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07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2001
12, 12.2001
astro-ph/0112404 Extended Red Emission in the "Evil Eye" Galaxy (NGC4826)
astro-ph/0112405 Radioactivities and nucleosynthesis in SN 1987A
astro-ph/0112406 Rapid Formation of Ice Giant Planets
astro-ph/0112407 Crossing the Brown Dwarf Desert Using Adaptive Optics: A Very Close L-Dwarf Companion to the Nearby Solar Analog HR 7672
astro-ph/0112408 The integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect -- Large Scale Structure Correlation
astro-ph/0112409 A wide field survey of the distant rich cluster CL0024+1654
astro-ph/0112410 Shocked molecular gas towards the SNR G359.1-0.5 and the Snake
astro-ph/0112411 Djehuty: A Code for Modeling Whole Stars in Three Dimensions
astro-ph/0112412 Faraday Rotation Effect of Intracluster Magnetic Field on Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
astro-ph/0112413 Most Supermassive Black Holes must be Rapidly Rotating
astro-ph/0112414 A Proper Motion Survey for White Dwarfs with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2
astro-ph/0112415 The contribution of Quasars to the Far Infrared Background
astro-ph/0112416 NICMOS Snapshot Survey of Damped Lyman Alpha Quasars
astro-ph/0112417 How Can We Study the Local Universe with CMB Photons?
astro-ph/0112418 Baryon Oscillations in the Large Scale Structure
astro-ph/0112419 Is dark energy the only solution to the apparent acceleration of the present universe?
astro-ph/0112420 An Origin of Supersonic Motions in Interstellar Clouds
astro-ph/0112421 Star Formation in Violent and Normal Evolutionary Phases
astro-ph/0112422 Dynamical Screening of Gravitational Interaction and Planetary Motions in Modified Solar Potential
astro-ph/0112423 The black hole mass of BL Lacs from stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxy
astro-ph/0112424 Testing the line-driven disk wind model: time-resolved UV spectroscopy of IX Vel and V3885 Sgr
astro-ph/0112425 The aperiodic variability of Cyg X-1 and GRS 1915 +105 at very low frequencies
astro-ph/0112426 The different Clustering of red and blue galaxies: a robust signal from w(theta)
astro-ph/0112427 The Universal Equilibrium of CDM Halos: Making Tracks on the Cosmic Virial Plane
astro-ph/0112428 On the absence of wind bow-shocks around OB-runaway stars: probing the physical conditions of the interstellar medium
astro-ph/0112429 Nested-grid calculations of disk-planet interaction
astro-ph/0112430 The Large Zenith Telescope Survey: a deep survey using a 6-m liquid mirror telescope
astro-ph/0112431 The change from accretion via a thin disk to a coronal flow: dependence on the viscosity of the hot gas
astro-ph/0112432 A fireworks model for Gamma-Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0112433 X-ray properties of Red Active Galactic Nuclei
astro-ph/0112434 A New Way to Detect Massive Black Holes in Galaxies: The Stellar Remnants of Tidal Disruption
astro-ph/0112435 A Search for Intra-group Planetary Nebulae in the M 81 Group
astro-ph/0112436 Can a Dusty Warm Absorber Model Reproduce the Soft X-ray Spectra of MCG-6-30-15 and Mrk 766?
astro-ph/0112437 Thermal Instability-Induced Interstellar Turbulence
astro-ph/0112438 Measuring the Speed of Sound of Quintessence
astro-ph/0112439 Stability of the Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in Her X-1 with RXTE
astro-ph/0112440 The Patchy Accretion Disc in HT Cassiopeiae
astro-ph/0112441 B-modes in cosmic shear from source redshift clustering
astro-ph/0112442 Location of Narrowband Spikes in Solar Flares
astro-ph/0112443 A non-linear theory of vertical resonances in accretion discs
astro-ph/0112444 A sub-mm imaging survey of ultracompact HII regions
astro-ph/0112445 Millisecond Pulsars as Probes of Mass Segregation in the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0112446 BAIKAL experiment: status report
astro-ph/0112447 Artifacts at 4.5 and 8.0 um in Short Wavelength Spectra from the Infrared Space Observatory
astro-ph/0112448 Empirical calibration of the near-IR Ca II triplet - III. Fitting functions
astro-ph/0112449 Can simulations reproduce the observed temperature-mass relation for clusters of galaxies?
astro-ph/0112450 Multiple starbursts in Blue Compact Galaxies
astro-ph/0112451 Coronal outflow dominated accretion discs: a new possibility for low luminosity black holes?
