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Articles rated:
03 November 2024
Articles index
2024, 1997
12, 10.1997
hep-th/9710153 Gauge theories on the noncommutative sphere
hep-th/9710154 The Geometry of Deformation Quantization and Self-Dual Gravity
hep-th/9710155 Interacting Intersections
hep-th/9710156 Inverse scattering and the symplectic form for sine-Gordon solitons
hep-th/9710157 Continuum and Lattice Coulomb-Gauge Hamiltonian
hep-th/9710158 Singularities in wavy strings
hep-th/9710159 The Second-Order Equation from the (1/2,0)+ (0,1/2) Representation of the Poincare Group
hep-th/9710160 A Non-Technical Introduction to Confinement and N=2 Globally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Gauge Theories
hep-th/9710161 Renormalisation Flow and Geodesics on the Moduli Space of Four Dimensional N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9710162 Higher order cohomological restrictions on anomalies and counterterms
hep-th/9710163 Canonical equivalence of non-isometric sigma models and Poisson-Lie T-duality
hep-th/9710164 Two-Component Reduction of Nahm’s Equations and Hyper-elliptic Solution
hep-th/9710165 Higher Dimensional Yang-Mills Theories and Topological Terms
hep-th/9710166 The nonminimal scalar multiplet: duality, sigma-model, beta-function
hep-th/9710167 The Riemann Surface of a Static Dispersion Model and Regge Trajectories
hep-th/9710168 Gauge theory and the division algebras
hep-th/9710169 Covariant Generalisation of Codazzi-Raychaudhuri and Area Change Equations for Relativistic Branes
hep-th/9710170 Planar QED in Magnetic or Electric Solitonic Backgrounds
hep-th/9710171 One-loop Effective Potential for a Fixed Charged Self-interacting Bosonic Model at Finite Temperature with its Related Multiplicative Anomaly
hep-th/9710172 Fixed Charge Ensembles and Parity Breaking Terms
hep-th/9710173 Applying the linear delta expansion to `i phi^3’
hep-th/9710174 Multigraviton Scattering in the Matrix Model
hep-th/9710175 Light-Front QCD: A Constituent Picture of Hadrons
hep-th/9710176 Kontsevich Integral for Vassiliev Invariants from Chern-Simons Perturbation Theory in the Light-Cone Gauge
hep-th/9710177 The Ring Division Self Duality
hep-th/9710178 Why Matrix Theory is Hard
hep-th/9710179 Mirror Maps in Chern-Simons Gauge Theory
hep-th/9710180 New Gauge Supergravity in Seven and Eleven Dimensions
hep-th/9710181 Born-Infeld String as a Boundary Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9710182 Non-abelian Dyons
hep-th/9710183 The Casimir-Aharonov-Bohm effect?
hep-th/9710184 Vertex Operator Extension of Casimir W A(N) Algebras
hep-th/9710185 Induced scalar potentials for hypermultiplets
hep-th/9710186 On an easy transition from operator dynamics to generating functionals by Clifford algebras
hep-th/9710187 Scaling Laws in Turbulence
hep-th/9710188 Quantum Inhomogeneities in String Cosmology
hep-th/9710189 Macroscopic String-like Solutions in Massive Supergravity
hep-th/9710190 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio approach to realization of confining medium
hep-th/9710191 Covariant quantization of membrane dynamics
hep-th/9710192 Non-Orientable M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9710193 Finite Density Effect in the Gross-Neveu Model in a Weakly Curved $R^1 imes S^2$ Spacetime
hep-th/9710194 ’t Hooft Loop Average in the Vicinity of the Londons’ Limit and the Quartic Cumulant of the Field Strength Tensors
hep-th/9710195 Self-dual Perturbiner in Yang-Mills theory
hep-th/9710196 Gravitational SD Perturbiner
hep-th/9710197 SD Perturbiner in YM+Gravity
hep-th/9710198 String duality, automorphic forms, and generalized Kac-Moody algebras
hep-th/9710199 Destructive Interference of Dualities
hep-th/9710200 Anyon Zitterbewegung
hep-th/9710201 Twelve Dimensions and the D2-Brane Tension
hep-th/9710202 Finite quantum field theories: Clifford algebras for Yukawa couplings?
