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cond-mat/9703009 SO(4) symmetry and off-diagonal long-range order in the Hubbard bilayer
cond-mat/9703009 SO(4) symmetry and off-diagonal long-range order in the Hubbard bilayer
cond-mat/9703011 1/N Expansion for Critical Exponents of Magnetic Phase Transitions in CP^{N-1} Model at 2
cond-mat/9703012 Statistics of Red Sites on Elastic and Full Backbone
cond-mat/9703013 Critical behavior and the Neel temperature of quantum quasi-two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets
cond-mat/9703014 Exact current-current Green functions in strongly correlated 1D systems with impurity
cond-mat/9703015 Effect of the Output of the System in Signal Detection
cond-mat/9703016 Stochastic Multiresonance
cond-mat/9703017 Pairing Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
cond-mat/9703018 Density functional theory of the phase diagram of maximum density droplets in two-dimensional quantum dots in a magnetic field
cond-mat/9703019 On-Line AdaTron Learning of Unlearnable Rules
cond-mat/9703020 On-line learning of non-monotonic rules by simple perceptron
cond-mat/9703021 Dynamic Phases of Vortices in Superconductors with Periodic Pinning
cond-mat/9703022 Low density ferromagnetism in Extended Hubbard ( t-t’-U ) Model
cond-mat/9703023 Entropy and Correlations in Lattice Gas Automata without Detailed Balance
cond-mat/9703024 Super-roughening versus intrinsic anomalous scaling of surfaces
cond-mat/9703025 Slowly Driven Sandpile Formation with Granular Mixtures
cond-mat/9703026 Criticality in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9703027 Comment on "Structure and Hyperfine Parameters of E’ Centers in alpha-quartz and Vitreous SiO2"
cond-mat/9703028 In-plane optical response of Bi2Sr2CuO6
cond-mat/9703029 Statistics of Earthquakes in Simple Models of Heterogeneous Faults
cond-mat/9703030 Evidence for Kondo Effect in Au80Co20 Ribbons
cond-mat/9703031 Semiempirical Hartree-Fock calculations for pure and Li-doped KTaO3
cond-mat/9703032 Density of States of an Electron in a Gaussian Random Potential for (4-epsilon)-dimensional Space
cond-mat/9703033 Random hermitian matrices in an external field
cond-mat/9703034 Quasi 1 and 2d Dilute Bose Gas in Magnetic Traps : Existence of Off-Diagonal Order and Anomalous Quantum Fluctuations
cond-mat/9703035 Longitudinal and transverse dissipation in a simple model for the vortex lattice with screening
cond-mat/9703036 Free energies and critical exponents of the A_1^{(1)}, B_n^{(1)}, C_n^{(1)} and D_n^{(1)} face models
cond-mat/9703037 Effects of Electron Correlations on Hofstadter Spectrum
cond-mat/9703038 Quantum Chaos in Open versus Closed Quantum Dots: Signatures of Interacting Particles
cond-mat/9703039 Acoustoelectric effects in quantum constrictions
cond-mat/9703040 Superconductivity in the Hubbard model with correlated hopping: Slave-boson study
cond-mat/9703041 Polaron band formation in the Holstein model
cond-mat/9703042 The Ward identity and nonadiabatic corrections to the quasiparticle self-energy
cond-mat/9703043 Phenomenological theory of friction in the quasistatic limit : collective pinning and memory effects
cond-mat/9703044 Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Sr_{2}LaFe_{3}O_{9}
cond-mat/9703045 Dissipative Dynamics of Solitons in Planar Ferromagnets
cond-mat/9703046 Universal Phase Diagram for Vortex States of Layered Superconductors in Strong Magnetic Fields
cond-mat/9703047 Lower Bound for the Fermi Level Density of States of a Disordered D-Wave Superconductor in Two Dimensions
