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08 February 2025

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astro-ph/0201033 The Local Interstellar Ultraviolet Radiation Field
astro-ph/0201034 Do Type Ia Supernovae prove Lambda > 0 ?
astro-ph/0201035 Obscuring Material around Seyfert Nuclei with Starbursts
astro-ph/0201036 On the validity of the discrete ordinates method in spherical geometry
astro-ph/0201037 Cosmological Implications of Massive Neutrinos
astro-ph/0201038 The Luminosity Dependence of UV Absorption in AGN
astro-ph/0201039 A Very Sensitive 21cm Survey for Galactic High-Velocity HI
astro-ph/0201040 A Correlation Between Inclination and Color in the Classical Kuiper Belt
astro-ph/0201041 On the formation of massive stars
astro-ph/0201042 Galaxy morphology in the rich cluster Abell 2390
astro-ph/0201043 H2, D/H and the CMBR Temperature at z = 3.025 Toward QSO 0347-3819
astro-ph/0201044 The Chemical Evolution of the Solar Neighbourhood: the Effect of Binaries
astro-ph/0201045 Astrometric Microlensing of Distant Sources due to the Stars in the Galaxy
astro-ph/0201046 Self-similar cosmological expansion of collisional gas
astro-ph/0201047 Quantum-gravity phenomenology with gamma rays and UHE cosmic rays
astro-ph/0201048 X-ray transient AGN and galaxies, and why we need new soft X-ray surveys
astro-ph/0201049 Diffraction-limited speckle interferometry and modeling of the circumstellar envelope of R CrB at maximum and minimum light
astro-ph/0201050 Probing the evolution of massive galaxies with the K20 survey
astro-ph/0201051 Experimental study of a proximity focusing Cherenkov counter prototype for the AMS experiment
astro-ph/0201052 Tidally induced radial-velocity variations in close binaries
astro-ph/0201053 Search for star clusters close to the Galactic plane with DENIS
astro-ph/0201054 Event rates and timescale distributions from realistic microlensing models of M31
astro-ph/0201055 The runaway growth of intermediate-mass black holes in dense star clusters
astro-ph/0201056 Cosmological implications of old galaxies at high redshifts
astro-ph/0201057 The lensing system towards the doubly imaged quasar SBS 1520+530
astro-ph/0201058 Chandra Discovery of a Tree in the X-ray Forest towards PKS 2155-304: the Local Filament?
astro-ph/0201059 X-ray sources in the starburst spiral galaxy M83: nuclear region and discrete source population
astro-ph/0201060 Do the Infrared Emission Features Need Ultraviolet Excitation? The PAH Model in UV-Poor Reflection Nebulae
astro-ph/0201061 Interstellar scintillation as the origin of rapid radio variability in the quasar J1819+3845
astro-ph/0201062 Bow Shocks from Neutron Stars: Scaling Laws and HST Observations of the Guitar Nebula
astro-ph/0201063 The X-ray Spectra of VY Scl Stars Are Not Blackbodies
astro-ph/0201064 Stellar Velocity Dispersion and Black Hole Mass in the Blazar Markarian 501
astro-ph/0201065 Low-Luminosity AGNs and Unification
astro-ph/0201066 The Formation of the First Globular Clusters in Dwarf Galaxies Before the Epoch of Reionization
astro-ph/0201067 Spectrophotometry and structural analysis of 5 comets
astro-ph/0201068 Do Young Neutron Stars Which Show Themselves As AXPs, SGRs and Radio Pulsars Accrete?
astro-ph/0201069 The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: a Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Ster around the South Galactic Pole
astro-ph/0201070 On the Nature of the X-ray Emission from the Galactic Center Region
astro-ph/0201071 Chandra Imaging of the Gamma-Ray Source GeV J1809-2327
astro-ph/0201072 Numerical Models of the ISM
astro-ph/0201073 Relation of SiO maser emission to IR radiation in evolved stars based on the MSX observation
astro-ph/0201074 A formula for the number of days between the winter solstice and the latest sunrise
astro-ph/0201075 How much will we learn from the CMB ?
