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hep-ex/9708017 Search for First Generation Leptoquark Pair Production in ppbar Collisions at s^1/2 = 1.8 TeV
hep-ex/9708018 Search for Chargino and Neutralino Production at sqrt{s} = 170 and 172 GeV at LEP
hep-ex/9708019 Measurement of the Q^2 evolution of the photon structure function F_2^gamma
hep-ex/9708020 Measurement of the quark to photon fragmentation function through the inclusive production of prompt photons in hadronic Z^0 decays
hep-ex/9708021 Measurement of f(c -> D^*+ X), f(b -> D^*+ X) and Gamma_cc(bar)/Gamma_had using D^*+/- Mesons
hep-ex/9708022 Spin alignment of leading K*(892)^0 mesons in hadronic Z^0 decays
hep-ex/9708023 A Measurement of the B_s^0 Lifetime using Reconstructed D_s^- Mesons
hep-ex/9708024 Tests of the Standard Model and Constraints on New Physics from Measurements of Fermion-pair Production at 130-172 GeV at LEP
hep-ex/9708025 Proton-Antiproton Annihilation and Meson Spectroscopy with the Crystal Barrel
hep-ex/9708026 Search For New Particles in Multijet Final States at the Tevatron
hep-ex/9708027 Asymmetry of Lambda Baryons in Hadronic Z^0 Decays
hep-ex/9708028 Measurement of the Photon Structure Function F_2^gamma at Low x
hep-ex/9708029 Multiplicity distributions of gluon and quark jets and tests of QCD analytic predictions
hep-ex/9708030 Experimental determination of the b quark mass in DELPHI
hep-ex/9708031 Evidence for the Decay K+ --> pi+ nu anti-nu
hep-ex/9708032 The Photoproduction of the $b_1(1235)pi$ System
hep-ex/9708033 Search for Color-Suppressed $B$ Hadronic Decay Processes with CLEO
hep-ex/9708034 A Study of Event Shapes and Determinations of alpha_s using data of e^+e^- Annihilations at sqrt{s} = 22 to 44 GeV
hep-ex/9708035 Investigation of Semileptonic $B$ Meson Decay to P-Wave Charm Mesons
hep-ex/9708036 Combined QCD analysis of e^+ e^- data at sqrt(s) = 14 to 172 GeV
hep-ex/9708037 Determinations of alpha_s using JADE data of e^+e^- Annihilations at sqrt{s} = 22 to 44 GeV
hep-ex/9708038 Observation of Isolated High-ET Photons in Photoproduction at HERA
hep-ex/9708039 The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS): search for antimatter and dark matter on the International Space Station
hep-ex/9708040 Asymmetries Between the Production of Ds- and Ds+ Mesons from 500 GeV/c pi- Nucleon Interactions as Functions of x_F and square of p_t
hep-lat/9708001 Simulations of the electroweak plasma at finite temperature
hep-lat/9708002 The Phase Transition in SU(2)-Higgs
hep-lat/9708003 Algorithmic aspects of multicanonical simulations
hep-lat/9708004 Approximate actions for dynamical fermions
hep-lat/9708005 Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory to one loop
hep-lat/9708006 Quenched Spectroscopy for the N=1 Super-Yang-Mills Theory
hep-lat/9708007 Mathematical Derivation of Chiral Anomaly in Lattice Gauge Theory with Wilson’s Action
hep-lat/9708008 Lattice-Constrained Parametrizations of Form Factors for Semileptonic and Rare Radiative B Decays
hep-lat/9708009 Screening Lengths in SU(2) Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature
hep-lat/9708009 Screening Lengths in SU(2) Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature
hep-lat/9708011 Study of the Coulomb-Higgs transition in the Abelian Higgs Model
hep-lat/9708012 Flux-tube Structure, Sum Rules and Beta-functions in SU(2)
hep-lat/9708013 Hybrid and Orbitally Excited Mesons in Quenched QCD
hep-lat/9708014 Complex zeros of the 2d Ising model on dynamical random lattices
hep-lat/9708015 Full QCD simulation on CP-PACS
hep-lat/9708016 Phase Diagram of SO(3) Lattice Gauge Theory at Finite Temperature
hep-lat/9708017 Liapunov Exponents and the Reversibility of Molecular Dynamics Algorithms
hep-lat/9708018 Multi-boson simulation of the Schroedinger functional
hep-lat/9708019 On the Phase Diagram of a Lattice U(1) Gauge Theory with Gauge Fixing
hep-lat/9708020 Is the doubler of the electron an antiquark?