cond-mat/9703048 Reply to the Comment by A.A. Nersesyan and A.M. Tsvelik on the "Non--Zero Fermi Level Density of States for a Disordered d-Wave Superconductor in Two Dimensions" (PRL 77, 3013 (1996)) by K. Ziegler, M.H. Hettler and P.J. Hirschfeld
cond-mat/9703049 Quantum critical exponents of a planar antiferromagne
cond-mat/9703050 Cluster Monte Carlo: Scaling of Systematic Errors in the 2D Ising Model
cond-mat/9703051 Lacunarity of Random Fractals
cond-mat/9703052 Experimental evidence for a spin-Peierls-transition in $alpha’-NaV_2O_5$
cond-mat/9703053 AC Dynamics and Metastability of a Flux-Line Lattice
cond-mat/9703054 Effect of Size Dispersity On the Melting Transition
cond-mat/9703055 The N-chain Hubbard Model in Weak Coupling
cond-mat/9703056 Noise-assisted Mound Coarsening in Epitaxial Growth
cond-mat/9703057 Negative Magnetoresistance in the Nearest-neighbor Hopping Conduction
cond-mat/9703058 Asymptotic results on the product of random probability matrices
cond-mat/9703059 Conservation Laws and Integrability of a One-dimensional Model of Diffusing Dimers
cond-mat/9703060 Effects of in-chain and off-chain substitutions on spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3
cond-mat/9703061 Electron-Photon interaction in resonant tunneling diodes
cond-mat/9703062 Minimal renormalization without epsilon-expansion: Amplitude functions in three dimensions below T_c
cond-mat/9703063 Short-time scaling behavior of growing interfaces
cond-mat/9703064 Multiple small angle neutron scattering in ferromagnets
cond-mat/9703065 Lattice Statistics in Three Dimensions: Exact Solution of Layered Dimer and Layered Domain Wall Models
cond-mat/9703066 Correlation Effects on the Coupled Plasmon Modes of a Double Quantum Well
cond-mat/9703067 Spontaneous Flux and Magnetic Interference Patterns in 0-pi Josephson Junctions
cond-mat/9703068 Ferromagnetic spin fluctuation induced superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4
cond-mat/9703069 Quantum Nucleation in a Ferromagnetic Film Placed in a Magnetic Field at an Arbitrary Angle
cond-mat/9703070 Phase diagram in 2D Fröhlich model of metal at arbitrary carrier density: pseudogap versus doping
cond-mat/9703071 Long-Range Spatial Correlations of Eigenfunctions in Quantum Disordered Systems
cond-mat/9703072 From Lorentz Force on Electron to Magnus Force on Vortex, Role of Experiments
cond-mat/9703073 Elementary Excitations and Dynamical Correlation Functions of the Calogero-Sutherland Model with Internal Symmetry
cond-mat/9703074 Solid molecular hydrogen: The Broken Symmetry Phase
cond-mat/9703075 Thermodynamic Theory of Weakly Excited Granular Materials
cond-mat/9703076 Chaos in a Two-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass
cond-mat/9703077 X-ray absorption and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in the rare earths
cond-mat/9703078 Power Markets for Controlling Smart Matter
cond-mat/9703079 The Many-Electron System in the Forward, Exchange and BCS Approximation
cond-mat/9703080 Uncertainty Relation For Quantized Magnetic Fields and The Quantum Hall Effect
cond-mat/9703081 Ensemble density-functional theory for ab-initio molecular dynamics of metals and finite-temperature insulators
cond-mat/9703082 Extended Gapless Regions in Disordered d_{x^2-y^2}-Wave Superconductors
cond-mat/9703083 Weak pseudogap in crystals of Pb2Sr2(Y,Ca)Cu3O8+d
cond-mat/9703084 On the uniqueness of Gibbs states in the Pirogov-Sinai theory
cond-mat/9703085 Low voltage transport through a tunneling barrier in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid constriction
cond-mat/9703086 Two Hydrodynamic Models of Granular Convection
cond-mat/9703087 Non-Hermitean Random Matrix Theory: method of hermitization
cond-mat/9703088 Diffraction in the semiclassical description of mesoscopic devices