hep-th/9710203 Dynamical symmetry breaking in the Nambu-Jona-Lasino model with external gravitational and constant electric fields
hep-th/9710204 Mechanism for long Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde strings
hep-th/9710205 Abelian Projections and Monopoles
hep-th/9710206 Anomalies, Branes, and Currents
hep-th/9710207 Block-Orthogonal Brane Systems, Black Holes and Wormholes
hep-th/9710208 On the Four-Dimensional Effective Action of Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory
hep-th/9710209 Quantum Mechanics on S^n and Meron Solution
hep-th/9710210 Yangian Symmetry in Integrable Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9710211 Hamiltonian analysis of gauged CP^1 model, with or without Hopf term, and fractional spin
hep-th/9710212 N=2 Supergravity Lagrangians with Vector-Tensor Multiplets
hep-th/9710213 On the Z_2 Monopole of Spin(10) Gauge Theories
hep-th/9710214 Supersymmetric Electrovacs In Gauged Supergravities
hep-th/9710215 Open and Closed Supermembranes with Winding
hep-th/9710216 Discrete Classical Electromagnetic Fields
hep-th/9710217 Comments on Black Holes in Matrix Theory
hep-th/9710218 Creation of Fundamental String in M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9710219 Matrix Models and String World Sheet Duality
hep-th/9710220 Transport-theoretic Extensions of Quantum Field Theories
hep-th/9710221 The Non-abelian Chern-Simons Coefficient in the Higgs Phase
hep-th/9710222 Instantons and Non-Perturbative Dynamics of N=2 Supersymmetric Abelian Gauge Theories in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9710223 M-Fivebrane from the Open Supermembrane
hep-th/9710224 BRST-co-BRST Quantization of Reparametrization Invariant Theories
hep-th/9710225 Causal Perturbation Theory and Differential Renormalization
hep-th/9710226 Matrix Schwarzschild Black Holes in Large N limit
hep-th/9710227 The Schwinger and Thirring models at finite chemical potential and temperature
hep-th/9710228 On central charges and the entropy in matrix theory
hep-th/9710229 On the Canonical Equivalence of Liouville and Free Fields
hep-th/9710230 K-theory and Ramond-Ramond charge
hep-th/9710231 Matrix Theory
hep-th/9710232 N=1 Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics on a Curved Space
hep-th/9710233 Flow equations for QED in the light front dynamics
hep-th/9710234 Modular Localization, H-Temperatures and the Bethe Ansatz Structure
hep-th/9710235 Ground State in Gluodynamics and Quark Confinement
hep-th/9710236 Modified N=2 supersymmetry and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms
hep-th/9710237 On the Evaluation of Compton Scattering Amplitudes in String Theory
hep-th/9710238 Schwinger terms in Weyl-invariant and diffeomorphism-invariant 2-d scalar field theory
hep-th/9710239 SUSY field theories, integrable systems and their stringy/brane origin -- II
hep-th/9710240 The Spectrum of a Large N Gauge Theory Near Transition from Confinement to Screening
hep-th/9710241 Relative entropy in 2d Quantum Field Theory, finite-size corrections and irreversibility of the Renormalization Group
hep-th/9710242 On the Bound States of Matrix Strings
hep-th/9710243 Fibre Bundles and Generalised Dimensional Reduction
hep-th/9710244 Dirac Quantisation Conditions and Kaluza-Klein Reduction
hep-th/9710245 M(atrix) Theory on T9/Z2 Orbifold and Twisted Zero Brane
hep-th/9710246 Recent Developments in String Theory
hep-th/9710247 Matching the BPS Spectra of Heterotic - Type I - Type I’ Strings
hep-th/9710248 Isomonodromic Properties of the Seiberg-Witten Solution
nucl-ex/9710001 Antineutrino Geophysics with Liquid Scintillator Detectors
nucl-ex/9710002 Measurement of quasi-elastic 12C(p,2p) scattering at high momentum transfer
