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hep-th/9707058 Supersymmetry and the Chiral Schwinger Model
hep-th/9707059 Dual inflation
hep-th/9707060 Zamalodchikov’s C-Theorem and The Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9707061 The tensor Goldstone multiplet for partially broken supersymmetry
hep-th/9707062 Fixing the Dilaton with Asymptotically Expensive Physics?
hep-th/9707063 The rigid symmetries of bosonic D-strings
hep-th/9707064 Zamolodchikov’s C-theorem and phase transitions
hep-th/9707065 Extensions of the N=2 Supersymmetric a=-2 Boussinesq Hierarchy
hep-th/9707066 Free totally (anti)symmetric massless fermionic fields in d-dimensional anti-de Sitter space
hep-th/9707067 Semiclassical quantization of SU(3) skyrmions
hep-th/9707068 Classical p-branes from boundary state
hep-th/9707069 A representation theoretic approach to the WZW Verlinde formula
hep-th/9707070 Symmetries and classical quantization
hep-th/9707071 The Coulomb branch of N=1 supersymmetric SU(N_c) x SU(N_c) gauge theories
hep-th/9707072 Dirac’s Observables for the SU(3)XSU(2)XU(1) Standard Model
hep-th/9707073 Casimir effect in dielectrics: Surface area contribution
hep-th/9707074 From Fusion Hierarchy to Excited State TBA
hep-th/9707075 D=6, N=1 String Vacua and Duality
hep-th/9707076 A Comment on Duality in SUSY SU(N) Gauge Theory with a Symmetric Tensor
hep-th/9707077 Realizations of Causal Manifolds by Quantum Fields
hep-th/9707078 On thermal phase structure of deformed Gross-Neveu model
hep-th/9707079 Matrix Description of Interacting Theories in Six Dimensions
hep-th/9707080 Uniqueness of the minimum of the free energy of the 2D Yang-Mills theory at large N
hep-th/9707081 Large-N limit of the generalized 2-dimensional Yang-Mills theories
hep-th/9707082 Dimension Theory of Graphs and Networks
hep-th/9707083 Casimir energy in the MIT bag model
hep-th/9707084 Some remarks on topological 4d-gravity
hep-th/9707085 Note on thermodynamic fermion loop under constant magnetic field
hep-th/9707086 Modified similarity renormalization of Hamiltonians. QED on the light front
hep-th/9707087 E_{7(7)} Duality, BPS Black-Hole Evolution and Fixed Scalars
hep-th/9707088 The Initial Value Problem For Maximally Non-Local Actions
hep-th/9707089 Renormalization Group Fixed Points and Connections with Duality in Various Dimensions
hep-th/9707090 Singular Vectors in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9707091 Angular quantization and form-factors in massive integrable models
hep-th/9707092 Order Parameter for Confinement in Large N Gauge Theories with Fundamental Matter
hep-th/9707093 On The Conformal Field Theory Of The Higgs Branch
hep-th/9707094 Chiral gauge theories and anomalies in the Wilson renormalization group approach
hep-th/9707095 U(1) lattice gauge theory and N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
hep-th/9707096 Classical and Quantum Instantons in Yang-Mills Theory in the Background of de Sitter Spacetime
hep-th/9707097 Curvature Expansion for the Gluodynamics String including Perturbative Gluonic Contributions
hep-th/9707098 Excited states in the twisted XXZ spin chain
hep-th/9707099 Wilson Lines and T-Duality in Heterotic M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9707099 Wilson Lines and T-Duality in Heterotic M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9707101 Lump dynamics in the CP^1 model on the torus
hep-th/9707102 Comparing D-branes and Black Holes with 0- and 6-brane Charge
hep-th/9707103 Testing causality violation on spacetimes with closed timelike curves
hep-th/9707104 Supermanifolds of classical solutions for Lagrangian field models with ghost and fermion fields
hep-th/9707105 The Supersymmetric CP problem in Orbifold Compactifications
hep-th/9707106 Gauge Theories: Geometry and cohomological invariants
hep-th/9707107 T Duality of Perturbative Characters for Closed Bosonic and Type II String Theories
hep-th/9707108 BRST Cohomology and Renormalizability of Quantum Gravity near Two Dimensions
hep-th/9707109 Screening in Anyon Gas
hep-th/9707110 A Polynomial First Order Action for the Dirichlet 3-brane
hep-th/9707111 On a Duality in Calogero-Moser-Sutherland Systems
hep-th/9707112 On the Point-Splitting Method of the Commutator Anomaly of the Gauss Law Operators
hep-th/9707113 A Note on the D-2-Brane of the Massive Type IIA Theory and Gauged Sigma Models
hep-th/9707114 Iterated Residues and Multiple Bernoulli Polynomials
hep-th/9707115 Nonperturbative path integral of 2d dilaton gravity and two-loop effects from scalar matter
hep-th/9707116 Trefoil knot and ad-hoc classification of elementary fields in the Standard Model
hep-th/9707117 Physical states of dyons
hep-th/9707118 Euclidean D-branes and higher-dimensional gauge theory
hep-th/9707119 Remarks on the M5-Brane
hep-th/9707120 Multiscale N=2 SUSY field theories, integrable systems and their stringy/brane origin -- I
hep-th/9707121 Correlation functions for some conformal theories on Riemann surfaces
hep-th/9707122 Observability of the Bulk Casimir Effect: Can the Dynamical Casimir Effect be Relevant to Sonoluminescence?