hep-lat/9708021 Phase Transitions
hep-lat/9708022 Fermion theories on a 2d torus with Wilson action improved by Pauli -- Villars regularization
hep-lat/9708023 Center Dominance, Center Vortices, and Confinement
hep-lat/9708024 The LHMC Algorithm for Free Field Theory: Reexamining Overrelaxation
hep-lat/9708025 Lattice-Constrained Parametrizations of Form Factors for Semileptonic and Rare Radiative B Decays
hep-lat/9708026 Phase Transitions in SO(3) Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/9708027 Branched polymers, complex spins and the freezing transition
hep-lat/9708028 Disconnected Loop Noise Methods in Lattice QCD
hep-lat/9708029 Multiple mass solvers
hep-lat/9709004 A High Statistics Lattice Calculation of Quark Masses with a Non-Perturbative Renormalization Procedure
hep-th/9508049 Supersymmetric Generalization of the Tensor Matter Fields
hep-th/9509100 Quantum Chains of Hopf Algebras with Quantum Double Cosymmetry
hep-th/9512214 Quantum N=2 super $W_3^{(2)}$ Algebra In Superspace
hep-th/9611151 Statistical entropy of near-extremal and fundamental black p-branes
hep-th/9707255 Burgers turbulence with pressure
hep-th/9707263 Boson metastable ground states with spontaneous symmetry breaking
hep-th/9708001 Covariant Quantization of The Super-D-string
hep-th/9708002 Strong Coupling Dynamics of Branes from M-theory
hep-th/9708003 M-theory superalgebra from the M-5-brane
hep-th/9708004 Quantisation of Monopoles with Non-abelian Magnetic Charge
hep-th/9708005 Absorption by Branes and Schwinger Terms in the World Volume Theory
hep-th/9708006 SU(N) Monopoles and Platonic Symmetry
hep-th/9708007 BRST gauge fixing and the algebra of global supersymmetry
hep-th/9708008 Singularities In Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies
hep-th/9708009 N=2 String-String Duality and Holomorphic couplings
hep-th/9708009 N=2 String-String Duality and Holomorphic couplings
hep-th/9708011 On Duality in the Born-Infeld Theory
hep-th/9708012 D-brane Actions on Kahler Manifolds
hep-th/9708013 Symmetries and degrees of freedom in 2-dimensional dual models
hep-th/9708014 Entropy and Topology for Gravitational Instantons
hep-th/9708015 N = 1 Field Theory Duality from M-theory
hep-th/9708016 From the Type I String to M-theory: A Continuous Connection
hep-th/9708017 Flat Coordinates, Topological Landau-Ginzburg Models and the Seiberg-Witten Period Integrals
hep-th/9708018 Quantum kink model and SU(2) symmetry: Spin interpretation and T-violation
hep-th/9708019 On the Measure in Simplicial Gravity
hep-th/9708020 Local Reference Frames and Quantum Space-time
hep-th/9708021 On the Schild action for D=0 and D=1 strings
hep-th/9708022 Scattering of zero branes off elementary strings in Matrix Theory
hep-th/9708023 Advances in Old-Fashioned Heterotic String Model Building
hep-th/9708024 Newman-Penrose dyads and the null string motion equations in a background of antisymmetric fields
hep-th/9708025 Orbits of Exceptional Groups, Duality and BPS States in String Theory
hep-th/9708026 Solitonic d-5 brane and Vortex on the World-Sheet
hep-th/9708027 Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in (2+1)-Dimensional QED with a Chern-Simons Term
hep-th/9708028 Can a gravitational wave and a magnetic monopole coexist?
