-th/9710080 The dual superconductor picture for confinement
hep-th/9710081 Soliton Solutions of the Integrable Chiral Model in 2+1 Dimensions
hep-th/9710082 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills, octonionic instantons and triholomorphic curves
hep-th/9710083 Infra-Red Stable Supersymmetry in Chern-Simons Theories with Matter and Quenched Disorder
hep-th/9710084 Collective Dynamics of Solitons and Inequivalent Quantizations
hep-th/9710085 On exact solutions to quantum N=2 gauge theories
hep-th/9710086 Do the critical (2,2) strings know about a supergravity in 2+10 dimensions ?
hep-th/9710087 Renormalization-group Resummation of Divergent Series of the Perturbative Wave Function of Quantum Anharmonic Oscillator
hep-th/9710088 Induced Chern-Simons terms
hep-th/9710089 Operator Manifold Approach to Geometry and Particle Physics
hep-th/9710090 Three-Point Spectral Density in QED and the Ward Identity at Finite Temperature
hep-th/9710091 Loop Corrections and Bosonization Formulae
hep-th/9710092 Quantum Field Theory, Bosonization and Duality on the Half Line
hep-th/9710093 Gauge Independence of the S-Matrix in the Causal Approach
hep-th/9710094 Short Distance Analysis in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
hep-th/9710095 Introduction to Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
hep-th/9710096 Conformal Invariance and Duality in Self-Dual Gravity and (2,1) Heterotic String Theory
hep-th/9710097 Brane-Waves and Strings
hep-th/9710098 Instantons, Three Dimensional Gauge Theories and Monopole Moduli Spaces
hep-th/9710099 Free Field Construction for Correlation Functions of the Eight-Vertex Model
hep-th/9710099 Free Field Construction for Correlation Functions of the Eight-Vertex Model
hep-th/9710101 Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of a solid ball
hep-th/9710102 Heterotic versus Type I
hep-th/9710103 Various Shades of Blue’s Functions
hep-th/9710104 On the quantum mechanics of M(atrix) theory
hep-th/9710105 Discrete Anomaly Matching
hep-th/9710106 Free Boson Representation of $DY_{hbar}(sl_2)_k$ and the Deformation of the Feigin-Fuchs
hep-th/9710107 On touching random surfaces, two-dimensional quantum gravity and non-critical string theory
hep-th/9710108 Three-particle States in Nonrelativistic Four-fermion Model
hep-th/9710109 Fine-Tuning Renormalization and Two-particle States in Nonrelativistic Four-fermion Model
hep-th/9710110 p-brane solutions and Beltrami-Laplace operator
hep-th/9710111 Quasi exactly solvable matrix models in sl(n)
hep-th/9710112 On The Beta-Function in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9710113 Domain walls in a Chern-Simons theory
hep-th/9710114 Universal Behavior in Dirac Spectra
hep-th/9710115 Supersymmetry Breaking with Periodic Potentials
hep-th/9710116 Webs of (p,q) 5-branes, Five Dimensional Field Theories and Grid Diagrams
hep-th/9710117 Lattice Approximation of Quantum Statistical Traces at a Complex Temperature
hep-th/9710118 The N=2 supersymmetric Toda lattice and matrix models
hep-th/9710119 Dualisation of Dualities, I
hep-th/9710120 Domain Wall in MQCD and Supersymmetric Cycles in Exceptional Holonomy Manifolds
hep-th/9710121 Classification of Different Branes at Angles
hep-th/9710122 M-theory and N=2 Strings
hep-th/9710123 Domain Walls Zoo in Supersymmetric QCD
hep-th/9710124 Neveu-Schwarz Five-Branes And Matrix String Theory On K3
hep-th/9710125 Gaugino condensate and Veneziano-Yankielowicz effective Lagrangian
hep-th/9710126 Global anomalies in M-theory
hep-th/9710127 Covariant actions for N=1, D=6 Supergravity theories with chiral bosons
hep-th/9710128 On One-Loop Gap Equations for the Magnetic Mass in d=3 Gauge Theory
hep-th/9710129 Supersymmetry of M-Branes at Angles
hep-th/9710130 Self-Adjointness and Polarization of the Fermionic Vacuum in the Background of Nontrivial Topology
hep-th/9710131 Proof of the Gauge Independence of the Conformal Anomaly of Bosonic String in the Sense of Kraemmer and Rebhan
hep-th/9710132 Question on D=26 --- String Theory versus Quantum Gravity ---
hep-th/9710133 Functional integral over velocities for a spinning particle with and without anomalous magnetic moment in a constant electromagnetic field
hep-th/9710134 RCFT extensions of W_{1+infinity} in terms of bilocal fields
hep-th/9710135 Some Examples in the Realization of Symmetry
hep-th/9710136 M(atrix) Theory : a Pedagogical Introduction
hep-th/9710137 On the instability of effective potential for non-abelian toroidal D-brane
hep-th/9710138 Construction of Maximally Symmetric Solutions for the Metric
hep-th/9710139 The Meaning of Maximal Symmetry in Presence of Torsion
hep-th/9710140 Integrable dissipative structures in the gauge theory of gravity
hep-th/9710141 Lagrangian and Covariant Field Equations for Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory in 12D
hep-th/9710142 On the D = 4, N = 2 Non-Renormalization Theorem
hep-th/9710143 On Convergence of the Schwinger - DeWitt Expansion
hep-th/9710144 String Representation for the ’t Hooft Loop Average in the Abelian Higgs Model
hep-th/9710145 Hard-Soft Renormalization and the Exact Renormalization Group
hep-th/9710146 Instanton Expansions for Mass Deformed N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theories
hep-th/9710147 A New Approach to Integrable Theories in any Dimension
hep-th/9710148 Physics of Finance
hep-th/9710149 A Review of Three-Family Grand Unified String Models
hep-th/9710150 The imaginary time Path Integral and non-time-reversal-invariant- saddle points of the Euclidean Action
hep-th/9710151 Sixteen-fermion and related terms in M-theory on T**2
hep-th/9710152 Effective abelian gauge theory for lattice gluodynamics and chromoelectric string
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