astro-ph/0112452 Chromospherically young, kinematically old stars
astro-ph/0112453 A cookbook for the XMMSAS
astro-ph/0112454 Generalizing the MOND description of rotation curves
astro-ph/0112455 The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey -V. The nature of the hard X-ray source populations and its evolution
astro-ph/0112456 Predicting the clustering properties of galaxy clusters detectable for the Planck satellite
astro-ph/0112457 Peculiar velocity effects in high-resolution microwave background experiments
astro-ph/0112458 Measuring CMB polarisation with the Planck HFI
astro-ph/0112459 The Crab Nebula at 1.3 mm: evidence for a new synchrotron component
astro-ph/0112460 On the large escape of ionizing radiation from GEHRs
astro-ph/0112461 BaSeL: a library of synthetic spectra and colours for GAIA
astro-ph/0112462 Optical Spectral Monitoring of XTE J1118+480 in Outburst: Evidence for a Precessing Accretion Disk?
astro-ph/0112463 The Intrinsic Shapes of Molecular Cloud Fragments over a Range of Length Scales
astro-ph/0112464 A Jet-ADAF model for Sgr A*
astro-ph/0112465 A Closer Look at the Soft X-ray Transient X1608-52: Long-term Optical/X-ray Observations
astro-ph/0112466 Observational Signatures of the Magnetic Connection between a Black Hole and a Disk
astro-ph/0112467 New Statistical Methods for Analysis of Large Surveys: Distributions and Correlations
astro-ph/0112468 Discovery of a Cyclotron Resonance Scattering Feature in the X-ray Spectrum of XTE J1946+274
astro-ph/0112469 Failed gamma-ray bursts and orphan afterglows
astro-ph/0112470 MSX Observations of Diffuse UV Emission in Orion
astro-ph/0112471 K-band luminosity (mass) segregation in AC118 at z=0.31
astro-ph/0112472 The Size of IDV Jet Cores
astro-ph/0112473 Cosmic Ray composition around the knee from EAS electromagnetic and muon data
astro-ph/0112474 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: present status and future prospects
astro-ph/0112475 Study of CR primaries and their cascades at E0 = 10-100 TeV through EAS-TOP and MACRO
astro-ph/0112476 Large-scale Correlation of Mass and Galaxies with the Lyman-alpha Forest Transmitted Flux
astro-ph/0112477 Radial Velocities for 889 Late-type Stars
astro-ph/0112478 Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars With Improved Nuclear and Stellar Physics
astro-ph/0112479 Optical SETI: A Spectroscopic Search for Laser Emission from Nearby Stars
astro-ph/0112480 From old Globular Clusters to early Structures in the Universe: the Formation of old, metal-poor Halos around early-type Galaxies
astro-ph/0112481 A superburst from GX 3+1
astro-ph/0112482 The Cut & Enhance method : selecting clusters of galaxies from the SDSS commissioning data
astro-ph/0112483 Variability of the X-ray P Cygni Line Profiles from Circinus X-1 Near Zero Phase
astro-ph/0112484 Chandra on Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters
astro-ph/0112485 The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 as observed with BeppoSAX
astro-ph/0112486 Antiprotons from primordial black holes
astro-ph/0112487 Systematic Molecular Differentiation in Starless Cores
astro-ph/0112488 Some sources of systematic errors on CMB polarized measurements with bolometers
astro-ph/0112489 Cepheids, Supernovae, Ho, and the Age of the Universe
astro-ph/0112490 Limits from CGRO/EGRET Data on the Use of Antimatter as a Power Source by Extraterrestrial Civilizations
astro-ph/0112491 The Role of Strangeness in Astrophysics - an Odyssey through Strange Phases
astro-ph/0112492 High resolution imaging of molecular line emission from high redshift QSOs
astro-ph/0112493 What is the manifestation of a "quasar" at z > 10^{10} ?