astro-ph/0201076 Scaling Relation to Understand Non-Detection of Cold Gas at the Cluster Center
astro-ph/0201077 Observations of SiO Maser Sources within a Few Parsec from the Galactic Center
astro-ph/0201078 Confidence Limits of Evolutionary Synthesis Models
astro-ph/0201079 Radio observations of the circumnuclear ring in NGC6951
astro-ph/0201080 X-ray Spectra and Pulse Frequency Changes in SAX J2103.5+4545
astro-ph/0201081 The black hole - bulge mass relation in active and inactive galaxies
astro-ph/0201082 Physical Properties of Trans-Neptunian Object (20000) Varuna
astro-ph/0201083 Magnetic fields and radio polarization of barred galaxies - 3D dynamo simulations
astro-ph/0201084 The time variation in infrared water-vapour bands in Mira variables
astro-ph/0201085 On Core Collapse Supernovae in Normal and in Seyfert Galaxies
astro-ph/0201086 A SAURON study of M32: measuring the intrinsic flattening and the central black hole mass
astro-ph/0201087 MERLIN radio detection of an interaction zone within a binary Orion proplyd system
astro-ph/0201088 Pulsations and orbital modulation of the intermediate polar 1WGA J1958.2+3232
astro-ph/0201089 An AGN Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
astro-ph/0201090 Chemical Evolution Models of Local dSph Galaxies
astro-ph/0201091 ATCA radio imaging of the ProPlyD-like objects in the giant HII region NGC 3603
astro-ph/0201092 Observational Constraints on the Topology (Global Geometry) of the Universe
astro-ph/0201093 Mid-infrared observations of the SGR 1900+14 error box
astro-ph/0201094 How is the Reionization Epoch Defined?
astro-ph/0201095 The Angular Momentum of Gas in Proto-Galaxies I. Implications for the Formation of Disk Galaxies
astro-ph/0201096 Resolving subdwarf B stars in binaries by HST imaging
astro-ph/0201097 Search for Supersymmetric Dark Matter with Superfluid He3 (MACHe3)
astro-ph/0201098 The Initial Mass Function of Stars: Evidence for Uniformity in Variable Systems
astro-ph/0201099 High Density Neutron Star Equation of State from 4U 1636-53 Observations
astro-ph/0201099 High Density Neutron Star Equation of State from 4U 1636-53 Observations
astro-ph/0201101 Metal abundances and kinematics of quasar absorbers.- I. Absorption systems toward J2233-606
astro-ph/0201102 Runaway Merging of Black Holes: Analytical Constraint on the Timescale
astro-ph/0201103 Ram-Ppressure Effects on Dense Molecular Arms in the Central Regions of Spiral Galaxies by Intracluster Medium
astro-ph/0201104 Properties of mm galaxies: Constraints from K-band blank fields
astro-ph/0201105 In Hot Pursuit of the Hidden Companion of Eta Carinae: An X-ray Determination of the Wind Parameters
astro-ph/0201106 Theoretical models for Bump Cepheids
astro-ph/0201107 Chandra ACIS-S Observations of Abell 4059: Signs of Dramatic Interaction Between a Radio Galaxy and a Galaxy Cluster
astro-ph/0201108 Statistical Constraints On Non-Cosmological Subclasses Of GRBs
astro-ph/0201109 On the scent of the knee - air shower measurements with KASCADE
astro-ph/0201110 Massive Close Binaries
astro-ph/0201111 CHANDRA Detection of 16 New X-Ray Sources
astro-ph/0201112 Dust and hydrogen molecules in the extremely metal-poor dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052
astro-ph/0201113 Parity Violating Measurements of Neutron Densities: Implications for Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0201114 Binary coalescence of a strange star with a black hole: Newtonian results
astro-ph/0201115 On the Origin of the Internal Structure of Haloes
astro-ph/0201116 Chandra Discovery of a 300 kpc X-ray Jet in the GPS Quasar PKS1127-145
