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17 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2001
12, 12.2001
astro-ph/0112204 The Relationship Between Gas Content and Star Formation in Molecule-Rich Spiral Galaxies
astro-ph/0112205 Archeops: CMB Anisotropies Measurement from Large to Small Angular Scale
astro-ph/0112206 The Infall of Gas onto the Galactic Disk
astro-ph/0112207 327-MHz GMRT observations of one candidate and three Galactic Supernova Remnants
astro-ph/0112208 Ultraviolet HST Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts at Low Redshift
astro-ph/0112209 Globular cluster systems in elliptical galaxies of Coma
astro-ph/0112210 PN and galactic chemical evolution
astro-ph/0112211 Parameterised models for the lensing cluster Abell 1689
astro-ph/0112212 (Sub)millimetre emission from NGC 1569: an abundance of very small grains
astro-ph/0112213 A photometric investigation of the young open cluster Trumpler 15
astro-ph/0112214 Cosmic Rays from SNRs and TeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy
astro-ph/0112215 The highly variable X-ray spectrum of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577
astro-ph/0112216 XMM-Newton observations of MSH 14-63 (RCW 86)
astro-ph/0112217 Transient Phenomena and Outbursts from Galactic Black-Hole Candidates
astro-ph/0112218 Extraordinary features of pair plasma and \quasilinear theory of Cherenkov-drift instability
astro-ph/0112219 Gamma-ray bursts: the tip of the iceberg?
astro-ph/0112220 Cosmological Parameter Estimation from CMB and X-ray clusters
astro-ph/0112221 Prospects for Determining the Equation of State of the Dark Energy: What can be Learned from Multiple Observables?
astro-ph/0112222 Interpreting The HI Column Density Power Spectrum
astro-ph/0112223 G28.17+0.05, A Giant Atomic/Molecular Cloud
astro-ph/0112224 Observations and modelling of a large optical flare on AT Microscopii
astro-ph/0112225 An Optical Time-Delay for the Lensed BAL Quasar HE2149-2745
astro-ph/0112226 From (p)reheating to nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0112227 UHECR propagation in the Galaxy: clustering versus isotropy
astro-ph/0112228 Fast and Accurate Fourier Series Solutions to Gravitational Lensing by A General Family of Two Power-Law Mass Distributions
astro-ph/0112229 A Uniform Analysis of the Ly-alpha Forest at z=0 - 5: V. The extragalactic ionizing background at low redshift
astro-ph/0112230 The Very Slow Wind From the Pulsating Semiregular Red Giant L2 Pup
astro-ph/0112231 On Energetics and Structure of Sub-parsec Jets in Quasars
astro-ph/0112232 The Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper Northern Sky Survey of Galactic Ionized Hydrogen
astro-ph/0112233 Studying the LSS through weak gravitational lensing maps
astro-ph/0112234 Shocks, illumination cones and intrinsic gas structures in the extreme radio galaxy 3C265
astro-ph/0112235 HI as a Probe of Structure in the Interstellar Medium of External Galaxies
astro-ph/0112236 Side Influences on the Operation of Space-Based Interferometers, as Inferred from LLR Data
astro-ph/0112237 Radiative Transfer in Spheres I. Analytical Solutions
astro-ph/0112238 Remarkable yellow supergiant variable TmzV429
astro-ph/0112239 The BeppoSAX View on the 2001 Reactivation of SGR 1900+14
astro-ph/0112240 Photometry of the 1991 Superoutburst of EF Pegasi: Super-Quasi-Periodic Oscillations with Rapidly Decaying Periods
astro-ph/0112241 2MASSI J1315309-264951: An L Dwarf with Strong and Variable H-alpha Emission
astro-ph/0112242 Timing analysis of the core of the Crab-like SNR G21.5-0.9
astro-ph/0112243 Astrometric Microlensing with the GAIA satellite
astro-ph/0112244 Small-x Growth of Nucleon Structure Functions and Its Manifestations in Ultrahigh-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics
astro-ph/0112245 On the Solar Neutrino Problems, SNO experimental data and low-energy nuclear forces
astro-ph/0112246 On the Graviton Mass
astro-ph/0112247 The primordial baryonic clouds and their contribution to the CMB anisotropy and polarization formation
astro-ph/0112248 Photon Dominated Regions in Low UV Fields: A Study of The Peripheral Region of L1204/S140
astro-ph/0112249 Hidden star-formation in the cluster of galaxies Abell 1689
astro-ph/0112250 Chandra reveals the Dynamic Structure of the Inner Crab Nebula
astro-ph/0112251 WIYN Open Cluster Study. X. The K-Band Magnitude of the Red Clump as a Distance Indicator
astro-ph/0112252 The REFLEX Cluster Survey: Probing the Mass Distribution in the Universe
astro-ph/0112253 The Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays Above $3 imes 10^{17}$ eV as measured with the Haverah Park Array
astro-ph/0112254 High-Resolution Spectroscopy of G191-B2B in the Extreme Ultraviolet
astro-ph/0112255 The Nature of Dark Matter
astro-ph/0112256 Spatial Resolution of High-Velocity Filaments in the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 1068: Associated Absorbers Caught in Emission?
