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13 February 2025

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astro-ph/9605125 X-ray and EUV Spectroscopy of the Boundary Layer Emission of Nonmagnetic Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/9709005 Hipparcos parallaxes for eta Boo and kappa_2 Boo: two successes for asteroseismology
astro-ph/9709006 Parametric Resonance in an Expanding Universe
astro-ph/9709007 The Nature of Spectral Transitions in Accreting Black Holes: The Case of Cyg X-1
astro-ph/9709008 Neutron star magnetic field evolution, crust movement and glitches
astro-ph/9709009 New Measurement of Metal Abundance in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636 with Asca
astro-ph/9709009 New Measurement of Metal Abundance in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4636 with Asca
astro-ph/9709011 Variability of the Radio Nucleus of the Galaxy M81
astro-ph/9709012 Perspectives of Core-Collapse Supernovae beyond SN 1987A
astro-ph/9709013 Explosion Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernovae --- a View Ten Years after SN 1987A
astro-ph/9709014 Estimating the mass density of neutral gas at $z < 1$
astro-ph/9709015 New lambda Bootis stars with a shell
astro-ph/9709016 Optical Spectroscopy of the unusual galaxy J2310-43
astro-ph/9709017 Cosmic Ray Momentum Diffusion in Magnetosonic versus Alfvenic Turbulent Fields
astro-ph/9709018 A Hard Medium Survey with the ASCA GIS: the (2-10 keV) Number Counts Relationship
astro-ph/9709019 The UVX quasar optical luminosity function and its evolution
astro-ph/9709020 Power Spectrum of Velocity Fluctuations in the Universe
astro-ph/9709021 Origins of the slow and the ubiquitous fast solar wind
astro-ph/9709022 The distribution of nearby stars in phase space mapped by Hipparcos: I. The potential well and local dynamical mass
astro-ph/9709023 Statistical theory of thermal instability
astro-ph/9709024 Evolution of Horizontal Branch Stars in Globular Clusters: The Interesting Case of V79 in M3
astro-ph/9709025 The MACHO Project SMC Variable Star Inventory: I. The Second-overtone Mode of Cepheid Pulsation From First/Second Overtone (1H/2H) Beat Cepheids
astro-ph/9709026 New upper limits on the interstellar O2 abundance
astro-ph/9709027 ORFEUS-I Observations of Molecular Hydrogen in the Galactic Disk
astro-ph/9709028 On Nulling Interferometers and the Line-Emitting Regions of AGNs
astro-ph/9709029 Evidence for GeV emission from the Galactic Center Fountain
astro-ph/9709030 Redshifted Neutral Hydrogen 21cm Absorption toward Red Quasars
astro-ph/9709031 Models for Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmology
astro-ph/9709032 On the Problem of Predicting Inflationary Perturbations
astro-ph/9709033 Hard X- and Gamma-Rays from Type Ia Supernovae
astro-ph/9709034 Ultraviolet Emission from the LINER Nucleus of NGC 6500
astro-ph/9709035 Hydrodynamics of the stream-disk impact in interacting binaries
astro-ph/9709036 The Dynamics of the cD Clusters Abell 119 and Abell 133
astro-ph/9709037 Are Seyfert Narrow Line Regions Powered by Radio Jets?
astro-ph/9709038 Principal component analysis of two ultraviolet emission-lines in 18 active galactic nuclei
astro-ph/9709039 Cosmic-Ray Momentum Diffusion In Magnetosonic Versus Alfvenic Turbulent Field
astro-ph/9709040 The Virgo cluster distance from 21 cm-line widths
astro-ph/9709041 An X-Ray Temperature Map of the Merging Cluster Abell 2255
astro-ph/9709042 Globular Cluster Systems of Early-Type Galaxies
astro-ph/9709043 On the Distribution of Dust in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9709044 Constraining cosmological models with cluster power spectra
astro-ph/9709045 New Results for Two Optically Faint Low Mass X-Ray Binary Systems
astro-ph/9709046 A Lower Limit to the Universal Density of Metals at z sim 3
astro-ph/9709047 The Formation of Cosmic Structures in a Light Gravitino Dominated Universe
astro-ph/9709048 Prospects for Type Ia Supernova explosion mechanism identification with gamma rays
astro-ph/9709049 The Double Quasar Q2138-431: Lensing by a Dark Galaxy?
astro-ph/9709050 Dark galaxies, spin bias and gravitational lenses
astro-ph/9709051 Resolving the Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos
astro-ph/9709052 X-ray emission from dark clusters of MACHOs
astro-ph/9709053 Photometry and Spectroscopy of Coma Dwarf Ellipticals
astro-ph/9709054 An Analytic Expression for the Growth Function in a Flat Universe with a Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/9709055 Evidence for an Intervening Stellar Population Toward the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9709056 Hipparcos and the Age of the Galactic Disc
astro-ph/9709057 An IR-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z=1.27
astro-ph/9709058 Why is the CMB fluctuation level 10^{-5}?