astro-ph/0201117 Gravitational Bending of Light Near Compact Objects
astro-ph/0201118 Spectroscopic Diagnostics for AGNs
astro-ph/0201119 Probing Galaxy Formation with High Energy Gamma-Rays
astro-ph/0201120 Eigenoscillations of the Differentially Rotating Sun: I. 22-year, 4000-year, and quasi-biennial modes
astro-ph/0201121 Variation of Spot-induced Anomalies in Caustic-crossing Binary Microlensing Event Light Curves
astro-ph/0201122 Search for variations in circular-polarization spectra of the magnetic white dwarf LP790-29
astro-ph/0201123 On the observational properties of He-burning stars: some clues on the tilt of the HB in metal rich clusters
astro-ph/0201124 An analytical model for the non-linear redshift-space power spectrum
astro-ph/0201125 Cooling Flows as a Calorimeter of AGN Mechanical Power
astro-ph/0201126 Strangeness Nucleation in Neutron Star Matter
astro-ph/0201127 Constraining the Dark Universe
astro-ph/0201128 Dust and the spectral energy distribution of the OH/IR star OH 127.8+0.0: Evidence for circumstellar metallic iron
astro-ph/0201129 Physics of the solar cycle
astro-ph/0201130 Gamma-Ray Bursts and TeV quantum gravity
astro-ph/0201131 Enhancement of Ambipolar Diffusion Rates through Field Fluctuations
astro-ph/0201132 Precision and accuracy of the orbital parameters derived from 2D & 1D space observations of visual or astrometric binaries
astro-ph/0201133 Search for non-gaussian signals in the BOOMERanG maps: pixel-space analysis
astro-ph/0201134 Measuring the broadband power spectra of active galactic nuclei with RXTE
astro-ph/0201135 The photometric and spectral investigation of CI Camelopardalis, an X-ray transient and B[e] star
astro-ph/0201136 HI Signatures of Reionization
astro-ph/0201137 The BOOMERanG experiment and the curvature of the Universe
astro-ph/0201138 VLA High Resolution 1.4 and 8.4 GHz Mapping of the Barred Galaxy NGC 3367
astro-ph/0201139 The balance between shocks and AGN photoionization in radio sources and its relation to the radio size
astro-ph/0201140 A Near-Infrared Wide-Field Proper Motion Search for Brown Dwarfs
astro-ph/0201141 Detection of a Thick Disk in the edge-on Low Surface Brightness Galaxy ESO 342-G017: I. VLT Photometry in V and R Bands
astro-ph/0201142 Secular Evolution in Barred Galaxies: Observations
astro-ph/0201143 The u’g’r’i’z’ Standard Star Network
astro-ph/0201144 A New Test for the Absorption Mechanism of GPS Radio Sources Using Polarization Properties
astro-ph/0201145 Slow relative motion of IRAS galaxies at small separations: implications for galaxy formation models
astro-ph/0201146 Warm Dark Matter Model of Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0201147 High-resolution numerical simulations for galaxy formation
astro-ph/0201148 Astrometric and Light-travel Time Orbits to Detect Low-mass Companions: A Case Study of the Eclipsing System R Canis Majoris
astro-ph/0201149 The Excitation, Propagation and Dissipation of Waves in Accretion Discs: The Non-linear Axisymmetric Case
astro-ph/0201150 Thermal Instability in a Cooling and Expanding Medium Including Self-Gravity and Conduction
astro-ph/0201151 The Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray Spectrum from Relic Particle Decay and DGLAP Evolution
astro-ph/0201152 Observable consequences of cold clouds as dark matter
astro-ph/0201153 Black Hole Growth in Dark Matter and the M_{bh} - sigma Relation
astro-ph/0201154 Coarse Graining the Distribution Function of Cold Dark Matter
astro-ph/0201155 Nodal and Periastron Precession of Inclined Orbits in the Field of a Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star