hep-th/9707123 A Note on Enhanced Gauge Symmetries in M- and String Theory
hep-th/9707124 Black hole fermionic radiance and D brane decay
hep-th/9707125 U-branes and T^3 fibrations
hep-th/9707126 Heterotic / type I duality and D-brane instantons
hep-th/9707127 The Instanton Solution of Forced Burgers Equation in Polyakov’s Approach
hep-th/9707128 Light-Cone Expansion of the Dirac Sea to First Order in the External Potential
hep-th/9707129 A No-Go Theorem for the Nonabelian Topological Mass Mechanism in Four Dimensions
hep-th/9707130 Gauged Supergravity from Dimensional Reduction
hep-th/9707131 Geometric Origin of Montonen-Olive Duality
hep-th/9707132 Probing Type I’ String Theory Using D0 and D4-Branes
hep-th/9707133 Holomorphy, Rescaling Anomalies and Exact beta Functions in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
hep-th/9707134 One-loop four-graviton amplitude in eleven-dimensional supergravity
hep-th/9707135 Interaction of non-parallel D1-branes
hep-th/9707136 Hamiltonian reduction of SU(2) Dirac-Yang-Mills mechanics
hep-th/9707137 The Schwinger Model in Light-Cone Gauge
hep-th/9707138 New Results in One-Loop Quantum Cosmology
hep-th/9707139 A New Massive Type IIA Supergravity From Compactification
hep-th/9707140 Symplectic structure of electromagnetic duality
hep-th/9707141 Zero Mode and Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front
hep-th/9707142 Effective Potential for D-brane in Constant Electromagnetic Field
hep-th/9707143 Supersymmetry Breaking and Soft Terms in M-Theory
hep-th/9707144 On the Bound States in a Non-linear Quantum Field Theory of a Spinor Field with Higher Derivatives
hep-th/9707145 Explicit Derivation of New Hyper-Kahler metric
hep-th/9707146 On Matrix Strings, the Large N Limit and Discretized Light-Cone Quantization
hep-th/9707147 Anyon Statistics and the Witten Index
hep-th/9707148 Duality without Supersymmetry: The Case of the SO(16)xSO(16) String
hep-th/9707149 Partition Functions for BPS States of the Non-Critical E_8 String
hep-th/9707150 Bogomol’nyi Solitons and Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
hep-th/9707151 New Fundamental Symmetries of Integrable Systems and Partial Bethe Ansatz
hep-th/9707152 A 3+1 Dimensional LF-Model with Spontaneous $chi SB$
hep-th/9707153 Hidden Quantum Group Structure in Einstein’s General Relativity
hep-th/9707154 Phase of a chiral determinant and global SU(2) anomaly
hep-th/9707155 Factorization of Multiparticle Scattering in the Heisenberg Spin Chain
hep-th/9707156 D-brane Bound States and the Generalised ADHM Construction
hep-th/9707157 A Very Effective String Model?