astro-ph/0112257 X-raying the Ultraluminous Infrared Starburst Galaxy and Broad Absorption Line QSO, Markarian 231, with Chandra
astro-ph/0112258 Absolute Proper Motions to B~22.5: IV. Faint, Low Velocity White Dwarfs and the White Dwarf Population Density Law
astro-ph/0112259 Spectroscopic Study of IRAS 19285+0517(PDS 100): A Rapidly Rotating Li-Rich K Giant
astro-ph/0112260 Compact Star Clusters in Nearby Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
astro-ph/0112261 The X-ray Spectrum of Supernova Remnant 1987A
astro-ph/0112262 Physical Conditions in Lyman Break Galaxies Derived From Rest-Frame UV Spectra
astro-ph/0112263 Resolved nuclear CO(1-0) emission in APM08279+5255: Gravitational lensing by a naked cusp?
astro-ph/0112264 A Re-examination of the "Planetary" Lensing Events in M22
astro-ph/0112265 Outburst of Possible Eclipsing Symbiotic Variable AS 289
astro-ph/0112266 Proper initial conditions for long-term integrations of the solar system
astro-ph/0112267 Compressional Heating of Accreting White Dwarfs in CV’s
astro-ph/0112268 Star formation histories of late-type dwarfs outside the Local Group
astro-ph/0112269 Large Gas Disks in Radiogalaxies
astro-ph/0112270 Faint Cataclysmic Variables in Quiescence: Globular Cluster and Field Surveys
astro-ph/0112271 Reanalysis of Ichinohe’s Observations of RU Cam
astro-ph/0112272 The ROSEBUD experiment at Canfranc: 2001 report
astro-ph/0112273 The phase-diagram of cosmological baryons
astro-ph/0112274 Reexamination of the galaxy formation-regulated gas evolution model in groups and clusters
astro-ph/0112275 Molecular gas in late-type galaxies
astro-ph/0112276 Harmonic analysis of cosmic microwave background data I: ring reductions and point-source catalogue
astro-ph/0112277 Harmonic analysis of cosmic microwave background data II: from ring-sets to the sky
astro-ph/0112278 The 3-point function in the large scale structure: I. The weakly non-linear regime in N-body simulations
astro-ph/0112279 Magnetic fields of isolated neutron stars: evidence for decay
astro-ph/0112280 Monitoring RXTE Observations of Markarian 348: the origin of the column density variations
astro-ph/0112281 The size of a quasar’s mid-IR emission region inferred from microlensed images of Q2237+0305
astro-ph/0112282 Constraints on the mass-profile of the lens galaxy G2237+0305
astro-ph/0112283 The Coimbra Experiment: Report from Group 12
astro-ph/0112284 High-resolution simulations of stellar collisions between equal-mass main-sequence stars in globular clusters
astro-ph/0112285 Spectropolarimetric Clues to the Structure and Evolutionary Status of MWC 349A
astro-ph/0112286 Clues on the nature of low-z radio sources from the 2dFGRS
astro-ph/0112287 Chandra Observations of the Eastern Limb of the Vela Supernova Remnant
astro-ph/0112288 A Fast Bar in the Post-Interaction Galaxy NGC 1023
astro-ph/0112289 The stellar content of the Galaxy: the white dwarf population
astro-ph/0112290 Exploring the intergalactic medium with VLT/UVES
astro-ph/0112291 Search for Molecular Gas in the quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.73
astro-ph/0112292 Kinematics of Planetary Nebulae in M 51’s Tidal Tail
astro-ph/0112293 The AGN content of hard X-ray surveys
astro-ph/0112294 Spectroscopic binaries in a sample of ROSAT X-ray sources south of the Taurus molecular clouds
astro-ph/0112295 Aspects of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0112296 Deuterium Toward WD1634-573: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission
astro-ph/0112297 The Epoch of Helium Reionization
astro-ph/0112298 Discovery of a tight correlation between pulse lag/luminosity and jet-break times: a connection between gamma-ray burst and afterglow properties
astro-ph/0112299 3--4 $mu$m Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Nuclei to Quantitatively Assess the Energetic Importance of Compact Nuclear Starbursts
astro-ph/0112300 SETHI@Berkeley- A Piggyback 21-cm Sky Survey at Arecibo
astro-ph/0112301 ECHA J0843.3-7905: Discovery of an ’old’ classical T Tauri star in the eta Chamaeleontis cluster
astro-ph/0112302 VLBI Monitoring Observations of Water Masers Around the Semi-Regular Variable Star R Crateris