astro-ph/0201156 Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources in Nearby Galaxies
astro-ph/0201157 MHD Turbulence in Star-Forming Regions and the Interstellar Medium
astro-ph/0201158 Timing Properties of Magnetars
astro-ph/0201159 The Sagittarius dwarf irregular galaxy: metallicity and stellar populations
astro-ph/0201160 Gamma-Ray Summary Report
astro-ph/0201161 Detection of Pulsed X-ray Emission from PSR B1706-44
astro-ph/0201162 Periodic photometric variability of the brown dwarf Kelu-1
astro-ph/0201163 Comparative chemistry of diffuse clouds III: sulfur-bearing molecules
astro-ph/0201164 Supernovae, CMB, and Gravitational Leakage into Extra Dimensions
astro-ph/0201165 Star Formation in the Radio Galaxy NGC 4410A
astro-ph/0201166 Blue Stars and Binary Stars in NGC 6397: Case Study of a Collapsed-Core Globular Cluster
astro-ph/0201167 On the stability of de Sitter inflationary background solution in scalar-tensor cosmology
astro-ph/0201168 Thermodynamic Approach to Warm Inflation
astro-ph/0201169 Centrally Peaked X-Ray Supernova Remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud Studied with ASCA and ROSAT
astro-ph/0201170 Eigenoscillations of the differentially rotating Sun: II. Generalization of Laplace’s tidal equation
astro-ph/0201171 The Nature of Thermal Blackbody Radiation
astro-ph/0201172 Selection of high-z supernovae candidates
astro-ph/0201173 The Assembly of the First Galaxies
astro-ph/0201174 Linear polarization and composition of VLBI jets
astro-ph/0201175 A BeppoSAX Observation of KS 1731-260 in its Quiescent State: Constraints on the NS Magnetic Field
astro-ph/0201176 Density waves in the inner parts of disk galaxies
astro-ph/0201177 Interstellar Deuterium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Abundances Toward BD +28 4211: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
astro-ph/0201178 A Multi-band Photometric Study of Tidal Debris in A Compact Group of Galaxies: Seyfert’s Sextet
astro-ph/0201179 The Effect of the Hall Term on the Nonlinear Evolution of the Magnetorotational Instability: I. Local Axisymmetric Simulations
astro-ph/0201180 The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey VI: The 3-Hour Field
astro-ph/0201181 The Canada-UK Deep Submillimeter Survey V: The Submillimeter Properties of Lyman-Break Galaxies
astro-ph/0201182 Observational Requirements for High-Fidelity Reverberation Mapping
astro-ph/0201183 Constraining the Birth Events of Neutron Stars
astro-ph/0201184 An atlas of 2.4 to 4.1 microns ISO/SWS spectra of early-type stars
astro-ph/0201185 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Circumnuclear Environments of the CfA Seyfert Galaxies: Nuclear Spirals and Fueling
astro-ph/0201186 2-8 keV X-ray number counts determined from Chandra blank field observations
astro-ph/0201187 Towards a Resolution of the Galactic Spin Crisis: Mergers, Feedback, and Spin Segregation
astro-ph/0201188 On the association of G343.1-2.3 and PSR 1706-44
astro-ph/0201189 Cosmological Recombination of Lithium and its Effect on the Microwave Background Anisotropies
astro-ph/0201190 Cosmic Ray Production of Lithium-6 by Structure Formation Shocks in the Early Milky Way: A Fossil Record of Dissipative Processes during Galaxy Formation
astro-ph/0201191 KUV 01584-0939: A Helium-transferring Cataclysmic Variable with an Orbital Period of 10 Minutes
astro-ph/0201192 On the origin of the broad, relativistic iron line of MCG-6-30-15 observed by XMM-Newton
astro-ph/0201193 Voids in the Simulated Local Universe
astro-ph/0201194 A Galactic Wind at z = 5.190
