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09 February 2025
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2025, 1997
12, 12.1997
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astro-ph/9512078 Adaptive Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Methodology II
astro-ph/9712009 Balmer Line Variations in the Radio-Loud AGN PG 1512+370
astro-ph/9712009 Balmer Line Variations in the Radio-Loud AGN PG 1512+370
astro-ph/9712011 The spatial distribution and luminosity function of the open cluster NGC 4815
astro-ph/9712012 Helmet streamers with triple structure: Weakly two-dimensional stationary states
astro-ph/9712013 Kinetic Energy Decay Rates of Supersonic and Super-Alfvenic Turbulence in Star-Forming Clouds
astro-ph/9712014 A Sub-kpc Disk in MRK 231
astro-ph/9712015 Astrophysical Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons
astro-ph/9712016 Attributes of GRB Pulses: Bayesian Blocks Analysis of TTE Data; a Microburst in GRB 920229
astro-ph/9712017 Overview: Low-z Observations of Interacting and Merging Galaxies
astro-ph/9712018 Orbital Parameters for the Soft X-ray Transient 4U 1543-47: Evidence for a Black Hole
astro-ph/9712019 Simulations of binary coalescence of a neutron star and a black hole
astro-ph/9712020 The Cosmic Baryon Budget
astro-ph/9712021 Quasars around the Seyfert Galaxy NGC3516
astro-ph/9712022 Making Spirals with Counter-Rotating Disks, the case of NGC 4550
astro-ph/9712023 BeppoSAX observations of the X-ray binary pulsar 4U1626-67
astro-ph/9712024 Starbursts in Barred Spiral Galaxies. III. Definition of a homogeneous sample of Starburst Nucleus Galaxies
astro-ph/9712025 Multiplicity among peculiar A stars I. The Ap stars HD 8441 and HD 137909, and the Am stars HD 43478 and HD 96391
astro-ph/9712026 Absorption dips in GRO J1655-40: mapping the inner accretion disk
astro-ph/9712027 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/9712028 Cosmological parameter estimation and the spectral index from inflation
astro-ph/9712029 A dynamical model for the penumbral fine structure and the Evershed effect in sunspots
astro-ph/9712030 Theory and Statistics of Weak Lensing from Large-Scale Mass Inhomogeneities
astro-ph/9712031 Extragalactic Abundances of Hydrogen, Deuterium and Helium: New Steps, Missteps and Next Steps
astro-ph/9712032 Detection of Extended Red Emisson in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/9712033 Do Proto-Jovian Planets Drive Outflows?
astro-ph/9712034 Spectra of Cluster Galaxies at z~0.4
astro-ph/9712035 Detecting Compton Reflection and a Broad Iron Line in MCG-5-23-16 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
astro-ph/9712036 ``E+A’’ Galaxies: Environment and Evolution
astro-ph/9712037 Resonance Averaged Photoionization Cross Sections for Astrophysical Models
astro-ph/9712038 Removing real-world foregrounds from CMB maps
astro-ph/9712039 Diffuse Dark and Bright Objects in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9712040 A BeppoSAX LECS observation of the super-soft source CAL83
astro-ph/9712041 Electron Ageing and Polarization in Tailed Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/9712042 Afterglows as Diagnostics of Gamma Ray Burst Beaming
astro-ph/9712043 Parity Violation in Neutrino Transport and the Origin of Pulsar Kicks
astro-ph/9712044 Stereo Imaging of VHE Gamma-Ray Sources
astro-ph/9712045 HIPPARCOS results for ROSAT-discovered young stars
astro-ph/9712046 X-Ray Spectral Properties of the Cluster Abell 2029
astro-ph/9712047 Detection of Lithium in a Main Sequence Bulge Star Using Keck I as a 15m Diameter Telescope
astro-ph/9712048 Pulsating Variable Stars in the MACHO Bulge database: The Semiregular Variables
astro-ph/9712049 Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Clusters of Galaxies: Inverse Compton Radiation from a Relic Population of Cosmic Ray Electrons?