astro-ph/0112303 Detection of an Eclipse during the 1987 Outburst of U Sco
astro-ph/0112304 The 1996-1997 Fading of V651 Mon, the Binary Central Star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 2346
astro-ph/0112305 The kinematics of lopsided galaxies
astro-ph/0112306 Pulsar Glitch Behaviour and AXPs, SGRs and DTNs
astro-ph/0112307 The tricky galactic cluster NGC2420
astro-ph/0112308 Chemodynamical Modelling of Galaxy Formation and Evolution
astro-ph/0112309 Early humps in WZ Sge stars
astro-ph/0112310 The implications for helioseismology of experimental uncertainties in Newton’s constant
astro-ph/0112311 BeppoSAX Spectral Survey of BL Lacs - new spectra and results
astro-ph/0112312 Effects of neutrino oscillations on the supernova signal in LVD
astro-ph/0112313 A new 21-cm absorber identified with an $L sim L^star$ galaxy
astro-ph/0112314 TeV Blazars and Cosmic Infrared Background Radiation
astro-ph/0112315 A New Measurement of the X-ray Temperature Function of Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0112316 Comments on the paper astro-ph/0103335 by C Rubano and P Scudellaro
astro-ph/0112317 On formation rate of close binaries consisting of a super-massive black hole and a white dwarf
astro-ph/0112318 The Effect of Changes in the ASCA Calibration on the Fe-Kalpha Lines in Active Galaxies
astro-ph/0112319 No disks around low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the young sigma Orionis cluster?
astro-ph/0112320 Effects on the structure of the universe of an accelerating expansion
astro-ph/0112321 The KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey. III. [O III]-selected Survey List
astro-ph/0112322 The puzzling compact sources in supernova remnants
astro-ph/0112323 Do the Fundamental Constants Vary in the Course of the Cosmological Evolution?
astro-ph/0112324 Cosmological constraints on quintessential halos
astro-ph/0112325 Environment, Ram Pressure, and Shell Formation in HoII
astro-ph/0112326 The Soft Gamma-Ray Spectral Variability of Cygnus X-1
astro-ph/0112327 HST Spectroscopy of the Nucleus of M33
astro-ph/0112328 Primordial Black Holes in an Accelerating Universe
astro-ph/0112329 Near Infrared Observations of Galactic Black Hole Candidates
astro-ph/0112330 LensCLEANing JVAS B0218+357 to determine H0
astro-ph/0112331 Numerical Methods of Star Formation History Measurement and Applications to Seven Dwarf Spheroidals
astro-ph/0112332 The Relationship Between Masers and Massive Star Formation: What Can Be Learned from the Infrared?
astro-ph/0112333 Modeling Non-Confined Coronal Flares: Dynamics and X-Ray Diagnostics
astro-ph/0112334 The Optical Polarization of Near-Infrared Selected QSOs
astro-ph/0112335 Atmospheric Analysis of the M/L- and M/T-Dwarf Binary Systems LHS 102 and Gliese 229
astro-ph/0112336 Whatever Happened to Hot Dark Matter?
astro-ph/0112337 An Analysis of BeppoSAX LECS Observations of EUV Emission in Clusters of Galaxies
astro-ph/0112338 A scaling law for interstellar depletions
astro-ph/0112339 A 2.4-80 micron spectrophotometric study of SS433 with ISO
astro-ph/0112340 Gravitational Lensing of the Most Distant Known Supernova, SN1997ff
astro-ph/0112341 The mass of radio galaxies from low to high redshift
astro-ph/0112342 Search for sub-mm, mm and radio continuum emission from Extremely Red Objects
astro-ph/0112343 Deep HST-WFPC2 photometry of NGC 288. I. Binary Systems and Blue Stragglers
astro-ph/0112344 ISO’s view of SS433 Jet Interactions with the Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0112345 An Upper Limit on the Mass of a Primordial Star due to the Formation of an HII Region: The Effect of Ionizing Radiation Force
astro-ph/0112346 Multiple Merging Events in the Double Cluster A3128/A3125
astro-ph/0112347 Automated spectroscopic abundances of A and F-type stars using echelle spectrographs I. Reduction of ELODIE spectra and method of abundance determination
astro-ph/0112348 The primordial Helium-4 abundance determination: systematic effects
astro-ph/0112349 The field of NGC 6397 as a test for Galactic models
astro-ph/0112350 Lens Galaxies vs. CDM
astro-ph/0112351 ESO 603-G21: A strange polar-ring galaxy
astro-ph/0112352 Far-Infrared Galaxies in the Far-Ultraviolet