cond-mat/9703089 Suggested Model for the Origin of Mosaic Structure of DNA
cond-mat/9703090 The Crossover beteween Aslamazov-Larkin and Short Wavelength Fluctuations Regimes in HTS Conductivity Experiments
cond-mat/9703091 Temperature evolution and bifurcations of metastable states in mean-field spin glasses, with connections with structural glasses
cond-mat/9703092 Charge injection instability in perfect insulators
cond-mat/9703093 Casimir forces in binary liquid mixtures
cond-mat/9703094 Kinetics of Joint Ordering and Decomposition in Binary Alloys
cond-mat/9703095 Langevin dynamics of the Lebowitz-Percus model
cond-mat/9703096 Diffusion constant for the repton model of gel electrophoresis
cond-mat/9703097 Stationary Nonequilibrium States in Boundary Driven Hamiltonian Systems: Shear Flow
cond-mat/9703098 Dynamics of two interacting particles in classical billiards
cond-mat/9703099 Bragg- and Moving-glasses: a theory of disordered vortex lattices
cond-mat/9703099 Bragg- and Moving-glasses: a theory of disordered vortex lattices
cond-mat/9703101 Finite temperature many-particle theory of condensed matter systems in the functional Schroedinger picture
cond-mat/9703102 Enhanced magnetic fluctuations in doped spin-Peierls systems: a single-chain model analysis
cond-mat/9703103 Disorder-induced solitons in conjugated polymers
cond-mat/9703104 Solitons and (spin-)Peierls transition in disordered quasi-one-dimensional systems
cond-mat/9703105 Hot electron relaxation: Exact solution for a many electron model
cond-mat/9703106 Dynamical theory of quantum chaos or hidden random matrix ensemble?
cond-mat/9703107 Comment on "Scaling of the quasiparticle spectrum for d-wave superconductors"
cond-mat/9703108 Spin Polarizations at and about the Lowest Filled Landau Level
cond-mat/9703109 Phase Transitions in the Two-Dimensional XY Model with Random Phases: a Monte Carlo Study
cond-mat/9703110 Effect of long-range Coulomb interaction on shot-noise suppression in ballistic transport
cond-mat/9703111 Glass phases of flux lattices in layered superconductors
cond-mat/9703112 Two Interacting Electrons in a Quasiperiodic Chain
cond-mat/9703113 Liouville Field Theory of Fluctuating Loops
cond-mat/9703114 On the absence of Shapiro-like steps in certain mesoscopic S-N-S junctions
cond-mat/9703115 Projected dynamics for metastable decay in Ising models
cond-mat/9703116 Hall effect in NS and SNS junctions
cond-mat/9703117 Quantum and classical phase transitions in double-layer quantum Hall ferromagnets
cond-mat/9703118 Dynamical mean-field theory of the small polaron
cond-mat/9703119 Light scattering from a periodically modulated two dimensional electron gas with partially filled Landau levels
cond-mat/9703120 Luttinger theorem for a spin-density-wave state
cond-mat/9703121 Dynamical Properties of small Polarons
cond-mat/9703122 Only Fermi-Liquids are Metals
cond-mat/9703123 Noise suppression due to long-range Coulomb interaction: Crossover between diffusive and ballistic transport regimes
cond-mat/9703124 Dynamics and Effective Actions of BCS Superconductors
cond-mat/9703125 Scaling picture of magnetism formation in the anomalous f-systems: interplay of the Kondo effect and spin dynamics
cond-mat/9703126 3D XY and lowest Landau level fluctuations in deoxygenated YBCO thin films
cond-mat/9703127 Intermittently Flowing Rivers of Quantized Magnetic Flux
cond-mat/9703128 Effect of Quantum Confinement on Electron Tunneling through a Quantum Dot
cond-mat/9703129 Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductors with short coherence length
cond-mat/9703130 Magnetism of CaV_2O_5, CaV_3O_7, CaV_4O_9: quantum effects or orbital ordering?