astro-ph/9712050 On the Evolution of Damped Lyman Alpha Systems to Galactic Disks
astro-ph/9712051 Identifying the Environment and Redshift of GRB Afterglows from the Time-Dependence of Their Absorption Spectra
astro-ph/9712052 Electron Acceleration and Synchrotron Radiation in Decelerating Plasmoids
astro-ph/9712053 DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. II. Variables in the Field M31A
astro-ph/9712054 Interaction of a Pulsar Wind with the Expanding Supernova Remnant
astro-ph/9712055 The HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale XIII. The Metallicity Dependence of the Cepheid Distance Scale
astro-ph/9712056 Optical Spectroscopy of Galactic Cirrus Clouds: Extended Red Emission in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/9712057 Weighing Neutrinos with Galaxy Surveys
astro-ph/9712058 Compton scattering of polarized radiation in two phase accretion disks in active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/9712059 Globular Cluster Halos around the brightest Fornax Ellipticals
astro-ph/9712060 HST imaging of CFRS and LDSS galaxies - I: Morphological Properties
astro-ph/9712061 Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the CFRS and LDSS redshift surveys II: Structural parameter and the evolution of disk galaxies to z=1
astro-ph/9712062 First detection of hotspot advance in a Compact Symmetric Object. Evidence for a class of very young extragalactic radio source
astro-ph/9712063 Characteristics of the Multi-Telescope Coincidence Trigger of the HEGRA IACT System
astro-ph/9712064 Gas in Shearing Density Waves
astro-ph/9712065 Cosmic Star Formation and Type Ia/II Supernova Rates at high z
astro-ph/9712066 Halpha Velocity Mapping of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
astro-ph/9712067 Reconnection in the ISM
astro-ph/9712068 Radio galaxies and structure formation
astro-ph/9712069 Gravitational lensing in low-redshift clusters of galaxies: the arc-like object in Abell 3408 and its lensing interpretation
astro-ph/9712070 The Complex Kinematics of the Neutral Hydrogen Associated with IZw18
astro-ph/9712071 Detection of the ^3P_2 - ^3P_1 Submillimeter Transition of 13CI in the Interstellar Medium: Implication for Chemical Fractionation
astro-ph/9712072 Five Years in the Life of Cygnus X-1: BATSE Long-Term Monitoring
astro-ph/9712073 Low Mass X-ray Binaries As the Source of the Very Soft X-ray Emission in the X-ray Faintest Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9712074 Likelihood Analysis of Galaxy Surveys
astro-ph/9712075 Constraining the Power Spectrum Using the Column Density Distribution: a Status Report
astro-ph/9712076 Relics of Nuclear Activity: do all galaxies have massive black holes?
astro-ph/9712077 AI Gamma-Ray Burst Classification: Methodology/Preliminary Results
astro-ph/9712078 What Does Cluster Redshift Evolution Reveal ?
astro-ph/9712079 BATSE GRB Location Errors
astro-ph/9712080 Merger vs. Accretion and the Structure of Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/9712081 The Effects of the Peak-Peak Correlation on the Peak Model of Hierarchical Clustering
astro-ph/9712082 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Field of GRB970508
astro-ph/9712083 Magnetohydrodynamics in the Early Universe and the Damping of Non-linear Alfven Waves
astro-ph/9712084 Large bent jets in the inner region of CSSs
astro-ph/9712085 Discovery of a second kHz QPO peak in 4U 1608-52
astro-ph/9712086 Water maser emission and the parsec-scale jet in NGC 3079
astro-ph/9712087 Lens Models with Density Cusps
astro-ph/9712088 Multi-Wavelength Monitoring of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9712089 Very High Energy Photons in Universe
astro-ph/9712090 Imprint of the Global Hubble Flow on Galactic Rotation Curves
astro-ph/9712091 BATSE Sky Exposure
astro-ph/9712092 GRB Repetition Limits from Current BATSE Observations
astro-ph/9712093 ORFEUS-SPAS II EUV Spectroscopy of epsilon Canis Majoris (B2 II)
astro-ph/9712094 The Two-Point Angular Correlation Function and BATSE Sky Exposure
astro-ph/9712095 Cosmological Perturbation Theory and the Spherical Collapse Model - I. Gaussian Initial Conditions
astro-ph/9712096 BATSE Evidence for GRB Spectral Features
astro-ph/9712097 The Gamma Ray Bursts GRB970228 and GRB970508: What Have We Learnt?
