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07 February 2025

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Results 5001 to 5187 of 5'187.   previous Prev [ 1 ... 22 23 24 25 ... 26 ]

quant-ph/0112131 Entanglement cost of mixed states
quant-ph/0112132 Eigenstates of Operating Quantum Computer: Hypersensitivity to Static Imperfections
quant-ph/0112133 Using Cloning to Solve NP Complete Problems
quant-ph/0112134 A perspectival version of the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics and the origin of macroscopic behavior
quant-ph/0112135 Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with Josephson charge qubits
quant-ph/0112136 Locality and topology in the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect
quant-ph/0112137 Uniqueness of Entanglement Measure and Thermodynamics
quant-ph/0112138 Quasi-order of clocks and synchronism and quantum bounds for copying timing information
quant-ph/0112139 Sub-Planck Structure, Decoherence, and Many-Body Environments
quant-ph/0112140 Entangled-Photon Generation from Parametric Down-Conversion in Media with Inhomogeneous Nonlinearity
quant-ph/0112141 Error correction code for protecting three-qubit quantum information against erasures
quant-ph/0112142 Coherent States for Unusual Potentials
quant-ph/0112143 Simulations of the adiabatic quantum optimization for the Set Partition Problem
quant-ph/0112144 Creating Decoherence-Free Subspaces with Strong and Fast Pulses
quant-ph/0112145 Atom Lasers, Coherent States, and Coherence:II. Maximally Robust Ensembles of Pure States
quant-ph/0112146 Scalar charged particle in Weyl--Wigner--Moyal phase space. Constant magnetic field
quant-ph/0112147 Quantum key distribution with realistic states: photon-number statistics in the photon-number splitting attack
quant-ph/0112148 In defence of naivete: The conceptual status of Lagrangian QFT
quant-ph/0112149 Emergence of particles from bosonic quantum field theory
quant-ph/0112150 Comments on the experimental disproof of Multisimultaneity
quant-ph/0112151 Signal-Locality and Subquantum Information in Deterministic Hidden-Variables Theories
quant-ph/0112152 From Monte Carlo to Quantum Computation
quant-ph/0112153 Quantum Integration in Sobolev Classes
quant-ph/0112154 Conservation laws, uncertainty relations, and quantum limits of measurements
quant-ph/0112155 Understanding Quantum Entanglement of Bipartite System Based on Bell Inequality
quant-ph/0112156 Quantum Theory for the Binomial Model in Finance Thoery
quant-ph/0112157 A model for the stochastic origins of Schrodinger’s equation
quant-ph/0112158 Quantum Finance: The Finite Dimensional Case
quant-ph/0112159 A Non-commutative Version of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing
quant-ph/0112160 Charge in electric field in probability representation
quant-ph/0112161 Experimental Realization of Brüschweiler’s exponentially fast search algorithm in a homo-nuclear system
quant-ph/0112162 Fetching marked items from an unsorted database in NMR ensemble computing
quant-ph/0112163 Comment on ``One-Step Synthesis of Multiatom Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger States’’ [Shi-Biao Zheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 230404 (2001)]
quant-ph/0112164 Stationary states of Jaynes-Cummings model with atomic center-of-mass quantum motion: direct comparison of standing-wave and counterpropagating-waves cases
quant-ph/0112165 Phase transitions in a one-dimensional multibarrier potential of finite range
quant-ph/0112166 Towards a unification of physics and information theory
quant-ph/0112167 Selected elevation in quantum tunneling
quant-ph/0112168 Interaction cost of non-local gates
quant-ph/0112169 Geometric observation for the Bures fidelity between two states of a qubit
quant-ph/0112170 Steering a quantum system over a Schroedinger bridge
quant-ph/0112171 Minimum-error discrimination between subsets of linearly dependent quantum states
quant-ph/0112172 Securing quantum bit commitment through reverse quantum communication
quant-ph/0112173 The van der Waals Potential between Metastable Atoms and Solid Surfaces: Novel Diffraction Experiments versus Theory
quant-ph/0112174 Semiclassical Quantization for the Spherically Symmetric Systems under an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux
quant-ph/0112175 The q-deformed Jaynes-Cummings Model and its q-Supercoherent States
quant-ph/0112176 Experimental realization of Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance
quant-ph/0112177 Some aspects of separability
quant-ph/0112178 On a Supposed Conceptual Inadequacy of the Shannon Information in Quantum Mechanics
quant-ph/0112179 Conservative Quantum Computing
quant-ph/0112180 Resonances and spectral properties of detuned OPO pumped by fluctuating sources
quant-ph/0201001 Demonstration of negative group delays in a simple electronic circuit
quant-ph/0201002 Comment on "No-Signaling Condition and Quantum Dynamics"
quant-ph/0201003 Nodes in the Relativistic Quantum Trajectories and Photon’s Trajectories
quant-ph/0201004 On gauge transformations of Bäcklund type and higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equations
quant-ph/0201005 Flow equation approach to diagonal representation of an unbounded Hamiltonian with complex eigenvalues
quant-ph/0201006 Supersymmetry and Brownian motion on supermanifolds
quant-ph/0201007 A lower bound on the quantum query complexity of read-once functions
quant-ph/0201008 Oblivious remote state preparation
quant-ph/0201009 U(2) invariant squeezing properties of pair coherent states
quant-ph/0201009 U(2) invariant squeezing properties of pair coherent states
quant-ph/0201011 Generation of any superposition of Dicke state of excitons in coupled quantum dots
quant-ph/0201012 Information-theoretical meaning of quantum dynamical entropy
quant-ph/0201013 An unsharp logic from quantum computation
quant-ph/0201014 Qubit geometry and conformal mapping
quant-ph/0201015 Relativistic precession and spin dynamics of an elliptic Rydberg wave packet
quant-ph/0201016 Algebraic treatment of the confluent Natanzon potentials
quant-ph/0201017 Unspeakable quantum information
quant-ph/0201018 Recovery Operator for Local Errors Generated by Gauge Multiplets
quant-ph/0201019 Delayed - Choice Entanglement - Swapping with Vacuum-One Photon Quantum States
quant-ph/0201020 Adiabatic Approximation in the Density Matrix Approach: Non-Degenerate Systems
quant-ph/0201021 Equivalence of the Siegert-pseudostate and Lagrange-mesh R-matrix methods
quant-ph/0201022 Quantum Matching Theory (with new complexity theoretic, combinatorial and topological insights on the nature of the Quantum Entanglement)
quant-ph/0201023 Approximate quantum data storage and teleportation
quant-ph/0201024 Geometric phases for neutral and charged particles in a time-dependent magnetic field
quant-ph/0201025 Pairwise entanglement in the XX model with a magnetic impurity
quant-ph/0201026 Young’s experiment and the finiteness of information
quant-ph/0201027 Arbitrary classical privicy amplification can be used for the quantum key distribution
quant-ph/0201028 Fermionic entanglement in itinerant systems
quant-ph/0201029 Heisenberg Evolution WKB and Symplectic Area Phases
quant-ph/0201030 Method for decoupling error correction from privacy amplification
quant-ph/0201031 Quantum Adiabatic Evolution Algorithms versus Simulated Annealing
quant-ph/0201032 Generation of arbitrary quantum state in a high-Q cavity
quant-ph/0201033 Quantum Computation by Quantum Operations on Mixed States
quant-ph/0201034 Parameter differentiation and quantum state decomposition for time varying Schroedinger equations
quant-ph/0201035 Quantum Cybernetics: A New Perspective for Nelson’s Stochastic Theory, Nonlocality, and the Klein-Gordon Equation
quant-ph/0201036 Heisenberg’s Introduction of the `Collapse of the Wavepacket’ into Quantum Mechanics
quant-ph/0201037 Quantum Parrondo’s Games
quant-ph/0201038 Long Distance Quantum Key Distribution without Quantum Memory
quant-ph/0201039 Positive Operation Valued Measurement Based Multi-User Detection in DS-CDMA Systems
quant-ph/0201040 Classical states and decoherence by unitary evolution in the thermodynamic limit
quant-ph/0201041 Embezzling Entangled Quantum States
quant-ph/0201042 General-Purpose Parallel Simulator for Quantum Computing
quant-ph/0201043 Mixed collective states of many spins
quant-ph/0201044 Engineering Entanglement between two cavity modes
quant-ph/0201045 Trading by Quantum Rules - Quantum Anthropic Principle