nucl-ex/9710003 Measurements at low energies of the polarization-transfer coefficient Kyy’ for the reaction 3H(p,n)3He at 0 degrees
nucl-th/9612047 Deuteron electrodisintegration near threshold in the Bethe-Salpeter approach
nucl-th/9710001 Jost Function for Coupled Partial Waves
nucl-th/9710002 Nuclear Many-Body Problem at Finite Temperature: A TFD Approach
nucl-th/9710003 Polarization degrees of freedom in photoinduced two-nucleon knockout from finite nuclei
nucl-th/9710004 Large Amplitude Collective Motion in Nuclei and Metallic Clusters: Applicability of adiabatic theory for a pairing model
nucl-th/9710005 Nuclear dependence of the coherent eta photoproduction reaction in a relativistic approach
nucl-th/9710006 Signals of quark substructure in hadron reactions at intermediate energies
nucl-th/9710007 Analysis of the thermal cross section of the capture reaction 13C(n,gamma)14C
nucl-th/9710008 Hadrons in Dense Matter and Medium Effects in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
nucl-th/9710009 Electromagnetic interactions for the two-body spectator equations
nucl-th/9710009 Electromagnetic interactions for the two-body spectator equations
nucl-th/9710011 Pseudo-spin Symmetry and Relativistic Single-nucleon Wave Functions
nucl-th/9710012 Quantum Kinetics of Deconfinement Transitions in Dense Nuclear Matter: Dissipation Effects at Low Temperatures
nucl-th/9710013 Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of the neutron drip-line in light nuclei
physics/9709043 Do Quasi-Exactly Solvable Systems Always Correspond to Orthogonal Polynomials?
physics/9709044 Z_n^3-graded Poincare superalgebras
physics/9709045 An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry
physics/9709046 The local structure of n-Poisson and n-Jacobi manifolds
physics/9710001 Farewell to General Relativity
physics/9710002 Quantization on a Lie group: Higher-order Polarizations
physics/9710003 It’s a Wrap! Reviewing the 1997 Outdoor Season
physics/9710004 Symmetry analysis of the 1+1 dimensional relativistic imperfect fluid dynamics
physics/9710005 Moebius Transformations in Noncommutative Conformal Geometry
physics/9710006 Some Properties of Riesz Means and Spectral Expansions
physics/9710007 Ludwig Boltzmann -- A Pioneer of Modern Physics
physics/9710008 A light-fronts approach to electron-positron pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
physics/9710009 Electrode thickness measurement of a Si(Li) detector for the SIXA array
physics/9710009 Electrode thickness measurement of a Si(Li) detector for the SIXA array
physics/9710011 Nonuniqueness and Turbulence
physics/9710012 A symmetry adapted approach to vibrational excitations in atomic clusters
physics/9710013 Teaching Newton with anticipation(...)
physics/9710014 High Energy Photon-Photon Colliders
physics/9710015 BAYES-LIN: An object-oriented environment for Bayes linear local computation
physics/9710016 Geodesic flows for the Neumann-Rosochatius systems
physics/9710017 Multidimensional integration in a heterogeneous network environment
physics/9710018 Molecular dynamics, Langevin, and hybrid Monte Carlo simulations in multicanonical ensemble
physics/9710019 Numerical Comparisons of Three Recently Proposed Algorithms in the Protein Folding Problem
physics/9710020 Variation of the Energy Landscape of a Small Peptide under a Change from the ECEPP/2 Force Field to ECEPP/3
physics/9710021 Propagation of a short laser pulse in a plasma
physics/9710022 Fock representations of non-centrally extended super-diffeomorphism algebras
physics/9710023 Aftershocks in Coherent-Noise Models
physics/9710024 The geometry of spacetime with superluminal phenomena
physics/9710025 Launching of Non-Dispersive Superluminal Beams
physics/9710026 Hydrolysis of ferric ion in water and conformational equilibrium
physics/9710027 Faster Than Light ?