astro-ph/9712098 A global descriptor of spatial pattern interaction in the galaxy distribution
astro-ph/9712099 Deep HST/PC Images of a Young Radio Galaxy at z=2.390
astro-ph/9712099 Deep HST/PC Images of a Young Radio Galaxy at z=2.390
astro-ph/9712101 SiO Maser Forest at the Galactic Center
astro-ph/9712102 The Luminosity and Mass Function of the Globular Cluster NGC1261
astro-ph/9712103 Potential Sensitivity of Gamma-Ray Burster Observations to Wave Dispersion in Vacuo
astro-ph/9712104 The K-band Hubble diagram for brightest cluster galaxies in X-ray clusters
astro-ph/9712105 Optical rotation curves beyond the HI cut-off in spirals
astro-ph/9712106 The Physical Interpretation of X-ray Phase Lags and Coherence: RXTE Observations of Cygnus X--1 as a Case Study
astro-ph/9712107 Young radio galaxies and their environments
astro-ph/9712108 The Deuterium Abundance Towards Q1937-1009
astro-ph/9712109 The Deuterium Abundance Towards Q1009+2956
astro-ph/9712110 Constraining dark halos with tidal tails
astro-ph/9712111 Discovery of Red Selected Arcs at z=4.04 behind Abell 2390
astro-ph/9712112 A Reverse Monte Carlo study of H+D Lyman alpha absorption from QSO spectra
astro-ph/9712113 Abundance profile and stellar content of IZw18
astro-ph/9712114 Acoustic emission and corrugational instability of shocks modified by strong particle acceleration
astro-ph/9712115 The effects of source clustering on weak lensing statistics
astro-ph/9712116 Recent developments in Vorton Theory
astro-ph/9712117 AXAF in Context: A Revolution
astro-ph/9712118 Spectral features of presolar diamonds in the laboratory and in carbon star atmospheres
astro-ph/9712119 A Minihalo Model for the Lyman Limit Absorption Systems at High Redshift
astro-ph/9712120 A General Relativistic Calculation of Boundary Layer and Disk Luminosity for Accreting Non-Magnetic Neutron Stars in Rapid Rotation
astro-ph/9712121 Power Spectrum Estimators For Large CMB Datasets
astro-ph/9712122 Stellar Occultation Observations of Saturn’s North-Polar Temperature Structure
astro-ph/9712123 GRBs as Hypernovae
astro-ph/9712124 Testing the clump model of SiO maser emission
astro-ph/9712125 Properties of GRB Host Galaxies
astro-ph/9712126 The acoustic cut-off frequency of roAp stars
astro-ph/9712127 Properties of the X-ray pulsar GX 301-2 in hard X-rays
astro-ph/9712128 Studies of the Virgo cluster based on the Virgo Photometry Catalogue
astro-ph/9712129 The t system: a new system for estimating the total magnitudes of galaxies
astro-ph/9712130 Star Formation Rate at z = 0.2 derived from H_alpha luminosities: constraint on the reddening
astro-ph/9712131 Spectral properties of galaxies in the Stromlo-APM redshift survey: clues on the local star-forming galaxies
astro-ph/9712132 Ultracompact jets in AGN
astro-ph/9712133 Effects of errors in the solar radius on helioseismic inferences
astro-ph/9712134 The Redshift of GRB 970508
astro-ph/9712135 Faint Infrared-Excess Field Galaxies: FROGs
astro-ph/9712136 The primordial deuterium abundance : problems and prospects
astro-ph/9712137 Hipparcos calibration of the peak brightness of four SNe Ia and the value of Ho
astro-ph/9712138 Effects of Disks on Gravitational Lensing by Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9712139 Molecular absorption lines at high redshift
astro-ph/9712140 A varying kHz peak separation in 4U 1608-52
astro-ph/9712141 Implications of Spikes in the Redshift Distribution of $zsim3$ Galaxies
astro-ph/9712142 CDM-Variant Cosmological Models - I: Simulations and Preliminary Comparisons
astro-ph/9712143 Correlation of Excursion Sets for Non-Gaussian CMB Temperature Distributions
astro-ph/9712144 Angle-Time-Energy Images of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Sources
astro-ph/9712145 Survival and disruption of subsystems during a cold collapse
astro-ph/9712146 The All Sky Automated Survey
astro-ph/9712147 Mixing and Transfer of Elements by Interactions and Mergers
astro-ph/9712148 Global three-dimensional simulations of magnetic field evolution in a galactic disk
astro-ph/9712149 Scattering and Absorption in Soft X-ray Selected AGN: An Optical Polarization Survey
astro-ph/9712150 On the difficulty of launching an outflow from an accretion disk
astro-ph/9712151 Lyman-alpha absorption : links between CSS quasars and high-redshift radio galaxies
astro-ph/9712152 Tunable filter imaging: structure forming around a quasar at z=0.9
astro-ph/9712153 Effect of Void Network on CMB Anisotropy