astro-ph/9709059 Measurement of the Hubble Constant Via Gravitational Lensing--- A Review of the Jodrell Bank ``Golden Lenses’’ Workshop
astro-ph/9709060 Vortex-nucleus interaction and pinning forces in neutron stars
astro-ph/9709061 A very low mass of Ni-56 in the ejecta of SN 1994W
astro-ph/9709062 Axisymmetric mean field dynamos with dynamic and algebraic $alpha$--quenchings
astro-ph/9709063 Constraints from High Redshift Supernovae upon Scalar Field Cosmologies
astro-ph/9709064 Bursting dwarf galaxies from the far-UV and deep surveys
astro-ph/9709065 Extensions to the Kompaneets Equation and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Distortion
astro-ph/9709066 A Complete Treatment of CMB Anisotropies in a FRW Universe
astro-ph/9709067 A Statistical Treatment of the Gamma-Ray Burst "No Host Galaxy" Problem: I. Methodology
astro-ph/9709068 BeppoSAX/PDS Observation of Vela X-1
astro-ph/9709069 The Axis Ratio Distribution of Local and Distant Galaxies
astro-ph/9709070 The Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Experiment Status Report
astro-ph/9709071 Spectrophotometric follow-up of GU Mus, the (X-ray) Nova Muscae 1991
astro-ph/9709072 Near-Critical Gravitational Collapse and the Initial Mass Function of Primordial Black Holes
astro-ph/9709073 Dwarf Galaxies in the Coma Cluster. I. Detection, Measurement and Classification Techniques
astro-ph/9709074 Dwarf Galaxies in the Coma Cluster. II. Photometry and Analysis
astro-ph/9709075 Metal Lines in Cosmological Models of Lyman-Alpha Absorbers
astro-ph/9709076 The Locations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Measured by COMPTEL
astro-ph/9709077 Cross-correlation of the 2-10 keV XRB with radio sources: constraining the large-scale structure of the x-ray background
astro-ph/9709078 Excited States of 71Ge above the Neutron Emission Threshold and Solar Neutrino Capture rates for Ga Detectors
astro-ph/9709079 Thermochemical Instabilities in Optically Thin Reacting Plasmas
astro-ph/9709080 Longevity and Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays
astro-ph/9709081 Structure in the Lyman-Alpha Forest
astro-ph/9709082 A New Vision of the Coma Cluster: Conference Summary
astro-ph/9709083 Solar internal rotation rate and the latitudinal variation of the tachocline
astro-ph/9709084 Modelling Intermediate Age and Old Stellar Populations in the Infrared
astro-ph/9709085 Lense-Thirring Precession and QPOs in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries
astro-ph/9709086 Monitoring Ly alpha Emission from the Blazar 3C 279
astro-ph/9709087 Weak-Lensing by Large-Scale Structure and the Polarization Properties of Distant Radio-Sources
astro-ph/9709088 Self-Consistent Gravitational Chaos
astro-ph/9709089 SIGMA observations of X-ray Nova Velorum 1993 (GRS 1009-45)
astro-ph/9709090 Moving vortex in relativistic irrotational perfect fluid or superfluid
astro-ph/9709091 Seyfert Activity and Nuclear Star Formation in the Circinus Galaxy
astro-ph/9709092 Magnetic Field Effects on the Head Structure of Protostellar Jets
astro-ph/9709093 Multicolor photometry of the GRB970508 optical remnant
astro-ph/9709094 Thermonuclear Burning on Rapidly Accreting Neutron Stars
astro-ph/9709095 Are Solar Acoustic Modes Correlated ?
astro-ph/9709096 The IBIS view of the galactic centre: INTEGRAL’s imager observations simulations
astro-ph/9709097 The Optical Polarization and Warm Absorber in IRAS 17020+4544
astro-ph/9709098 The Nature of the Activity in Hickson Compact Groups of Galaxies
astro-ph/9709099 The Cross Correlation between the Gravitational Potential and the Large Scale Matter Distribution
astro-ph/9709099 The Cross Correlation between the Gravitational Potential and the Large Scale Matter Distribution
astro-ph/9709101 The EUV and X-ray Emission of Nonmagnetic Cataclysmic Variables
astro-ph/9709102 The Origin of the Brightest Cluster Galaxies
astro-ph/9709103 UV observation of a quasar sample
astro-ph/9709104 Masses and Gravities of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars Revisited
astro-ph/9709105 The Optical Transient of GRB970228, 16 hours after the burst
astro-ph/9709106 Dynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies with Central Singularities
astro-ph/9709107 M84 - Can the AGN Affect The Orientation of The Disk?