cond-mat/9703131 Microscopic Model for Sequential Tunneling in Semiconductor Multiple Quantum Wells
cond-mat/9703132 Replica Fourier Transforms on Ultrametric Trees, and Block-Diagonalizing Multi-Replica Matrices
cond-mat/9703133 Limited Range Fractality of Randomly Adsorbed Rods
cond-mat/9703134 Monte Carlo simulation of a two-field effective Hamiltonian of complete wetting
cond-mat/9703135 3D XY scaling theory of the superconducting phase transition
cond-mat/9703136 Orthogonal Polynomials and Exact Correlation Functions for Two Cut Random Matrix Models
cond-mat/9703137 Local Writhing Dynamics
cond-mat/9703138 Low Temperature Correlation Lengths of Bilayer Heisenberg AntiFerromagnets and Neutron Scattering
cond-mat/9703139 Reply to the Comment on ’Quantum Phase Slips and Transport in Ultra-Thin Superconducting Wires’
cond-mat/9703140 Josephson Plasma Resonance in High Temperature Superconductors: A Test of Interlayer Tunneling Theory
cond-mat/9703141 An unconventional Fermi liquid model for the optimally doped and overdoped cuprate superconductors
cond-mat/9703142 Quantum confinement effects on the ordering of the lowest-lying excited states in conjugated chains
cond-mat/9703143 From Effective BCS Action to Vortex Dynamics
cond-mat/9703144 Debye-Onsager-Relaxation-Effect beyond linear Response and Antiscreening in Plasma Systems
cond-mat/9703145 The ground state of the Kondo model with large spin
cond-mat/9703146 High Temperature Thermodynamics of the Ferromagnetic Kondo-Lattice Model
cond-mat/9703147 Phases in Strongly Coupled Electronic Bilayer Liquids
cond-mat/9703148 Theory of colossal magnetoresistance
cond-mat/9703149 The Two-Dimensional Disordered Boson Hubbard Model: Evidence for a Direct Mott Insulator-to-Superfluid Transition and Localization in the Bose Glass Phase
cond-mat/9703150 Implicit Finite-Size Effects in Computer Simulations
cond-mat/9703151 Breakdown of Universality in Random Matrix Models
cond-mat/9703152 Almost-Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre eigenvalue statistics
cond-mat/9703153 Melting, freezing, and coalescence of gold nanoclusters
cond-mat/9703154 Geometric magnetism in classical transport theory
cond-mat/9703155 Superconductivity and incommensurate spin fluctuations in a generalized t-J model for the cuprates
cond-mat/9703156 A local approach for global partial density of states
cond-mat/9703157 Tunneling in the topological mechanism of superconductivity
cond-mat/9703158 Theory of Incompressible States in a Narrow Channel
cond-mat/9703159 Quantum Phase Transition in Skyrmion Lattices
cond-mat/9703160 Evolution from BCS Superconductivity to Bose Condensation: Analytic Results for the crossover in three dimensions
cond-mat/9703161 Simple criterion for the occurrence of Bose-Einstein condensation and the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect
cond-mat/9703162 Chiral Ordering in the Four-Dimensional XY Spin Glass
cond-mat/9703163 Can liquid metal surfaces have hexatic order?
