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13 February 2025
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2025, 1997
12, 11.1997
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astro-ph/9711001 Galaxies Discovered Behind the Milky Way by the Dwingeloo Obscured Galaxies Survey
astro-ph/9711002 The dissipative effect of thermal radiation loss in high-temperature dense plasmas
astro-ph/9711003 Wide Field Surveys of Herbig-Haro Objects
astro-ph/9711004 The Luminosity Function of the Globular Cluster NGC 6397 Near the Limit of Hydrogen Burning
astro-ph/9711005 Interpreting the main HI and CO l-V features in the Galactic bar from self-consistent stellar and gas dynamical models
astro-ph/9711006 Extended gas in interacting systems
astro-ph/9711007 Binary Source Parallactic Effect in Gravitational Micro-lensing
astro-ph/9711008 Supersonic Random Flows in the Perseus Molecular Cloud
astro-ph/9711009 The UV spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, REJ1034+396
astro-ph/9711009 The UV spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, REJ1034+396
astro-ph/9711011 A critique of disentangling as a method of deriving spectroscopic orbits
astro-ph/9711012 Diffractive Scintillation of the Pulsar PSR B1259-63
astro-ph/9711013 A New Channel for the Detection of Planetary Systems Through Microlensing
astro-ph/9711014 The Detection of Magnetic Fields Toward M17 through the HI Zeeman Effect
astro-ph/9711015 The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: Preliminary Results
astro-ph/9711016 Radio-Luminous Southern Seyfert Galaxies. I. Radio Images and Selected Optical/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
astro-ph/9711017 Microlensing of Broad Absorption Line Quasars
astro-ph/9711018 Microlensing induced spectral variability in Q2237+0305
astro-ph/9711019 Morphological studies of the galaxy populations in distant "Butcher-Oemler" clusters with HST. II. AC103, AC118 and AC114 at z=0.31
astro-ph/9711020 Supermassive Objects as Gamma-Ray Bursters
astro-ph/9711021 The Absolute Magnitude of RR Lyrae Stars Derived from the Hipparcos Catalogue
astro-ph/9711022 Nucleosynthesis in Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stars: An Overview
astro-ph/9711023 Intergalactic UV Background Radiation Field
astro-ph/9711024 The frequency content of Double-Mode Cepheids light curves and the importance of the cross-coupling terms
astro-ph/9711025 The survival of 205Pb in intermediate-mass AGB stars
astro-ph/9711026 Relativistic Zel’dovich approximation in spherically symmetric model
astro-ph/9711027 Final performances of the X-ray Mirrors of the JET-X telescope
astro-ph/9711028 Recent developments in the calculation of CMB anisotropies
astro-ph/9711029 Hipparcos Positioning of Geminga : How and Why
astro-ph/9711030 A fresh look at the adhesion approximation
astro-ph/9711031 VCC 144 - a star-bursting dwarf galaxy in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/9711032 Spectral Variability in PKS 0528+134 at Gamma-Ray Energies
astro-ph/9711033 Explosive Cosmogony and the Quasi-Steady State Cosmology
astro-ph/9711034 Characterizing cluster morphology using vector-valued Minkowski functionals
astro-ph/9711035 Clusters in Various Cosmological Models: Abundance and Evolution
astro-ph/9711036 Collision Induced Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9711037 A statistical study of the spectra of very luminous IRAS galaxies I: Data
astro-ph/9711038 Wind diagnostics and correlations with the near-infrared excess in Herbig Ae/Be stars
astro-ph/9711039 Probing the structure of the cold dark matter halo with ancient mica
astro-ph/9711040 Linking Cluster Formation to Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/9711041 Surface Brightness Gradients Produced by the Ring Waves of Star Formation
astro-ph/9711042 Differential rotation of relativistic superfluid in neutron stars
astro-ph/9711043 The physics of twisted magnetic tubes rising in a stratified medium: two dimensional results
astro-ph/9711044 Keck Spectroscopy of Three Gravitational Lens Systems Discovered in the JVAS and CLASS Surveys
astro-ph/9711045 The Pairwise Velocity Distribution of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9711046 Void Hierarchy in the Northern Local Void: Faint structures in low density regions of the nearby Universe
astro-ph/9711047 BLR sizes and the X-ray spectrum in AGN
astro-ph/9711048 Quasar clustering: evidence for an increase with redshift and implications for the nature of AGNs
astro-ph/9711049 Gravitational Waves Generated by Globular Cluster Systems Collapse
astro-ph/9711050 Seeking the Local Convergence Depth. II. TF Observations of the Clusters A114, A119, A194, A2295, A2457, A2806, A3193, A3381, AND A3744
astro-ph/9711051 Synthetic Molecular Clouds from Supersonic MHD and Non-LTE Radiative Transfer Calculations
astro-ph/9711052 Bow-shock induced star formation in the LMC?