astro-ph/9709108 On the Clustering of Lyman Alpha Clouds
astro-ph/9709109 The Nature of the Low-redshift Ly-alpha Clouds
astro-ph/9709110 Structure and Evolution of The Intergalactic Medium: Conference Summary
astro-ph/9709111 An Excess of Mg II Absorbers in BL Lac Objects
astro-ph/9709112 Baryonic Features in the Matter Transfer Function
astro-ph/9709113 Seeing the Turnover in the Brightness Distribution of Complex Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/9709114 Metal Enrichment of Ly alpha Clouds and Intergalactic Medium
astro-ph/9709115 Nuclear Rotation Curves of Galaxies in the CO Line Emission
astro-ph/9709116 Intraday variability in x-ray selected BL Lacertae objects
astro-ph/9709117 X-ray spectroscopy of the supernova remnant RCW 86
astro-ph/9709118 12CO J=1-0 Observations of Individual Giant Molecular Clouds in M81
astro-ph/9709119 Obscured Asymptotic Giant Branch stars in the Magellanic Clouds IV. Carbon stars and OH/IR stars
astro-ph/9709120 Near Infrared Spectroscopy of G29.96-0.02: The First Spectral Classification of the Ionizing Star of an Ultracompact HII Region
astro-ph/9709121 Molecular gas in galaxies of Hickson compact groups
astro-ph/9709122 Some Revised Observational Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of the Galactic Disk
astro-ph/9709123 Phase-Resolved Studies of the High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Crab, Geminga, and Vela Pulsars
astro-ph/9709124 Dust, gas and the evolutionary status of the radio galaxy, 8C1435+635, at z = 4.25
astro-ph/9709125 Invariant distributions and collisionless equilibria
astro-ph/9709126 Proximity Effect for Metal Absorption Systems
astro-ph/9709127 Inside-Out Infall Formation of Disk Galaxies: Do Predictions Differ from Models without Size Evolution?
astro-ph/9709128 A 5 GHz Southern Hemisphere VLBI Survey of Compact Radio SOurces - I
astro-ph/9709129 Small Scale Structure in the Universe and the Distribution of Baryons at High Redshift
astro-ph/9709130 Linear response of galactic halos to adiabatic gravitational perturbations
astro-ph/9709131 Evolution of the Lyman-alpha forest from high to low redshift
astro-ph/9709132 Scars on the CBR?
astro-ph/9709133 Secondary Accceleration of Cosmic Rays by Supernova Shocks
astro-ph/9709134 The Detection of Massive Molecular Complexes in the Ring Galaxy System Arp 143
astro-ph/9709135 The Compared Number Density of High-Redshift Galaxies and Lyman alpha Clouds
astro-ph/9709136 Lyman-alpha absorbers arising in galaxy clusters
astro-ph/9709137 Distribution of the Lyman-alpha Forest at z = 0.0-1.7
astro-ph/9709138 The Hourglass Nebulae of Sher 25 and SN 1987 A: Two of a Kind?
astro-ph/9709139 The Absorption Spectrum of the QSO PKS 2126-158 (z_em = 3.27) and the Clustering Properties of Metal Systems
astro-ph/9709140 Highly Collimated Molecular Hydrogen Jets Near IRAS 05487+0255: NIR Imaging and Spectroscopy
astro-ph/9709141 The complex molecular absorption line system at z=0.886 towards PKS1830-211
astro-ph/9709142 The ROSAT Deep Survey I. X-ray sources in the Lockman Field
astro-ph/9709143 Spectral Dependence of the Broad Emission-Line Region in AGN
astro-ph/9709144 The ROSAT Deep Survey II. Optical identification, photomettry and spectra of sources in the Lockman field
astro-ph/9709145 B and V CCD Photometry of Southern, Extreme Late-Type Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/9709146 An Investigation into the Geometry of Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/9709147 The Evolution of Luminous Matter in the Universe
astro-ph/9709148 Are High Energy Cosmic Rays Magnetic Monopoles?