astro-ph/9712154 The Pulsar in GRO J1744-28 at Low Flux
astro-ph/9712155 The colours of z=2 QSO host galaxies
astro-ph/9712156 Localized magnetic reconnection as a cause of extraplanar diffuse ionised in the halo
astro-ph/9712157 On the Form of the HII Region Luminosity Function
astro-ph/9712158 Molecular Cloud Structure in the Magellanic Clouds: Effect of Metallicity
astro-ph/9712159 Acoustic Peak Spacing, Cosmological Density, and Equation of State
astro-ph/9712160 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/9712161 A hyperluminous galaxy at z = 2.8 found in a deep submillimetre survey
astro-ph/9712162 Continuum Spectra of Quasar Accretion Disk Models
astro-ph/9712163 The effects of a disc field on the bulge surface brightness
astro-ph/9712164 Association of X-ray Quasars with Active Galaxies
astro-ph/9712165 The influence of medium effects on the gross structure of hybrid stars
astro-ph/9712166 Thermalization by synchrotron absorption in compact sources: electron and photon distributions
astro-ph/9712167 The Evolution of Galactic Disks
astro-ph/9712168 The Ionization and Abundance of C and Si in QSO absorbers
astro-ph/9712169 Galaxies with DENIS: Preliminary star/galaxy separation and first results
astro-ph/9712170 Thermal-viscous instabilities in the accretion disk of GRS 1915+105
astro-ph/9712171 Far Infrared Emission from Galaxy Clusters and Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9712172 GRB Spikes Could Resolve Stars
astro-ph/9712173 Resolving the Stellar Populations in a z=4.04 Lensed Galaxy
astro-ph/9712174 Helioseismology, solar models and neutrino fluxes
astro-ph/9712175 Evidence for Centrifugal Barrier in X-ray Pulsar GRO J1744-28
astro-ph/9712176 The kinematically peculiar cores of the Coma cluster early -- type galaxies NGC 4816 and IC 4051
astro-ph/9712177 The microlensing rate and mass function vs. dynamics of the Galactic bar
astro-ph/9712178 Gamma Ray Bursts from Baryon Decay in Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9712179 Non-Baryonic Dark Matter
astro-ph/9712180 Status of the Lake Baikal Experiment
astro-ph/9712181 Seyfert Galaxies and BeppoSAX
astro-ph/9712182 BeppoSAX observations of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies:I. Ton S 180
astro-ph/9712183 Possible Tomography of the Sun’s Magnetic Field with Solar Neutrinos
astro-ph/9712184 Modelling galaxy clustering at high redshift
astro-ph/9712185 Accretion Disks in Transient Systems
astro-ph/9712186 KiloHertz Quasi-Periodic Oscillations in the Z sources GX 340+0, Cygnus X-2, GX 17+2, GX 5-1, and Scorpius X-1
astro-ph/9712187 Fragmentation of Expanding Shells in Spiral and Irregular Galaxies
astro-ph/9712188 A History of Infrared Extinction at CTIO, Chile, and A Possible Connection with the el Nin~o Phenomenon
astro-ph/9712189 Using neutron stars and primordial black holes to test theories of quantum gravity
astro-ph/9712190 Geometry of accretion in Soft X-ray Transients
astro-ph/9712191 Long Period Variables in Globular Clusters and the Galactic Bulge: Their Dependence on Metallicity
astro-ph/9712192 Constraints on the Effects of Locally-biased Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/9712193 The Gamma-Ray Burst Mystery
astro-ph/9712194 Modeling the Time Variability of Black Hole Candidates
astro-ph/9712195 Interferometric Observation of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
astro-ph/9712196 Performance of the CFHT Adaptive Optics Bonnette
astro-ph/9712197 Dual Accretion Disks in Alternate Gravity Theories
astro-ph/9712198 Bremsstrahlung and Pair Creation: Suppression Mechanisms and How They Affect EHE Air Showers
astro-ph/9712199 Cosmological Neutrino Background Revisited
astro-ph/9712200 HOP: A New Group-Finding Algorithm for N-body Simulations
astro-ph/9712201 Winds in OB-type stars
astro-ph/9712202 Disk Instability Models
astro-ph/9712203 Stationary states of irrotational binary neutron star systems and their evolution due to gravitational wave emission
astro-ph/9712204 Radiative shocks in galaxy formation. I: Cooling of a primordial plasma with no sources of heating
astro-ph/9712205 Radiative shocks in galaxy formation. II: Effects of a metagalactic UV background
astro-ph/9712206 Globular Cluster Systems of Elliptical Galaxies
astro-ph/9712207 Mixing processes during the evolution of red giants with moderate metal deficiencies : the role of molecular-weight barriers
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