astro-ph/9711053 Variable Extended Objects in SA 57
astro-ph/9711054 Spectropolarimetry of the Circinus Galaxy
astro-ph/9711055 A comparative modeling of supernova 1993J
astro-ph/9711056 Two Close-Separation Quasar-Quasar Pairs in the Large Bright Quasar Survey
astro-ph/9711057 CMB Anisotropy Correlation Function and Topology from Simulated Maps for MAP
astro-ph/9711058 WFPC2 Observations of NGC 454: an Interacting Pair of Galaxies
astro-ph/9711059 The Global Kinematics of the Globular Cluster M15
astro-ph/9711060 Reconstruction of Source and Cosmic Magnetic Field Characteristics from Clusters of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9711061 Broad NeVIII 774 Emission From Quasars
astro-ph/9711062 Tracing the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9711063 The Signature of the Negative Curvature of the Universe in CMB Maps
astro-ph/9711064 Is the Fuzziness of GRB970228 constant?
astro-ph/9711065 Near-infrared imaging of the host galaxies of flat spectrum radio quasars
astro-ph/9711066 Frontiers of Astrophysics - Workshop Summary
astro-ph/9711067 The Optical-UV Continuum of a Sample of QSOs
astro-ph/9711068 The Clustering of Ksim 20 Galaxies on 17 Radio Galaxy Fields
astro-ph/9711069 The Cosmic Background Radiation
astro-ph/9711070 Pulsar Counterparts of Gamma-Ray Sources
astro-ph/9711071 ROSAT PSPC X-ray observations of the nearby spiral galaxy M83
astro-ph/9711072 Evolutionary Population Synthesis Models of Primeval Galaxies: a Critical Appraisal
astro-ph/9711073 Scale-invariance of galaxy clustering
astro-ph/9711074 UV Spectral Dating of Stars and Galaxies
astro-ph/9711075 The Effect of a Central Supermassive black hole on the Gas Fuelling
astro-ph/9711076 Cosmic microwave background maps from the HACME experiment
astro-ph/9711077 Abundance Profiles in Low-Mass Galaxies
astro-ph/9711078 A Note on the Total Absorption Cross-section of Galaxies
astro-ph/9711079 Semi-analytical radiative transfer in plane-parallel geometry: application to accretion disk coronae
astro-ph/9711080 How to Plant a Merger Tree
astro-ph/9711081 Evolution of Galaxy and Quasar Clustering
astro-ph/9711082 The second detection of CO at redshift larger than 4
astro-ph/9711083 Deep hard X-ray source counts from a fluctuation analysis of ASCA SIS images
astro-ph/9711084 A new X-ray mission to measure the power spectrum of fluctuations in the Universe
astro-ph/9711085 Extragalactic Source Counts and Contributions to the Anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Predictions for the Planck Surveyor mission
astro-ph/9711086 Effects of Merging Histories on Angular Momentum Distribution of Dark Matter Haloes
astro-ph/9711087 Effects of Sampling on Statistics of Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/9711088 Bright Star Clusters in the Antennae analysed with Evolutionary Synthesis
astro-ph/9711089 Chemical Evolution of Spiral Galaxies from Redshift 4 to the Present
astro-ph/9711090 Abundance Ratios in Composite Stellar Populations with special emphasis on Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9711091 Thomas-Fermi Calculations of Atoms and Matter in Magnetic Neutron Stars II: Finite Temperature Effects
astro-ph/9711092 Gasdynamics and Starbursts in Interacting Galaxies
astro-ph/9711093 The ESO-Sculptor Survey: Spectral classification of galaxies with z < 0.5
astro-ph/9711094 An extragalactic ``flux trapping’’ origin of the dominant part of hadronic cosmic rays?