quant-ph/0201046 Bell-type inequalities for partial separability in N-particle systems and quantum mechanical violations
quant-ph/0201047 Imperfect Detectors in Linear Optical Quantum Computers
quant-ph/0201048 Magnetic field effects in ultracold molecular collisions
quant-ph/0201049 A family of sure-success quantum algorithms for solving a generalized Grover search problem
quant-ph/0201050 Holonomic control operators in quantum completely integrable Hamiltonian systems
quant-ph/0201051 Controlling Quantum Rotation With Light
quant-ph/0201052 Qudit Quantum State Tomography
quant-ph/0201053 Shor-Preskill Type Security-Proof for the Quantum Key Distribution without Public Announcement of Bases
quant-ph/0201054 Observation of off-diagonal geometric phase in polarized neutron interferometer experiments
quant-ph/0201055 Covariance approach to the free photon field
quant-ph/0201056 A Lower Bound on the Quantum Capacity of Channels with Correlated Errors
quant-ph/0201057 Quantum Information Theory and Applications to Quantum Cryptography
quant-ph/0201058 Bell-type inequalities to detect true n-body non-separability
quant-ph/0201059 Neutron Charge Radius Deduced from Interferometric Bragg Reflection Technique
quant-ph/0201060 Magnon-mediated NMR quantum gates in a 1-D antiferromagnet
quant-ph/0201061 Entanglement and perfect quantum error correction
quant-ph/0201062 Limitations of light delay and storage times in EIT experiments with condensates
quant-ph/0201063 PT-symmetric non-polynomial oscillators and hyperbolic potential with two known real eigenvalues in a SUSY framework
quant-ph/0201064 Experimental Implementation of the Quantum Baker’s Map
quant-ph/0201065 Comment on an alleged refutation of non-locality
quant-ph/0201066 Kochen-Specker Obstruction for Position and Momentum Using a Single Degree of Freedom
quant-ph/0201067 An approximate Fourier transform useful in quantum factoring
quant-ph/0201068 Errors due to Finite Rise/fall Times of Pulses in Superconducting Charge Qubits
quant-ph/0201069 Multipartite entanglement for entanglement teleportation
quant-ph/0201070 Quadratic Bell inequalities as tests for multipartite entanglement
quant-ph/0201071 Quantum Characterization of a Werner-like Mixture
quant-ph/0201072 Sensitivity to Initial Conditions in Quantum Dynamics: an Analytical Semiclassical Expansion
quant-ph/0201073 Countering Quantum Noise with Supplementary Classical Information
quant-ph/0201074 Minimum-error discrimination between three mirror-symmetric states
quant-ph/0201075 Dispersion cancellation and non-classical noise reduction for large photon-number states
quant-ph/0201076 Propagators of the Jaynes-Cummings model in open systems
quant-ph/0201077 A local variable model for entanglement swapping exploiting the detection loophole
quant-ph/0201078 Evolution of a qubit under the influence of a succession of unsharp measurements
quant-ph/0201079 All Entanglements in a Multipartite System
quant-ph/0201080 Can a quantum measurement be cancelled in a very short period of time?
quant-ph/0201081 Bohmian picture of Rydberg atoms
quant-ph/0201082 Quantum Computers and Quantum Computer Languages: Quantum Assembly Language and Quantum C Language
quant-ph/0201083 Problems in realization of large-scale ensemble silicon-based NMR quantum computers
quant-ph/0201084 Quantum mechanics from a Heisenberg-type equality
quant-ph/0201085 Fibre bundle formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics
quant-ph/0201086 Entanglement between external degrees of freedom of atoms via Bragg deflection
quant-ph/0201087 Demonstration of the Lateral Casimir Force
quant-ph/0201088 Quantum Chaos, Irreversibility, dissipation and dephasing
quant-ph/0201089 Squeezing of Atoms in a Pulsed Optical Lattice
quant-ph/0201090 On matrix elements of phase-angular momentum commutator in Hilbert space of arbitrary dimensions
quant-ph/0201091 A Pedestrian Introduction to Gamow Vectors
quant-ph/0201092 Coherent medium as a polarization splitter of pulses
quant-ph/0201093 Towards a Coherent Theory of Physics and Mathematics
quant-ph/0201094 Continuous variable quantum teleportation with a finite-basis entanglement resource
quant-ph/0201095 Quantum Hidden Subgroup Problems: A Mathematical Perspective
quant-ph/0201096 How do two observers pool their knowledge about a quantum system?