hep-th/9707158 The Coulomb Branch of (4,4) Supersymmetric Field Theories in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9707159 Integrability of Coupled Conformal Field Theories
hep-th/9707160 Strong/Weak Coupling Duality Relations for Non-Supersymmetric String Theories
hep-th/9707161 Resummation of Vacuum Bubble Diagrams in Gaussian Propagator Model
hep-th/9707162 Unitary IIB Matrix Model and the Dynamical Generation of the Space Time
hep-th/9707163 No saturation of the quantum Bogomolnyi bound by two-dimensional supersymmetric solitons
hep-th/9707164 Heterotic M(atrix) theory at generic points in Narain moduli space
hep-th/9707165 Complete control of gauge parameter dependence in the Abelian Higgs model
hep-th/9707166 Mathematical Problems of Gauge Quantum Field Theory: A Survey on the Schwinger Model
hep-th/9707167 Strings and D-Branes at High Temperature
hep-th/9707168 On the Zero-Point Energy of a Conducting Spherical Shell
hep-th/9707169 Geodesic incompleteness in the CP^1 model on a compact Riemann surface
hep-th/9707170 Self Gravitating Fundamental Strings
hep-th/9707171 Beyond Strings, Multiple Times and Gauge Theories of Area-Scalings Relativistic Transformations
hep-th/9707172 An extended q-deformed su(2) algebra and the Bloch electron problem
hep-th/9707173 Exact Two-Point Correlation Functions of Turbulence Without Pressure in Three-Dimensions
hep-th/9707174 Chern-Simons and Twisted Supersymmetry in Higher Dimensions
hep-th/9707175 Spinning particles in Taub-NUT space
hep-th/9707176 Non-Abelian BPS Monopoles in N=4 Gauged Supergravity
hep-th/9707177 Thermal radiation in non-static curved spacetimes: quantum mechanical path integrals and configuration space topology
hep-th/9707178 Seiberg-Witten Equations on R^8
hep-th/9707179 Duality symmetry of N=4 Yang-Mills theory on T^3
hep-th/9707180 Colour-Dielectric Gauge Theory on a Transverse Lattice
hep-th/9707181 Solitons and Black Holes
hep-th/9707182 Cosmological solutions, p-branes and the Wheeler-DeWitt equation
hep-th/9707183 Null Strings in Kerr Spacetime
hep-th/9707184 Weyl Superspace
hep-th/9707185 Field Strength Formulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory in the Maximal Abelian Gauge: Perturbation Theory
hep-th/9707186 On Mirror Symmetry for Manifolds of Exceptional Holonomy
hep-th/9707187 Negative Dimensional Integration for Massive Four Point Functions--I: The Standard Solutions
hep-th/9707188 Three-Dimensional Black Holes and String Theory
hep-th/9707189 The Higher Derivative Expansion of the Effective Action by the String Inspired Method. Part II
hep-th/9707190 Moyal Brackets in M-Theory
hep-th/9707191 Super-Weyl Invariant 2D Supergravity, Anomaly and WZ Action
hep-th/9707192 Branes and N=2 Theories in Two Dimensions
hep-th/9707193 N=2, D=6 supergravity with E_7 gauge matter
hep-th/9707194 Poisson-Lie T-duality and (1,1) supersymmetry
hep-th/9707195 The string scale and the Planck scale
hep-th/9707196 Remarks on the Geometry of Wick Rotation in QFT and its Localization on Manifolds
hep-th/9707197 Softly Broken SQCD: in the Continuum, on the Lattice, on the Brane
hep-th/9707198 Target Space Duality for (0,2) Compactifications
hep-th/9707199 Abelian and Non-Abelian Induced Parity Breaking Terms at Finite Temperature
hep-th/9707200 Matrix Regularization of an Open Supermembrane ---towards M-theory five-branes via open supermembranes ---
hep-th/9707201 New Tetrads for General Relativity
hep-th/9707202 Duality Symmetries and Noncommutative Geometry of String Spacetime
hep-th/9707203 Flat Symplectic Bundles of N-Extended Supergravities, Central Charges and Black-Hole Entropy
hep-th/9707204 Bose Symmetry and Chiral Decomposition of 2D Fermionic Determinants
hep-th/9707205 D-brane Analyses for BPS Mass Spectra and U-duality
hep-th/9707206 Analytic Continuation of Operators -- operators acting complex s-times -- Applications: from Number Theory and Group Theory to Quantum Field and String Theories