astro-ph/0112494 Annealing of Silicate Dust by Nebular Shocks at 10 AU
astro-ph/0112495 Time evolution of the linear perturbations of a rotating Newtonian polytrope
astro-ph/0112496 The Solar Neighborhood VI: New Southern Stars Identified by Optical Spectroscopy
astro-ph/0112497 The Interstellar Medium of our Galaxy
astro-ph/0112498 Radioseismology as a new method of investigations of meteor streams on the Moon and planets
astro-ph/0112499 Probing SZ Source Detection with Gasdynamical Simulations
astro-ph/0112500 Interstellar H-Alpha Line Profiles toward HD 93521 and the Lockman Window
astro-ph/0112501 From Current CMBology to its Polarization and SZ Frontiers circa TAW8
astro-ph/0112502 Studies of Structure Formation and Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Surveys
astro-ph/0112503 Mass/Light Variations with Environment
astro-ph/0112504 The Masses of Lyman Break Galaxies
astro-ph/0112505 Coherent Radio Pulses From GEANT Generated Electromagnetic Showers In Ice
astro-ph/0112506 Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Measurement From Python V
astro-ph/0112507 Wavelet tomography of the Galactic magnetic field. I. The method
astro-ph/0112508 Massive molecular outflows
astro-ph/0112509 Acceleration of GRB outflows by Poynting flux dissipation
astro-ph/0112510 Singular spacetime and quantum probe
astro-ph/0112511 FIRST-based survey of Compact Steep Spectrum sources I. MERLIN images of arc-second scale objects
astro-ph/0112512 Effects of the magnetic fields on the helium white dwarfs structure
astro-ph/0112513 Using Cepheids to determine the galactic abundance gradient II. Towards the galactic center
astro-ph/0112514 Spectral Analysis of Bright Gamma Ray Bursts
astro-ph/0112515 Temporal properties of gamma-ray bursts as signatures of jets from the central engine
astro-ph/0112516 Spectroscopy of SN 1987A at 0.9-2.4 microns: Days 1348-3158
astro-ph/0112517 Temporal properties of the short gamma-ray bursts
astro-ph/0112518 High-Energy Gamma Rays from Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants: From EGRET to GLAST
astro-ph/0112519 Abundances of Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen in the Local Interstellar Medium: Overview of First Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Mission
astro-ph/0112520 UV Imaging Polarimetry of the peculiar Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 477
astro-ph/0112521 Quasar Absorption Lines
astro-ph/0112522 Interacting Dark Matter disguised as Warm Dark Matter
astro-ph/0112523 Adiabatic and entropy perturbations in cosmology
astro-ph/0112524 Observational Tests of FRW World Models
astro-ph/0112525 Using Cepheids to determine the galactic abundance gradient I. The solar neighbourhood
astro-ph/0112526 Measuring the Equation-of-state of the Universe: Pitfalls and Prospects
astro-ph/0112527 Dusty Acoustic Turbulence in the Nuclear Disks of two LINER Galaxies NGC 4450 and NGC 4736
astro-ph/0112528 A Fractal Origin for the Mass Spectrum of Interstellar Clouds: II. Cloud Models and Power Law Slopes
astro-ph/0112529 Distant Cluster Hunting II: A comparison of X-ray and optical cluster detection techniques and catalogs from the ROX Survey
astro-ph/0112530 Distant Cluster Hunting I: A Comparison Between the Optical and X-ray Luminosity Functions from an Optical/X-ray Survey
astro-ph/0112531 Gravitational Microlensing Near Caustics I: Folds
astro-ph/0112532 Superhump-like variation during the anomalous state of SU UMa
astro-ph/0112533 NGC 1399: a complex dynamical case
astro-ph/0112534 Observational Mass-to-Light Ratio of Galaxy Systems: from Poor Groups to Rich Clusters
astro-ph/0112535 Galactic orbits of stars with planets
astro-ph/0112536 Signatures of kinetic and magnetic helicity in the CMBR
astro-ph/0112537 Is Vacuum Decay Significant in Ekpyrotic and Cyclic Models?
astro-ph/0112538 Luminosities of [O III] and Hydrogen Balmer lines in nova shells years and decades after outburst
astro-ph/0112539 The Limiting Stellar Initial Mass for Black Hole Formation in Close Binary Systems
astro-ph/0112540 Conference Summary
astro-ph/0112541 The New Mexico alpha-omega Dynamo Experiment: Modeling Astrophysical Dynamos
astro-ph/0112542 Detection of negative superhumps in a LMXRB -- an end to the long debate on the nature of V1405 Aql (X1916-053)
astro-ph/0112543 On the Maximal Quantity of Processed Information in the Physical Eschatological Context
astro-ph/0112544 X-ray Radiation from the Millisecond Pulsar J0437-4715
astro-ph/0112545 Correlated X-ray timing and spectral behavior of GX 349+2: RXTE PCA data
astro-ph/0112546 557 GHz Observations of Water Vapor Outflows from VY CMa and W Hydrae
astro-ph/0112547 Formation and Evolution of Galaxies in Clusters
astro-ph/0112548 Profiles of the Resonance Doublets Formed in Bipolar Winds in Symbiotic Stars
astro-ph/0112549 Gravitational lensing as a possible explanation for some unidentified gamma-ray sources at high latitudes
astro-ph/0112550 Experimental Searches for Non-Baryonic Dark Matter: WIMP Direct Detection
astro-ph/0112551 Large-Scale Structure of the Universe and Cosmological Perturbation Theory
astro-ph/0112552 Kinematics of Distant Galaxies from Keck
astro-ph/0112553 Properties of Cosmic Ray Interactions at PeV Energies
astro-ph/0112554 Tales within Tales and Cutoffs within Cutoffs: What Sets the Mass Scale for Galaxies?