hep-th/9708029 F and M Theories as Gauge Theories of Area Preserving Algebra
hep-th/9708030 Phase Structure and Nonperturbative States in Three-Dimensional Adjoint Higgs Model
hep-th/9708031 Brane Tensions and Coupling Constants from within M-Theory
hep-th/9708032 Application of Renormalization to Potential Scattering
hep-th/9708033 Algebraic Structure in Non-Orientable Open-Closed String Field Theories
hep-th/9708034 M(embrane) theory on $T^9$
hep-th/9708035 Axial Anomaly from the BPHZ regularized BV master equation
hep-th/9708036 Supersymmetry and the Multi-Instanton Measure
hep-th/9708037 M(atrix) Theory on $T^6$ and a m(atrix) Theory Description of KK Monopoles
hep-th/9708038 Thirring Model in Lower Dimensions: Nonperturbative Approaches
hep-th/9708039 Topological Matrix Model
hep-th/9708040 Four-dimensional N=1 Z_N X Z_M Orientifolds
hep-th/9708041 D0-Branes, Constrained Instantons and D=4 Super Yang-Mills Theories
hep-th/9708042 Nonperturbative Formulas for Central Functions of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
hep-th/9708043 Wilson line in high temperature particle physics
hep-th/9708044 Monopole Condensation and Confining Phase of N=1 Gauge Theories Via M Theory Fivebrane
hep-th/9708045 Planar Two-particle Coulomb Interaction: Classical and Quantum Aspects
hep-th/9708046 A Model of Graceful Exit in String Cosmology
hep-th/9708047 The Gauged (2,1) Heterotic Sigma-Model
hep-th/9708048 Non-Abelian Gravity and Antisymmetric Tensor Gauge Theory
hep-th/9708049 Phenomenological Aspects of F-theory
hep-th/9708050 Unification of the General Non-Linear Sigma Model and the Virasoro Master Equation
hep-th/9708051 Gluon Condensation in Nonperturbative Flow Equations
hep-th/9708052 A Superconnection for Riemannian Gravity as Spontaneously Broken SL(4,R) Gauge Theory
hep-th/9708053 Comment on Pasti-Sorokin-Tonin approach to three-brane
hep-th/9708054 Modified similarity renormalization of Hamiltonians. Positronium on the light front
hep-th/9708055 Classification of p-branes, NUTs, Waves and Intersections
hep-th/9708056 Velocity of signal in attractive potential and propagation of light in gravitational field
hep-th/9708057 Polyakov conjecture on the supertorus
hep-th/9708058 Bethe Ansatz in Quantum Mechanics. 1. The Inverse Method of Separation of Variables
hep-th/9708059 Bethe Ansatz in Quantum Mechanics. 2. Construction of Multi-Parameter Spectral Equations
hep-th/9708060 Degeneracy and Continuous Deformations of Supersymmetric Domain Walls
hep-th/9708061 On the Spontaneous Identity of Chiral and Super Symmetry Breaking in Pure Super Yang Mills Theories
hep-th/9708062 R^2 Corrections and Non-perturbative Dualities of N=4 String ground states
hep-th/9708063 A Note on Effective Lagrangians in Matrix Theory
hep-th/9708064 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories in $Dge 12$
hep-th/9708065 Moving Moduli, Calabi-Yau Phase Transitions and Massless BPS Configurations in Type II Superstrings
hep-th/9708066 Discrete fields on the lightcone
hep-th/9708067 On domain shapes and processes in supersymmetric theories
hep-th/9708068 BPS States and Minimal Surfaces
hep-th/9708069 Functional Representations for Fock Superalgebras
hep-th/9708070 Towards Matrix Models in IIB Superstrings
hep-th/9708071 Gauge theories with graded differential Lie algebras
hep-th/9708072 Quantisation of Conformal Fields in Three-dimensional Anti-de Sitter Black Hole Spacetime
hep-th/9708073 On the Picard-Fuchs Equations of N=2 Supersymmetric E_6 Yang-Mills Theory
hep-th/9708074 M-branes at angles
hep-th/9708075 Duality in Superstring Compactifications with Magnetic Field Backgrounds
hep-th/9708076 Light-Cone Formulation of D2-Brane
hep-th/9708077 On the Canonical Form of a Pair of Compatible Antibrackets
hep-th/9708078 Introduction to D-branes
hep-th/9708079 Convergence properties of the equal-time connected Green function approach for temporal gauge SU(2)_{2+1} Yang-Mills theory
hep-th/9708080 The Dynamics of Classical Chiral $QCD_{2}$ Currents
hep-th/9708081 The $a_{5}$ heat kernel coefficient on a manifold with boundary
hep-th/9708082 Duality in Sp and SO Gauge Groups from M Theory