hep-th/9707207 Spectrum-generating Symmetries for BPS Solitons
hep-th/9707208 On the M-theory description of gaugino condensation
hep-th/9707209 Algebraic Renormalization: perturbative twisted considerations on topological Yang-Mills theory and on N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories
hep-th/9707210 Duality between Topologically Massive and Self-Dual models
hep-th/9707211 The Even and the Odd Spectral Flows on the N=2 Superconformal Algebras
hep-th/9707212 Singular Yukawa and gauge couplings in d=4 Heterotic String Vacua
hep-th/9707213 On the critical behaviour of hermitean f-matrix models in the double scaling limit with f >= 3
hep-th/9707214 Metrics on D-brane Orbifolds
hep-th/9707215 Superstrings with new supersymmetry in (9,2) and (10,2) dimensions
hep-th/9707216 Kinematics and uncertainty relations of a quantum test particle in a curved space-time
hep-th/9707217 Algebraic Aspects of Matrix Theory on T^d
hep-th/9707218 Left and right handedness of fermions and bosons
hep-th/9707219 Magnetic monopoles in U(1)_4 Lattice Gauge Theory with Wilson action
hep-th/9707220 Spin-Statistics, Spin-Locality, and TCP: Three Distinct Theorems
hep-th/9707221 Quantum Fields at Any Time
hep-th/9707222 Calculable e^{-1/lambda} Effects
hep-th/9707223 Gaugino Condensation, Moduli Potentials and Supersymmetry Breaking in M-Theory Models
hep-th/9707224 Gravitational Couplings and $Z_2$ Orientifolds
hep-th/9707225 Wrapped M-branes and Three-dimensional Topologies
hep-th/9707226 Geometrical approach to duality in N=1 supersymmetric theories
hep-th/9707227 Generalized Conformal Symmetry and Extended Objects from the Free Particle
hep-th/9707228 D-branes and Matrix Theory in Curved Space
hep-th/9707229 On the Three-Point Couplings in Toda Field Theory
hep-th/9707230 A Course on: "An Algebraic Approach to Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory"
hep-th/9707231 Lattice Discretization in Quantum Scattering
hep-th/9707232 Hyperkähler Manifolds and Multiply Intersecting Branes
hep-th/9707233 Colliding Axion-Dilaton Plane Waves from Black Holes
hep-th/9707234 Variational Approach to Quantum Field Theory: Gaussian Approximation and the Perturbative Expansion around It
hep-th/9707235 On duality and reflection factors for the sinh-Gordon model
hep-th/9707236 N = 1, D = 6 Supergravity: Duality and non Minimal Couplings
hep-th/9707237 Modular Invariance on the Torus and Abelian Chern-Simons Theory
hep-th/9707238 Supergravity with a Noninvertible Vierbein
hep-th/9707239 The Running Gravitational Couplings
hep-th/9707240 Nonlinear realizations of superconformal and W algebras as embeddings of strings
hep-th/9707241 An ansatz for a non-perturbative four-graviton amplitude in type IIB superstring theory
hep-th/9707242 An Introduction to Superstring Theory and its Duality Symmetries
hep-th/9707243 A Note on a Class of Cosmological String Backgrounds
hep-th/9707244 Confinement and Strings in MQCD
hep-th/9707245 Fluctuating Strings in the Universal Confining String Theory and Gluodynamics
hep-th/9707246 Open Supermembranes Coupled to M-Theory Five-Branes
hep-th/9707247 Superpotentials of N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories from M-theory
hep-th/9707248 Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model Coupled to Constant Electromagnetic Fields in D-Dimension
hep-th/9707249 Three-Family Grand Unification in String Theory
hep-th/9707250 M&m’s
hep-th/9707251 Four-dimensional BPS-spectra via M-theory
hep-th/9707252 Soliton and Domain Wall in the Self-Dual CP(1) Model
hep-th/9707253 Simple method for calculating the Casimir energy for sphere
hep-th/9707254 Infinite Quasi-Exactly Solvable Models
hep-th/9707256 A Note on Consistent Anomalies
hep-th/9707257 Multidimensional extension of the generalized Chowla-Selberg formula
hep-th/9707258 Higgs Branch of N=2 SQCD and M theory Branes
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