astro-ph/0112353 X-ray Transients from X-ray Binaries to Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0112354 Modelling Plerion Spectra and their Evolution
astro-ph/0112355 Could Edge-Lit Type Ia Supernovae be Standard Candles
astro-ph/0112356 Core Radio and Optical Emission in Nearby FR I Radio Galaxies
astro-ph/0112357 Galaxy Masses: Disks and Their Halos
astro-ph/0112358 Testing the Supernova, Cepheid, and Early-type Galaxy Distance Scales
astro-ph/0112359 Neural networks as a tool for parameter estimation in astrophysical data
astro-ph/0112360 Discovery of 16.6 and 25.5 s Pulsations from the Small Magellanic Cloud
astro-ph/0112361 Quasar clustering redshift distortion constraints on dark energy
astro-ph/0112362 Radio Galaxies at z = 1.1 to 3.8: Adaptive-Optics Imaging and Archival Hubble Space Telescope Data
astro-ph/0112363 Looptop Hard X-Ray Emission in Solar Flares: Images and Statistics
astro-ph/0112364 A Solar Neighborhood Search for Tidal Debris from Omega Centauri’s Hypothetical Parent Galaxy
astro-ph/0112365 Grain Dynamics In Magnetized Interstellar Gas
astro-ph/0112366 Scaling of ISM Turbulence: Implications for HI
astro-ph/0112367 An ASCA Study of the W51 Complex
astro-ph/0112368 Quest for HI Turbulence Statistics: New Techniques
astro-ph/0112369 Cosmology with the Space-Luminosity Distribution of Virialized Halos
astro-ph/0112370 Three-Dimensional Identification and Reconstruction of Galaxy Systems within Deep Redshift Surveys
astro-ph/0112371 The simulation of astroparticle experiments and the GEANT4 toolkit
astro-ph/0112372 Performance and Simulation of the RICE detector
astro-ph/0112373 Changing Supercycle of the ER UMa-Type Star V1159 Ori
astro-ph/0112374 Spiral Structure in WZ Sagittae around the 2001 Outburst Maximum
astro-ph/0112375 On the meteor height from forward scatter radio observations
astro-ph/0112376 A space charge model for electrophonic bursters
astro-ph/0112377 Observations of Stellar Objects at a Shell Boundary in the Star-Forming Complex in the Galaxy IC1613
astro-ph/0112378 Modeling the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filaments as Magnetized Wake
astro-ph/0112379 Supernova-Neutrino Studies with $^{100}$Mo
astro-ph/0112380 Bias and Conditional Mass Function of Dark Halos Based on the Nonspherical Collapse Model
astro-ph/0112381 Cosmological Parameters
astro-ph/0112382 Polarization of resonance X-ray lines from clusters of galaxies
astro-ph/0112383 Rejuvenating the shells of supernova remnants by pulsar winds
astro-ph/0112384 Radiative corrections to neutrino energy loss rate in stellar interiors
astro-ph/0112385 Population X: Are the super-Eddington X-ray sources beamed jets in microblazars or intermediate mass black holes?
astro-ph/0112386 Tracing the Remnants of Powerful Quasars to Probe the IGM
astro-ph/0112387 Spectral properties of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Quasar PG1211+143
astro-ph/0112388 Probing the Central Engine of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
astro-ph/0112389 The Structure and Evolution of Circumbinary Disks in Cataclysmic Variable Systems
astro-ph/0112390 Solar Neutrinos: Probing the Quasi-Isothermal Solar Core Produced by SUSY Dark Matter Particles
astro-ph/0112391 CMB Polarization: Scientific Case and Data Analysis Issues
astro-ph/0112392 Pulsar Polar Cap Heating and Surface Thermal X-Ray Emission II. Inverse Compton Radiation Pair Fronts
astro-ph/0112393 Cosmic Shear with Keck: Systematic Effects
astro-ph/0112394 High precision cosmology
astro-ph/0112395 QSOs and Spheroidal Galaxies
astro-ph/0112396 Maximum-entropy weak lens reconstruction: improved methods and application to data
astro-ph/0112397 LOTIS, Super-LOTIS, SDSS and Tautenburg Observations of GRB 010921
astro-ph/0112398 Circular Polarization of Radio Emission from Relativistic Jets
astro-ph/0112399 The moon and the origin of life
astro-ph/0112400 Far Infrared Spectroscopy of the HH 1/2 Outflow
astro-ph/0112401 A-star envelopes: a test of local and non-local models of convection
astro-ph/0112402 On the Nature of Stars with Planets
astro-ph/0112403 Massive Binary WR112 and Properties of Wolf-Rayet Dust
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