hep-th/9708083 Finite N Heterotic Matrix Models and Discrete Light Cone Quantization
hep-th/9708084 Minimal Area Nonorientable String Diagrams
hep-th/9708085 Comments on Neveu-Schwarz Five-Branes
hep-th/9708086 Unwinding strings and T-duality of Kaluza-Klein and H-Monopoles
hep-th/9708087 Chiral symmetry breaking, the superspace gap equation and the no-renormalization theorem
hep-th/9708088 Why Quantum Mechanics is Complex
hep-th/9708089 From 0-Branes to Torons
hep-th/9708090 Black Hole Horizons and the Thermodynamics of Strings
hep-th/9708091 Scattering of Four-Dimensional Black Holes
hep-th/9708092 On algebraic classification of quasi-exactly solvable matrix models
hep-th/9708093 Hamiltonian formulation of the D-brane action and the light-cone Hamiltonian
hep-th/9708094 osp(1|2) Conformal Field Theory
hep-th/9708095 Scaling Algebras and Renormalization Group in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory. II. Instructive Examples
hep-th/9708096 Dynamics and causality constraints in field theory
hep-th/9708097 g = 2 as a Gauge Condition
hep-th/9708098 A simple remark on three dimensional gauge theories
hep-th/9708099 The role of fixed scalars in scattering off a 5D black hole
hep-th/9708099 The role of fixed scalars in scattering off a 5D black hole
hep-th/9708101 Generalized Scale Invariant Gravity
hep-th/9708102 Geodesics, gravitons and the gauge fixing problem
hep-th/9708103 General BPS Black Holes In Five Dimensions
hep-th/9708104 Finite quantum field theory from a natural postulate
hep-th/9708105 A unique theory of all forces
hep-th/9708106 Geometric Classification of Topological Quantum Phases
hep-th/9708107 Complete phase diagram for the integrable chain with alternating spins in the sectors with competing interactions
hep-th/9708108 S-Matrices of Self-Dual Gravity
hep-th/9708109 Multiplet Structures of BPS Solitons
hep-th/9708110 Duality and the Renormalization Group
hep-th/9708111 Scalar-QED eta-functions near Planck’s Scale
hep-th/9708112 Toward the classification of the realistic free fermionic models
hep-th/9708113 Toy Model for Breaking Super Gauge Theories at the Effective Lagrangian Level
hep-th/9708114 Quantum Integrable Systems: Basic Concepts and Brief Overview
hep-th/9708115 Adjoint QCD2 and the Non-Abelian Schwinger Mechanism
hep-th/9708116 Instantons at Angles
hep-th/9708117 New String Theories in Six Dimensions via Branes at Orbifold Singularities
hep-th/9708118 New Curves from Branes
hep-th/9708119 Bound States at Threshold in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
hep-th/9708120 Characters and modular properties of permutation orbifolds
hep-th/9708121 Path Integral for Relativistic Equations of Motion
hep-th/9708122 The Field Theory of Non-Supersymmetric Brane Configurations
hep-th/9708123 USp(2k) Matrix Model: F Theory Connection
hep-th/9708124 Cross Section and Effective Potential in Asymptotically Free Scalar Field Theories
hep-th/9708125 Path integral for a relativistic Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb system
hep-th/9708126 Supergravity from a Massive Superparticle and the Simplest Super Black Hole
hep-th/9708127 Sp(N_c) Gauge Theories and M Theory Fivebrane
hep-th/9708128 Spectral Geometry and Quantum Gravity
hep-th/9708129 Virasoro amplitude from the $S^NR^{24}$ orbifold sigma model
hep-th/9708130 Introduction to Non-perturbative String Theory
hep-th/9708131 On the Compton Scattering in String Theory
hep-th/9708132 Systematic proof of the existence of Yangian symmetry in chiral Gross-Neveu models
hep-th/9708133 Gravitation as a Many Body Problem
hep-th/9708134 Chiral Gauge Theories from D-Branes
hep-th/9708135 Minimal Models with Integrable Local Defects
hep-th/9708136 Brane-Black Hole Correspondence and Asymptotics of Quantum Spectrum
hep-th/9708137 Brane Creation in M(atrix) Theory
hep-th/9708138 Torsional Topological Invariants (and their relevance for real life)
hep-th/9708139 Trace Anomaly Induced Effective Action and Hawking Radiation for 2d Dilatonic Supergravity
hep-th/9708140 Superfield Quantization
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