quant-ph/0201097 Quantum multimeters: A programmable state discriminator
quant-ph/0201098 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relations and Quantum Optics
quant-ph/0201099 Two families of superintegrable and isospectral potentials in two dimensions
quant-ph/0201099 Two families of superintegrable and isospectral potentials in two dimensions
quant-ph/0201101 Macroscopic and mesoscopic matter waves
quant-ph/0201102 Universal property of the information entropy in fermionic and bosonic systems
quant-ph/0201103 Activating NPPT distillation with an infinitesimal amount of bound entanglement
quant-ph/0201104 The Casimir energy of a massive fermion field revisited
quant-ph/0201105 Darboux transformations for quasi-exactly solvable Hamiltonians
quant-ph/0201106 Fidelity of Single Qubit Maps
quant-ph/0201107 Exact Description of Decoherence in Optical Cavities
quant-ph/0201108 Decoherence demystified : The hydrodynamic viewpoint
quant-ph/0201109 Finding optimal strategies for minimum-error quantum-state discrimination
quant-ph/0201110 Controlled light storage in a double lambda system
quant-ph/0201111 Topological decomposition of composite quantum state spaces
quant-ph/0201112 Equivalence classes of non-local unitary operations
quant-ph/0201113 Lorentz-Invariant Time-Energy Uncertainty Relation for Relativistic Photon
quant-ph/0201114 Nonlocality degradation of two-mode squeezed vacuum in absorbing optical fibers
quant-ph/0201115 Quantum Zeno subspaces
quant-ph/0201116 Frequency Hopping in Quantum Interferometry: Efficient Up-Down Conversion for Qubits and Ebits
quant-ph/0201117 Quantum Property Testing
quant-ph/0201118 Sub-Planck spots of Schroedinger cats and quantum decoherence
quant-ph/0201119 Choi’s Proof and Quantum Process Tomography
quant-ph/0201120 Quantum Computing and a Unified Approach to Fast Unitary Transforms
quant-ph/0201121 Measurement of Wigner function via atomic beam deflection in Raman- Nath regime
quant-ph/0201122 Dynamical Reduction Models with General Gaussian Noises
quant-ph/0201123 Space-adiabatic Decoupling to All Orders
quant-ph/0201124 Hamiltonian models of multiphoton processes and four--photon squeezed states via nonlinear canonical transformations
quant-ph/0201125 Comment on "Fun and frustration with quarkonium in a 1+1 dimension," by R. S. Bhalerao and B. Ram [Am. J. Phys. 69 (7), 817-818 (2001)]
quant-ph/0201126 An algebraic approach to the Tavis-Cummings problem
quant-ph/0201127 Procedures for Converting among Lindblad, Kraus and Matrix Representations of Quantum Dynamical Semigroups
quant-ph/0201128 Entangling many atomic ensembles through laser manipulation
quant-ph/0201129 Vector coherent state representations, induced representations, and geometric quantization: I. Scalar coherent state representations
quant-ph/0201130 Vector coherent state representations, induced representations, and geometric quantization: II. Vector coherent state representations
quant-ph/0201131 On the mass of elementary carriers of gravitational interaction
quant-ph/0201132 Implementation of Quantum Fourier Transform and Simulation of Wave Functions by Fixed Interaction
quant-ph/0201133 New type of fields in Maxwells equations: their properties and method of detection
quant-ph/0201134 Experimental Nonlocality Proof of Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Swapping
quant-ph/0201135 Failure of Effective Potential Approach: Nucleus-Electron Entanglement in the He-Ion
quant-ph/0201136 Distribution of local entropy in the Hilbert space of bi-partite quantum systems: Origin of Jaynes’ principle
quant-ph/0201137 The Casimir Problem of Spherical Dielectrics: Numerical Evaluation for General Permittivities
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