astro-ph/9711095 Sub-degree CMB anisotropies from inflationary bubbles
astro-ph/9711096 Weak lensing analysis of Cl 1358+62 using Hubble Space Telescope observations
astro-ph/9711097 Accretion instabilities and jet formation in GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9711098 Rosat X-ray Observations of the Radio Galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A)
astro-ph/9711099 Light Element Depletion in Contracting Brown Dwarfs and Pre--Main-Sequence Stars
astro-ph/9711099 Light Element Depletion in Contracting Brown Dwarfs and Pre--Main-Sequence Stars
astro-ph/9711101 Testing the Invariance of Cooling Rate in Gamma-Ray Burst Pulses
astro-ph/9711102 Cosmology with a Primordial Scaling Field
astro-ph/9711103 Hot Gas and Halos in Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9711104 Emission Line Formation in a Relativistic Accretion Disk
astro-ph/9711105 Dark Matter, Discreteness and Collision Error in Cosmological N-Body Simulations
astro-ph/9711106 Inflation and the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations
astro-ph/9711107 Emission and Cooling Processes in a Hybrid Thermal-Nonthermal Plasma
astro-ph/9711108 Two-Component Fokker-Planck Models for the Evolution of Isolated Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9711109 Core-Collapse Times of Two-Component Clusters
astro-ph/9711110 No Need for MACHOS in the Halo
astro-ph/9711111 Evidence for Gamma-Ray Flares in 3C 279 and PKS 1622-297 at ~10 MeV
astro-ph/9711112 Spectral Observations of Faint Markarian Galaxies of the Second Byurakan Survey. II
astro-ph/9711113 Spectroscopy of the Extended Emission Associated with Two High-z Quasars
astro-ph/9711114 A New Large Catalog of Groups of Galaxies in the Southern Galactic Hemisphere
astro-ph/9711115 A possible orbital period for the dwarf nova V1101 Aql
astro-ph/9711116 Loose Groups of Galaxies in the Perseus-Pisces Survey
astro-ph/9711117 Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region II. Gas mass and N(H_2)/I(^12CO) conversion based on a C^18O(J = 1 -> 0) Survey
astro-ph/9711118 Cooling Flows Induced by Compton Cooling due to Luminous Quasars in Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9711119 The Baryon Fraction Distribution and the Tully-Fisher Relation
astro-ph/9711120 HEXTE Observations of SGR 1806-20 During Outburst
astro-ph/9711121 A detail study of defect models for cosmic structure formation
astro-ph/9711122 Simulations of non-axisymmetric rotational core collapse
astro-ph/9711123 Understanding the Cool DA White Dwarf, G29-38
astro-ph/9711124 Weak Lensing Reconstruction and Power Spectrum Estimation: Minimum Variance Methods
astro-ph/9711125 Multiple Molecular Winds in Evolved Stars I. A Survey of CO(2-1) and CO(3-2) Emission from 45 Nearby AGB Stars
astro-ph/9711126 The ESO-Sculptor Faint Galaxy Survey: Large-Scale Structure and Galaxy Populations at 0.1 < z < 0.5
astro-ph/9711127 Effects of Interaction Induced Activities in Hickson Compact Groups: CO and FIR Study
astro-ph/9711128 Halo profiles from weakly nonlinear initial conditions
astro-ph/9711129 Modelling of the nonthermal flares in the galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9711130 Multicolour imaging of z= 2 QSO hosts
astro-ph/9711131 Gaseous Galactic Halos and QSO Absorption Line Systems
astro-ph/9711132 Supernova Neutrino Opacity from Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung and Related Processes
astro-ph/9711133 Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from Scaling Seeds: Generic Properties of the Correlation Functions
astro-ph/9711134 Scale-invariant properties of the APM-Stromlo survey
astro-ph/9711135 Hot Electrons and Cold Photons: Galaxy Clusters and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect
astro-ph/9711136 An SPH code for galaxy formation problems; Presentation of the code
astro-ph/9711137 Large-Scale Outflows in Edge-on Seyfert Galaxies. III. Kiloparsec-Scale Soft X-ray Emission
astro-ph/9711138 Cooling Limits on Galaxy Formation; Gas dynamical simulations incorporating a background UV field and metal enrichment
astro-ph/9711139 CDM models with a BSI steplike primordial spectrum and a cosmological constant
astro-ph/9711140 New Models for Wolf-Rayet and O Star Populations in Young Starbursts
astro-ph/9711141 Evolution of Massive Stars under New Mass-Loss Rates for RSG: Is the mystery of the missing blue gap solved ?