astro-ph/0201195 Dynamical Simulations of Magnetically Channeled Line-Driven Stellar Winds: I. Isothermal, Nonrotating, Radially Driven Flow
astro-ph/0201196 Distant Supernovae and the Accelerating Universe
astro-ph/0201197 Detecting planets in protoplanetary disks: A prospective study
astro-ph/0201198 Light Propagation in Inhomogeneous Universes. III. Distributions of Image Separations
astro-ph/0201199 He-detonation in sub-Chandrasekhar CO white dwarfs: a new insight into energetics and p-process nucleosynthesis
astro-ph/0201200 The multiperiodicity of the $gamma$ Doradus stars HD 224945 and HD 224638 as detected from a multisite campaign
astro-ph/0201201 Orbital elements for motion of real particle under the action of electromagnetic radiation
astro-ph/0201202 Starbursts: Triggers and Evolution
astro-ph/0201203 Accretion onto a Black Hole in the Presence of Bremsstrahlung Cooling - Parameter Space Study
astro-ph/0201204 The evolution of the physical state of the IGM
astro-ph/0201205 SDAMS: SPOrt Data Archiving and Management System
astro-ph/0201206 Strongly decelerated expansion of SN1979C
astro-ph/0201207 The Mass Function of Field Galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.2 Derived From the MUNICS K-Selected Sample
astro-ph/0201208 Discovery and Implications of a New Large-Scale Stellar Bar in NGC 5248
astro-ph/0201209 Molecular Gas in The Central Kpc of Starbursts and AGN
astro-ph/0201210 Optical and X-ray Afterglows in the Cannonball Model of GRBs
astro-ph/0201211 Nova Cygni 2001/2 = V2275 Cyg
astro-ph/0201212 Ionization history of the Universe as a test for Super Heavy Dark Matter particles
astro-ph/0201213 Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.VI
astro-ph/0201214 Radial Velocity Studies of Close Binary Stars.VII. Methods and Uncertainties
astro-ph/0201215 Scale-dependent Energy Transfer Rate as a Tracer for Star Formation in Cosmological N-Body Simulations
astro-ph/0201216 WFCAM, UKIDSS, and z=7 quasars
astro-ph/0201217 The Promiscuous Nature of Stars in Clusters
astro-ph/0201218 The Spectral Energy Distribution and Mass-loss Rate of the A-Type Supergiant Deneb
astro-ph/0201219 Intracluster Red Giant Stars in the Virgo Cluster
astro-ph/0201220 Evolution of binary stars and the effect of tides on binary populations
astro-ph/0201221 Stellar Masses of High-Redshift Galaxies
astro-ph/0201222 Galactic Halo Cusp versus Core: Tidal Effects in Mergers
astro-ph/0201223 Constraints in Cosmological Parameter Space from the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect and Thermal Bremsstrahlung
astro-ph/0201224 A New Upper Limit on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
astro-ph/0201225 The Effects of Element Diffusion on the Pulsational Properties of Variable DA White Dwarf Stars
astro-ph/0201226 Time dependent diffusion in pulsating white dwarf stars: Asteroseismology of G117-B15A
astro-ph/0201227 A Decade in the Life of EXO 2030+375: A Multi-wavelength Study of an Accreting X-ray Pulsar
astro-ph/0201228 A Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot Survey of Nearby Supernovae
astro-ph/0201229 Cardassian Expansion: a Model in which the Universe is Flat, Matter Dominated, and Accelerating
astro-ph/0201230 Ultraluminous X-ray Source 1E 0953.8+6918 (M81 X-9): An Intermediate Mass Black Hole Candidate and its Environs
astro-ph/0201231 NOTE: Titan’s Atmosphere in Late Southern Spring Observed with Adaptive Optics on the W.M. Keck II 10-meter Telescope
astro-ph/0201232 Narrow Lines in Type II Supernovae -- Probing the Circumstellar Nebulae of the Progenitors
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