physics/9710028 Parallelization of adaptive MC Integrators
physics/9710029 Simple Linearizations of the Simple Pendulum for Any Amplitude
physics/9710030 A unified theory for construction of arbitrary speeds (0 < = v < infty) solutions of the relativistic wave equations
physics/9710031 Infinite Order Discrete Variable Representation for Quantum Scattering
physics/9710032 Coherent States on Lie Algebras: A Constructive Approach
physics/9710033 First Order Static Excitation Potential: Scheme for Excitation Energies and Transition Moments
physics/9710034 Kinetic limit of N-body description of wave-particle self- consistent interaction
quant-ph/9709059 Against Measurement? -- On the Concept of Information
quant-ph/9710001 Quantum conditional operator and a criterion for separability
quant-ph/9710002 Comment on: Preserving Coherence in Quantum Computation by Pairing Quantum Bits
quant-ph/9710003 Incompatible and contradictory retrodictions in the history approach to quantum mechanics
quant-ph/9710004 The WKB Approximation without Divergences
quant-ph/9710005 Spectral Properties of the Two-Dimensional Laplacian with a Finite Number of Point Interactions
quant-ph/9710006 Wave Chaos in Quantum Pseudointegrable Billiards
quant-ph/9710007 Higher Order Modification of the Schroedinger Equation
quant-ph/9710008 Relativistically Extended Modification of the Schroedinger Equation
quant-ph/9710009 Extension of the Staruszkiewicz Modification of the Schroedinger Equation
quant-ph/9710009 Extension of the Staruszkiewicz Modification of the Schroedinger Equation
quant-ph/9710011 Is an Electromagnetic Extension of the Schroedinger Equation Possible?
quant-ph/9710012 A Nonlinear $sl(2)$ Dynamics and New Quasiclassical Solutions for a Class of Quantum Coupled Systems
quant-ph/9710013 Experimental Realization of Teleporting an Unknown Pure Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolski-Rosen Channels
quant-ph/9710014 Reply to the comment "quant-ph/9710002"
quant-ph/9710015 Schroedinger’s Interpolating Dynamics and Burgers’ Flows
quant-ph/9710016 The k-fermions as objects interpolating between fermions and bosons
quant-ph/9710017 Zero-Temperature Casimir Fluctuations and the Limits of Force Microscope Sensitivity
quant-ph/9710018 Accidental Degeneracy and Berry Phase of Resonant States
quant-ph/9710019 Mapping of the $B_N$-type Calogero-Sutherland-Moser system to decoupled Harmonic Oscillators
quant-ph/9710020 Phase of the quantum oscillator
quant-ph/9710021 Continuous measurements, quantum trajectories, and decoherent histories
quant-ph/9710022 Liouville Integrability of the Schroedinger Equation
quant-ph/9710023 The Problem of Measurement and the Theory of Quantum State Reduction
quant-ph/9710024 Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff relation for special unitary groups SU(N)
quant-ph/9710025 Experimental issues in coherent quantum-state manipulation of trapped atomic ions
quant-ph/9710026 Atomic versus molecular diffraction: Influence of break-ups and finite size
quant-ph/9710027 Ensemble versus individual system in quantum optics
quant-ph/9710028 The Spectral Theory of Perturbative Decays
quant-ph/9710029 Coherent States in Action
quant-ph/9710030 Probability current tornado loops in three-dimensional scattering
quant-ph/9710031 On the Structure of Additive Quantum Codes and the Existence of Nonadditive Codes
quant-ph/9710032 Is Quantum Mechaincs Non-Local?
quant-ph/9710033 Gisin Nonlocality of the Doebner-Goldin 2-Particle Equation
quant-ph/9710034 Laser cooling of single trapped atoms to the ground state: a dark state in position space
quant-ph/9710035 Programming Complex Systems
quant-ph/9710036 Time-Symmetrized Quantum Theory
quant-ph/9710037 Application of the Discrete Quantum - Classical System to the Information Transfer
quant-ph/9710038 Quantum State Reconstruction of a Bose-Einstein Condensate
quant-ph/9710039 Sonoluminescence: The Superradiance Paradigm
quant-ph/9710040 Asymptotic Quantum Parameter Estimation in Spin 1/2 System
quant-ph/9710041 Error Avoiding Quantum Codes
quant-ph/9710042 An Indication From the Magnitude of CP Violations that Gravitation is a Possible Cause of Wave-Function Collapse
quant-ph/9710043 The maximum speed of dynamical evolution
quant-ph/9710044 Decoherence in ion traps due to laser intensity and phase fluctuations
quant-ph/9710045 Isotropic oscillator in the space of constant positive curvature. Interbasis expansions
quant-ph/9710046 Can a falling tree make a noise in two forests at the same time?
quant-ph/9710047 Vacuum fluctuations, accelerated motion and conformal frames
quant-ph/9710048 Renormalization Group Approach to the Dynamical Casimir Effect
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