astro-ph/9709149 Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Axisymmetrically Deformed Type II Supernovae
astro-ph/9709150 Lyman-alpha emission as a tool to study high redshift damped systems
astro-ph/9709151 The quiescence optical light curve of Nova Scorpii 1994 (=GRO J1655-40)
astro-ph/9709152 Matter Mixing in Axisymmetric Supernova Explosion
astro-ph/9709153 Nucleosynthesis in Classical Novae: ONe vs. CO White Dwarfs
astro-ph/9709154 Heavy element enrichment in the IGM at high redshift
astro-ph/9709155 The power spectrum of the Lyman--$alpha$ clouds
astro-ph/9709156 Slim accretion discs: a model for ADAF-SLE transitions
astro-ph/9709157 An Unusual X-ray Burst from the Globular Cluster M28
astro-ph/9709158 A Critique of Current Magnetic-Accretion Models for Classical T-Tauri Stars
astro-ph/9709159 Angular Cross-Correlation of Galaxies: A Probe of Gravitational Lensing by Large-Scale Structure
astro-ph/9709160 On the nature of z(abs) ~ z(em) damped absorbers in quasar spectra
astro-ph/9709161 Tidal Shocking by Extended Mass Distributions
astro-ph/9709162 Optical spectrum of the IR-source IRC+10420 in 1992-1996
astro-ph/9709163 Modelling Galaxy Formation at high z
astro-ph/9709164 On the reduction and presentation of data in astronomical two-channel photopolarimetry
astro-ph/9709165 X-ray Emission from Jets in Centrally Obscured AGN
astro-ph/9709166 Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field
astro-ph/9709167 Inferring dark halo structure from observed scaling laws of late type galaxies and LSB’s
astro-ph/9709168 The Galaxy-Absorber Cross-Correlation Function
astro-ph/9709169 The X-ray flux and spectral variability of EMSS AGN
astro-ph/9709170 10 Mpc QSO Absorber Correlations at z~3
astro-ph/9709171 On the nature of SW Sex
astro-ph/9709172 A mini-supernova model for optical afterglows of GRB
astro-ph/9709173 The Gaseous Extent of Galaxies and the Origin of lya Absorption Systems at z < 1
astro-ph/9709174 Constraining Omega_0 With The Angular-Size Redshift Relation Of Double-Lobed Quasars In The FIRST Survey
astro-ph/9709175 Morphology Transformation in Pairs of Galaxies - The Local Sample
astro-ph/9709176 A Comparison of the Intrinsic Shapes of Two Different Types of Dwarf Galaxies: Blues Compact Dwarfs and Dwarf Ellipticals
astro-ph/9709177 Supersaturation in X-ray emission of clusters stars
astro-ph/9709178 A Solar Prominence Model
astro-ph/9709179 A model for the high-energy emission of Cyg X-1
astro-ph/9709180 The Duration -- Photon Energy Relation of Gamma Ray Bursts and Its Interpretations
astro-ph/9709181 Secondary gravitational anisotropies in open universes
astro-ph/9709182 The galactic disc age-metallicity relation
astro-ph/9709183 Are Large X-ray Clusters at Thermal Equilibrium ?
astro-ph/9709184 The Interplay Between Protoneutron Star Convection and Neutrino Transport in Core Collapse Supernovae
astro-ph/9709185 Multiwavelength optical observations of chromospherically active binary systems. II. EZ Pegasi
astro-ph/9709186 The mass of the white dwarf in the old nova BT Mon
astro-ph/9709187 Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: a Window to Post-Inflationary Reheating Epoch of the Universe?
astro-ph/9709188 Investigation of Neutrino-Driven Convection and the Core Collapse Supernova Mechanism Using Multigroup Neutrino Transport
astro-ph/9709189 The WARPS survey - II: The Log(N)-Log(S) relation and the X-ray evolution of low luminosity Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/9709190 Angular size and emission time scales of relativistic fireballs
astro-ph/9709191 A Search for Old Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/9709192 The Ages and Abundances of the M87 Globular Clusters
astro-ph/9709193 On the Number of Comets Around White Dwarf Stars: Orbit Survival During the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
astro-ph/9709194 H2 and its relation to CO in the LMC and other magellanic irregulars
astro-ph/9709195 HST, radio and infrared observations of 28 3CR radio galaxies at redshift z ~ 1: I. Old stellar populations in central cluster galaxies
astro-ph/9709196 Are the galactic bulga and bar the same ?
astro-ph/9709197 Extraplanar Dust in the Edge-On Spiral NGC 891
astro-ph/9709198 A Simple New Method For Analysing Gapped Time-Series: Search For a High Frequency Cut-off In The X-ray Power Spectrum of MCG -6-30-15
astro-ph/9709199 Implications of the radio afterglow from the gamma-ray burst of May 8, 1997
astro-ph/9709200 The Cosmological Mass Distribution Function in the Zel’dovich Approximation
astro-ph/9709201 Optical Rotation Curves and Linewidths for Tully-Fisher Applications
astro-ph/9709202 K-Band Galaxy Counts in the South Galactic Pole Region
astro-ph/9709203 Temporal Changes in Quasar Broad Emission Line Profiles and the Gravitationally Lensed Nature of Q1634+267A,B and Q2345+007A,B
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