astro-ph/0112555 Structure and Physical Conditions in MHD Jets from Young Stars
astro-ph/0112556 An Empirical Calibration of Star Formation Rate Estimators
astro-ph/0112557 On the secondary star of the cataclysmic variable 1RXS J094432.1+035738
astro-ph/0112558 Broad-band Modeling of GRB Afterglows
astro-ph/0112559 Radio, Sub-mm, and X-ray Studies of Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies
astro-ph/0112560 Gravitational wave amplification of seed magnetic fields
astro-ph/0112561 Dynamical evolution of clusters of galaxies: the effect of high- velocity substructure clumps
astro-ph/0112562 Detection of a high frequency break in the X-ray power spectrum of Ark 564
astro-ph/0112563 Tolman-Bondi collapse in scalar-tensor theories as a probe of gravitational memory
astro-ph/0112564 Stationary state in N-body System with power law interaction
astro-ph/0112565 Accelerating Universe from the Evolution of Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0112566 The Impact of Cooling and Feedback on Disc Galaxies
astro-ph/0112567 First XMM-Newton observations of strongly magnetic cataclysmic variables - II. Timing studies of DP Leo and WW Hor
astro-ph/0112568 An AGN Identification for 3EG J2006-2321
astro-ph/0112569 Time-Dependent, Multifluid, Magnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves with Grain Dynamics I. Formulation and Numerical Tests
astro-ph/0112570 Spheroidal Galaxies/QSOs Connection
astro-ph/0112571 Quasiequilibrium sequences of synchronously rotating binary neutron stars with constant rest masses in general relativity -- Another approach without using the conformally flat condition --
astro-ph/0201001 Selfgravity and QSO disks
astro-ph/0201002 Synergistic warm inflation
astro-ph/0201003 The Observational Case for Jupiter Being a Typical Massive Planet
astro-ph/0201004 Centimeter searches for molecular line emission from high-redshift galaxies
astro-ph/0201005 High time resolution observations of the January 2000 glitch in the Vela pulsar
astro-ph/0201006 Measuring the Virial Masses of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0201007 Heat expansion of star-like cosmic objects induced by the cosmological expansion
astro-ph/0201008 Identification of Galactic Wind Candidates using Excitation Maps: Tunable-Filter Discovery of a Shock-Excited Wind in the Galaxy NGC 1482
astro-ph/0201009 SiO chimneys and supershells in M82
astro-ph/0201009 SiO chimneys and supershells in M82
astro-ph/0201011 Ultra Compact Objects in the Fornax Cluster of Galaxies: Globular clusters or dwarf galaxies?
astro-ph/0201012 Measuring the properties of extragalactic dust and implications for the Hubble diagram
astro-ph/0201013 On the Optimization of Broad-Band Photometry for Galaxy Evolution Studies
astro-ph/0201014 Determination of stellar parameters with GAIA
astro-ph/0201015 When did the Large Elliptical Galaxies Form?
astro-ph/0201016 The Light Curve of S Andromedae
astro-ph/0201017 The stellar velocity dispersion of the lens galaxy in MG2016+112 at z=1.004
astro-ph/0201018 Evidence for Nearby Supernova Explosions
astro-ph/0201019 A Coupled Dynamical and Chemical Model of Starless Cores of Magnetized Molecular Clouds: I. Formulation and Initial Results
astro-ph/0201020 Holographic Discreteness of Inflationary Perturbations
astro-ph/0201021 Observing Quanta on a Cosmic Scale
astro-ph/0201022 Bifurcation for Dynamical Systems of Planet-Belt Interaction
astro-ph/0201023 An artificial meteors database as a test for the presence of weak showers
astro-ph/0201024 How good are the predictions for oscillation frequencies
astro-ph/0201025 Variation of solar irradiance and mode frequencies during Maunder minimum
astro-ph/0201026 Convective intensification of magnetic flux tubes in stellar photospheres
astro-ph/0201027 Imaging and spectroscopy of the faint remnant G 114.3+0.3
astro-ph/0201028 ESO Imaging Survey. Exploring the optical/infrared imaging data of CDF-S: Point Sources
astro-ph/0201029 Patterns in the weak shear 3-point correlation function
astro-ph/0201030 Young close isolated compact objects
astro-ph/0201031 Stellar Orbits Near Sagittarius A*
astro-ph/0201032 Detection of non-Gaussian Signatures in the VIRMOS-DESCART Lensing Survey
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