astro-ph/9711142 Transonic Magnetic Slim Accretion Disks and kilo-Hertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/9711143 The He II Opacity of the Lyman-alpha Forest and the Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/9711144 Stellar Populations in Three Outer Fields of the LMC
astro-ph/9711145 BeppoSAX observation of NGC 7674: a new reflection-dominated Seyfert 2 galaxy
astro-ph/9711146 The K-band Hubble diagram for the brightest cluster galaxies: a test for galaxy formation and evolution models
astro-ph/9711147 Real-Time Spectroscopy of Gravitational Microlensing Events - Probing the Evolution of the Galactic Bulge
astro-ph/9711148 Statistical properties of the LEDA redshift database
astro-ph/9711149 ISOCAM images at 6.75 and 15 microns: the circumnuclear region of NGC 4321 (M 100)
astro-ph/9711150 Faint galaxies and the X-ray background
astro-ph/9711151 New binary parameters for the symbiotic recurrent nova T Coronae Borealis
astro-ph/9711152 Stellar Populations and Variable Stars in the Core of the Globular Cluster M5
astro-ph/9711153 BATSE Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra. IV. Time-Resolved High-Energy Spectroscopy
astro-ph/9711154 A maximum-likelihood method for improving faint source flux and color estimates
astro-ph/9711155 First Year Results From LOTIS
astro-ph/9711156 A metal enriched dark cluster of galaxies at z=1; Dark lens searches
astro-ph/9711157 Refining the Oort Constants: the case for a smaller Milky Way
astro-ph/9711158 Ultrasoft Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and X-ray Surveys
astro-ph/9711159 Clustering of Absorbers
astro-ph/9711160 Global stability and the mass-to-light ratio of galactic disks
astro-ph/9711161 Relativistic corrections to the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect
astro-ph/9711162 Evolution of Scale-invariant Inhomogeneities in Standard Cosmology
astro-ph/9711163 Infrared observations of cataclysmic variables
astro-ph/9711164 Simultaneous ASCA And RXTE Observations of Cygnus X--1 During Its 1996 State Transition
astro-ph/9711165 Globular Clusters in Elliptical Galaxies: Constraints on Mergers
astro-ph/9711166 Cygnus X-1: X-ray Emission Mechanism and Geometry
astro-ph/9711167 Spectral Transitions in Cyg X-1 and Other Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/9711168 Cygnus X-1: A Spinning Black Hole?
astro-ph/9711169 Hot Neutron Stars as a Source for Gamma Ray Bursts at Cosmological Distance Scales
astro-ph/9711170 Super-LOTIS: A High-Sensitive Optical Counterpart Search Experiment
astro-ph/9711171 A Search for Optical Afterglow from GRB970828
astro-ph/9711172 Black hole neutron star coalescence as a source of gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/9711173 The circumstellar shell of the post-AGB star HD 56126: the $^{12}$CN/$^{13}$CN isotope ratio and fractionation
astro-ph/9711174 The Radial Extent and Warp of the Ionized Galactic Disk. II. A Likelihood Analysis of Radio-Wave Scattering Toward the Anticenter
astro-ph/9711175 The Radial Extent and Warp of the Ionized Galactic Disk. I. A VLBA Survey of Extragalactic Sources Toward the Anticenter
astro-ph/9711176 Groups of Galaxies in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey
astro-ph/9711177 Diffusive Shock Acceleration: the Fermi Mechanism
astro-ph/9711178 Cluster mass estimation from lens magnification
astro-ph/9711179 Gravitational Lens Image Separations versus Redshift as a Cosmological Test
astro-ph/9711180 Reconstructing Nonlinear Stochastic Bias from Velocity Space Distortions
astro-ph/9711181 Kinematics and Cloud to Cloud Abundance Ratios: A Rosetta Stone for Disk and Halo Components in Mg II Absorbers
astro-ph/9711182 Warps and Secondary Infall
astro-ph/9711183 The pulsar contribution to the diffuse galactic gamma-ray emission
astro-ph/9711184 Molecular lines in absorption: recent results
astro-ph/9711185 Star Cluster Simulations
astro-ph/9711186 Gamma-ray Production in Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/9711187 Transients from Initial Conditions: A Perturbative Analysis
astro-ph/9711188 Inverse Compton scattering model for gamma-ray production in Mev blazars
astro-ph/9711189 Production of gamma-rays in blazars
astro-ph/9711190 In Situ Measurements of Interstellar Dust
astro-ph/9711191 Dynamical Simulations: Methods and Comparisons
astro-ph/9711192 The Extent of the Spectral Bias in BATSE: The True Distribution of the nu F_nu Peak Energy
astro-ph/9711193 Distribution of Fluences versus Peak Fluxes and the Cosmological Density Evolution of the Rate of GRBs
astro-ph/9711194 Washington Photometry of the Globular Cluster System of NGC 4472. II. The Luminosity Function and Spatial Structure
astro-ph/9711195 TAROT: A status report
astro-ph/9711196 Photon Dispersion in a Supernova Core
astro-ph/9711197 Cyg X-3: can the compact object be a black hole?
astro-ph/9711198 COMPTEL observations of the quasar PKS 0528+134 during the first 3.5 years of the CGRO mission
astro-ph/9711199 Tidal Disruption Eddington Envelopes around Massive Black Holes
astro-ph/9711200 Do the Infrared Emission Features Need Ultraviolet Excitation
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