cond-mat/9703164 Theory of many-fermion systems
cond-mat/9703165 Density-Functional Theory of Quantum Freezing: Sensitivity to Liquid-State Structure and Statistics
cond-mat/9703166 Phase Transitions of the Flux Line Lattice in High-Temperature Superconductors with Weak Columnar and Point Disorder
cond-mat/9703167 New Class of Random Matrix Ensembles with Multifractal Eigenvectors
cond-mat/9703168 Valence Bond Mapping of Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains
cond-mat/9703169 Effect of Landau Level Mixing for Electrons in Random Magnetic Field
cond-mat/9703170 Burst avalanches in solvable models of fibrous materials
cond-mat/9703171 Thermodynamically Stable One-Component Metallic Quasicrystals
cond-mat/9703172 Model for the low-temperature magnetic phases observed in doped YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}
cond-mat/9703173 Quadrupolar and magnetic ordering in CeB6
cond-mat/9703174 Parity Effect and Charge Binding Transition in Submicron Josephson Junction Arrays
cond-mat/9703175 Branching Transition of a Directed Polymer in Random Medium
cond-mat/9703176 Transfer-Matrix Study of Hard-Core Singularity for Hard-Square Lattice Gas
cond-mat/9703177 Magnetism of the LTT phase of Eu doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4
cond-mat/9703178 Parametric statistics of the scattering matrix: From metallic to insulating quasi-unidimensional disordered systems
cond-mat/9703179 New Monte Carlo algorithms for classical spin systems
cond-mat/9703180 Order Parameter Symmetry in Doped YBCO Systems
cond-mat/9703181 Fast diffusion of a Lennard-Jones cluster on a crystalline surface
cond-mat/9703182 Stochastic Models on a Ring and Quadratic Algebras. The Three Species Diffusion Problem
cond-mat/9703183 Finite size scaling of the bayesian perceptron
cond-mat/9703184 Spin-Allowed Chern-Simons Theory of Fractional Quantum Hall States for Odd and Even Denominator Filling Factors
cond-mat/9703185 Penetration depth and conductivity of NbN and DyBa_2Cu_3O_7 thin films measured by mm-wave transmission
cond-mat/9703186 Optical conductivity in A3C60 (A=K, Rb)
cond-mat/9703187 Complex-Temperature Phase Diagrams of 1D Spin Models with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Couplings
cond-mat/9703188 Sparse random matrix configurations for two or three interacting electrons in a random potential
cond-mat/9703189 Weakly correlated electrons on a square lattice: a renormalization group theory
cond-mat/9703190 Non-destructive optical measurement of relative phase between two Bose condensates
cond-mat/9703191 A Potts Neuron Approach to Communication Routing
cond-mat/9703192 Electronic specific heat in the normal state of cuprate high-Tc superconductors
cond-mat/9703193 A Wigner-Seitz model of charged lamellar colloidal dispersions
cond-mat/9703194 Internal Anisotropy of Collision Cascades
cond-mat/9703195 Spin, Statistics and Charge of Solitons in (2+1)-Dimensional Theories
cond-mat/9703196 Statistics and Scaling in Disordered Mesoscopic Electron Systems
cond-mat/9703197 Theory for Characterization of Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation Induced by Time-Structured Stimuli
cond-mat/9703198 Kawasaki dynamics and equilibrium distributions in simulations of phase separating systems
cond-mat/9703199 Microscopic Treatment of Binary Interactions in the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Partially Bose-condensed Trapped Gases
cond-mat/9703200 Exact, Complete, and Universal Continuous-Time Worldline Monte Carlo Approach to the Statistics of Discrete Quantum Systems
cond-mat/9703201 A Quantum Chemical Approach to Cohesive Properties of NiO
cond-mat/9703202 A theoretical investigation of the specific heat of superlattices in a magnetic field
cond-mat/9703203 Cubic Defects: Comparing the Eight-State-System with its Two-Level-Approximation
cond-mat/9703204 The electronic structure of amorphous silica: A numerical study
cond-mat/9703205 An Exactly Solvable Model of N Coupled Luttinger Chains
cond-mat/9703206 Mixed Heisenberg Chains. I. The Ground State Problem
cond-mat/9703207 Incommensurate magnetism in cuprate materials
cond-mat/9703208 Validity of the Gor’kov expansion near the upper critical field in type II superconductors
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